Tulsi Gabbard - Democrat Party is "an elitist cabal of warmongers"


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021

Tulsi tells it like it is.

We are at war with Russia over Dems and "Biden Republican" Zionist Fascist obsession with disputed territory in Ukraine.

We have debt ceiling negotiations as more and more and MORE $$$$$$ go to Ukraine.

Ukraine is completely corrupt. Victoria Nuland engineered a Zionist Fascist coup when homO was in office. Then followed the kickbacks and the secret bio labs. And they lied about those bio labs, and they have been lying all along about the kickbacks, all of them.

Ukraine is of NO US NATIONAL INTEREST. This is Zionist Fascism and a Democrat Party that sells out America for $$$ and then claims its opponents are "fascists."

Tulsi tells it like it is.

We are at war with Russia over Dems and "Biden Republican" Zionist Fascist obsession with disputed territory in Ukraine.

We have debt ceiling negotiations as more and more and MORE $$$$$$ go to Ukraine.

Ukraine is completely corrupt. Victoria Nuland engineered a Zionist Fascist coup when homO was in office. Then followed the kickbacks and the secret bio labs. And they lied about those bio labs, and they have been lying all along about the kickbacks, all of them.

Ukraine is of NO US NATIONAL INTEREST. This is Zionist Fascism and a Democrat Party that sells out America for $$$ and then claims its opponents are "fascists."
She knows how to turn a phrase. :113:

Tulsi tells it like it is.

We are at war with Russia over Dems and "Biden Republican" Zionist Fascist obsession with disputed territory in Ukraine.

We have debt ceiling negotiations as more and more and MORE $$$$$$ go to Ukraine.

Ukraine is completely corrupt. Victoria Nuland engineered a Zionist Fascist coup when homO was in office. Then followed the kickbacks and the secret bio labs. And they lied about those bio labs, and they have been lying all along about the kickbacks, all of them.

Ukraine is of NO US NATIONAL INTEREST. This is Zionist Fascism and a Democrat Party that sells out America for $$$ and then claims its opponents are "fascists."
What is Tulsi up to these days? She became a nobody after being a potential star.

Tulsi tells it like it is.

We are at war with Russia over Dems and "Biden Republican" Zionist Fascist obsession with disputed territory in Ukraine.

We have debt ceiling negotiations as more and more and MORE $$$$$$ go to Ukraine.

Ukraine is completely corrupt. Victoria Nuland engineered a Zionist Fascist coup when homO was in office. Then followed the kickbacks and the secret bio labs. And they lied about those bio labs, and they have been lying all along about the kickbacks, all of them.

Ukraine is of NO US NATIONAL INTEREST. This is Zionist Fascism and a Democrat Party that sells out America for $$$ and then claims its opponents are "fascists."

The Putin puppets speak again Gabbard is a treasonous traitor who backs Putin's land grabs.

Tulsi tells it like it is.

We are at war with Russia over Dems and "Biden Republican" Zionist Fascist obsession with disputed territory in Ukraine.

We have debt ceiling negotiations as more and more and MORE $$$$$$ go to Ukraine.

Ukraine is completely corrupt. Victoria Nuland engineered a Zionist Fascist coup when homO was in office. Then followed the kickbacks and the secret bio labs. And they lied about those bio labs, and they have been lying all along about the kickbacks, all of them.

Ukraine is of NO US NATIONAL INTEREST. This is Zionist Fascism and a Democrat Party that sells out America for $$$ and then claims its opponents are "fascists."
You lost me at "zionist". Ukraine is not on my list of concerns. And Biden handing over billions of taxpayer money unilaterally with our consent, decree or a referendum, well that is what a one party autocracy does. Democracy dies under a one party system.
What is Tulsi up to these days? She became a nobody after being a potential star.
Just my observations over the years and opinion only:

Tulsi was pretty well cancelled by the Democrats when she left a Democrat Party that embraced and pushed policies she could no longer condone and be intellectually honest.

But she is no Republican either supporting universal healthcare, cashless bail, free college and various other leftist positions and opposes private prisons and capital punishment, opposes school vouchers being used at private and parochial schools and such.

That pretty much leaves her a person with ethics, personal integrity, intellectual honesty that disqualifies her with the modern Democrat Party but holding too many leftist views to be comfortable in the Republican Party. Frankly the GOP would not want her as she would be perceived as another Cheney, Kinzinger, Murkowski, Romney though she has more ethics and personal integrity than any of those.

She is a fairly regular contributor to Fox News these days though and that should provide her with a decent income.
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Just my observations over the year and opinion only:

Tulsi was pretty well cancelled by the Democrats when she left a Democrat Party that embraced and pushed policies she could no longer condone and be intellectually honest.

She was left when she condemned Obama's actions in Syria. She cut her days as a Democrat to an end when she condemned Harris in the debates.

She was right on both issues.

But she is no Republican either supporting universal healthcare, cashless bail, free college and various other leftist positions and opposes private prisons and capital punishment, opposes school vouchers being used at private and parochial schools and such.

That pretty much leaves her a person with ethics, personal integrity, intellectual honesty that disqualified her with the modern Democrat Party but holding too many leftist views to be comfortable in the Republican Party. Frankly the GOP would not want her as she would be perceived as another Cheney, Kinzinger, Murkowski, Romney though she has more ethnics and personal integrity than any of those.

She is a fairly regular contributor to Fox News these days though and that should provide her with a decent income.

Her association with Fox concerned me but it hasn't seemed to have changed her.
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She was left when she condemned Obama's actions in Syria. She cut her days as a Democrat to an end when she condemned Harris in the debates.

She was right on both issues.

Her association with Fox concerned me but it hasn't seemed to have changed her.
To Fox's credit they are more than just a one note news agency and have always allowed all points of view to be expressed and debated. They have moved so far left without totally embracing the Marxist theology of the radical left that they really are pretty comfortable for Tulsi these days. A good fit.
have always allowed all points of view to be expressed and debated

Not quite...

Faux censors

911 truth
Co2 fraud truth
Pat Tillman truth
homO and Big Mike truth

and the recent "settlement" with Dominion Fraud Machines was much more of a full embrace of stealing our elections for good...
You lost me at "zionist"

You either do not "get it" or you passionately do not WANT to get it.

Who is pushing Ukraine?

The entire 911 crowd

the media

This jewel about homO, Biden, and Zionist fascism from Atlanta Jewish Times = Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.

You either do not "get it" or you passionately do not WANT to get it.

Who is pushing Ukraine?

The entire 911 crowd

the media

This jewel about homO, Biden, and Zionist fascism from Atlanta Jewish Times = Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.

Sorry, that doesn't fly. We get A) Bush family and WMD's that never existed, or B) Biden family fighting " existential white hate" that doesn't exist. End this.
She was left when she condemned Obama's actions in Syria. She cut her days as a Democrat to an end when she condemned Harris in the debates.

She was right on both issues.

Her association with Fox concerned me but it hasn't seemed to have changed her.
You don't have to worry about Fox. They're just a click or two to the right of CNN, but far from being “conservative.”
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Sorry that doesn't fly. We get A) Bush family and WMD's that never existed, or B) Biden family fighting Existential white hate" that doesn't exist. End this.

and unreal morons who do not notice things like

Biden was W's biggest Dem supporter, including for Gitmo, siding with Taliban over The Northern Alliance in Afghan, and making "Osama" "not a priority."

How anyone can read this below and still believe Biden is not a Zionist Fascist Jew is beyond any rational concept...

Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.

How about in his own words...

If you haven't yet figured out what Zionist Fascism has done to America

USS Liberty
Marines in Lebanon 1983
Co2 fraud
election fraud

You are more of a liability than an asset to America...

Tulsi tells it like it is.

We are at war with Russia over Dems and "Biden Republican" Zionist Fascist obsession with disputed territory in Ukraine.

We have debt ceiling negotiations as more and more and MORE $$$$$$ go to Ukraine.

Ukraine is completely corrupt. Victoria Nuland engineered a Zionist Fascist coup when homO was in office. Then followed the kickbacks and the secret bio labs. And they lied about those bio labs, and they have been lying all along about the kickbacks, all of them.

Ukraine is of NO US NATIONAL INTEREST. This is Zionist Fascism and a Democrat Party that sells out America for $$$ and then claims its opponents are "fascists."

She went from a good lawmaker to a fruitcake.

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