Two thirds of Americans believe aliens exist.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
Good to hear there are more Americans out there than I thought that are not afraid of reality and to look at the evidence unlike many here at this site.

'ET come home!': Two-thirds of Americans believe that aliens exist and the U.S. government isn't telling them the truth about it, survey finds​

  • Nearly one-third of respondents believe alien contact will happen in their lifetimes
  • Only 56% of people surveyed in 2017 believed that aliens exist compared to 66% today
  • The results 'reflect the newfound respectability' of the subject, one expert told
  • In April 2020, the U.S. Pentagon declassified three videos of 'unexplained aerial phenomena'
Well now that the Navy has revealed what they've seen it has opened the door.
Americans please! There are no aliens. Even the latest flying *triangels that flash certified strobe light patterns have been debunked.

An obvious clue on it being a hoax was the suggestion that it was leaked.

Save the screaming in protest until after the military fails to deliver in June.

Or August or September if it becomes necessary to leak another delay.

*not triangles.
Good to hear there are more Americans out there than I thought that are not afraid of reality and to look at the evidence unlike many here at this site.

'ET come home!': Two-thirds of Americans believe that aliens exist and the U.S. government isn't telling them the truth about it, survey finds​

  • Nearly one-third of respondents believe alien contact will happen in their lifetimes
  • Only 56% of people surveyed in 2017 believed that aliens exist compared to 66% today
  • The results 'reflect the newfound respectability' of the subject, one expert told
  • In April 2020, the U.S. Pentagon declassified three videos of 'unexplained aerial phenomena'
Besides being to Area 51, twice, I've seen evidence of UFO activity with my own eyes, things that would curl your toes.

I believe extraterrestrials have been around this planet for millennia.
Good to hear there are more Americans out there than I thought that are not afraid of reality and to look at the evidence unlike many here at this site.

'ET come home!': Two-thirds of Americans believe that aliens exist and the U.S. government isn't telling them the truth about it, survey finds​

  • Nearly one-third of respondents believe alien contact will happen in their lifetimes
  • Only 56% of people surveyed in 2017 believed that aliens exist compared to 66% today
  • The results 'reflect the newfound respectability' of the subject, one expert told
  • In April 2020, the U.S. Pentagon declassified three videos of 'unexplained aerial phenomena'
Besides being to Area 51, twice, I've seen evidence of UFO activity with my own eyes, things that would curl your toes.

I believe extraterrestrials have been around this planet for millennia.

Me too, twice as well.
My guess, is the fact, if it wasn't for the Internet...we would not be talking about this. You can't believe everything what is being reported or said/written on the internet.

Just ask WH Press Secretary Jen Psaski...

1 (6).PNG
Good to hear there are more Americans out there than I thought that are not afraid of reality and to look at the evidence unlike many here at this site.

'ET come home!': Two-thirds of Americans believe that aliens exist and the U.S. government isn't telling them the truth about it, survey finds​

  • Nearly one-third of respondents believe alien contact will happen in their lifetimes
  • Only 56% of people surveyed in 2017 believed that aliens exist compared to 66% today
  • The results 'reflect the newfound respectability' of the subject, one expert told
  • In April 2020, the U.S. Pentagon declassified three videos of 'unexplained aerial phenomena'
Besides being to Area 51, twice, I've seen evidence of UFO activity with my own eyes, things that would curl your toes.

I believe extraterrestrials have been around this planet for millennia.
so come on....tell us what curled your toes......
Makes me wonder if the Vimana, flying Machines from Hindu texts were UFOs or Ezekiel's vision of the Chariot of the wheel within a wheel was a UFO.

Plus NASA said one time the universe maybe bigger than we originally thought it was.

I'm like The Amazing Randi, I have yet to be dazzled with any proof of any kind that extraterrestrial beings, extraterrestrial spacecraft, ghosts, goblins, demons, gods, monsters, devils, angels, or any such creations of man actually exist by their own right.

Too many "negatives" that outweigh the "positives". Too many truth seekers and logicians have gone in search of proof over the past few centuries, only to find charlatans, liars, cheats, frauds, and trickery. Still.....after all these centuries..........NO PROOF!

Not ONE shred of real evidence. Not one.

And these farces continue.
Good to hear there are more Americans out there than I thought that are not afraid of reality and to look at the evidence unlike many here at this site.

'ET come home!': Two-thirds of Americans believe that aliens exist and the U.S. government isn't telling them the truth about it, survey finds​

  • Nearly one-third of respondents believe alien contact will happen in their lifetimes
  • Only 56% of people surveyed in 2017 believed that aliens exist compared to 66% today
  • The results 'reflect the newfound respectability' of the subject, one expert told
  • In April 2020, the U.S. Pentagon declassified three videos of 'unexplained aerial phenomena'
What's the big deal?
They can't be any more fucked up than most indigenous earthlings.
To think that our little planet Earth... more insignificant that a grain of sand in the only living place in this Infinite know what that means??

is completely ridiculous.

Wakey wakey y'all.
Makes perfect sense.
Because almost 2/3 of the population are looney liberals who will believe anything, no matter how absurd or wacky. ... :cuckoo:
I have never seen a UFO or any little green men.

Having said that I feel there is a good possibility that UFOs are real and not a natural phenomenon. I doubt if they are vehicles or drones piloted by the Russians or Chinese. They might be controlled by space aliens or from a future time when we have mastered time travel.

The reason I believe UFOs exist is I have had people I have known for years suddenly talk of an incident they witnessed. These people have never told me anything strange or hard to believe before and never after either. Most are family members, for example my aunt and uncle who witnessed a group of UFOs over Pittsburgh or my son in law who while driving home at night watched a vehicle take off straight up from a swampy area close to the highway. He said it climbed much faster than a helicopter and was quiet.

We should learn more next month. Of course I doubt if we will learn who or what these UFOs actually are but we should learn they are real not imaginary.
Good to hear there are more Americans out there than I thought that are not afraid of reality and to look at the evidence unlike many here at this site.

'ET come home!': Two-thirds of Americans believe that aliens exist and the U.S. government isn't telling them the truth about it, survey finds​

  • Nearly one-third of respondents believe alien contact will happen in their lifetimes
  • Only 56% of people surveyed in 2017 believed that aliens exist compared to 66% today
  • The results 'reflect the newfound respectability' of the subject, one expert told
  • In April 2020, the U.S. Pentagon declassified three videos of 'unexplained aerial phenomena'
Besides being to Area 51, twice, I've seen evidence of UFO activity with my own eyes, things that would curl your toes.

I believe extraterrestrials have been around this planet for millennia.
what was it like being at Areal 51?
Exist? Hell, over half of Americans ARE aliens at this point. Totally BARKING mad assholes.
unfortunately very true.
Good to hear there are more Americans out there than I thought that are not afraid of reality and to look at the evidence unlike many here at this site.

'ET come home!': Two-thirds of Americans believe that aliens exist and the U.S. government isn't telling them the truth about it, survey finds​

  • Nearly one-third of respondents believe alien contact will happen in their lifetimes
  • Only 56% of people surveyed in 2017 believed that aliens exist compared to 66% today
  • The results 'reflect the newfound respectability' of the subject, one expert told
  • In April 2020, the U.S. Pentagon declassified three videos of 'unexplained aerial phenomena'
now we KNOW they exist with all the proof in the world that USMBS resident trolls hypocrite toll sunniman and CIA shill Donald deny this reality.:auiqs.jpg:

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