Two Things Democrats Will Never Acknowledge: 1) Trump WON in 2016, & 2) Massive Publicly Witnessed Election Fraud Stole The Presidency From Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
There are two things Democrats, the Fake News Media, and Snowflakes will ever publicly acknowledge:

1. Donald Trump defeated Hillary, Obama, The Obama administration. The Russian Intelligence Service, foreign ex-spies, the Democratic party, and the Fake News Media to win to 2016 election.

2. Massive, publicly-witnessed, obvious, in-you-face, no-attempt-to-hide, undeniable Election Fraud perpetrated by Democrats, election officials, & the Fake News Media, funded by George Soros/China.

Democrats ALWAYS demand that people listen to the scientists....I agree. Scientists and mathematicians prove Joe Biden Lost and the election was stolen:

Benford’s Law Has Been Used to Prove Election Fraud in the Past – Joe Biden’s Numbers in Michigan are 99% Flawed — No Surprise that Tech Giants are Banning This Information

Since Democrats / Snowflakes love graphs:


In the United States, evidence-based on Benford’s law has been admitted in criminal cases at the federal, state, and local levels.”

It was also used to determine fraud in the 2000 and 2004 U.S elections. I conducted a Chi-test comparing Michigan’s precinct vote counts to Benford’s law and found that Biden/Haris votes returned a, 0.000017% (Statistically significant, especially with a very large sample) whereas Trump/Pence votes returned a score of,
53.059791% and whilst looking at my data set I noticed there were 0 write-in votes in Michigan.

The highlighted percentage value tells you how sure you can be that fraud was committed, typically a score below 0.05 is statistically significant, and Biden scored a 0.00000017

PROOF OF FRAUD? Republicans Won 28 of 29 Most Competitive House Seats, Added 3 State Legislatures, Did Not Lose a Single House Race — But Joe Biden Won!!?!

Whistleblower Saw People in Biden Van Opening, Filling, and Sealing Nevada Ballots

The Biden campaign did not respond to a request for comment

Whistleblower Alleges Mail-In Ballot Signatures Were Disregarded in Nevada: Affidavit

A whistleblower has alleged in an affidavit that election officials in Clark County, Nevada, counted mail-in ballots despite concerns about the validity of signatures.

According to a partially redacted affidavit obtained by the Washington Examiner, the whistleblower left his or her position as a ballot counter in Clark County on Nov. 6 “due to concerns about how the votes were being counting [sic].”

“I personally witnessed disregard of signature verification as well as other irregularities,” the whistleblower said in the affidavit that has been sent to the Department of Justice, the Examiner reported.

“When I asked the supervisors, [redacted] and others, about it, instead of taking the ballots to verify the signature in the electronic database, the supervisor told me to push the envelope through without verification.”
Likewise, skeptics are already employing the numbers associated with a narrow Biden win as evidence that it was pre-planned, for example with Democrats “producing” exactly enough votes to win (notably only in the presidential race but not in the Senate or other contentious races down the ballot). More outlandish claims have used this format to spread completely unfounded narratives tying specific groups for voter fraud based on their population size:
Amidst the deluge of data, specifically numerical quantities, that is bound to accumulate in an election that impacts over 328,000,000 people, with over 142,000,000 votes already tallied across 435 districts, an absence of any irregularities would in and of itself be irregular. Despite the obviousness of this conclusion, arguments that rely on “evidence” of violations of mathematical laws are not considered amidst this context. As a result, we caution everyone to be on the lookout for these erroneous numerical statements during uncertain periods of vote counting and in the weeks, months, and years to come.
America helplessly just witnessed the biggest crime, the biggest election fraud, this country has ever seen.

They could not help but sit / stand by and watch as the highly organized criminal organization, the Democratic Party, openly, blatantly, shamelessly committed election fraud to steal the election they could not win otherwise.

1st was to fight for and secure the use of the most criminal election process ever, the process almost EVERY NATION IN THE WORLD HAS OUTLAWED - MADE ILLEGAL: the Mail-In Ballot process.
- The Democrats put on a Tutorial Clinic for the nation, demonstrating publicly exactly WHY the rest of the world has outlawed Mail-In ballots.

A Democrat Judge in Pa ordered that Mail-In Ballots would be counted no matter what the Postmarks were and would be counted even if their signatures did NOT match the signatures on official voter registrations.

Instead of voters requesting Mail-In ballots, Democrats flooded the US with blank Mail-In ballots, far more than 1 per US voter, facilitating election Fraud. in some cases as many as 18 Mail-In ballots were sent to 1 person.

-- Video footage showed an interview with a criminal Voter ballot Harvester, a video which showed hundreds of ballots n his car and him declaring it was his job to collect ballots - in any way: theft, intimidation, etc... - and how he and those who worked with him were paid for every ballot they turned in.

Eye-witnesses, Whistle Blowers, photos, and video footage told of how / showed election workers counting illegal ballots, 'fixing' ballots, tossing Trump ballots, counting ballots past the legal date, etc...

Eye-witnesses, Whistle Blowers, photos, and video footage told of how / showed multiple (3 - 4) unmarked cars pulling up at 2 / 3 / 4am, people in plain clothes unloading and carrying in ballots in tubs, trash cans, coolers, and plastic lawn bags....ALL of them being for Biden...which is mathematically IMPOSSIBLE
- President Trump had sizeable leads in Pa, Michigan, NC, Vt, Nevada.....until late in the evening / in the twilight hours when these votes showed up...

The average percentage for individual states' turnouts ever since this statistic began being recorded has been just over 73%. THIS election the key states that supposedly have gone to Biden (so far) are reported as being between 89% and as high as 92%. These numbers, have been declared my scientists / experts as being MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Of course we know why:

- DEAD voters voted (My favorite are the ones who were born in 1809
- Voters who moved out of the state voted in the states they left (Illegal)
---Both of these are examples of why Democrats 1) Fight so hard against reviewing voter registrations and purging the deceased and no longer resident voters from the role & 2) why they love the 3rd-World-Banana-Republic Mail-In Ballot process

Democrats turned 'Voting DAY' into Voting WEEK'.

Despite poll workers KNOWING permanent markers cause the ballots NOT to go through the electronic scanner and thus force these ballots to be counted by hand, Democrat poll workers informed voters at several polls they could not bring in their own LEGSAL ball point pens and would have to use the PERMANENT markers they would be given,
- This ensured votes for Trump (and Biden) would not automatically be counted without chance of tampering. The workers reportedly then went through the ballots - thousands of Trump ballots (according to Whistleblowers) were counted FOR BIDEN while many of those for Trump were discarded / tossed.

Americans could do nothing, could say nothing, while they watched the massive public, open stealing of the election....and the public execution of our democracy the hands of those who for 4 years illegally colluded with out enemies in an attempt to overthrow our government by seeking to remove the newly, democratically elected President, who for 4 years had engaged in conspiracy, perjury, sedition, FISA Court crimes, illegal attempt to create and submit false evidence, and treason, who admittedly perpetrated the 1st politically partisan Impeachment in US history based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses.

After 4 years of attempting to remove the most successful President in decades, in some cases the most successful President EVER, the Democrats were finally successful in their final Coup attempt.
Likewise, skeptics are already employing the numbers associated with a narrow Biden win as evidence that it was pre-planned, for example with Democrats “producing” exactly enough votes to win (notably only in the presidential race but not in the Senate or other contentious races down the ballot).

1. It was pre-planned....and the dumbass AG in Pennsylvania announced it to the world BEFORE the election, declaring it was already determined, that Biden had already won Pa.

2. 'Democrats “producing” exactly enough votes to win':

Welcome to the corrupt / criminal election process called 'Mail-In Ballot Voting

Hold an election ... Flood the country with Mail-In Ballots, far more ballots than there are actually legal voters ... Refuse to allow the Voter Registrations be reviewed and purged of the dead and non-residents ... Allow the Date Ballots must be as far as you think you will need to produce the votes you think you will need to win...declare ballot signatures do not have to match the signatures on official voter registrations ... ensure 1 party (your) fill all the election official positions - those who handle the ballots / counting, the supervisors, and those who can give /deny access to the process (KILL TRANSPARENCY)...

The Dead Voter, non-residents vote, legal ballots are tossed or counted for the your candidate, illegal ballots are counted....and after election day, if the votes are not in your candidate's favor you still have several days to manufacture enough votes to make for and surpass the other candidate's lead....

....which is exactly what we witnessed.
Now why the F* would TWITTER, er... USMB, here toss this thread down to 'Conspiracies' when even they are intelligent enough to know this is exactly what happened?
There are two things Democrats, the Fake News Media, and Snowflakes will ever publicly acknowledge:

Because neither of those things are true.

1. Donald Trump defeated Hillary, Obama, The Obama administration. The Russian Intelligence Service, foreign ex-spies, the Democratic party, and the Fake News Media to win to 2016 election.

Except he didn't win. He lost by 3 million votes.

2. Massive, publicly-witnessed, obvious, in-you-face, no-attempt-to-hide, undeniable Election Fraud perpetrated by Democrats, election officials, & the Fake News Media, funded by George Soros/China.

Democrats ALWAYS demand that people listen to the scientists....I agree. Scientists and mathematicians prove Joe Biden Lost and the election was stolen:

Actually, Math shows Biden got 6 million more votes...

Trump lost.

Deal with it.

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