Two Police Officers Shot In The Head in Compton, California

More collateral damage from the Black Lives Matter movement.
There is no information about the bastards who shot the police but I bet you that as CNN said: We will give you more information when we have some but seeing that it is surely one of the his BLM freaks or some other leftist shit ... time will pass before we know who the culprits are but when is a BLM they cry about it 24/24 hours.
Here is the difference.
I just heard on a news conference with the Sheriff that one of the officers was able to give a partial description of the shooter...saying it was a dark skinned male.

Who would have thought...
CNN is not going to rush to give the information and if they ever give the name of the BLM we might be surprised, let's wait and see what this two-bullet:p ( French Expression ) channel will do.
I'm not French but 2 bullets is a personal rule. We call it double tap.
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

More Boogaloo Boys action?

Looks like gangbanger style, to me.

Kid or midget......looks awfully short.
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

Hope they catch this guy. Horrible stuff!

I think it a kid or really short male as well---------hope they shoot its parent's and gang members.

Looks like a 10 year old
More collateral damage from the Black Lives Matter movement.
There is no information about the bastards who shot the police but I bet you that as CNN said: We will give you more information when we have some but seeing that it is surely one of the his BLM freaks or some other leftist shit ... time will pass before we know who the culprits are but when is a BLM they cry about it 24/24 hours.
Here is the difference.
CNN won't even cover it. Bad image.
More collateral damage from the Black Lives Matter movement.
There is no information about the bastards who shot the police but I bet you that as CNN said: We will give you more information when we have some but seeing that it is surely one of the his BLM freaks or some other leftist shit ... time will pass before we know who the culprits are but when is a BLM they cry about it 24/24 hours.
Here is the difference.
Dont expect any "new infomatio" from CNN unless by some mira le thay can say it's a "white supremacist"
More collateral damage from the Black Lives Matter movement.
There is no information about the bastards who shot the police but I bet you that as CNN said: We will give you more information when we have some but seeing that it is surely one of the his BLM freaks or some other leftist shit ... time will pass before we know who the culprits are but when is a BLM they cry about it 24/24 hours.
Here is the difference.
I just heard on a news conference with the Sheriff that one of the officers was able to give a partial description of the shooter...saying it was a dark skinned male.

Who would have thought...
CNN is not going to rush to give the information and if they ever give the name of the BLM we might be surprised, let's wait and see what this two-bullet:p ( French Expression ) channel will do.
I'm not French but 2 bullets is a personal rule. We call it double tap.
Once in the back of the head, once in the side...99.99999999999% effective.
All Democrats have blood on Theis hands. The rhetoric that cops are hunting blacks for political power is absolutely domestic terrorist.
Actually it's closer to true. White right wing cheerleaders for police when they kill unarmed blacks have the blood of these 2 officers on their hands.
All Democrats have blood on Theis hands. The rhetoric that cops are hunting blacks for political power is absolutely domestic terrorist.
Actually it's closer to true. White right wing cheerleaders for police when they kill unarmed blacks have the blood of these 2 officers on their hands.
All your doing getting blacks hurt. Stop lowering the bar. Have some respect for black people
All Democrats have blood on Theis hands. The rhetoric that cops are hunting blacks for political power is absolutely domestic terrorist.
Actually it's closer to true. White right wing cheerleaders for police when they kill unarmed blacks have the blood of these 2 officers on their hands.

Is this a roosting chickens moment?

Do you think the overall support shown here by many whites for police killing blacks is appropriate response?

So justice is the same for blacks that resist arrest and get shot for resisting and cops shot for sitting in a patrol car.

You're a wretched horrible thing, and I hope you get ass cancer. Top 5 of worst human PoS on this forum.
There is not supposed to be outrage when cops are killed. Just ignore and move on. Some lives really don’t matter and they wear a uniform.
This is the insanity that has to stop. Two cops shot in the head sitting in their car and NO ONE from the Left will raise an eyebrow. Guarantee it.
..they think it's GREAT...that guy is their HERO--like Floyd/etc
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

Thanks to the lies and hate from the Nazi media
Two of our finest are killed
Jeff Zuckers should be arrested and executed

Again, this is the result of your support and excuse making for police shootings of unarmed people.

You’re and will never be anything more than a thug your entire life .
I hope death finds you . Without cops , the entire nation would crumble into anarchy and civil war .
You have zero compassion because you’re lower than an insect

Thug my ass! Those like you have excused police murders making black citizens live in fear of the police. Inevitably your continued support of this would create people who are going to kill police. What compassion has your white ass shown for unarmed citizens shot up by police? This is not a matter of me having no compassion you maggot. I feel sorry that it has come to this because of the attitudes of white toilet crust like you.

Oh my--someone doesn't understand the difference between a law abidding citizen and a violent criminals.

Criminals should expect to be shot when they attack cops or refuse to be arrested. To do any less invites their attacks and anarchy.
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

Thanks to the lies and hate from the Nazi media
Two of our finest are killed
Jeff Zuckers should be arrested and executed

Again, this is the result of your support and excuse making for police shootings of unarmed people.

You’re and will never be anything more than a thug your entire life .
I hope death finds you . Without cops , the entire nation would crumble into anarchy and civil war .
You have zero compassion because you’re lower than an insect

Thug my ass! Those like you have excused police murders making black citizens live in fear of the police. Inevitably your continued support of this would create people who are going to kill police. What compassion has your white ass shown for unarmed citizens shot up by police? This is not a matter of me having no compassion you maggot. I feel sorry that it has come to this because of the attitudes of white toilet crust like you.

Oh my--someone doesn't understand the difference between a law abidding citizen and a violent criminals.

Criminals should expect to be shot when they attack cops or refuse to be arrested. To do any less invites their attacks and anarchy.

It is apparent that you don't understand that difference and once again we are shown the attitude that has produced two cops laying in a hospital fighting for their lives.
Do you think the overall support shown here by many whites for police killing blacks is appropriate response?

So justice is the same for blacks that resist arrest and get shot for resisting and cops shot for sitting in a patrol car.

You're a wretched horrible thing, and I hope you get ass cancer. Top 5 of worst human PoS on this forum.

Since resisting arrest never was punishable by death, your dumb ass argument dies right there. But unarmed people getting murdered is what I am talking about not some lie made up by racists about blacks resisting arrest. Was Brionna Taylor resisting arrest? Amaud Arbery? Tamir Rice? John Crawford? I can keep going. Philando Castile? Sam Dubose? Sandra Bland?
Do you think the overall support shown here by many whites for police killing blacks is appropriate response?

So justice is the same for blacks that resist arrest and get shot for resisting and cops shot for sitting in a patrol car.

You're a wretched horrible thing, and I hope you get ass cancer. Top 5 of worst human PoS on this forum.

Since resisting arrest never was punishable by death, your dumb ass argument dies right there. But unarmed people getting murdered is what I am talking about not some lie made up by racists about blacks resisting arrest. Was Brionna Taylor resisting arrest? Amaud Arbery? Tamir Rice? John Crawford? I can keep going. Philando Castile? Sam Dubose? Sandra Bland?
I know you are an attention whore, but we will not communicate again. You sicken me, and the only way I will allow myself to kill you is by completely ignoring you.

Go FUCK YOURSELF, wretched thug.
ABC7 Los Angeles reports two county deputies — one male, one female — were ambushed and shot while they were sitting in their patrol car Saturday night.
Surveillance video of the shooting shows the suspect ambush the deputies as they sat in the patrol car.
A person clad in dark clothing walks up to the parked vehicle at the Metro station, approaches the window on the passenger’s side and fires several times at close range. The suspect then runs off on foot.
The surveillance video can be viewed here. Warning: Footage of the shooting may be disturbing to some viewers.
The two deputies have been rushed to the hospital and are reported to be “fighting for their lives.”

The surveillance video shows the attack was clearly unprovoked. (WARNING: very disturbing video).

No words. Time to start putting these animals down. Go ahead, tell us "White Supremacists" did it.
How many "white folk" are in Compton?

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