Trump’s Response to Puerto Rico, Far Worse Than Dubya’s After Katrina

Only conservatives find the Big Orange Idiot’s actions in the wake of Hurricane Maria to be excellent. But people of reason and the residents of Puerto Rico know Dubya’s sorry showing after Katrina was far superior.

This in no way mitigates the mess Dubya made with Katrina. No, it is just another example in a long list that prove the total incompetence of the Big Orange Idiot’s administration.


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While Dubya was fumbling around in the White House helping Cheney create a total debacle, people of reason knew if this nation ever put another Republican in the White House, that person would be the last POTUS.

The Big Orange Idiot's inept actions and those of his cronies, are exactly what was expected.


So, when are you going to PR to volunteer, you know, since this means so much to you.

Him go to PR?

You'd be lucky to get him out of his basement.

Did you have polio as a child? Surely there must be some excuse for your lameness.
Only conservatives find the Big Orange Idiot’s actions in the wake of Hurricane Maria to be excellent. But people of reason and the residents of Puerto Rico know Dubya’s sorry showing after Katrina was far superior.

This in no way mitigates the mess Dubya made with Katrina. No, it is just another example in a long list that prove the total incompetence of the Big Orange Idiot’s administration.


View attachment 151650

While Dubya was fumbling around in the White House helping Cheney create a total debacle, people of reason knew if this nation ever put another Republican in the White House, that person would be the last POTUS.

The Big Orange Idiot's inept actions and those of his cronies, are exactly what was expected.


So, when are you going to PR to volunteer, you know, since this means so much to you.

Him go to PR?

You'd be lucky to get him out of his basement.

Did you have polio as a child? Surely there must be some excuse for your lameness.

(not really)
It doesn't matter how many times you debunk the left's LIES about Trump and Puerto Rico, they continue spewing LIES. I told you liberals are filthy lowlifes.
Only scumbuckets aka left wing wankers would heap criticism on the brave men and women dedicated to search and rescue operations and assisting in returning normalcy to PR and the US Virgin Islands.

You assholes have hit a new low.
Federal Response Continues to Focus on Saving and Sustaining Lives
Release date:
September 25, 2017
Release Number:
WASHINGTON – As the response to Hurricane Maria continues, and the recovery begins, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and the entire federal family remain focused on life-saving and life-sustaining measures to ensure the safety of residents in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI).

Today, FEMA Administrator Brock Long is meeting with FEMA personnel and the governors of the USVI and Puerto Rico to get an update on the current situation and each governor’s priorities and assess the progress of response and recovery efforts underway.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has more than 300 staff on the ground, including a National Disaster Medical System Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMAT), with more on the way.

A DMAT is a federalized workforce of doctors, nurses, paramedics, emergency management technicians, safety specialists, and others who provide medical care during natural disaster relief efforts. HHS is working around the clock with staff from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to re-open hospitals around Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Additionally, an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Critical Water Assessment Team arrived yesterday to address drinking water needs and conduct wastewater assessments at facilities that service hospitals.

Making sure that residents have access to health and emergency services is a top priority of the federal and territorial governments, and hospitals have been a priority focus for fuel delivery and power restoration.

More at link for people who really care about the rescue efforts.

Federal Response Continues to Focus on Saving and Sustaining Lives |
Only conservatives find the Big Orange Idiot’s actions in the wake of Hurricane Maria to be excellent. But people of reason and the residents of Puerto Rico know Dubya’s sorry showing after Katrina was far superior.

This in no way mitigates the mess Dubya made with Katrina. No, it is just another example in a long list that prove the total incompetence of the Big Orange Idiot’s administration.


View attachment 151650

While Dubya was fumbling around in the White House helping Cheney create a total debacle, people of reason knew if this nation ever put another Republican in the White House, that person would be the last POTUS.

The Big Orange Idiot's inept actions and those of his cronies, are exactly what was expected.


YEAH! Where the hell is the Trump Administration! Salon says some areas of PR have yet to get any help! Almost as bad as Dubya when Katrina hit! Never mind that Maria was the THIRD of three super bad hurricanes just days apart, Harvey hitting east Texas and Louisiana dumping 52 inches of rain as the wettest hurricane in US history, Then Irma was HUGE and smashed the Keys, most of Florida and Alabama and Georgia as well. That's 5 states! After FEMA is stretched to the wall dealing with all of that and doing a great job, then comes Maria which basically annihilates the entire country of Puerto Rico, a US Territory that was already sucking wind before anything happened, and now we will practically have to rebuild the entire island for them!

But that damned Trump, where the hell is that lazy, useless ass? You can never find a Republican when you need one!
Only conservatives find the Big Orange Idiot’s actions in the wake of Hurricane Maria to be excellent. But people of reason and the residents of Puerto Rico know Dubya’s sorry showing after Katrina was far superior.

This in no way mitigates the mess Dubya made with Katrina. No, it is just another example in a long list that prove the total incompetence of the Big Orange Idiot’s administration.


View attachment 151650

While Dubya was fumbling around in the White House helping Cheney create a total debacle, people of reason knew if this nation ever put another Republican in the White House, that person would be the last POTUS.

The Big Orange Idiot's inept actions and those of his cronies, are exactly what was expected.


YEAH! Where the hell is the Trump Administration! Salon says some areas of PR have yet to get any help! Almost as bad as Dubya when Katrina hit! Never mind that Maria was the THIRD of three super bad hurricanes just days apart, Harvey hitting east Texas and Louisiana dumping 52 inches of rain as the wettest hurricane in US history, Then Irma was HUGE and smashed the Keys, most of Florida and Alabama and Georgia as well. That's 5 states! After FEMA is stretched to the wall dealing with all of that and doing a great job, then comes Maria which basically annihilates the entire country of Puerto Rico, a US Territory that was already sucking wind before anything happened, and now we will practically have to rebuild the entire island for them!

But that damned Trump, where the hell is that lazy, useless ass? You can never find a Republican when you need one!

I lived in South Dade County during hurricane ANDREW.

It took 2 weeks for any federal assistance to get to my neighborhood.

Bush 41 HATES CUBANS!!!!

You people are literally fucking in the medical sense.
Only conservatives find the Big Orange Idiot’s actions in the wake of Hurricane Maria to be excellent. But people of reason and the residents of Puerto Rico know Dubya’s sorry showing after Katrina was far superior.

This in no way mitigates the mess Dubya made with Katrina. No, it is just another example in a long list that prove the total incompetence of the Big Orange Idiot’s administration.


View attachment 151650

While Dubya was fumbling around in the White House helping Cheney create a total debacle, people of reason knew if this nation ever put another Republican in the White House, that person would be the last POTUS.

The Big Orange Idiot's inept actions and those of his cronies, are exactly what was expected.


YEAH! Where the hell is the Trump Administration! Salon says some areas of PR have yet to get any help! Almost as bad as Dubya when Katrina hit! Never mind that Maria was the THIRD of three super bad hurricanes just days apart, Harvey hitting east Texas and Louisiana dumping 52 inches of rain as the wettest hurricane in US history, Then Irma was HUGE and smashed the Keys, most of Florida and Alabama and Georgia as well. That's 5 states! After FEMA is stretched to the wall dealing with all of that and doing a great job, then comes Maria which basically annihilates the entire country of Puerto Rico, a US Territory that was already sucking wind before anything happened, and now we will practically have to rebuild the entire island for them!

But that damned Trump, where the hell is that lazy, useless ass? You can never find a Republican when you need one!

I lived in South Dade County during hurricane ANDREW.

It took 2 weeks for any federal assistance to get to my neighborhood.

Bush 41 HATES CUBANS!!!!

You people are literally fucking in the medical sense.

Unless you've lived through a major hurricane's land fall, it's hard to imagine the scope of the devastation, everywhere.

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