"Turn him/her over to the government at once! -- Thoughts, Trump voters?

Trump is so corrupt, so amoral, so incompetent, that even his own people are working to protect the nation from the damage he can cause.

With Trump calling for them to be 'turned over' and accusing them of 'treason'.

Criticizing the president is not a national security issue. Nor is criticizing the president 'sedition' or 'treason'.
Yeah, well that's your biased OPINION but we don't choose or dismiss our presidents based on your opinions.
Unless or until Trump is actually impeached or convicted of something, you will just have to live with him as POTUS until we vote him out.
In the meantime do you actually believe the unelected cabal described in the NYTimes anonymous op/ed is a benevolent one working for our best interests? Can you not see the de facto coup d'etat nature of what the author describes? The "sleeper cells" that the WashPo describes? Are you kidding me?

These are people that work for and with Trump. Who would be in a better position to tell us?

Again, if Trump were an amoral incompetent, how would *you* ever know? As you've insulated yourself from any source of criticism of the president. What would it look like if Trump were an amoral incompetent.

It would look.....exactly like this.
Camel crap. I just choose not to wear angry, bitter, loony-leftard blinders when viewing the news.
We don't yet know who they are, what is their agenda, or even if they exist. We have only the words of an anonymous op/ed author who the NYTimes claims is a credible Trump admin official.

If they don't exist....then why did the Press Secretary insist that the writer of the Op-Ed piece had 'deceived' Trump and should 'resign'?

And you never answered my question: If Trump were an amoral incompetent....how would you ever know?

The answer is obvious: you never would. As you ignore *any* critic of the President. From any party. In any position. With any degree of access or experience.
Calm yourself and read my words. I said we don't know if they exist but according to the ANONYMOUS op/ed they have been hard at work thwarting and subverting the POTUS and if the WashPo is correct, they are a seditious "sleeper cell" at the highest level of our gov't and you seem only able to focus on one person's claim that Trump is incompetent.

Laughing......so you have no answer for why the Press Secretary would insist that the writer of the OP-ed piece had 'deceived' Trump and should resign if the person didn't exist.

The Washington Post never accuses anyone in the Trump administration of 'sedition'. That would be you, citing you. Alas, Trump is not the State. And being critical of the President is neither sedition, nor Treason.

We know the swamp is not a conspiracy but rather a confluence of those whose power, positions, and place at the trough is threatened by Trump and they have been spinning furiously in defense of their swamp. You also would find them to be a dangerous 5th column but seem blinded by your hatred for the POTUS.

You're almost right. The swamp is real. And its Trump and his supporters.

Trump is actively trying to corrupt the Justice Department for example, calling on Sessions to end investigations into Trump or prosecute his political enemies. Just days ago, Trump lamented that Sessions indicated republican congressmen at a poor political time. With your ilk cheering him on as Trump tries to turn the Justice Department into a political attach machine to punish and imprison his enemies and protect his allies.

And just to emphasize the point of Trump's own corrupt world view.....

"Holder protected President Obama. Totally protected him. When you look at the I.R.S. scandal, when you look at the guns for whatever, when you look at all of the tremendous, ah, real problems they had, not made-up problems like Russian collusion, these were realproblems. When you look at the things that they did, and Holder protected the president. And I have great respect for that, I’ll be honest, I have great respect for that."

Donald J. Trump

Trump is so corrupt, so amoral, so incompetent that his own people are trying to protect the country from the damage he can cause.
Ripping black babies from their mother's wombs is a Dem plank.
And mind numbingly stupid and mean spirited whining (like yours) is a Trumpkin plank.
It's all about the eugenics.
Sure! And the communism and socialism, too, don't forget! Gotta get your steps in.
Check abortion rates by race. Then change the subject.
Which is proof of the lack of access to affordable birth control in communities of color, and nothing more.

Women of color have as much right to bodily autonomy and reproductive choice as white women do, but those rights are too often abrogated by economic circumstances. Make affordable birth control widely available in ALL communities and there wouldn’t be a racial disparity in abortion.
And yet there is. The practice is a main plank in the Dem platform. 6.5% of the population getting 40% of the abortions. The plan is working perfectly.
Lol, saying bad things about the president isn't sedition.
Whoever it is, root out the cell and prosecute them all for sedition.
Nope.....but spying on him, and trying to throw him out of office on false charges is.
You can disagree with him. But when you try to destroy his administration....that's sedition.
Lol, saying bad things about the president isn't sedition.
Whoever it is, root out the cell and prosecute them all for sedition.
Nope.....but spying on him, and trying to throw him out of office on false charges is.

Alas, there's no evidence that anyone 'spied' on Trump.

Every person cited as being the source of 'spying' was either under investigation before Trump even announced his presidency......or was under surveillance after they left Trump's campaign.

Remember, the 'deep state' conspiracy isn't only gloriously fact free. Its also stupid.
Lol, saying bad things about the president isn't sedition.
Whoever it is, root out the cell and prosecute them all for sedition.
Nope.....but spying on him, and trying to throw him out of office on false charges is.
You can disagree with him. But when you try to destroy his administration....that's sedition.
I think you better check the scoreboard. Your nutty ideas have zero traction.
Holy crap. Holy shit.

Trump tweet: "...the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!”

Turn him over to the government???

Thoughts, Trump voters? Are you okay with this?

I believe it is called SEDITION, and yeah, if he really exists, which i doubt, then yes, he should be arrested.
Holy crap. Holy shit.

Trump tweet: "...the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!”

Turn him over to the government???

Thoughts, Trump voters? Are you okay with this?

I believe it is called SEDITION, and yeah, if he really exists, which i doubt, then yes, he should be arrested.

Save of course that criticizing Trump isn't sedition.

Which makes arresting the senior official rather difficult. Though your desire to is noted.
So here's an interesting tid bit. The term 'lodestar' in the Op-Ed. There is one person in the Trump administration that uses the term 'lodestar' regularly, at least 5 different times on camera that we know of so far.

He's also one of the few folks in the Trump administration that Trump couldn't fire.

Anyone wanna take a guess who he is?
Holy crap. Holy shit.

Trump tweet: "...the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!”

Turn him over to the government???

Thoughts, Trump voters? Are you okay with this?

I believe it is called SEDITION, and yeah, if he really exists, which i doubt, then yes, he should be arrested.

Save of course that criticizing Trump isn't sedition.

Which makes arresting the senior official rather difficult. Though your desire to is noted.

Actively working against the interests of the USA is however. If you are fighting against trump, you are undermining the USA, so, as usual, you're wrong.
If you are fighting against trump, you are undermining the USA
And this is where the Trump cultists are wrong. You know, you sound crazy, when you talk this way. The president is not the country.

Never said he was. But his actions are benefiting the citizens of this country. Thus when you harm him, you are harming us too. Kind of how this whole country works.
I believe it is called SEDITION
Sure, it's called that, in an authoritarian regime.
Holy crap. Holy shit.

Trump tweet: "...the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!”

Turn him over to the government???

Thoughts, Trump voters? Are you okay with this?

I believe it is called SEDITION, and yeah, if he really exists, which i doubt, then yes, he should be arrested.

Save of course that criticizing Trump isn't sedition.

Which makes arresting the senior official rather difficult. Though your desire to is noted.

Actively working against the interests of the USA is however. If you are fighting against trump, you are undermining the USA, so, as usual, you're wrong.

Trump isn't the USA.

Nor is criticizing Trump 'undermine the USA' or working against her interests. Don't drink the 'Trump= The USA' koolaid. It's nonsense.
And mind numbingly stupid and mean spirited whining (like yours) is a Trumpkin plank.
It's all about the eugenics.
Sure! And the communism and socialism, too, don't forget! Gotta get your steps in.
Check abortion rates by race. Then change the subject.
Which is proof of the lack of access to affordable birth control in communities of color, and nothing more.

Women of color have as much right to bodily autonomy and reproductive choice as white women do, but those rights are too often abrogated by economic circumstances. Make affordable birth control widely available in ALL communities and there wouldn’t be a racial disparity in abortion.
And yet there is. The practice is a main plank in the Dem platform. 6.5% of the population getting 40% of the abortions. The plan is working perfectly.
What ‘plan’?

This country is fast becoming brown; whites will be a minority within the next 20 years, if that. Democratic Party policies are all geared toward advancing this demographic shift, not thwarting it. Since the majority of mothers on welfare are white, you can’t even point to some warped connection to that, either.

It’s the Republican Party that is openly racist; I can’t imagine what twisted logic you employ in your mind to justify some notion that Democratic Party support for safe affordable abortion access for ALL women has any racial component whatsoever.

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