Trumpsters, do not trust the Republican party


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Trumpsters, do not trust the Republican party.
They want one thing, your vote. They do not want your extreme nationalism, your white nationalism, QAnon, conspiracy theories, white supreamcy and the baggage you bring.
The Republicans do not want YOU, they want your vote.
The Republican party does not want Trump. They want Trump supporters votes.

Trump's strength is the Trump supporters. Trump's strength is not his money. It is questionable how much he has. Trump's strength is not a position he holds, he is no longer President.
Trump loves power and srength. His power and strength is, solely, his supporters. If Trump's supporters leave him, his power is gone.
Trumpsters, do not trust the Republican party.
They want one thing, your vote. They do not want your extreme nationalism, your white nationalism, QAnon, conspiracy theories, white supreamcy and the baggage you bring.
The Republicans do not want YOU, they want your vote.
The Republican party does not want Trump. They want Trump supporters votes.

Trump's strength is the Trump supporters. Trump's strength is not his money. It is questionable how much he has. Trump's strength is not a position he holds, he is no longer President.
Trump loves power and srength. His power and strength is, solely, his supporters. If Trump's supporters leave him, his power is gone.
More incessant babbling from the TDSer.....
Trumpsters, do not trust the Republican party.
They want one thing, your vote. They do not want your extreme nationalism, your white nationalism, QAnon, conspiracy theories, white supreamcy and the baggage you bring.
The Republicans do not want YOU, they want your vote.
The Republican party does not want Trump. They want Trump supporters votes.

Trump's strength is the Trump supporters. Trump's strength is not his money. It is questionable how much he has. Trump's strength is not a position he holds, he is no longer President.
Trump loves power and srength. His power and strength is, solely, his supporters. If Trump's supporters leave him, his power is gone.
More incessant babbling from the TDSer.....
Think about it. I know it can be tough to accept the truth but the truth will set you free.
Trumpsters, do not trust the Republican party.
They want one thing, your vote. They do not want your extreme nationalism, your white nationalism, QAnon, conspiracy theories, white supreamcy and the baggage you bring.
The Republicans do not want YOU, they want your vote.
The Republican party does not want Trump. They want Trump supporters votes.

Trump's strength is the Trump supporters. Trump's strength is not his money. It is questionable how much he has. Trump's strength is not a position he holds, he is no longer President.
Trump loves power and srength. His power and strength is, solely, his supporters. If Trump's supporters leave him, his power is gone.
More incessant babbling from the TDSer.....
Think about it. I know it can be tough to accept the truth but the truth will set you free.
You can't hear the truth for the sound of the wind passing through your ears. Brainless libber lemming
Before Trump the Republican Party was the Democratic Party Light. It was like comparing 100 proof whiskey to 80 proof.

Republicans tried to act like the Good Guys in White Hats but they were just as corrupt as the Democrats and still are. Living in the Swamp for any long period tends to corrupt your average politician.

Democrats are tough and dirty infighters while Republicans are wimpy, wimpy, wimpy.

Republicans should have learned a lot from Trump and while a few did, many are too set in their ways to change.
Trumpsters, do not trust the Republican party.
They want one thing, your vote. They do not want your extreme nationalism, your white nationalism, QAnon, conspiracy theories, white supreamcy and the baggage you bring.
The Republicans do not want YOU, they want your vote.
The Republican party does not want Trump. They want Trump supporters votes.

Trump's strength is the Trump supporters. Trump's strength is not his money. It is questionable how much he has. Trump's strength is not a position he holds, he is no longer President.
Trump loves power and srength. His power and strength is, solely, his supporters. If Trump's supporters leave him, his power is gone.

The Republicans do not want YOU, they want your vote.

How is that any different than Democrats?
Trumpsters, do not trust the Republican party.
They want one thing, your vote. They do not want your extreme nationalism, your white nationalism, QAnon, conspiracy theories, white supreamcy and the baggage you bring.
The Republicans do not want YOU, they want your vote.
The Republican party does not want Trump. They want Trump supporters votes.

Trump's strength is the Trump supporters. Trump's strength is not his money. It is questionable how much he has. Trump's strength is not a position he holds, he is no longer President.
Trump loves power and srength. His power and strength is, solely, his supporters. If Trump's supporters leave him, his power is gone.
Get better soon.
Trumpsters, do not trust the Republican party.
They want one thing, your vote. They do not want your extreme nationalism, your white nationalism, QAnon, conspiracy theories, white supreamcy and the baggage you bring.
The Republicans do not want YOU, they want your vote.
The Republican party does not want Trump. They want Trump supporters votes.

Trump's strength is the Trump supporters. Trump's strength is not his money. It is questionable how much he has. Trump's strength is not a position he holds, he is no longer President.
Trump loves power and srength. His power and strength is, solely, his supporters. If Trump's supporters leave him, his power is gone.

There is no republican party left but in name only. Democrats and used-to-be-republicans have fused into the Church of Woke-ness forevermore, amen. All our elected politicians see themselves now as dignitary kings and queens, worship gold and are hedonistic lovers of self.
Trumpsters, do not trust the Republican party.
They want one thing, your vote. They do not want your extreme nationalism, your white nationalism, QAnon, conspiracy theories, white supreamcy and the baggage you bring.
The Republicans do not want YOU, they want your vote.
The Republican party does not want Trump. They want Trump supporters votes.

Trump's strength is the Trump supporters. Trump's strength is not his money. It is questionable how much he has. Trump's strength is not a position he holds, he is no longer President.
Trump loves power and srength. His power and strength is, solely, his supporters. If Trump's supporters leave him, his power is gone.
This is a true cult of personality, and everything I've seen says that the non-Trumpsters in the GOP know that they're powerless at the moment. The Lincoln Project guys can try, but I don't see them putting a dent in this any time soon.

Hell, the terrorist attack on the capitol showed us that non-Trumpster Republicans are being perfectly reasonable when they fear for their LIVES, let alone the political careers.
Trumpsters, do not trust the Republican party.
They want one thing, your vote. They do not want your extreme nationalism, your white nationalism, QAnon, conspiracy theories, white supreamcy and the baggage you bring.
The Republicans do not want YOU, they want your vote.
The Republican party does not want Trump. They want Trump supporters votes.

Trump's strength is the Trump supporters. Trump's strength is not his money. It is questionable how much he has. Trump's strength is not a position he holds, he is no longer President.
Trump loves power and srength. His power and strength is, solely, his supporters. If Trump's supporters leave him, his power is gone.
Trumpsters, do not trust the Republican party.
They want one thing, your vote. They do not want your extreme nationalism, your white nationalism, QAnon, conspiracy theories, white supreamcy and the baggage you bring.
The Republicans do not want YOU, they want your vote.
The Republican party does not want Trump. They want Trump supporters votes.

Trump's strength is the Trump supporters. Trump's strength is not his money. It is questionable how much he has. Trump's strength is not a position he holds, he is no longer President.
Trump loves power and srength. His power and strength is, solely, his supporters. If Trump's supporters leave him, his power is gone.
It's comical, the GOP spent decades "conditioning" the simple minds of their right-wing base, using fear of...everything to cultivate the level of paranoia that existed in the right-wingers in 2015.

The con man trump comes along, and uses the five decades of that very same GOP conditioning of the simple minds of their right-wing base, to steal them away.

Not only did the con man trump steal away the vast majority of the Republicans' base, he turned his newfound cultists' paranoid anger back onto the GOP itself.

In addition to turning his cultists against their former masters, the con man trump has turned his cultists into Nazis. Of course, their conditioning by the GOP made that particular transition very simple for the con man trump to achieve.

Now, the Old Guard Republicans in both the House, and the Senate, quake in their boots whenever the a$$hole trump's name is mentioned. In fact, the "Old Guard" has already decided they are too afraid of the a$$hole trump to exploit the opportunity offered them by his impeachment trial to vote to convict, and be rid of him forever.


Trumpsters, do not trust the Republican party.
They want one thing, your vote. They do not want your extreme nationalism, your white nationalism, QAnon, conspiracy theories, white supreamcy and the baggage you bring.
The Republicans do not want YOU, they want your vote.
The Republican party does not want Trump. They want Trump supporters votes.
The fascist Democratic Party wants your vote, your racism, indeed, your race-baiting filth and conspiracy theories of systemic racism, your pandering, your fear and hysteria, your anti-Americanism, your treachery, your treason, your thuggery, your vandalism, your lawlessness, your lies, your slanders, your pseudoscience, your political correctness, your cancel culture, your mindless conformity and obedience, your wokeness, your statist bootlickery, and any other hateful, divisive, soul-destroying baggage you can spare. It also wants your livelihood, your wealth, your children's minds. But most of all it wants your stupidity, gullibility and vicious hatred for liberty and anything that smacks of common sense and decency.
Trumpsters, do not trust the Republican party.
They want one thing, your vote. They do not want your extreme nationalism, your white nationalism, QAnon, conspiracy theories, white supreamcy and the baggage you bring.
The Republicans do not want YOU, they want your vote.
The Republican party does not want Trump. They want Trump supporters votes.

Trump's strength is the Trump supporters. Trump's strength is not his money. It is questionable how much he has. Trump's strength is not a position he holds, he is no longer President.
Trump loves power and srength. His power and strength is, solely, his supporters. If Trump's supporters leave him, his power is gone.
The Republicans do not want YOU, they want your vote.
dont democrats want the same thing?.....
Trumpsters, do not trust the Republican party.
They want one thing, your vote. They do not want your extreme nationalism, your white nationalism, QAnon, conspiracy theories, white supreamcy and the baggage you bring.
The Republicans do not want YOU, they want your vote.
The Republican party does not want Trump. They want Trump supporters votes.

Trump's strength is the Trump supporters. Trump's strength is not his money. It is questionable how much he has. Trump's strength is not a position he holds, he is no longer President.
Trump loves power and srength. His power and strength is, solely, his supporters. If Trump's supporters leave him, his power is gone.

The Republicans do not want YOU, they want your vote.

How is that any different than Democrats?
The Democrats do not want the Trump extremists but they would take your vote. So there is no difference.
Trumpsters, do not trust the Republican party.
They want one thing, your vote. They do not want your extreme nationalism, your white nationalism, QAnon, conspiracy theories, white supreamcy and the baggage you bring.
The Republicans do not want YOU, they want your vote.
The Republican party does not want Trump. They want Trump supporters votes.

Trump's strength is the Trump supporters. Trump's strength is not his money. It is questionable how much he has. Trump's strength is not a position he holds, he is no longer President.
Trump loves power and srength. His power and strength is, solely, his supporters. If Trump's supporters leave him, his power is gone.
The Republicans do not want YOU, they want your vote.
dont democrats want the same thing?.....
The Democrats do not want Antifa, or the baggage that comes with them, but they will take their vote.
Republicans should have learned a lot from Trump and while a few did, many are too set in their ways to change.
What is there to learn from the Orange Buffoon other than being a charlatan and spreader of Fake News?

The Republicans can learn from Trump how to represent the people who elected them rather than the people who wish to buy and own them.
Trumpsters, do not trust the Republican party.
They want one thing, your vote. They do not want your extreme nationalism, your white nationalism, QAnon, conspiracy theories, white supreamcy and the baggage you bring.
The Republicans do not want YOU, they want your vote.
The Republican party does not want Trump. They want Trump supporters votes.

Trump's strength is the Trump supporters. Trump's strength is not his money. It is questionable how much he has. Trump's strength is not a position he holds, he is no longer President.
Trump loves power and srength. His power and strength is, solely, his supporters. If Trump's supporters leave him, his power is gone.
The Republicans do not want YOU, they want your vote.
dont democrats want the same thing?.....
The Democrats do not want Antifa, or the baggage that comes with them, but they will take their vote.
so if they dont want certain people but,will gladly take their votes....then they aint no different then the republicans.....both parties are more alike then either one cares to admit...

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