Tube-Light Mysticism: Negotiating Wal-Mart (Drug-IQ)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-optimism parable involving two philosophical warriors, Furiosa (a road-warrior female) and Immortan-Joe (a power-seeking Machiavellian brute), regarding the renunciation of profit-driven warfare.

This modernism-tune was inspired by Mad Max: Fury Road.

Signing off,



Furiosa knew she had only a brief period of time before the ghoulish Immortan-Joe arrived at the same Wal-Mart she was shopping at on this warm Saturday afternoon in the summer of 2018. You see, Furiosa was a time-traveller sent back into our time from the future to prevent a devastating apocalyptic nuclear war between America and North Korea. The war was going to start in the autumn of 2018, and Furiosa was here in America this year to blog on the Internet to remind people of the general pedestrian value of rebuking the need for nuclear weapons. She was at Wal-Mart to purchase a new USB cable/chord for her laptop (a power-line), and she knew Immortan-Joe, her enemy and leader of a deadly clan of motorbike-riding killers from her time (the future), would arrive at that Wal-Mart store as well to try to kill her that day.

FURIOSA: What the hell are you doing here?
IMMORTAN: Don't you know?
FURIOSA: You want to kill me so the Apocalypse is realized...
IMMORTAN: Yes; the doom of the Earth has benefitted my clan!
FURIOSA: I'm merely trying to avert a holocaust, and you care only about convenience.
IMMORTAN: Well, we're both at Wal-Mart now; a hallmark of 'convenience.'
FURIOSA: Consumerism in the 21st Century was hospitable and professional.
IMMORTAN: Yet, it was capitalism that 'fuelled' the Apocalypse, Furiosa.
FURIOSA: I understand that; but buying a power-chord for my laptop is hardly 'mischievous.'
IMMORTAN: Why don't you purchase these two Phillips tube-lights instead?
FURIOSA: So you can say that I wanted to admire 21st Century lighting...
IMMORTAN: That's better than tooling around on the Internet arguing about hippie-peace.
FURIOSA: 'Hippie-peace' is way better than civilization self-destruction.
IMMORTAN: To make joy, we must endure the reality of war.
FURIOSA: War is not joy, Immortan; I'm working to prevent a disease...
IMMORTAN: You'll always be an 'idealist,' which is why you'll perish as a 'romantic.'

After Furiosa concluded her 'chat' with Immortan at the Wal-Mart store, she fled with her USB power-line and went back to her rented motel room (equipped with WiFi) where she continued blogging (on US Message Board) about the dangers of global thermonuclear warfare. Furiosa cited various apocalypse-paranoia doomsday-omen films such as Deep Impact, Virus, Terminator 2: Judgement Day, WarGames, and They Live to remind her readers that war is not the solution to insanity. She also insisted that the Trump Administration create protocols to ensure the people that capitalism is not in an way a 'cartel.' Then, she went back to her own time period, using the portal-device designed by an engineering company in Australia which had survived the nuclear apocalypse, and continued tackling/fighting her hideous nemesis, the fascist bike-riding Immortan-Joe. Would humanity be salvaged and avoid the pure foolishness of capitalism-gauged drunkenness?


{Furiosa & Immortan}


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