Two Jewish Terrorists Charged In Historic-Church Arson

That fake Talmud stuff is not original, sorry Jew hater..Jew haters cant really think for themselves it's like a cult:uhoh3:

I was born a Jew; Mr. Zionist. Who says it is "fake" Talmud stuff? You? A Zionist? One of the worst liars in the whole world? I know what is fake and what isn't.

The fact is, you can't refute the truth of what Mr. Amayreh says so instead you deflect by "attacking the messenger". So, in reality it is you that is the Jew hater.

Mr. Amayreh continues...

Numerous rabbis, past and present, made unequivocal and unmistakable statements enthusiastically supporting the notion of genocide against the Palestinian people. A few years ago, a Jewish settler leader affiliated with the messianic Jewish movement “Gush Emunim” was quoted as saying that “the proper way to deal with the Palestinians is the Biblical way,” an allusion to genocide.

The Rabbi's of the Devil

More to the point, there is more to Jewish Nazism than just the sheer number of its Palestinian victims, although the numbers are not small by any means. Take for example the 2000 Palestinians murdered and the estimated 11000 maimed in the ongoing Judeo-Nazi blitzkrieg against Gaza so far. In proportion to the size of population, this would be like having about a million Americans murdered and maimed, and this happens during just “one military operation.”

Besides, Nazism, whether Jewish or Aryan, is not only about the sheer number of victims. It is also about a mental depravity, a criminal mindset, an evil intent, a barbarian value-system and a satanic ideology. Just watch how Judeo-Nazi Israelis are now celebrating the mass murder and mass destruction of Gaza.

In fact, there is a striking similarity between the various aspects of Jewish Nazism and Aryan Nazism. The Germans had the Mein Kampf, the Judeo-Nazis have the Talmud, the Chesront Shas and the Tanya, and the Germans had the Ubermenschen and the Untermenschen while Jews have the goyem concept, which dehumanizes non-Jews in a nefariously shocking manner. The Germans had the Lebensraum concept and the Zionist Jews have the settlements. The German Nazis taught that non-Aryans were lesser or infra-humans, while synagogues in Israel and around the world shamelessly teach that the lives of non-Jews have no sanctity.

Needless to say, this evil Talmudic indoctrination functions as the ideological underpinnings of the genocidal crimes being perpetrated by the Nazis of our time, the Israelis. This is the reason that makes thousands of Israeli Jews, gleefully and sadistically, celebrate the mass murder of Palestinian civilians.

I don’t know when the world can ever call Israel “Nazi” after all that Israel has done and is doing.

The unspoken words of many Zionist Jews would suggest that the world must refrain from calling Israel Nazi unless Israel murders six million Palestinians?!!!!

But this is an expression of absolute evilness by every standard of imagination. In the final analysis, if Israel were to suffer even a fraction of what it has inflicted on the Palestinians, Israeli leaders would not hesitate to call it a holocaust and pathological Jewish liars like Binyamin Netanyahu and Elie Weisel would immediately invoke Auschwitz, Bergen Belsen, Dachau and Mauthauzen.!!!

In fact, they are already doing this although less than ten Israeli settlers have been killed.

In light, it is perfectly legitimate to call Israel the Nazis of our time, if only because Israelis are thinking, behaving and acting in Nazi-like manner.

To be continued.

LOL.. "Palestinians" where just invented 50 years ago, they aren't in the Talmud..Take your medication you're slobbering all over yourself:eusa_drool:

THAT'S hilarious. Israelis were only invented back in 1947. Before that they were known as ... The Wandering Who.

Maybe it's time you read Shlomo Sands "The Invention of the Jewish People", eh?
That fake Talmud stuff is not original, sorry Jew hater..Jew haters cant really think for themselves it's like a cult:uhoh3:

I was born a Jew; Mr. Zionist. Who says it is "fake" Talmud stuff? You? A Zionist? One of the worst liars in the whole world? I know what is fake and what isn't.

The fact is, you can't refute the truth of what Mr. Amayreh says so instead you deflect by "attacking the messenger". So, in reality it is you that is the Jew hater.

Mr. Amayreh continues...

Numerous rabbis, past and present, made unequivocal and unmistakable statements enthusiastically supporting the notion of genocide against the Palestinian people. A few years ago, a Jewish settler leader affiliated with the messianic Jewish movement “Gush Emunim” was quoted as saying that “the proper way to deal with the Palestinians is the Biblical way,” an allusion to genocide.

The Rabbi's of the Devil

More to the point, there is more to Jewish Nazism than just the sheer number of its Palestinian victims, although the numbers are not small by any means. Take for example the 2000 Palestinians murdered and the estimated 11000 maimed in the ongoing Judeo-Nazi blitzkrieg against Gaza so far. In proportion to the size of population, this would be like having about a million Americans murdered and maimed, and this happens during just “one military operation.”

Besides, Nazism, whether Jewish or Aryan, is not only about the sheer number of victims. It is also about a mental depravity, a criminal mindset, an evil intent, a barbarian value-system and a satanic ideology. Just watch how Judeo-Nazi Israelis are now celebrating the mass murder and mass destruction of Gaza.

In fact, there is a striking similarity between the various aspects of Jewish Nazism and Aryan Nazism. The Germans had the Mein Kampf, the Judeo-Nazis have the Talmud, the Chesront Shas and the Tanya, and the Germans had the Ubermenschen and the Untermenschen while Jews have the goyem concept, which dehumanizes non-Jews in a nefariously shocking manner. The Germans had the Lebensraum concept and the Zionist Jews have the settlements. The German Nazis taught that non-Aryans were lesser or infra-humans, while synagogues in Israel and around the world shamelessly teach that the lives of non-Jews have no sanctity.

Needless to say, this evil Talmudic indoctrination functions as the ideological underpinnings of the genocidal crimes being perpetrated by the Nazis of our time, the Israelis. This is the reason that makes thousands of Israeli Jews, gleefully and sadistically, celebrate the mass murder of Palestinian civilians.

I don’t know when the world can ever call Israel “Nazi” after all that Israel has done and is doing.

The unspoken words of many Zionist Jews would suggest that the world must refrain from calling Israel Nazi unless Israel murders six million Palestinians?!!!!

But this is an expression of absolute evilness by every standard of imagination. In the final analysis, if Israel were to suffer even a fraction of what it has inflicted on the Palestinians, Israeli leaders would not hesitate to call it a holocaust and pathological Jewish liars like Binyamin Netanyahu and Elie Weisel would immediately invoke Auschwitz, Bergen Belsen, Dachau and Mauthauzen.!!!

In fact, they are already doing this although less than ten Israeli settlers have been killed.

In light, it is perfectly legitimate to call Israel the Nazis of our time, if only because Israelis are thinking, behaving and acting in Nazi-like manner.

To be continued.

LOL.. "Palestinians" where just invented 50 years ago, they aren't in the Talmud..Take your medication you're slobbering all over yourself:eusa_drool:

THAT'S hilarious. Israelis were only invented back in 1947. Before that they were known as ... The Wandering Who.

Maybe it's time you read Shlomo Sands "The Invention of the Jewish People", eh?

Nah history books are enough for me. I don't read fake propaganda put out by self- hating Jews:eusa_wall:
That fake Talmud stuff is not original, sorry Jew hater..Jew haters cant really think for themselves it's like a cult:uhoh3:

I was born a Jew; Mr. Zionist. Who says it is "fake" Talmud stuff? You? A Zionist? One of the worst liars in the whole world? I know what is fake and what isn't.

The fact is, you can't refute the truth of what Mr. Amayreh says so instead you deflect by "attacking the messenger". So, in reality it is you that is the Jew hater.

Mr. Amayreh continues...

Numerous rabbis, past and present, made unequivocal and unmistakable statements enthusiastically supporting the notion of genocide against the Palestinian people. A few years ago, a Jewish settler leader affiliated with the messianic Jewish movement “Gush Emunim” was quoted as saying that “the proper way to deal with the Palestinians is the Biblical way,” an allusion to genocide.

The Rabbi's of the Devil

More to the point, there is more to Jewish Nazism than just the sheer number of its Palestinian victims, although the numbers are not small by any means. Take for example the 2000 Palestinians murdered and the estimated 11000 maimed in the ongoing Judeo-Nazi blitzkrieg against Gaza so far. In proportion to the size of population, this would be like having about a million Americans murdered and maimed, and this happens during just “one military operation.”

Besides, Nazism, whether Jewish or Aryan, is not only about the sheer number of victims. It is also about a mental depravity, a criminal mindset, an evil intent, a barbarian value-system and a satanic ideology. Just watch how Judeo-Nazi Israelis are now celebrating the mass murder and mass destruction of Gaza.

In fact, there is a striking similarity between the various aspects of Jewish Nazism and Aryan Nazism. The Germans had the Mein Kampf, the Judeo-Nazis have the Talmud, the Chesront Shas and the Tanya, and the Germans had the Ubermenschen and the Untermenschen while Jews have the goyem concept, which dehumanizes non-Jews in a nefariously shocking manner. The Germans had the Lebensraum concept and the Zionist Jews have the settlements. The German Nazis taught that non-Aryans were lesser or infra-humans, while synagogues in Israel and around the world shamelessly teach that the lives of non-Jews have no sanctity.

Needless to say, this evil Talmudic indoctrination functions as the ideological underpinnings of the genocidal crimes being perpetrated by the Nazis of our time, the Israelis. This is the reason that makes thousands of Israeli Jews, gleefully and sadistically, celebrate the mass murder of Palestinian civilians.

I don’t know when the world can ever call Israel “Nazi” after all that Israel has done and is doing.

The unspoken words of many Zionist Jews would suggest that the world must refrain from calling Israel Nazi unless Israel murders six million Palestinians?!!!!

But this is an expression of absolute evilness by every standard of imagination. In the final analysis, if Israel were to suffer even a fraction of what it has inflicted on the Palestinians, Israeli leaders would not hesitate to call it a holocaust and pathological Jewish liars like Binyamin Netanyahu and Elie Weisel would immediately invoke Auschwitz, Bergen Belsen, Dachau and Mauthauzen.!!!

In fact, they are already doing this although less than ten Israeli settlers have been killed.

In light, it is perfectly legitimate to call Israel the Nazis of our time, if only because Israelis are thinking, behaving and acting in Nazi-like manner.

To be continued.

LOL.. "Palestinians" where just invented 50 years ago, they aren't in the Talmud..Take your medication you're slobbering all over yourself:eusa_drool:

THAT'S hilarious. Israelis were only invented back in 1947. Before that they were known as ... The Wandering Who.

Maybe it's time you read Shlomo Sands "The Invention of the Jewish People", eh?

Nah history books are enough for me. I don't read fake propaganda put out by self- hating Jews:eusa_wall:

Shlomo Sands "The Invention of the Jewish People" is a history book. What you're really saying is you prefer self serving propaganda.

Back on topic.

‘Terror must be dealt with’: Thousands protest spike of violence in Israel (PHOTOS)


Left-wing protesters hold signs during a protest condemning Friday's arson attack in the West Bank, at Rabin square in Tel Aviv August 1, 2015 © Baz Ratner / Reuters

Massive rallies were held across Israel, with thousands of demonstrators gathering to speak up against “incitement and violence,” or what some called “Jewish terror,” following brutal attacks by radicals against Palestinians and homosexuals.
Around 2,000 people took to the streets of Tel Aviv to protest a string of violent acts committed this week, Israeli media reports. The rally was organized by the Peace Now settlement organization.

READ MORE: 2 Palestinian teens shot dead amid clashes over toddler killed in arson attack

“We call on the government to take strong action against the violence of the settlers and to restart immediately the peace process,” Peace Now director Yariv Oppenheimer told AFP, a French news outlet.


Arsen Ostrovsky @Ostrov_A
#HappeningNow: Mass anti violence rally in Tel Aviv, #Israel. Anyone know if similar rallies in Gaza, Ramallah?

The protesters also joined a vigil organized by Israel’s gay community to mark a shocking attack on Thursday, in which an ultra-Orthodox Jew stabbed six people taking part in a peaceful Gay Pride march in Jerusalem. One of the victims remains in critical condition.

Police later identified the suspected stabber as Yishai Schlissel, who had recently been released from prison after serving a 10 year sentence for stabbing 3 people at the 2005 parade, according to Haaretz, an Israeli news source.

READ MORE: Ultra-Orthodox Jew stabs at least 6 at Jerusalem gay pride parade



So Jroc? Are these all "self hating jews" ?
That fake Talmud stuff is not original, sorry Jew hater..Jew haters cant really think for themselves it's like a cult:uhoh3:

I was born a Jew; Mr. Zionist. Who says it is "fake" Talmud stuff? You? A Zionist? One of the worst liars in the whole world? I know what is fake and what isn't.

The fact is, you can't refute the truth of what Mr. Amayreh says so instead you deflect by "attacking the messenger". So, in reality it is you that is the Jew hater.

Mr. Amayreh continues...

Numerous rabbis, past and present, made unequivocal and unmistakable statements enthusiastically supporting the notion of genocide against the Palestinian people. A few years ago, a Jewish settler leader affiliated with the messianic Jewish movement “Gush Emunim” was quoted as saying that “the proper way to deal with the Palestinians is the Biblical way,” an allusion to genocide.

The Rabbi's of the Devil

More to the point, there is more to Jewish Nazism than just the sheer number of its Palestinian victims, although the numbers are not small by any means. Take for example the 2000 Palestinians murdered and the estimated 11000 maimed in the ongoing Judeo-Nazi blitzkrieg against Gaza so far. In proportion to the size of population, this would be like having about a million Americans murdered and maimed, and this happens during just “one military operation.”

Besides, Nazism, whether Jewish or Aryan, is not only about the sheer number of victims. It is also about a mental depravity, a criminal mindset, an evil intent, a barbarian value-system and a satanic ideology. Just watch how Judeo-Nazi Israelis are now celebrating the mass murder and mass destruction of Gaza.

In fact, there is a striking similarity between the various aspects of Jewish Nazism and Aryan Nazism. The Germans had the Mein Kampf, the Judeo-Nazis have the Talmud, the Chesront Shas and the Tanya, and the Germans had the Ubermenschen and the Untermenschen while Jews have the goyem concept, which dehumanizes non-Jews in a nefariously shocking manner. The Germans had the Lebensraum concept and the Zionist Jews have the settlements. The German Nazis taught that non-Aryans were lesser or infra-humans, while synagogues in Israel and around the world shamelessly teach that the lives of non-Jews have no sanctity.

Needless to say, this evil Talmudic indoctrination functions as the ideological underpinnings of the genocidal crimes being perpetrated by the Nazis of our time, the Israelis. This is the reason that makes thousands of Israeli Jews, gleefully and sadistically, celebrate the mass murder of Palestinian civilians.

I don’t know when the world can ever call Israel “Nazi” after all that Israel has done and is doing.

The unspoken words of many Zionist Jews would suggest that the world must refrain from calling Israel Nazi unless Israel murders six million Palestinians?!!!!

But this is an expression of absolute evilness by every standard of imagination. In the final analysis, if Israel were to suffer even a fraction of what it has inflicted on the Palestinians, Israeli leaders would not hesitate to call it a holocaust and pathological Jewish liars like Binyamin Netanyahu and Elie Weisel would immediately invoke Auschwitz, Bergen Belsen, Dachau and Mauthauzen.!!!

In fact, they are already doing this although less than ten Israeli settlers have been killed.

In light, it is perfectly legitimate to call Israel the Nazis of our time, if only because Israelis are thinking, behaving and acting in Nazi-like manner.

To be continued.

LOL.. "Palestinians" where just invented 50 years ago, they aren't in the Talmud..Take your medication you're slobbering all over yourself:eusa_drool:

THAT'S hilarious. Israelis were only invented back in 1947. Before that they were known as ... The Wandering Who.

Maybe it's time you read Shlomo Sands "The Invention of the Jewish People", eh?

Nah history books are enough for me. I don't read fake propaganda put out by self- hating Jews:eusa_wall:

Shlomo Sands "The Invention of the Jewish People" is a history book. What you're really saying is you prefer self serving propaganda.

Back on topic.

‘Terror must be dealt with’: Thousands protest spike of violence in Israel (PHOTOS)


Left-wing protesters hold signs during a protest condemning Friday's arson attack in the West Bank, at Rabin square in Tel Aviv August 1, 2015 © Baz Ratner / Reuters

Massive rallies were held across Israel, with thousands of demonstrators gathering to speak up against “incitement and violence,” or what some called “Jewish terror,” following brutal attacks by radicals against Palestinians and homosexuals.
Around 2,000 people took to the streets of Tel Aviv to protest a string of violent acts committed this week, Israeli media reports. The rally was organized by the Peace Now settlement organization.

READ MORE: 2 Palestinian teens shot dead amid clashes over toddler killed in arson attack

“We call on the government to take strong action against the violence of the settlers and to restart immediately the peace process,” Peace Now director Yariv Oppenheimer told AFP, a French news outlet.


Arsen Ostrovsky @Ostrov_A
#HappeningNow: Mass anti violence rally in Tel Aviv, #Israel. Anyone know if similar rallies in Gaza, Ramallah?

The protesters also joined a vigil organized by Israel’s gay community to mark a shocking attack on Thursday, in which an ultra-Orthodox Jew stabbed six people taking part in a peaceful Gay Pride march in Jerusalem. One of the victims remains in critical condition.

Police later identified the suspected stabber as Yishai Schlissel, who had recently been released from prison after serving a 10 year sentence for stabbing 3 people at the 2005 parade, according to Haaretz, an Israeli news source.

READ MORE: Ultra-Orthodox Jew stabs at least 6 at Jerusalem gay pride parade



So Jroc? Are these all "self hating jews" ?

Wow? Israel has a gay community? Where's the gay community in the muslim counties? oh that's right, there are no gay muslims. They have to stay under ground or be killed. Are you outrage about the hundreds of thousands of muslims being slaughtered in Syria or The Christians being slaughtered ..i think not fraud
Violence continued into Friday, as two 17-year-old Palestinian boys were shot dead by Israeli forces in separate incidents amid clashes across the West Bank incited by the toddler’s death. One teen was killed near Ramallah and the other in north Gaza. Several Palestinians were also injured during the protests.

The dead toddler’s uncle, Nasser Dawabsheh, attended the rally in Tel Aviv.

“[Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu offers his condolences, but we ask the defense minister and the IDF to restore security in the village of Douma and in all Palestinian villages… we want this to be the end of the suffering of our people … We want the fires to end,” Dawabsheh said at the protest.

Opposition leader and Zionist Union head Isaac Herzog also spoke at the rally, stating “terror is terror, period. Terrorists are terrorists, period, whether Muslim or Jewish.” Herzog also urged Netanyahu to order the Shin Bet, the Israel Security Agency, to “tackle Jewish terrorism like [it does] Islamist terror.”

Left-wing Meretz party leader Zehava Gal-On had even harsher words for the current Israeli government.

“Jewish terror is ISIS terror, there is no other way to say it… I say to Netanyahu and to MKs from the right: We don’t want your condemnations and we don’t want your soul-searching. There is a connection between the violence in Beit El, the incursion in Sa-Nur, the arson in Douma and the stabbings at the Pride Parade,” Gal-On asserted.

According to the leftist leader, who advocates a two-state solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Netanyahu has “made a career out of inciting against Arabs and leftists – from the balcony in Zion Square to campaign videos comparing Arabs to Hamas, to the ‘Arabs are voting in droves.’”

#Israel: 1000s protest against violence after #Jerusalem pride parade attack & Arson attack killed #Palestinian baby

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin gave a flamboyant speech at the rally on Zion Square.

“Flames have engulfed our country. Flames of violence, flames of hatred, flames of false, distorted and twisted beliefs. Flames which permit the shedding of blood, in the name of the Torah, in the name of the law, in the name of morality, in the name of a love for the land of Israel,” Rivlin said as quoted by Haaretz, stressing that Israel “will not become a state of anarchy.”

The rally was held under heightened security but did not go without incident. At least four youths were arrested and one police officer injured as a man attempted to breach a barricade and charge toward the crowd, while two more young Jews were detained while shouting slogans against the demonstration, according to the Israeli media.

Nic RobertsonVerified account‏@NicRobertsonCNN
#Israel as sun sets in #TelAviv Left wing group Peace Now holds protest against fire death of #Palestinian toddler


Terror must be dealt with Thousands protest spike of violence in Israel PHOTOS RT News

According to you, all these people are "self hating Jews", right Jroc?

This is old probably 200,000 dead by now do these people matter to the Jew haters? :dunno:

This is old probably 200,000 dead by now do these people matter to the Jew haters? :dunno:

Thus far we have proven the only ":Jew Hater" here is you. Here is what another Jew; Stephen Lendman has to say about it.

Israel’s Genocidal War On Palestine Rages

By Stephen Lendman

Longstanding Israeli policy calls for maximum Jews and minimum Arabs - ideally eliminating them altogether by ethnic cleansing and slow-motion genocide.

Netanyahu and likeminded fascists are the leading exponents of extremist racism - much like Hitler’s final solution for an ethnically pure Aryan state cleansed of its unwanted people. Israel wants a region of balkanized mini-states too impotent to contest its hegemonic dominance, partnered with America’s presence.

Daily events reveal Zionist viciousness. Most are largely ignored - especially in the West. On Sunday, Israeli soldiers kidnapped 21-year-old Majdi Al-Muhtaseb, beat him for no reason, and forced him to drink gasoline. It’s toxic. Exposure through ingestion or inhaling can cause cancer and other health problems - including breathing difficulties, esophageal burning, abdominal abnormalities, vision loss, bloody stool, convulsions, unconsciousness and more. Majdi was hospitalized with severe pains. His conditions is being evaluated.

Last Monday, Israel’s Ministerial Committee drafted a new so-called “anti-terrorism” law. Palestinians defending their lawful rights are targeted. The measure is expected to be approved in committee and after three Knesset readings. It expands the definition of “terrorist” organizations. Its members face imprisonment up to 25 years. Anyone providing financial, technical or other support can receive 15-year sentences.

Torture has always been official Israeli policy. Knesset members legalized it by approving excruciating force-feeding for Palestinian hunger strikers. The Orwellian titled Law to Prevent Harm of Hunger Strike flies in the face of core international humanitarian law and universally accepted medical ethics.

Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) Director Raji Sourani commented, saying:

“Hunger strike is the last resort for a Palestinian prisoner. When all other means fail, a prisoner resorts to struggle using of his body cells and empty stomach in protest against inhuman detention conditions and to claim his legitimate rights as enshrined in international law, including international human rights law and international humanitarian law.”

“This has become impossible after this latest amendment. (It’s approval) reflects the state of moral retrogression of Israel, which perpetrates violations of international human rights law and humanitarian law in cold blood with consent of state official bodies and the Knesset.”

UN Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment Juan Mendez said “(i)t is not acceptable to force-feed or use threats of force-feeding or other physical or psychological coercion against individuals who have opted for the extreme recourse of a hunger strike to protest against their detention without charge and conditions of detention and treatment.” “Feeding induced by threats, coercion, force or use of physical restraints are tantamount to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.”

PLO Executive Committee official Hanan Ashrawi said “Israel is deliberately and willfully defying international consensus to create ‘Greater Israel’ on historical Palestine.” “With its rapid, intensive and overwhelming violations, Israel has gone completely out of control, and it is quantitatively making it impossible for the international community to pursue these violations systematically.”

On Sunday, Israeli forces again attacked Palestinian Al-Aqsa Mosque worshipers - to let about 30 extremist Jews enter the compound (where they don’t belong) under armed police escort. The Palestinian Al Haq human rights group called the immolation of 18-month-old Ali Dawabsha “emblematic of Israel’s settlement enterprise” and complicity with extremist settlers.

It said near-daily settler attacks on Palestinians reflect “institutionalized impunity” - authorities turning a blind eye to crimes demanding punishment.

Israeli police and Shin Bet security officials “identified a pattern of pre-dawn attempts to set Palestinian houses on fire, with the intent of burning it along with its inhabitants,” but did nothing to confront it, according to media reports said Al Haq. These crimes have unofficial state sanctioning. Outrage expressed by Netanyahu and other Israeli officials belie their ethnic cleansing war on Palestine.

Al Haq quoted a UN Human Rights Council Fact-Finding Mission saying “the motivation behind this violence and the intimidation against the Palestinians as well as their properties is to drive the local populations away from their lands and allow the settlements to expand.”

Justice for Palestinians is incompatible with Israel’s lawless settlement enterprise - on stolen Palestinian land, expanding at the expense of forcibly displaced residents, punctuated by near-daily acts of security force and settler violence.

Life in Occupied Palestine reflects systematic Israeli state terror against an entire population. Each incident reveals the greater evil.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Flashpoint in Ukraine Stephen Lendman

Another "self hating Jew", right Jroc?
I guess you don't care about those 100s of thousands of dead muslims..Your psychoses wont allow it:uhoh3:

I guess you don't care about those 100s of thousands of dead muslims..Your psychoses wont allow it:uhoh3:

Killed by the IDF playing "dress up" as ISIS.


a mental disorder characterized by symptoms,such as delusions
or hallucinations,that indicate impaired contact with reality

Thank you for pointing that out. I have another thread which shows 40% of Jews possess a gene that causes psychosis.

Maybe you're one of them.
That fake Talmud stuff is not original, sorry Jew hater..Jew haters cant really think for themselves it's like a cult:uhoh3:

I was born a Jew; Mr. Zionist. Who says it is "fake" Talmud stuff? You? A Zionist? One of the worst liars in the whole world? I know what is fake and what isn't.

The fact is, you can't refute the truth of what Mr. Amayreh says so instead you deflect by "attacking the messenger". So, in reality it is you that is the Jew hater.

Mr. Amayreh continues...

Numerous rabbis, past and present, made unequivocal and unmistakable statements enthusiastically supporting the notion of genocide against the Palestinian people. A few years ago, a Jewish settler leader affiliated with the messianic Jewish movement “Gush Emunim” was quoted as saying that “the proper way to deal with the Palestinians is the Biblical way,” an allusion to genocide.

The Rabbi's of the Devil

More to the point, there is more to Jewish Nazism than just the sheer number of its Palestinian victims, although the numbers are not small by any means. Take for example the 2000 Palestinians murdered and the estimated 11000 maimed in the ongoing Judeo-Nazi blitzkrieg against Gaza so far. In proportion to the size of population, this would be like having about a million Americans murdered and maimed, and this happens during just “one military operation.”

Besides, Nazism, whether Jewish or Aryan, is not only about the sheer number of victims. It is also about a mental depravity, a criminal mindset, an evil intent, a barbarian value-system and a satanic ideology. Just watch how Judeo-Nazi Israelis are now celebrating the mass murder and mass destruction of Gaza.

In fact, there is a striking similarity between the various aspects of Jewish Nazism and Aryan Nazism. The Germans had the Mein Kampf, the Judeo-Nazis have the Talmud, the Chesront Shas and the Tanya, and the Germans had the Ubermenschen and the Untermenschen while Jews have the goyem concept, which dehumanizes non-Jews in a nefariously shocking manner. The Germans had the Lebensraum concept and the Zionist Jews have the settlements. The German Nazis taught that non-Aryans were lesser or infra-humans, while synagogues in Israel and around the world shamelessly teach that the lives of non-Jews have no sanctity.

Needless to say, this evil Talmudic indoctrination functions as the ideological underpinnings of the genocidal crimes being perpetrated by the Nazis of our time, the Israelis. This is the reason that makes thousands of Israeli Jews, gleefully and sadistically, celebrate the mass murder of Palestinian civilians.

I don’t know when the world can ever call Israel “Nazi” after all that Israel has done and is doing.

The unspoken words of many Zionist Jews would suggest that the world must refrain from calling Israel Nazi unless Israel murders six million Palestinians?!!!!

But this is an expression of absolute evilness by every standard of imagination. In the final analysis, if Israel were to suffer even a fraction of what it has inflicted on the Palestinians, Israeli leaders would not hesitate to call it a holocaust and pathological Jewish liars like Binyamin Netanyahu and Elie Weisel would immediately invoke Auschwitz, Bergen Belsen, Dachau and Mauthauzen.!!!

In fact, they are already doing this although less than ten Israeli settlers have been killed.

In light, it is perfectly legitimate to call Israel the Nazis of our time, if only because Israelis are thinking, behaving and acting in Nazi-like manner.

To be continued.

LOL.. "Palestinians" where just invented 50 years ago, they aren't in the Talmud..Take your medication you're slobbering all over yourself:eusa_drool:

You're dealing with a crackpot here, JRoc. Notice how he brings up a church torched by Israelis, but never would think to bring up all the houses of worship and religious shrines destroyed in Muslim countries.
Two Jewish Terrorists Charged In Historic-Church Arson


Two Israeli men, described by authorities as Jewish extremists, were charged on Wednesday with torching part of a church at the site where Christians believe Jesus performed the miracle of the loaves and fishes.

The June 18 arson attack followed more than 40 suspected hate crimes committed against churches, mosques and monasteries in Israel and then West Bank and East Jerusalem since 2009, with only a handful of indictments handed down.In a statement, the Shin Bet identified the two suspects, aged 19 and 20 and wearing kippahs in court, as followers of an “extremist ideology” that believes that “only someone who fights Christianity can call himself a Jew”.

No pleas were entered during the court hearing in Nazareth.The limestone Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes, on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee, was constructed in the 1980s and is overseen by the Benedictine Order.It was built on the site of 4th and 5th century churches that commemorated what Christian faithful revere as Jesus’s miraculous feeding of 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish.

The fire damaged the church’s roof, and a verse from a Hebrew prayer denouncing the worship of “false gods” was spray-painted in red on a wall.Father Matthias Karl, a German monk from the church, said a souvenir shop, an office for pilgrims and a meeting room were badly damaged, and Bibles and prayer books were destroyed in the fire.

“It’s totally destroyed.

The fire was very active,” he said. A monk and a church volunteer were hospitalized from smoke inhalation, but the prayer area of the church was unaffected by the fire, he said.

More here:

And they were hunted down and charged with the cowardly act. Israel protects it's religion as ethnic minorities.

However, all over the Muslim world Churches are being burned, Christians are being raped and slaughtered and the governments of these countries encourage it. The communities view the as heroes.

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Two Jewish Terrorists Charged In Historic-Church Arson


Two Israeli men, described by authorities as Jewish extremists, were charged on Wednesday with torching part of a church at the site where Christians believe Jesus performed the miracle of the loaves and fishes.

The June 18 arson attack followed more than 40 suspected hate crimes committed against churches, mosques and monasteries in Israel and then West Bank and East Jerusalem since 2009, with only a handful of indictments handed down.In a statement, the Shin Bet identified the two suspects, aged 19 and 20 and wearing kippahs in court, as followers of an “extremist ideology” that believes that “only someone who fights Christianity can call himself a Jew”.

No pleas were entered during the court hearing in Nazareth.The limestone Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes, on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee, was constructed in the 1980s and is overseen by the Benedictine Order.It was built on the site of 4th and 5th century churches that commemorated what Christian faithful revere as Jesus’s miraculous feeding of 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish.

The fire damaged the church’s roof, and a verse from a Hebrew prayer denouncing the worship of “false gods” was spray-painted in red on a wall.Father Matthias Karl, a German monk from the church, said a souvenir shop, an office for pilgrims and a meeting room were badly damaged, and Bibles and prayer books were destroyed in the fire.

“It’s totally destroyed.

The fire was very active,” he said. A monk and a church volunteer were hospitalized from smoke inhalation, but the prayer area of the church was unaffected by the fire, he said.

More here:

Why do you feel it necessary to post in large bold type? Is the audience you're trying to reach really old and have problems with their eyesight? Maybe you can't rely on the force of argument, so you think that being loud and obnoxious helps you cover up your weaknesses. People with obvious insecurities like to attract attention to themselves.

All my life I opposed the death penalty and have written about its evils ….

In Israel, capital punishment is allowed only during and only for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, crimes against the Jewish people, treason, and certain crimes under military law during wartime. The current Arab-Israel conflict is considered a war, and the committing of any of the crimes can result in the death penalty. Israel inherited the British Mandate of Palestine code of law, which included the death penalty for several offenses, but in 1954, Israel abolished the penalty for murder. (FROM)

BUT ……

When an 18 month old is brutally burnt to death by rampaging settlers in the Occupied West Bank, is there any other punishment that fits the crime?


Relatives carry the body of Palestinian toddler Ali Saad Dawabsha, through the streets of the West Bank village of Duma during his funeral on July 31, 2015. (AFP/ Thomas Coex)

President Mahmoud Abbas called for an investigation by the International Criminal Court in The Hague, while senior PA official Riyad al-Maliki rejected Israeli condemnations of the attack as hollow.

“We refuse to accept any official Israeli condemnation of the terrorist crime; they hold direct responsibility for the crime by their ongoing silence and deliberate ignoring and rejection of labeling these groups as terrorists,” al-Maliki said.

The United States Consul Donald Blome also expressed condolences to the Dawabsha family, referring to the arson as a terrorist attack and condemning what it termed a “crime of hate.”

While the US State Department’s 2013 Country Reports on Terrorism included “price-tag” attacks — attacks by extremist Israeli settlers — for the first time, it noted such attacks were “largely unprosecuted.”

Full report HERE

Well …

The time has come for these crimes to be prosecuted, and as I see it there is only one punishment that fits such crimes, the death penalty!

The difference is when an Israeli commits a crime they will often get punished for it. When a muslim commits a crime against Israel, they will get praise for it

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That fake Talmud stuff is not original, sorry Jew hater..Jew haters cant really think for themselves it's like a cult:uhoh3:

I was born a Jew; Mr. Zionist. Who says it is "fake" Talmud stuff? You? A Zionist? One of the worst liars in the whole world? I know what is fake and what isn't.

The fact is, you can't refute the truth of what Mr. Amayreh says so instead you deflect by "attacking the messenger". So, in reality it is you that is the Jew hater.

Mr. Amayreh continues...

Numerous rabbis, past and present, made unequivocal and unmistakable statements enthusiastically supporting the notion of genocide against the Palestinian people. A few years ago, a Jewish settler leader affiliated with the messianic Jewish movement “Gush Emunim” was quoted as saying that “the proper way to deal with the Palestinians is the Biblical way,” an allusion to genocide.

The Rabbi's of the Devil

More to the point, there is more to Jewish Nazism than just the sheer number of its Palestinian victims, although the numbers are not small by any means. Take for example the 2000 Palestinians murdered and the estimated 11000 maimed in the ongoing Judeo-Nazi blitzkrieg against Gaza so far. In proportion to the size of population, this would be like having about a million Americans murdered and maimed, and this happens during just “one military operation.”

Besides, Nazism, whether Jewish or Aryan, is not only about the sheer number of victims. It is also about a mental depravity, a criminal mindset, an evil intent, a barbarian value-system and a satanic ideology. Just watch how Judeo-Nazi Israelis are now celebrating the mass murder and mass destruction of Gaza.

In fact, there is a striking similarity between the various aspects of Jewish Nazism and Aryan Nazism. The Germans had the Mein Kampf, the Judeo-Nazis have the Talmud, the Chesront Shas and the Tanya, and the Germans had the Ubermenschen and the Untermenschen while Jews have the goyem concept, which dehumanizes non-Jews in a nefariously shocking manner. The Germans had the Lebensraum concept and the Zionist Jews have the settlements. The German Nazis taught that non-Aryans were lesser or infra-humans, while synagogues in Israel and around the world shamelessly teach that the lives of non-Jews have no sanctity.

Needless to say, this evil Talmudic indoctrination functions as the ideological underpinnings of the genocidal crimes being perpetrated by the Nazis of our time, the Israelis. This is the reason that makes thousands of Israeli Jews, gleefully and sadistically, celebrate the mass murder of Palestinian civilians.

I don’t know when the world can ever call Israel “Nazi” after all that Israel has done and is doing.

The unspoken words of many Zionist Jews would suggest that the world must refrain from calling Israel Nazi unless Israel murders six million Palestinians?!!!!

But this is an expression of absolute evilness by every standard of imagination. In the final analysis, if Israel were to suffer even a fraction of what it has inflicted on the Palestinians, Israeli leaders would not hesitate to call it a holocaust and pathological Jewish liars like Binyamin Netanyahu and Elie Weisel would immediately invoke Auschwitz, Bergen Belsen, Dachau and Mauthauzen.!!!

In fact, they are already doing this although less than ten Israeli settlers have been killed.

In light, it is perfectly legitimate to call Israel the Nazis of our time, if only because Israelis are thinking, behaving and acting in Nazi-like manner.

To be continued.

LOL.. "Palestinians" where just invented 50 years ago, they aren't in the Talmud..Take your medication you're slobbering all over yourself:eusa_drool:

THAT'S hilarious. Israelis were only invented back in 1947. Before that they were known as ... The Wandering Who.

Maybe it's time you read Shlomo Sands "The Invention of the Jewish People", eh?

Some history and facts for you...

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“Israel has not changed for the worse, it’s always been bad”


Israeli parenting FAIL !

The quote above is from an article by Avigail Abarbanel published on theMondoweiss website under the headline “It’s time for American Jews to recognize that they have been duped” (by Zionism).

Who is Avigail Abarbanel?

This very courageous Jewish woman who now lives in Scotland is a psychotherapist (which means that she treats psychological disorders). She was born in Tel Aviv in 1964. During her two years of compulsory service with the Israeli army, in which she became a staff sergeant, it invaded Lebanon. In 1991 she left Israel to make a new life in Australia. (I quote below her explanation of why she abandoned Israel). In 2001 she renounced her Israeli citizenship.

That done she became an activist for Palestinian rights. She supports a one-state solution and a full right of return for Palestinian refugees and their descendants. She says:

To state it clearly, I no longer believe that Israel has a right to exist as an exclusively Jewish state at the expense of the Palestinian people.

Her explanation of why she supports BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) as a non-violent way to try to pressure Israel to abandon its occupation and to transform itself into a free and democratic state for all of its people is this:

I support BDS because given Israel’s psychology and philosophy of life, I do not see any hope that it will ever change its ways of its own accord.

Avigail’s article is an expression of her frustration and at times fury at what she regards as the “disconnect” in so many Western Jewish minds. Her main point is that many American and other Western Jews who are becoming increasingly uncomfortable and even troubled by Israel’s policies and actions are wrong to believe that Israel “has suddenly got worse and become immoral.” She puts it this way:

Still steeped in Israel’s Zionist mythology fuelled by generations of Israeli hasbara [propaganda] efforts, Western Jews truly believe that Israel used to be better but that it has gotten worse, moved to the right. Israel has always been right-wing, if right-wing in this context means committing and then whitewashing Zionist settler-colonialism and its obvious and characteristic evils. Israel has not changed for the worse, it’s always been bad.

The psychological rot in the Israeli psyche runs deep and I felt it from the moment I became aware of myself. In hindsight I know that this is why I left in 1991. I left to save my life and my sanity. Israeli society has always been sick because you can’t build something healthy on a criminal foundation, where so much abuse has been, and still is being, inflicted on others. Not everyone in Israel is a psychopath. Ordinary people don’t do so well when they live a lie and cover up evil deeds. Just watch the psychology in families where child abuse is committed and not acknowledged. It’s torturous. American Jews either do not know or refuse to acknowledge that Israel is a settler colonial project. If they knew or if they acknowledge it, would it make a difference to their opinion?

I will not trust American Jews and their supposed left-liberal values until I see intellectual honesty. I want to see true human courage to cope with the feelings that facing the truth about Israel can bring up. As long as they exclude the Palestinians, I won’t believe or trust any good deeds, or any humanitarian sentiments that Jews around the world have for marginalised, oppressed groups. Until they show true moral courage and conviction indiscriminately, I am just not buying it.

I don’t have time or respect for those who are Progressive Except on Palestine (PEP). I am not being paid a commission by Ilan Pappe’s publishers but I will not be able to respect Western Jews until The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (Ilan’s book)becomes an essential read for every member of the Jewish community out there and until things are discussed honestly.

Wilful blindness means you base your views on fiction or a distorted version of reality, and this leads to a schizophrenic, nonsensical existence. But even more importantly it is nothing less than full collusion with a massive crime against humanity. I hold every Zionist Western Jew who is an apologist for Israel, or who supports it, complicit in Israel’s crimes. The truth is out there for everyone to read about and see in great details. There is no excuse for this kind of dishonesty. It is time American Jews faced the truth and drew the obvious conclusions from it.

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mondeweiss is a propaganda site---bobby---always good to avoid any such sites----I do not even quote people like Robert Spencer-----a very scholarly type simply because he is too AGENDAED-----As to your thread title----try to learn a bit of English-----that the two young jerky kids did to the church was not "TERRORISM"----it was ****VANDALISM***** very serious vandalism because it is an important
shrine-----but vandalism,, nevertheless-----on the level of the recent bombing of the "TOMB OF JONAH" in Iraq. Serious vandalism------Terrorism is stuff like your scum do ----eg. tie bombs to the asses of whorish sisters in order to
jump into crowds of kids and murder them for the glory of allah.
Try harder bobby, you are making a fool of yourself INCESSNTLY
Why Israel is suddenly owning up to its terrorism
By calling Friday's arson attack a terrorist act, the Israelis are hoping to avoid the full force of international law.


This attack was unprovoked by the Palestinians and has shocked both the Israeli and Palestinian communities, writes Kuttab [AP]

After over a year of total silence, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made two phone calls to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in as many weeks.
The first of the calls was one of protocol regarding the start of the Eid al-Fitr festivities but the other call, the more important of the two, was made after Israeli Jewish settlers burned a Palestinian toddler and his family alive.

The attack occurred in the village of Duma in the occupied West Bank. The toddler, 18-month-old Ali Dawabasheh, died in the incident, and his family was left seriously injured and mourning the loss of their youngest son.

This particular attack was unprovoked by the Palestinians and has shocked both the Israeli and Palestinian communities at large. Instead of being an attack of retaliation, this case was prompted by an internal Israeli conflict, the context of which has escaped many.

The Israeli army, after much hesitation, succumbed to clear orders from the Israeli High Court and destroyed two homes built illegally (according to Israeli law) on private Palestinian land near Ramallah.

Aim of the attack

The aim of the settler attack on Palestinians in the village of Duma was to embarrass the pro-settlement Israeli government even though it had simultaneously approved the building, "immediately", of 804 new Jewish settlements in Beit Eli and in Jerusalem.

The settlers' heinous attack, which probably came from the nearby Maleh Efraim settlement, is said to be part of a continuous wave of attacks on Palestinians by settlers that carry the name "price tag" - which refers to the price for Israeli government attempts to restrict Jewish settlement activities.

The perpetrators, who scrawled Hebrew graffiti meaning "revenge" and a Jewish Star of David, were protesting an event that happened in another settlement - namely the government destruction of a house built by Israeli settlers on private Palestinian lands near the settlement of Beit Eli.

The horrible death of the child and his family seems to have rattled Netanyahu who responded by calling the killing a "terrorist" act which supposedly set it apart from the what the UN has documented as 2,100 acts of violence against Palestinians, their religious institutions, their homes, and other Palestinian-owned properties, committed by Jewish settlers since 2006.

This attack has been defined as "terrorism" simply because Israel is petrified of the possibility that this incident could open up a "Pandora's box" of questions regarding the legitimacy of the settlement enterprise and policy in its entirety.

Taking the heat off

Israel specifically made this choice to take some of the international heat off. Recently, Abbas has decided to use Palestine's newfound International Criminal Court membership to call for a formal investigation into war crimes committed by Israeli occupation forces. At the opening of an emergency meeting in Ramallah, held by the Palestinian leadership on July 31, Abbas said that he had instructed his foreign minister to prepare a case against Israel for this war crime as part of the larger dossier about the entire settlement enterprise.

He said that since 2004, settlers had committed 11,000 attacks against Palestinians, and that all those cases were registered by Israel as acts committed by unknowns after superficial investigations for a few hours, and then the cases were closed. The question of whether or not the occupying power carried out proper investigations of these crimes and had held the responsible parties accountable is crucial to the case against Israeli army officials.

International law, and specifically the Fourth Geneva Convention- relative to the protection of civilians in time of war, makes clear that an occupying power is not allowed to transfer its citizens into occupied areas. An occupying army - and therefore its soldiers and commanders - are entrusted with protecting the civilian population. Therefore, any war crimes committed against the civilian population are ultimately the responsibility of the occupying officers.

Israel's illegal policy

Jewish settlement practises are clearly in violation of this convention and international law. This reality is further cemented by the International Court of Justice ruling in a case presented by Jordan in 2004. The ruling ended Israeli-initiated legal discussions disputing the status of the West Bank as occupied territory and that the Fourth Geneva Convention applies to it.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon formally condemned the attack and blasted what hereferred to as "repeated acts of settler violence" and "Israel's illegal settlements". The US Department of State has also condemned the attack going along with Netanyahu's description that it was a "terrorist" act. Israelis from all political parties also condemned the attack.

By calling this particular act a "terrorist act", and ignoring the larger crimes of the entire settlement enterprise, the Israelis are hoping to avoid the full force of international law and the downward spiral in international opinion such a trial would inspire.

The senseless death of Ali Dawbashe, and the maiming of his family, have refocused local, regional, and world attention on the Palestinian cause.

A simple phone call by Netanyahu to Abbas, and the description that this act and this act alone is a "terrorist" act, will not wash away the deeply rooted stains of this conflict.

The only way that this issue can be dealt with is through a clear and serious effort to end the decades-old military occupation and the illegal colonial settlement enterprise that it protects.

Why Israel is suddenly owning up to its terrorism - Al Jazeera English

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