Truth Mean Anything to the Left?

Only someone with seven pounds of brain damage would take a partisan web site's claim at face value that Obama believes or said AQ was destroyed, done, or gone. Seriously, only an idiot would imagine that is what he ever said or meant.

Saying AQ is on the path to defeat and that it has been decimated is not declaring AQ dead.

This is exactly the kind of idiocy I predicted we will shortly see from the same people who said Obama was going to make a gun grab with unconstitutional EOs. It's trolling of the dumbest kind, and it is the telling of HUGE lies over and over until enough rubes believe it and get all sweaty over it. So it is hypocritical they make shit up like that and then say the other team lies.

In a few weeks, maybe not even that long, the dipshits will post a story about someone killed by a gun, preferably in Chicago, and claim that Obama said he was going to END GUN VIOLENCE.

Which, of course, he has never claimed he would do.

But that won't stop them, even though I have made this prediction in at least three topics now.

Just watch and see.

Obama never claimed AQ was destroyed. That is a lie. A fantasy.

You are, and will always remain, naught but comic relief.

Nothing more.


Sorry I made your butt hurt.

Do some basic fact checking and critical thinking next time before you rush here and paste some more bullshit. People like you are making Obama's job easy.

And I am glad you enjoy my posts, because you can expect a lot more of them when you fuck up again.

I proved you are a fool.

You don't really believe casting aspersions will change you?
New York Times, May 2003:

Busy chasing off Saddam, the president and vice president had told us that Al Qaeda was spent. ''Al Qaeda is on the run,'' President Bush said last week. ''That group of terrorists who attacked our country is slowly but surely being decimated. . . . They're not a problem anymore.''

Osama's Offspring -

Game, set, match.
Last edited:
The President never said Al Qaeda was destroyed. You start with a false premise.
The lying POS knows it. She knows those are her MessiahRushie's words put in Obama's mouth which is why neither she nor her linked source provided a link to the alleged quote. Truth means less than nothing to the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood.
Wall Street Journal, November 2012:
"Al Qaeda has been decimated," said President Obama triumphantly in Green Bay, Wis., yesterday. "Osama bin Laden is dead."

Hmm, where have we heard that before?

Oh yeah, it was in Arkansas, and here's what the president said: "Al Qaeda is on the run. That group of terrorists who attacked our country is slowly, but surely being decimated. Right now, about half of all the top al Qaeda operatives are either jailed or dead. In either case, they're not a problem anymore."

See what we did there? In case you don't, that latter quote was George W. Bush on May 5, 2003.

Déjà W.: Echoes of Obama's predecessor in the final weeks before Election Day.
As Joe McCarthy once said...

There are lies, damned lies.......and PC Threads

You have neither credibility nor honesty.

Just between the two of us….are you just a leeeeettttle disappointed at how you turned out?

As Abe Lincoln once said while playing poker with Thomas Jefferson

Damn.....That PC bitch sure can lie
As Joe McCarthy once said...

There are lies, damned lies.......and PC Threads

You have neither credibility nor honesty.

Just between the two of us….are you just a leeeeettttle disappointed at how you turned out?

As Abe Lincoln once said while playing poker with Thomas Jefferson

Damn.....That PC bitch sure can lie

Everyone can lie.

What makes it special is how proud it is of being a dishonest troll.
1. "Obama claimed Al-Qaeda has been destroyed"
November 5, 2012
obama claimed Al-Qaeda has been destroyed

2. "Algeria has begun a second military operation to rescue some 30 foreign hostages still captive by al-Qaeda-affiliated group at a gas facility in the country's southeast.

The second round of rescue efforts on Friday come as Algerian state media reported that more than 650 hostages had been freed as part of the army operation.

The state-run APS news agency said 573 of those freed were Algerians. Another 100 were among the 132 foreign workers captured at the In Amenas facility.

The Masked Brigade, an armed group who took hundreds hostage at the In Amenas facility, said on Friday that they would trade captives from the United States for the release of two fighters jailed in the United States.

A spokesman for the group named the two fighters as Aafia Siddiqui, from Pakistan, and Omar Abdel-Rahman, an Egyptian referred to as the "blind sheikh"."
Algeria launches second rescue effort - Africa - Al Jazeera English sorry you voted for Milli Vanilli?

So Obama never said Al Qaeda was destroyed, and someone starts a thread based on Obama saying Al Qaeda has been destroyed?

Isn't that by definition 'lying'?
1. "Obama claimed Al-Qaeda has been destroyed"
November 5, 2012
obama claimed Al-Qaeda has been destroyed

2. "Algeria has begun a second military operation to rescue some 30 foreign hostages still captive by al-Qaeda-affiliated group at a gas facility in the country's southeast.

The second round of rescue efforts on Friday come as Algerian state media reported that more than 650 hostages had been freed as part of the army operation.

The state-run APS news agency said 573 of those freed were Algerians. Another 100 were among the 132 foreign workers captured at the In Amenas facility.

The Masked Brigade, an armed group who took hundreds hostage at the In Amenas facility, said on Friday that they would trade captives from the United States for the release of two fighters jailed in the United States.

A spokesman for the group named the two fighters as Aafia Siddiqui, from Pakistan, and Omar Abdel-Rahman, an Egyptian referred to as the "blind sheikh"."
Algeria launches second rescue effort - Africa - Al Jazeera English sorry you voted for Milli Vanilli?

You want truth? Ok, I'll give you truth. Let's see how you handle it.

No matter how much FOX and other Nutter media outlets try to link this to Benghazi, the terrorist's themselves say the attack was about Mali...not Libya.

"...The gunmen say the attack is in retaliation for Algeria's support for French airstrikes and for its tough line on jihadists, calling for the release of radical Islamists being held in neighbouring Mali.

"This operation is a strong political message to Algeria regarding its intransigent stances towards the jihadists, and a message to other neighbouring countries," one of the kidnappers, identified as Abu al-Baraa, told Al-Jazeera satellite channel.

"Our detainees for theirs," he said, adding that his group has "contacted our leadership in Mali."

"We demand the Algerian army pull out from the area to allow negotiations to begin," Abu al-Baraa told the Doha-based satellite channel, speaking with a strong Algerian accent..."

Reluctant Algeria dragged into Mali conflict - Region - World - Ahram Online

You wanted truth and now you've got it. What say you now?

126 posts since I gave Chic the truth. And, she's totally ignored it. Not only ignored it, but suddenly started telling a whole other set of lies about a totally different subject. In fact, every Nuttter in this thread has completely skipped over the truth, as if it didn't exist.

Truth? Who cares about truth in a thread about....well, truth?

Apparently, Chic is partially right. The truth really doesn't mean anything to somebody, but it ain't the it Chic?
1. "Obama claimed Al-Qaeda has been destroyed"
November 5, 2012
obama claimed Al-Qaeda has been destroyed

2. "Algeria has begun a second military operation to rescue some 30 foreign hostages still captive by al-Qaeda-affiliated group at a gas facility in the country's southeast.

The second round of rescue efforts on Friday come as Algerian state media reported that more than 650 hostages had been freed as part of the army operation.

The state-run APS news agency said 573 of those freed were Algerians. Another 100 were among the 132 foreign workers captured at the In Amenas facility.

The Masked Brigade, an armed group who took hundreds hostage at the In Amenas facility, said on Friday that they would trade captives from the United States for the release of two fighters jailed in the United States.

A spokesman for the group named the two fighters as Aafia Siddiqui, from Pakistan, and Omar Abdel-Rahman, an Egyptian referred to as the "blind sheikh"."
Algeria launches second rescue effort - Africa - Al Jazeera English sorry you voted for Milli Vanilli?

The terrorists really want that fucking blind sheikh released. There is that accusation from a general that the whole Benghazi mess was staged in hopes of trading a captured ambassador for the sheikh. And now this.

Hell, let's just send another billion to the Muslim Brotherhood since they seem to support all these terrorists. Nothing to see here, folks.
1. "Obama claimed Al-Qaeda has been destroyed"
November 5, 2012
obama claimed Al-Qaeda has been destroyed

2. "Algeria has begun a second military operation to rescue some 30 foreign hostages still captive by al-Qaeda-affiliated group at a gas facility in the country's southeast.

The second round of rescue efforts on Friday come as Algerian state media reported that more than 650 hostages had been freed as part of the army operation.

The state-run APS news agency said 573 of those freed were Algerians. Another 100 were among the 132 foreign workers captured at the In Amenas facility.

The Masked Brigade, an armed group who took hundreds hostage at the In Amenas facility, said on Friday that they would trade captives from the United States for the release of two fighters jailed in the United States.

A spokesman for the group named the two fighters as Aafia Siddiqui, from Pakistan, and Omar Abdel-Rahman, an Egyptian referred to as the "blind sheikh"."
Algeria launches second rescue effort - Africa - Al Jazeera English sorry you voted for Milli Vanilli?

You want truth? Ok, I'll give you truth. Let's see how you handle it.

No matter how much FOX and other Nutter media outlets try to link this to Benghazi, the terrorist's themselves say the attack was about Mali...not Libya.

"...The gunmen say the attack is in retaliation for Algeria's support for French airstrikes and for its tough line on jihadists, calling for the release of radical Islamists being held in neighbouring Mali.

"This operation is a strong political message to Algeria regarding its intransigent stances towards the jihadists, and a message to other neighbouring countries," one of the kidnappers, identified as Abu al-Baraa, told Al-Jazeera satellite channel.

"Our detainees for theirs," he said, adding that his group has "contacted our leadership in Mali."

"We demand the Algerian army pull out from the area to allow negotiations to begin," Abu al-Baraa told the Doha-based satellite channel, speaking with a strong Algerian accent..."

Reluctant Algeria dragged into Mali conflict - Region - World - Ahram Online

You wanted truth and now you've got it. What say you now?

126 posts since I gave Chic the truth. And, she's totally ignored it. Not only ignored it, but suddenly started telling a whole other set of lies about a totally different subject. In fact, every Nuttter in this thread has completely skipped over the truth, as if it didn't exist.

Truth? Who cares about truth in a thread about....well, truth?

Apparently, Chic is partially right. The truth really doesn't mean anything to somebody, but it ain't the it Chic?

So did I. Be comforted that you are smarter than these people, even if that is a rather low mountain to climb.
All of the hostages are now dead. Algeria does not fool around. It does not negotiate. No terrorist gets out alive.
1. "Obama claimed Al-Qaeda has been destroyed"
November 5, 2012
obama claimed Al-Qaeda has been destroyed

2. "Algeria has begun a second military operation to rescue some 30 foreign hostages still captive by al-Qaeda-affiliated group at a gas facility in the country's southeast.

The second round of rescue efforts on Friday come as Algerian state media reported that more than 650 hostages had been freed as part of the army operation.

The state-run APS news agency said 573 of those freed were Algerians. Another 100 were among the 132 foreign workers captured at the In Amenas facility.

The Masked Brigade, an armed group who took hundreds hostage at the In Amenas facility, said on Friday that they would trade captives from the United States for the release of two fighters jailed in the United States.

A spokesman for the group named the two fighters as Aafia Siddiqui, from Pakistan, and Omar Abdel-Rahman, an Egyptian referred to as the "blind sheikh"."
Algeria launches second rescue effort - Africa - Al Jazeera English sorry you voted for Milli Vanilli?

Define, "the Left".

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