Tuesday will be Strange for me

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Some dividends and lots of premium expirations will show up in my account as free cashflow. I'm not supposed to donate blood since I am over 65 and between social security and other income sources it doesn't matter if I make any investment income. Still I will soon run out of watch list shares to put in my portfolio. this is getting strange. Anyone else feeling guilty about making money as other people die?
Some dividends and lots of premium expirations will show up in my account as free cashflow. I'm not supposed to donate blood since I am over 65 and between social security and other income sources it doesn't matter if I make any investment income. Still I will soon run out of watch list shares to put in my portfolio. this is getting strange. Anyone else feeling guilty about making money as other people die?
My finances have never been better.

It's about time the Chinese return the favor and make me a little money.
Some dividends and lots of premium expirations will show up in my account as free cashflow. I'm not supposed to donate blood since I am over 65 and between social security and other income sources it doesn't matter if I make any investment income. Still I will soon run out of watch list shares to put in my portfolio. this is getting strange. Anyone else feeling guilty about making money as other people die?
I lost over $300,000 back in 1999 when Bill Clinton allowed Enron and WorldCom/MCI to go belly up in his booming economy. I didnt sell. I just watched and waited, while my Home Depot and McDonnell Douglas stock took a hit. Then in 2007 when Nancy Pelosi was in charge of Congress, i lost around $600,000, but again didnt sell, but had $40,000 sitting around doing nothing so bought into CMG at $50 a share. When CMG got up to $400 a share i cashed out and invest in high paying dividend stocks because CMG didnt pay dividends. Today i make over 1/2 million a year. Do i feel guilty. No, because anyone who panics and sells out, deserves to lose their shirts, instead of riding the down, and soon it will be back up again. I have seen it again, and again, and again.

Anyone notice that Nancy Pelosi is in charge of Congress again, and again, the market tanks. You would think that liberals would learn their lesson, but then it takes a brain to learn.
My portfolio was up 11% today and I don't feel the least bit guilty. The panic has presented a lot of opportunities lately and there's nothing wrong with cashing in on other people's stupidity. I mean, I didn't create the virus OR the panic.
Some dividends and lots of premium expirations will show up in my account as free cashflow. I'm not supposed to donate blood since I am over 65 and between social security and other income sources it doesn't matter if I make any investment income. Still I will soon run out of watch list shares to put in my portfolio. this is getting strange. Anyone else feeling guilty about making money as other people die?
/----/ "I'm not supposed to donate blood since I am over 65"
I'm 68 and still give blood and platelets.
Some dividends and lots of premium expirations will show up in my account as free cashflow. I'm not supposed to donate blood since I am over 65 and between social security and other income sources it doesn't matter if I make any investment income. Still I will soon run out of watch list shares to put in my portfolio. this is getting strange. Anyone else feeling guilty about making money as other people die?
/----/ "I'm not supposed to donate blood since I am over 65"
I'm 68 and still give blood and platelets.
I gave blood a couple months ago, and got a Walmart $10 gift card that i used that day. Money is money, i make it anyway i can "legally" and give others advice on how to make money also. Some listen, some dont, those that dont, still live paycheck to paycheck...
Some dividends and lots of premium expirations will show up in my account as free cashflow. I'm not supposed to donate blood since I am over 65 and between social security and other income sources it doesn't matter if I make any investment income. Still I will soon run out of watch list shares to put in my portfolio. this is getting strange. Anyone else feeling guilty about making money as other people die?
/----/ "I'm not supposed to donate blood since I am over 65"
I'm 68 and still give blood and platelets.
FL has no relationship to the northeast corridor.
no state income tax and you can only donate blood if you have an appointment or you run across the donation RV. I don't know if that is a county or state rule. Hospitals are worried that someone will put the staff in quarantine. This is the height of pollen season right now so come on down and try to donate blood without getting arrested.
Some dividends and lots of premium expirations will show up in my account as free cashflow. I'm not supposed to donate blood since I am over 65 and between social security and other income sources it doesn't matter if I make any investment income. Still I will soon run out of watch list shares to put in my portfolio. this is getting strange. Anyone else feeling guilty about making money as other people die?
/----/ "I'm not supposed to donate blood since I am over 65"
I'm 68 and still give blood and platelets.
I gave blood a couple months ago, and got a Walmart $10 gift card that i used that day. Money is money, i make it anyway i can "legally" and give others advice on how to make money also. Some listen, some dont, those that dont, still live paycheck to paycheck...

We paid off our last debt in August of 92 and that is better than adding a zero or more to net worth

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