Tx Democrats FLEE Elected Legislative Responsibility, Escape To DC To Avoid Doing What They Were Elected To Do

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Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Lawless Texas Democrats Escape to Washington DC

on Private Jet, Maskless with Crate of Beer — Rules Are for The Little People

Texas governor says Dems who ‘fled’ state, blocking vote on elections bill, will face consequences

Texas governor says Dems who ‘fled’ state, blocking

vote on elections bill, will face consequences

"Gov. Greg Abbott, the Texas Republican, criticized state Democrats who fled to Washington, D.C., on Monday in an effort to deprive the Legislature of a quorum, thus the ability to vote on the GOP's sweeping elections overhaul bill.

Abbott appeared on "The Ingraham Angle" on Monday to defend the bill and say the missing lawmakers will be arrested upon their return to the state. He said members of the Texas House of Representatives who are still in the state can call for the arrests of their colleagues who do not show up to vote. The one caveat is the arrest has to be made in the state.

"Once they step back into the state they will be arrested and brought back to the Capitol and we will be conducting business,"

Cowardly, pathetic Democrats flee to DC to escape the painful truth Barry once declared, 'Elections Have Consequences'.

Should any legislative official do this they should be stripped of their elected position as they cross the state line. All of these Democrats should return to the state to learn Gov Abbott has filled their vacated seats.

View attachment 512208

Lawless Texas Democrats Escape to Washington DC

on Private Jet, Maskless with Crate of Beer — Rules Are for The Little People

Texas governor says Dems who ‘fled’ state, blocking vote on elections bill, will face consequences

Texas governor says Dems who ‘fled’ state, blocking

vote on elections bill, will face consequences

"Gov. Greg Abbott, the Texas Republican, criticized state Democrats who fled to Washington, D.C., on Monday in an effort to deprive the Legislature of a quorum, thus the ability to vote on the GOP's sweeping elections overhaul bill.

Abbott appeared on "The Ingraham Angle" on Monday to defend the bill and say the missing lawmakers will be arrested upon their return to the state. He said members of the Texas House of Representatives who are still in the state can call for the arrests of their colleagues who do not show up to vote. The one caveat is the arrest has to be made in the state.

"Once they step back into the state they will be arrested and brought back to the Capitol and we will be conducting business,"

Cowardly, pathetic Democrats flee to DC to escape the painful truth Barry once declared, 'Elections Have Consequences'.

Should any legislative official do this they should be stripped of their elected position as they cross the state line. All of these Democrats should return to the state to learn Gov Abbott has filled their vacated seats.

If their job is to protect their constituents from government that demands that some constituents should have more rights than others then they ARE doing their jobs.
Throw the bums in jail. We'll see how funny that is.

Fine, let's line up all those that are attempting to remove the rights to vote for all and throw them into prison AFTER they are tried then I am all for it.

If their job is to protect their constituents from government that demands that some constituents should have more rights than others then t
Cry harder.

They were elected to represent their constituents. They are doing that very nicely.

They ARE doing their jobs.

Barry was the 1st Democrat to declare 'Elections have consequences', telling Republicans that when you lose elections you do not get your way and that they, the GOP, had to accept this. Everyone knew, however, that the hypocrite meant this to only apply when it benefitted Democrats.

They were elected to represent their Constituents, to make their cases for their constituents to the best of their ability, then to further represent them when they cast their vote.

These Democrats are not 'doing their jobs' - they are running away, fleeing their responsibility in a childish gesture.

As their federal associates rail against 'filibusters' in DC, what these hypocrites are doing is staging a childish version of the filibuster they claim to hate and claim they want to eliminate.

Democrats utilized the Congressional tool of the filibuster when they were in the minority, when they did not control Congress because it benefitted them. Now that they are in the Majority they want to eliminate the filibuster....but down in Texas Democrats are hypocritically carrying out a 'filibuster' by running away....proving Democrats are self-serving hypocrites and gutless cowards.

Again, doing their jobs would be to stay and fight, finally casting their votes for their constituents, even of they do not win.

'Elections have consequences'. Tx Democrats are doing their best to prove Barry was / is a LIAR.

Again, if you don't want to be an elected Rep, if you find you can't do your job, that you do not have the courage and discipline to accept defeat when unavoidable then you need to be stripped of your elected position, and the Governor should be allowed to fill the positions.

What the Democrats are doing is partly the result of 'giving everyone a trophy'. These gutless, unethical pusses never learned that their winners and there afre losers, never learned how to lose with dignity. Just like the last election, they learned to 'win' at any cost, even if you ave to lie, cheat, steal....or run away.
Cry harder.

They were elected to represent their constituents. They are doing that very nicely.
They were elected in TEXAS to positions in TEXSAS state government to represent their constituents IN TEXAS. Throwing a childish tantrum and running away is not doing their job, snowflake.

If their job is to protect their constituents from government that demands that some constituents should have more rights than others then t
Cry harder.

They were elected to represent their constituents. They are doing that very nicely.

They ARE doing their jobs.

Barry was the 1st Democrat to declare 'Elections have consequences', telling Republicans that when you lose elections you do not get your way and that they, the GOP, had to accept this. Everyone knew, however, that the hypocrite meant this to only apply when it benefitted Democrats.

They were elected to represent their Constituents, to make their cases for their constituents to the best of their ability, then to further represent them when they cast their vote.

These Democrats are not 'doing their jobs' - they are running away, fleeing their responsibility in a childish gesture.

As their federal associates rail against 'filibusters' in DC, what these hypocrites are doing is staging a childish version of the filibuster they claim to hate and claim they want to eliminate.

Democrats utilized the Congressional tool of the filibuster when they were in the minority, when they did not control Congress because it benefitted them. Now that they are in the Majority they want to eliminate the filibuster....but down in Texas Democrats are hypocritically carrying out a 'filibuster' by running away....proving Democrats are self-serving hypocrites and gutless cowards.

Again, doing their jobs would be to stay and fight, finally casting their votes for their constituents, even of they do not win.

'Elections have consequences'. Tx Democrats are doing their best to prove Barry was / is a LIAR.

Again, if you don't want to be an elected Rep, if you find you can't do your job, that you do not have the courage and discipline to accept defeat when unavoidable then you need to be stripped of your elected position, and the Governor should be allowed to fill the positions.

What the Democrats are doing is partly the result of 'giving everyone a trophy'. These gutless, unethical pusses never learned that their winners and there afre losers, never learned how to lose with dignity. Just like the last election, they learned to 'win' at any cost, even if you ave to lie, cheat, steal....or run away.

I guess you Party of the Rumpsters in Texas didn't perge enough of them so you are learning that there ARE consequences in elections.

I guess you Party of the Rumpsters in Texas didn't perge enough of them so you are learning that there ARE consequences in elections.
What a pathetic attempt to spin Democrat cowardice and dereliction of duty. It is the GOP's fault these hypocritical, cowardly, Dems RAN AWAY after realizing they were not going to gt their way.


I look at these folks the same as US Senators who sit on presidential appointments without taking action to either confirm or reject. My attitude is they're paid to do a job, next election these slackers should be booted out.
Tex. Const. Art. III, § 10—Constitutional rule.

Section 2.

Roll Calls — On every roll call or registration, the names of the members shall be called or listed, as the case may be, alphabetically by surname, except when two or more have the same surname, in which case the initials of the members shall be added.

Section 3. Leave of Absence — (a) No member shall be absent from the sessions of the house without leave, and no member shall be excused on his or her own motion. (b) A leave of absence may be granted by a majority vote of the house and may be revoked at any time by a similar vote. (c) Any member granted a leave of absence due to a meeting of a committee or conference committee that has authority to meet while the house is in session shall be so designated on each roll call or registration for which that member is excused.

Section 4. Failure to Answer Roll Call — Any member who is present and fails or refuses to record on a roll call after being requested to do so by the speaker shall be recorded as present by the speaker and shall be counted for the purpose of making a quorum.

All absentees for whom no sufficient excuse is made may, by order of a majority of those present, be sent for and arrested, wherever they may be found, by the sergeant-at-arms or an offi cer appointed by the sergeant-at-arms for that purpose, and their attendance shall be secured and retained. The house shall determine on what conditions they shall be discharged. Members who voluntarily appear shall, unless the house otherwise directs, be immediately admitted to the hall of the house and shall report their names to the clerk to be entered in the journal as present.

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