Twitter "bots" crackdown is taking down fervent President Trump supporters

Meh, they're a private company. There's not really anything that can be done about it.
Twitter 'bots' crackdown sweeps up Trump supporters who tweet very often

Yeah no one believes Twitter is doing this on accident...its an attempt at censorship much like China does...Ban ANY supportive messaging for one party...Full blown totalitarianism.

May be all Trump's supporters (and Trump himself) will eventually get tired of that sh*t and leave Twitter? I wonder what will happen to Twitter in this case when it becomes just a virtual crowd of brainwashed idiots...
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If the "bots" posting the countless lies in support the idiot trump and his corrupt administration on these message boards were eliminated, USMB would lose well over half its membership.

Twitter 'bots' crackdown sweeps up Trump supporters who tweet very often

Yeah no one believes Twitter is doing this on accident...its an attempt at censorship much like China does...Ban ANY supportive messaging for one party...Full blown totalitarianism.
I believe it's an accident. They are obviously retweeting the same junk the actual Russian bots are.

Plus, Twitter is a private company and can refuse service to whomever they choose within certain limits.
Oh yea its an ACCIDENT that ONLY Trump supporters are being censored,suspended and shadowbanned...damnit I need some of these rose colored glasses liberals wear.
Meh, they're a private company. There's not really anything that can be done about it.
Oh according to President Trump something WILL be done about the censorship.
Lol, like what?
Nice hefty fines to start sounds good...
Twitter 'bots' crackdown sweeps up Trump supporters who tweet very often

Yeah no one believes Twitter is doing this on accident...its an attempt at censorship much like China does...Ban ANY supportive messaging for one party...Full blown totalitarianism.
I believe it's an accident. They are obviously retweeting the same junk the actual Russian bots are.

Plus, Twitter is a private company and can refuse service to whomever they choose within certain limits.
So were the bakers! Hypocrite!
Twitter 'bots' crackdown sweeps up Trump supporters who tweet very often

Yeah no one believes Twitter is doing this on accident...its an attempt at censorship much like China does...Ban ANY supportive messaging for one party...Full blown totalitarianism.
I believe it's an accident. They are obviously retweeting the same junk the actual Russian bots are.

Plus, Twitter is a private company and can refuse service to whomever they choose within certain limits.
Oh yea its an ACCIDENT that ONLY Trump supporters are being censored,suspended and shadowbanned...damnit I need some of these rose colored glasses liberals wear.
Meh, they're a private company. There's not really anything that can be done about it.
Oh according to President Trump something WILL be done about the censorship.
Lol, like what?
Nice hefty fines to start sounds good...
Only tRumpkins spend the day sitting around retweeting fake news.

And why would Twitter get fined for running their business in a legal way?
Twitter 'bots' crackdown sweeps up Trump supporters who tweet very often

Yeah no one believes Twitter is doing this on accident...its an attempt at censorship much like China does...Ban ANY supportive messaging for one party...Full blown totalitarianism.
I believe it's an accident. They are obviously retweeting the same junk the actual Russian bots are.

Plus, Twitter is a private company and can refuse service to whomever they choose within certain limits.
So were the bakers! Hypocrite!
Supreme Court has ruled, you and your ilk danced in the streets. Now you're kinda stuck.

Sucks to be you huh?
Twitter 'bots' crackdown sweeps up Trump supporters who tweet very often

Yeah no one believes Twitter is doing this on accident...its an attempt at censorship much like China does...Ban ANY supportive messaging for one party...Full blown totalitarianism.
I believe it's an accident. They are obviously retweeting the same junk the actual Russian bots are.

Plus, Twitter is a private company and can refuse service to whomever they choose within certain limits.
Oh yea its an ACCIDENT that ONLY Trump supporters are being censored,suspended and shadowbanned...damnit I need some of these rose colored glasses liberals wear.
Meh, they're a private company. There's not really anything that can be done about it.
Oh according to President Trump something WILL be done about the censorship.
Lol, like what?
Nice hefty fines to start sounds good...
Only tRumpkins spend the day sitting around retweeting fake news.

And why would Twitter get fined for running their business in a legal way?
Maybe they are retired people? Maybe they work at a computer all day and have twitter up? Maybe they are college students like me online A LOT...and no censorship is NOT legal its discrimination...I am sure you are familiar with lefties HATE discrimination...well not if its against your political enemies you don't so nvm.
Twitter 'bots' crackdown sweeps up Trump supporters who tweet very often

Yeah no one believes Twitter is doing this on accident...its an attempt at censorship much like China does...Ban ANY supportive messaging for one party...Full blown totalitarianism.
I believe it's an accident. They are obviously retweeting the same junk the actual Russian bots are.

Plus, Twitter is a private company and can refuse service to whomever they choose within certain limits.
Oh yea its an ACCIDENT that ONLY Trump supporters are being censored,suspended and shadowbanned...damnit I need some of these rose colored glasses liberals wear.
Meh, they're a private company. There's not really anything that can be done about it.
Oh according to President Trump something WILL be done about the censorship.
Lol, like what?
Nice hefty fines to start sounds good...
Only tRumpkins spend the day sitting around retweeting fake news.

And why would Twitter get fined for running their business in a legal way?
Maybe they are retired people? Maybe they work at a computer all day and have twitter up? Maybe they are college students like me online A LOT...and no censorship is NOT legal its discrimination...I am sure you are familiar with lefties HATE discrimination...well not if its against your political enemies you don't so nvm.

If they worked they wouldn't have time.
It's not censorship. Twitter is a private company.

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