Typhoid Nancy Dumps On Lincoln


We had a civil war in the last 7 years ?

I don't remember that happening?

When was this?
maybe Obama thought he did what he had to do. Who are you to decide different?
Basically, BOTH of them went by THEIR feelings and not the oath or constitution they swore to protect.
A Declaration of a War changes the powers of the president....according to the constitution.
Like the blockading of southern ports? ;)
They seceded. ...

They asked for it.
So you support unconstitutionality when you agree with the feelings. You could have just said that..

We had a civil war in the last 7 years ?

I don't remember that happening?

When was this?
maybe Obama thought he did what he had to do. Who are you to decide different?
Basically, BOTH of them went by THEIR feelings and not the oath or constitution they swore to protect.
A Declaration of a War changes the powers of the president....according to the constitution.
Like the blockading of southern ports? ;)
They seceded. ...

They asked for it.
So you support unconstitutionality when you agree with the feelings. You could have just said that..
Declare war against the union and you get what you asked for......an ass whipping. You basically erased your rights and protections under the constitution if you commit treason and sedition.
maybe Obama thought he did what he had to do. Who are you to decide different?
Basically, BOTH of them went by THEIR feelings and not the oath or constitution they swore to protect.
A Declaration of a War changes the powers of the president....according to the constitution.
Like the blockading of southern ports? ;)
They seceded. ...

They asked for it.
So you support unconstitutionality when you agree with the feelings. You could have just said that..
maybe Obama thought he did what he had to do. Who are you to decide different?
Basically, BOTH of them went by THEIR feelings and not the oath or constitution they swore to protect.
A Declaration of a War changes the powers of the president....according to the constitution.
Like the blockading of southern ports? ;)
They seceded. ...

They asked for it.
So you support unconstitutionality when you agree with the feelings. You could have just said that..
Declare war against the union and you get what you asked for......an ass whipping. You basically erased your rights and protections under the constitution if you commit treason and sedition.
Please show me how seceding is treason.
A Declaration of a War changes the powers of the president....according to the constitution.
Like the blockading of southern ports? ;)
They seceded. ...

They asked for it.
So you support unconstitutionality when you agree with the feelings. You could have just said that..
A Declaration of a War changes the powers of the president....according to the constitution.
Like the blockading of southern ports? ;)
They seceded. ...

They asked for it.
So you support unconstitutionality when you agree with the feelings. You could have just said that..
Declare war against the union and you get what you asked for......an ass whipping. You basically erased your rights and protections under the constitution if you commit treason and sedition.
Please show me how seceding is treason.

So,....you claim that's all the South did was secede?

They didn't take up arms against their own country? They didn't commit armed insurrection? Sedition?
Like the blockading of southern ports? ;)
They seceded. ...

They asked for it.
So you support unconstitutionality when you agree with the feelings. You could have just said that..
Like the blockading of southern ports? ;)
They seceded. ...

They asked for it.
So you support unconstitutionality when you agree with the feelings. You could have just said that..
Declare war against the union and you get what you asked for......an ass whipping. You basically erased your rights and protections under the constitution if you commit treason and sedition.
Please show me how seceding is treason.

So,....you claim that's all the South did was secede?

They didn't take up arms against their own country?
If they seceded, how did they accomplish that?
They seceded. ...

They asked for it.
So you support unconstitutionality when you agree with the feelings. You could have just said that..
They seceded. ...

They asked for it.
So you support unconstitutionality when you agree with the feelings. You could have just said that..
Declare war against the union and you get what you asked for......an ass whipping. You basically erased your rights and protections under the constitution if you commit treason and sedition.
Please show me how seceding is treason.

So,....you claim that's all the South did was secede?

They didn't take up arms against their own country?
If they seceded, how did they accomplish that?
Its a wonder your brain has enough power to move your fingers when you type.
So you support unconstitutionality when you agree with the feelings. You could have just said that..
So you support unconstitutionality when you agree with the feelings. You could have just said that..
Declare war against the union and you get what you asked for......an ass whipping. You basically erased your rights and protections under the constitution if you commit treason and sedition.
Please show me how seceding is treason.

So,....you claim that's all the South did was secede?

They didn't take up arms against their own country?
If they seceded, how did they accomplish that?
Its a wonder your brain has enough power to move your fingers when you type.
So they didn't. Thanks!
Declare war against the union and you get what you asked for......an ass whipping. You basically erased your rights and protections under the constitution if you commit treason and sedition.
Please show me how seceding is treason.

So,....you claim that's all the South did was secede?

They didn't take up arms against their own country?
If they seceded, how did they accomplish that?
Its a wonder your brain has enough power to move your fingers when you type.
So they didn't. Thanks!
Uh.....no....they did.

This is getting really boring.

Come up with something rational and at least slightly interesting or this discussion is over. I have better things to do than argue with neanderthals.
Please show me how seceding is treason.

So,....you claim that's all the South did was secede?

They didn't take up arms against their own country?
If they seceded, how did they accomplish that?
Its a wonder your brain has enough power to move your fingers when you type.
So they didn't. Thanks!
Uh.....no....they did.

This is getting really boring.

Come up with something rational and at least slightly interesting or this discussion is over. I have better things to do than argue with neanderthals.
So they seceded from the Union, but they committed war against their won country? Talk about rational..
I did not know that Planned Parenthood is a multinational corporation until I read Bob Unruh’s piece:

Several members proposed an inquiry into the U.S. scandal and noted that the international arm of Planned Parenthood, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, gets money from European taxpayers.

“I consider their activities as a serious offense over the first article of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, which talks about the inviolability of human dignity,” he said.

Now Europeans want Planned Parenthood funds cut
Posted By Bob Unruh On 10/16/2015 @ 8:55 pm

Now Europeans want Planned Parenthood funds cut

Europeans turning on Planned Parenthood should be taken with a bucket of salt. America’s Culture of Death has its roots in European Socialism/Communism. Our own government is unwilling to defund PP; so I do not see any success in Europe.

I am curious about the phrase “The inviolability of human dignity.” The word LIFE does not appear in the definition:

dignity (noun)
plural dignities

1. The quality or state of being worthy of esteem or respect.

2. Inherent nobility and worth: the dignity of honest labor.

3. a. Poise and self-respect. b. Stateliness and formality in manner and appearance.

4. The respect and honor associated with an important position.

5. A high office or rank.

6. dignities. The ceremonial symbols and observances attached to high office.

7. Archaic. A dignitary.
In the future, Typhoid Nancy should be asked: When does dignity begin?
They seceded. ...

They asked for itThey asked for it
So you support unconstitutionality when you agree with the feelings. You could have just said that..
Declare war against the union and you get what you asked for......an ass whipping. You basically erased your rights and protections under the constitution if you commit treason and sedition.

Utter nonsense. Blockading ports is an act of war, while secession isn't. Not that reality matters to cranks ...

There is a reason there is no clause in the Constitution preventing secession, and especially no clause permitting the Executive branch to launch hostilities against a seceding state, nor was it considered 'sedition'.

On the question for giving powers, in cases to which the States are not competent,

Massts. ay. Cont. divd. (Sharman no Elseworth ay) N. Y. ay. N. J. ay. Pa. ay. Del. ay. Va. ay. N. C. ay, S. Carolina ay. Georga. ay. [Ayes — 9; noes — 0; divided — 1.]

The other clauses giving powers necessary to preserve harmony among the States 〈to negative all State laws contravening in the opinion of the Nat Leg the articles of Union down to the last clause, (the words “or any treaties subsisting under the authority of the Union”, being added after the words “contravening &c. the articles of the Union”; on motion of Dr. Franklin,〉19 were agreed to witht. debate or dissent.

The 〈last〉 clause 〈of Resolution 6. authorizing〉 an exertion of the force of the whole agst. a delinquent State came next into consideration.

Mr. 〈Madison〉, observed that the more he reflected on the use of force, the more he doubted the practicability, the justice and the efficacy of it when applied to people collectively and not individually. — , A Union of the States 〈containing such an ingredient〉 seemed to provide for its own destruction. The use of force agst. a State, would look more like a declaration of war, than an infliction of punishment, and would probably be considered by the party attacked as a dissolution of all previous compacts by which it might be bound. He hoped that such a system would be framed as might render this recourse unnecessary, and moved that the clause be postponed.20 This motion was agreed to nem. con.

The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787, vol. 1 - Online Library of Liberty

Use of force against a state was never sanctioned, for obvious reasons, and Madison himself as President never thought it illegal or treason when faced with the New England secessionists. Lincoln was just another sociopath and mass murderer. Lincoln also ordered Pope into Minnesota for the express purpose of eradicating the Sioux tribes there; only public outrage prevented General Pope from following through, such is Lincoln's mentality as a dictator with an Army to play with. His generals went on and bloodied up the prairies with indian wars at the behest of the railroads the Republican Party was created to subsidize and provide massive corporate welfare for.
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Abraham Lincoln? One of the biggest traitors in American History.

He was the greatest President in American history.

Much like Stalin was 'the greatest Soviet leader in history' and Mao was the 'greatest Chinese leader in history', if one is inclined toward mass butchery and total corruption.

That absurdly false comparison reveals a remarkable ignorance.
Like saying a person that shit on our constitution was great? LMAO

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