Trump’s USDA Drops Climate Change Paranoia to Focus on Farming


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
That's it get off that climate crap and let's get to work...

Trump’s USDA Drops Climate Change Paranoia to Focus on Farming
What a concept!


Trey Sanchez

It looks like some federal agencies are finally getting back to the tasks they were assigned in the first place in Trump's administration. That's certainly true of the Department of Agriculture under its new leadership.

President Trump selected Sonny Perdue, Georgia’s former governor, to run the USDA and it appears he’s cracking the whip and getting his staff to focus on farming.

One of the first things on the chopping block was the disastrous school lunch program forced on America’s school children by the former first lady, Michelle Obama. That program has created more food waste because kids stopped eating. The big government program required 100% whole grains which mostly ended up in cafeteria garbage cans. Flavored milks were also banned but are now coming back. There will also be no further sodium reductions from the current standards. That's called making school lunches good again.

Perdue has also told staff to stop with all the climate change hysteria, as Yahoo reported:


Trump’s USDA Drops Climate Change Paranoia to Focus on Farming

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