TV Advertising pushing social agendas with role reversal and transgenders

Reality is that it's not worth the hassle not to bow to the demands of the left. Why should a business stand up for any social/moral/political viewpoint? So they can lose a theoretical half of their customers? If they put out an ad that offends the hive mind like leftists they are punished, if they don't, they're not - because righties don't typically play those childish games. Most righties don't really care if the woman is acting like a man, and the man acting like a woman, they don't care if some parent decides their little boy can play with girls toys. It has no effect on their life so they tend to just go "wierd" and move on with their busy lives. Lefties on the other hand throw massive tantrums, and because the media is predominantly left-wing, they have a pretty easy time going national with their silly offenses (see the brew-ha-ha over the "lighter is better" commercial for the most recent example I can think of.)

It is never in a businesses interest to offend anyone, but if they're forced to chose whom to "offend", they'll always chose to piss off the 2% who get their panties in a bundle over shit like interracial couples and who have limited ability to cause a national scene over it.
Get a DVR and never be subjected to the garbage again.

I don't remember the last commercial I saw on regular TV.

I don't watch regular TV. I do watch some shows on Hulu, I pay I think $6.99 a month for "limited commercials" and this is where I am seeing them.
Other than that I don't see commercials at all. We also watch Netflix and stream rent from VUDU and Fandango.
All a waste of money. All of that content is free with the proper apps from the internet.
We have all seen the TV ads showing sex role reversals; the man asleep, exhausted after taking care of their baby - and the woman wearing overalls and putting together the crib...the tough looking construction guy sitting in his big tough truck...with a tiny woman in a little car - jump starting his vehicle while he sits inside keeping warm. And on and on.
And recently we are now seeing TV ads showing transgender parents, and even transgender KIDS.

Advertising agencies are actively trying to push a reality that isn't there.


The reality is here already. What you are complaining about is that advertising agencies don't "push" the stereotypes that you folks want to force on American society. People aren't stereotypes, they are individual people. Why should advertisers be concerned with complying with your opinions? Stop whining.

Only of you will stop trolling

Since when is disagreeing with you "trolling"?

But seeing an advertisement for say Tide detergent, and a kid comes running in with dirt all over them and the kid takes off the helmet and it is a girl, meanwhile you also see her brother in the background practicing a baton....your right...I would compltely forget who the commercial was for and only think how dumb it is
Yes, females play sports that require helmets. Take a look at our U.S. Women's Hockey Team, who won us a gold medal:

Gold Medal-Winning 2018 U.S. Olympic Women’s Ice Hockey Team Returns Home to Celebrate in Multiple U.S. Markets

And males perform with batons. Sometimes they use rifles or drumsticks instead of batons. Ever see a drum-line, a close-order drill, a marching band?

Yes that is by definition trolling.
Trolling is providing a ridiculous, or exaggerated argument for the sake of arguing.

And what of my comments was ridiculous or exaggerated?
We have all seen the TV ads showing sex role reversals; the man asleep, exhausted after taking care of their baby - and the woman wearing overalls and putting together the crib...the tough looking construction guy sitting in his big tough truck...with a tiny woman in a little car - jump starting his vehicle while he sits inside keeping warm. And on and on.
And recently we are now seeing TV ads showing transgender parents, and even transgender KIDS.

Advertising agencies are actively trying to push a reality that isn't there.


The reality is here already. What you are complaining about is that advertising agencies don't "push" the stereotypes that you folks want to force on American society. People aren't stereotypes, they are individual people. Why should advertisers be concerned with complying with your opinions? Stop whining.

Only of you will stop trolling

Since when is disagreeing with you "trolling"?

But seeing an advertisement for say Tide detergent, and a kid comes running in with dirt all over them and the kid takes off the helmet and it is a girl, meanwhile you also see her brother in the background practicing a baton....your right...I would compltely forget who the commercial was for and only think how dumb it is
Yes, females play sports that require helmets. Take a look at our U.S. Women's Hockey Team, who won us a gold medal:

Gold Medal-Winning 2018 U.S. Olympic Women’s Ice Hockey Team Returns Home to Celebrate in Multiple U.S. Markets

And males perform with batons. Sometimes they use rifles or drumsticks instead of batons. Ever see a drum-line, a close-order drill, a marching band?

Yes that is by definition trolling.
Trolling is providing a ridiculous, or exaggerated argument for the sake of arguing.

And what of my comments was ridiculous or exaggerated?

Sure, it is completely normal in a family for the man to be sleeping with their baby in his arms while his wife is holding a drill putting together the crib...absolutely...happens all the time. All women are excellent with power tools! Men suck at it.
And it is a regular sight during the winter to see a guy in a big working truck to be stuck and a woman is jump starting him while he stays warm in the truck...what kind of a woman would let a man be outside in the cold? Outrageous!
And what junior football team is not mostly girls? And of course boys would be home twirling batons! Just how many weird boys go outside and play sports?? That's what girls do. That would be odd.

See how that works?
The reality is here already. What you are complaining about is that advertising agencies don't "push" the stereotypes that you folks want to force on American society. People aren't stereotypes, they are individual people. Why should advertisers be concerned with complying with your opinions? Stop whining.

Only of you will stop trolling

Since when is disagreeing with you "trolling"?

But seeing an advertisement for say Tide detergent, and a kid comes running in with dirt all over them and the kid takes off the helmet and it is a girl, meanwhile you also see her brother in the background practicing a baton....your right...I would compltely forget who the commercial was for and only think how dumb it is
Yes, females play sports that require helmets. Take a look at our U.S. Women's Hockey Team, who won us a gold medal:

Gold Medal-Winning 2018 U.S. Olympic Women’s Ice Hockey Team Returns Home to Celebrate in Multiple U.S. Markets

And males perform with batons. Sometimes they use rifles or drumsticks instead of batons. Ever see a drum-line, a close-order drill, a marching band?

Yes that is by definition trolling.
Trolling is providing a ridiculous, or exaggerated argument for the sake of arguing.

And what of my comments was ridiculous or exaggerated?

Sure, it is completely normal in a family for the man to be sleeping with their baby in his arms while his wife is holding a drill putting together the crib...absolutely...happens all the time. All women are excellent with power tools! Men suck at it.
And it is a regular sight during the winter to see a guy in a big working truck to be stuck and a woman is jump starting him while he stays warm in the truck...what kind of a woman would let a man be outside in the cold? Outrageous!
And what junior football team is not mostly girls? And of course boys would be home twirling batons! Just how many weird boys go outside and play sports?? That's what girls do. That would be odd.

See how that works?
You obviously do not know my daughter!
But, seriously, who cares about commercials? The only ones that have an affect on me are those with mouth-watering, delicious-looking ingredients for a burger I would not actually buy.
Shit! Have you seen some of those chemical "cures" they hawk on TV? I'd rather suffer whatever than risk the "possible side effects"...
We have all seen the TV ads showing sex role reversals; the man asleep, exhausted after taking care of their baby - and the woman wearing overalls and putting together the crib...the tough looking construction guy sitting in his big tough truck...with a tiny woman in a little car - jump starting his vehicle while he sits inside keeping warm. And on and on.
And recently we are now seeing TV ads showing transgender parents, and even transgender KIDS.

Advertising agencies are actively trying to push a reality that isn't there.


A few questions:

1. Are you sure that the media is "pushing a social agenda" or is advertising and programing simply reflecting the social and cultural and social changes that are taking place and seen as good business practice?

2. Why are you threatened by these developments?

3. Do you think that it is healthier for a society and culture to be stagnant and cling to tradition, or, to evolve and grow into changing norms, values and lifestyles?
They are pushing multi-racial couples big time in advertising. I haven't seen the gender-confused commercials yet though. And sure, one can just change the channel and not watch. That isn't the issue, though. The issue is that those who think they are 'evolved and diverse' by accepting what is being shown are actually swallowing the insanity that a mental illness is perfectly normal. smh
Interracial couples represent mental illness? Are you seriously saying that? Have you heard of Loving V. Virginia?
The reality is here already. What you are complaining about is that advertising agencies don't "push" the stereotypes that you folks want to force on American society. People aren't stereotypes, they are individual people. Why should advertisers be concerned with complying with your opinions? Stop whining.

Only of you will stop trolling

Since when is disagreeing with you "trolling"?

But seeing an advertisement for say Tide detergent, and a kid comes running in with dirt all over them and the kid takes off the helmet and it is a girl, meanwhile you also see her brother in the background practicing a baton....your right...I would compltely forget who the commercial was for and only think how dumb it is
Yes, females play sports that require helmets. Take a look at our U.S. Women's Hockey Team, who won us a gold medal:

Gold Medal-Winning 2018 U.S. Olympic Women’s Ice Hockey Team Returns Home to Celebrate in Multiple U.S. Markets

And males perform with batons. Sometimes they use rifles or drumsticks instead of batons. Ever see a drum-line, a close-order drill, a marching band?

Yes that is by definition trolling.
Trolling is providing a ridiculous, or exaggerated argument for the sake of arguing.

And what of my comments was ridiculous or exaggerated?

Sure, it is completely normal in a family for the man to be sleeping with their baby in his arms while his wife is holding a drill putting together the crib...absolutely...happens all the time. All women are excellent with power tools! Men suck at it.
And it is a regular sight during the winter to see a guy in a big working truck to be stuck and a woman is jump starting him while he stays warm in the truck...what kind of a woman would let a man be outside in the cold? Outrageous!
And what junior football team is not mostly girls? And of course boys would be home twirling batons! Just how many weird boys go outside and play sports?? That's what girls do. That would be odd.

See how that works?
Man! YOU have issues!
Only of you will stop trolling

Since when is disagreeing with you "trolling"?

But seeing an advertisement for say Tide detergent, and a kid comes running in with dirt all over them and the kid takes off the helmet and it is a girl, meanwhile you also see her brother in the background practicing a baton....your right...I would compltely forget who the commercial was for and only think how dumb it is
Yes, females play sports that require helmets. Take a look at our U.S. Women's Hockey Team, who won us a gold medal:

Gold Medal-Winning 2018 U.S. Olympic Women’s Ice Hockey Team Returns Home to Celebrate in Multiple U.S. Markets

And males perform with batons. Sometimes they use rifles or drumsticks instead of batons. Ever see a drum-line, a close-order drill, a marching band?

Yes that is by definition trolling.
Trolling is providing a ridiculous, or exaggerated argument for the sake of arguing.

And what of my comments was ridiculous or exaggerated?

Sure, it is completely normal in a family for the man to be sleeping with their baby in his arms while his wife is holding a drill putting together the crib...absolutely...happens all the time. All women are excellent with power tools! Men suck at it.
And it is a regular sight during the winter to see a guy in a big working truck to be stuck and a woman is jump starting him while he stays warm in the truck...what kind of a woman would let a man be outside in the cold? Outrageous!
And what junior football team is not mostly girls? And of course boys would be home twirling batons! Just how many weird boys go outside and play sports?? That's what girls do. That would be odd.

See how that works?
You obviously do not know my daughter!
But, seriously, who cares about commercials? The only ones that have an affect on me are those with mouth-watering, delicious-looking ingredients for a burger I would not actually buy.
Shit! Have you seen some of those chemical "cures" they hawk on TV? I'd rather suffer whatever than risk the "possible side effects"...

I love those. They promote the drug and then basically say that if you have these horrid symptoms, you probably should not be taking this drug. I used to love the "ED" ads, too. My question is why in the heck did they ever allow prescription drugs to be hawked on TV. "Ask your doctor whether Stupidia is right for you." Advertising is so lame in general. There was one for a skin-care product that said that it moisturizes your skin, and hydrates, too! Oh, boy.
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Don't watch TV, don't read the newspapers, don't go online, don't go into cities where there's advertising, and you too can be a neanderthal.

The FCC has a certain mandate not to allow programming or commercials which promote mental illness in children. That's the heat in the kitchen your cult needs to get out of.
We have all seen the TV ads showing sex role reversals; the man asleep, exhausted after taking care of their baby - and the woman wearing overalls and putting together the crib...the tough looking construction guy sitting in his big tough truck...with a tiny woman in a little car - jump starting his vehicle while he sits inside keeping warm. And on and on.
And recently we are now seeing TV ads showing transgender parents, and even transgender KIDS.

Advertising agencies are actively trying to push a reality that isn't there.


A few questions:

1. Are you sure that the media is "pushing a social agenda" or is advertising and programing simply reflecting the social and cultural and social changes that are taking place and seen as good business practice?

2. Why are you threatened by these developments?

3. Do you think that it is healthier for a society and culture to be stagnant and cling to tradition, or, to evolve and grow into changing norms, values and lifestyles?

The advertising reflects the social and cultural changes that they want to take place. As such, the content is subject to fair comment. No one need be threatened. It's like discussing a cow riding a bicycle. It's worth a passing word.

I do not see these commercials. Partly because I record everything and fast forward through all the commercials and partly because I do not pay attention to what doesn't speak to me, doesn't reflect me or the world around me. The reality that is, not the way advertising executives want it to be. We know, or we all should know, that advertising today has to take into consideration the victim class, the boycotters who want to control others and what the airways show and of course the protest class who don't want anything shown until it meets PC criteria. Whatever is left is what we get to see, only we don't have to watch.
We have all seen the TV ads showing sex role reversals; the man asleep, exhausted after taking care of their baby - and the woman wearing overalls and putting together the crib...the tough looking construction guy sitting in his big tough truck...with a tiny woman in a little car - jump starting his vehicle while he sits inside keeping warm. And on and on.
And recently we are now seeing TV ads showing transgender parents, and even transgender KIDS.

Advertising agencies are actively trying to push a reality that isn't there.


It is an attempt to suggest "normal" doesn't exist ... In that abnormal is just as normal.

Here is a study that suggests youths gender confused or transgender are twice as likely to have psychological problems.
Like ... No shit Sherlock ... :thup:

Wonder how much money they wasted figuring out the obvious?

They are pushing multi-racial couples big time in advertising. I haven't seen the gender-confused commercials yet though. And sure, one can just change the channel and not watch. That isn't the issue, though. The issue is that those who think they are 'evolved and diverse' by accepting what is being shown are actually swallowing the insanity that a mental illness is perfectly normal. smh
I have no problem with multi-racial couples at all, that has been happening since the early 1970's. But then the liberals of today are insulting the blacks of yesteryear by insinuating that fucking another mans ass, is the same as being treated equal in employment and voting....
They've been showing that in commercials?????
These so called straight guys always target the "ass fucking" for some reason...??
It always appears to be the first thing that comes to their minds. Why?
They probably shaved their legs..
They are pushing multi-racial couples big time in advertising. I haven't seen the gender-confused commercials yet though. And sure, one can just change the channel and not watch. That isn't the issue, though. The issue is that those who think they are 'evolved and diverse' by accepting what is being shown are actually swallowing the insanity that a mental illness is perfectly normal. smh
Interracial couples represent mental illness? Are you seriously saying that? Have you heard of Loving V. Virginia?

Not saying that at all. Gender-confused is the mental illness.
The worst thing commercials are doing is taking perfectly good songs and using them to sell mac and cheese, walmart crap, and various other shit.

They are pushing multi-racial couples big time in advertising. I haven't seen the gender-confused commercials yet though. And sure, one can just change the channel and not watch. That isn't the issue, though. The issue is that those who think they are 'evolved and diverse' by accepting what is being shown are actually swallowing the insanity that a mental illness is perfectly normal. smh
Interracial couples represent mental illness? Are you seriously saying that? Have you heard of Loving V. Virginia?

Not saying that at all. Gender-confused is the mental illness.
It damned sure sounded like that is what your saying . I do believe that you are the one who is confused. And, well........

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