Tx Satanists sue for their right to Ritual Abortion

Looks like you’ve exposed yourself as a slimy authoritarian tool. Like the Nazis and Communists you want to murder vulnerable people not considered useful to the state.

Of course you’re too much of a moron and a pinhead to offer much help to such authoritarian regimes, but you could aspire to become their useful idiot.

Another question for you to ignore: why do you hate black people so much? You love the abortion industry which has decimated the black community. Why don’t you slither back under your rock you filthy racist.
What is "the abortion industry"? How has the availability of abortion "decimated the black community"? Is there a difference between how people make personal decisions according to the race that they are? How do you know this?
Does it?
I don't see any relevance at all.
But it is Texas. The home of ratbag republicans .

But it's a long desperate stretch to link that to anything democratic. Give up son.
Your democrat masters know that it is a human life. Nancy Pelousy would not abort her own. She just wants it really accessible for you. Why is that? Your political elites, your hollywood slebs, most of them, want those babies and value those babies but they want to make abortion available to you at taxpayer expense. Why?
What is "the abortion industry"? How has the availability of abortion "decimated the black community"? Is there a difference between how people make personal decisions according to the race that they are? How do you know this?

The abortion industry are those organizations performing abortions for profit - if not for their organization bottom lines it is certainly profitable for their highly paid employees along with the non-monetary benefits it provides for their social agendas. It also includes organizations such as Planned Parenthood who are in the for-profit business of selling baby parts.

The availability of abortions has decimated the black community by reducing their numbers by over 20 million since 1973.

There is a difference in how many black women choose abortion; they represent 13% of the female population but 36% of abortion. There is definitely a racial difference. Of course this is supported by the fact that 86% of abortion clinics in the top 25 counties for abortions are in or within walking distance of minority communities.

Some will, because they've done it in the past, suggest that Planned Parenthood provides non-abortion necessary medical care in minority communities. I'll counter that Thomas Jefferson provided food and housing to over 600 African-Americans. Shouldn't we celebrate the good he did and, considering that good, overlook the evil?
So why are we not working harder to push contraception harder? We do a poor job of encouraging young women not to get pregnant if there is even the slightest doubt about wanting kids.
So why are we not working harder to push contraception harder? We do a poor job of encouraging young women not to get pregnant if there is even the slightest doubt about wanting kids.

Contraceptives are not a reliable solution. My own wife was on birth control when she got pregnant with two of our children. The difference is, though, that she was my wife. We were committed to each other and wanted to have and raise a family - which is the purpose of marriage and adult relationships.

I don't care if people get married or don't get married but having sex is an adult responsibility. You have to approach it with an understanding that sex makes babies and if you make a baby then both parents have an inescapable responsibility to provide a safe, nurturing, two-parent home to the child that may result from the act. So, you meet a woman at a bar, have a one-night-stand, she gets pregnant, then commit to a relationship that provides for the needs of the child - whether or not you get a church or state piece of paper.
What do they plan on doing with the Ritual abortion.

Throw it on the Barbee?


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You Satanists are as evil as Catholic leaders who engage in baby and child sacrifices in the vatican, in rituals, drinking the blood of babies. Be better than the Catholic church, that you are against.

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