Trump’s plan to steal the election: Declare Victory Prematurely?


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
President Trump has told confidants he'll declare victory on Tuesday night if it looks like he's "ahead," according to three sources familiar with his private comments. That's even if the Electoral College outcome still hinges on large numbers of uncounted votes in key states like Pennsylvania.

Trump has now denied he will do this, but if we know one thing about Trump, his word his crap. He can change his mind on a whim.

So, if Trump declares victory prematurely and attempts to disenfranchise millions of voters, how many of you will believe him. How many of you will take to the streets or go on forums like this and rage about stolen elections when Biden takes the lead after Trump declares victory.

I find it incredulous that anyone would still believe any words or statements that come out of Trump’s mouth, but I also realize there are thinking adults out there who believe Trump no matter how inane or prevaricating his words are.
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I find it incredulous that anyone would still believe any word or statement that comes out of Trump’s mouth, but I also realize there are thinking adults out there who believe Trump no matter how inane his words are.
Unfortunately, both are true, and it's an indication of where this country is right now.

The fact that even 10% of this country has such unconditional adoration for this buffoon in the White House should be a very troublesome sign. But something tells me we're not going to examine it, regardless of who wins.
I see anonymous sources has struck again. Anonymous is a true Patriot, always telling us all the evil things Bad Orange Man is planning.
Anonymous is responsible for saving the country!
We owe our lives to Anonymous Sources!!!
Anonymous for President!
Gender-fluid, non-fat soy latte sipping, participation trophy winning, social justice warriors for Anonymous unite!
President Trump has told confidants he'll declare victory on Tuesday night if it looks like he's "ahead," according to three sources familiar with his private comments. That's even if the Electoral College outcome still hinges on large numbers of uncounted votes in key states like Pennsylvania.

Trump has now denied he will do this, but if we know one thing about Trump, his word his crap. He can change his mind on a whim.

So, if Trump declares victory prematurely and attempts to disenfranchise millions of voters, how many of you will believe him. How many of you will take to the streets or go on forums like this and rage about stolen elections when Biden takes the lead after Trump declares victory.

I find it incredulous that anyone would still believe any words or statements that come out of Trump’s mouth, but I also realize there are thinking adults out there who believe Trump no matter how inane or prevaricating his words are.
My gawd what a jump--------If Trump declares victory when he is shown to be ahead on election night, you think this is somehow disenfranchising voters? Say what? Elections are declared every year without all the votes counted dear--------
Trump has not lied about anything that has proven to be detrimental to another human.
If Trump told the truth each and every time, and the media knew they could count on that, they would eat him up alive.
He knows how to keep his enemies guessing. He has lead the press down roads with false accusations, and the news media's took the bait hook, line and stinker.
Trump knows how vile and vicious the Dems, MSM, etc... are, and he has exposed them. Im sorry if that bothers any of you, but the truth hurts I guess.
Now has Trump messed up a few times ? Yes
Is Trump perfect ? No
Trump will win both the popular and electoral, so no need to fret.
President Trump has told confidants he'll declare victory on Tuesday night if it looks like he's "ahead," according to three sources familiar with his private comments. That's even if the Electoral College outcome still hinges on large numbers of uncounted votes in key states like Pennsylvania.

Trump has now denied he will do this, but if we know one thing about Trump, his word his crap. He can change his mind on a whim.

So, if Trump declares victory prematurely and attempts to disenfranchise millions of voters, how many of you will believe him. How many of you will take to the streets or go on forums like this and rage about stolen elections when Biden takes the lead after Trump declares victory.

I find it incredulous that anyone would still believe any words or statements that come out of Trump’s mouth, but I also realize there are thinking adults out there who believe Trump no matter how inane or prevaricating his words are.

Stupid ignorance. All your threads are ignorant BS
President Trump has told confidants he'll declare victory on Tuesday night if it looks like he's "ahead," according to three sources familiar with his private comments. That's even if the Electoral College outcome still hinges on large numbers of uncounted votes in key states like Pennsylvania.

Trump has now denied he will do this, but if we know one thing about Trump, his word his crap. He can change his mind on a whim.

So, if Trump declares victory prematurely and attempts to disenfranchise millions of voters, how many of you will believe him. How many of you will take to the streets or go on forums like this and rage about stolen elections when Biden takes the lead after Trump declares victory.

I find it incredulous that anyone would still believe any words or statements that come out of Trump’s mouth, but I also realize there are thinking adults out there who believe Trump no matter how inane or prevaricating his words are.
/——/ Any fake outrage that the LSM declared AlBore the winner in Florida before the polls had closed?
President Trump has told confidants he'll declare victory on Tuesday night if it looks like he's "ahead," according to three sources familiar with his private comments. That's even if the Electoral College outcome still hinges on large numbers of uncounted votes in key states like Pennsylvania.

Trump has now denied he will do this, but if we know one thing about Trump, his word his crap. He can change his mind on a whim.

So, if Trump declares victory prematurely and attempts to disenfranchise millions of voters, how many of you will believe him. How many of you will take to the streets or go on forums like this and rage about stolen elections when Biden takes the lead after Trump declares victory.

I find it incredulous that anyone would still believe any words or statements that come out of Trump’s mouth, but I also realize there are thinking adults out there who believe Trump no matter how inane or prevaricating his words are.
More anonymous BS eh? Dismissed.
President Trump has told confidants he'll declare victory on Tuesday night if it looks like he's "ahead," according to three sources familiar with his private comments. That's even if the Electoral College outcome still hinges on large numbers of uncounted votes in key states like Pennsylvania.

Trump has now denied he will do this, but if we know one thing about Trump, his word his crap. He can change his mind on a whim.

So, if Trump declares victory prematurely and attempts to disenfranchise millions of voters, how many of you will believe him. How many of you will take to the streets or go on forums like this and rage about stolen elections when Biden takes the lead after Trump declares victory.

I find it incredulous that anyone would still believe any words or statements that come out of Trump’s mouth, but I also realize there are thinking adults out there who believe Trump no matter how inane or prevaricating his words are.
My gawd what a jump--------If Trump declares victory when he is shown to be ahead on election night, you think this is somehow disenfranchising voters? Say what? Elections are declared every year without all the votes counted dear--------
ONLY declared by the media if the remaining votes to be counted can not overcome the votes in hand's results.

And nothing declared on election night by the news or candidate is valid....the states by law have to count all of their votes before they are certified, and count.

December 14th is the absolute cut off to count and certify State votes/electoral college... I believe? Maybe it is the 7th, but the 14th is the day the electoral college votes?

And that electoral college vote is not certified until January 6th, if no congress critter objects in writing.... if they do object...not certain what happens?

(Jan 3rd, a new Congress is sworn in....
Those who won in previous Nov election....)
Trump declaring a victory for himself before the massive amount of absentee votes are counted, is him trying to set off protests and chaos.

Leaders do not get to pick themselves as a winner in a democracy or democratic Republic... the citizens pick their leaders through their vote.... votes have to be counted...our constitution does not allow for a wannabe dictator to pick himself as winner.
Trump declaring a victory for himself before the massive amount of absentee votes are counted, is him trying to set off protests and chaos.

Leaders do not get to pick themselves as a winner in a democracy or democratic Republic... the citizens pick their leaders through their vote.... votes have to be counted...our constitution does not allow for a wannabe dictator to pick himself as winner.

The vote will be overwhelming on election night (I hope), then it will be great entertainment watching you libs rend your garments in anguish....BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER!
President Trump has told confidants he'll declare victory on Tuesday night if it looks like he's "ahead," according to three sources familiar with his private comments. That's even if the Electoral College outcome still hinges on large numbers of uncounted votes in key states like Pennsylvania.

Trump has now denied he will do this, but if we know one thing about Trump, his word his crap. He can change his mind on a whim.

So, if Trump declares victory prematurely and attempts to disenfranchise millions of voters, how many of you will believe him. How many of you will take to the streets or go on forums like this and rage about stolen elections when Biden takes the lead after Trump declares victory.

I find it incredulous that anyone would still believe any words or statements that come out of Trump’s mouth, but I also realize there are thinking adults out there who believe Trump no matter how inane or prevaricating his words are.
My gawd what a jump--------If Trump declares victory when he is shown to be ahead on election night, you think this is somehow disenfranchising voters? Say what? Elections are declared every year without all the votes counted dear--------
ONLY declared by the media if the remaining votes to be counted can not overcome the votes in hand's results.

And nothing declared on election night by the news or candidate is valid....the states by law have to count all of their votes before they are certified, and count.

December 14th is the absolute cut off to count and certify State votes/electoral college... I believe? Maybe it is the 7th, but the 14th is the day the electoral college votes?

And that electoral college vote is not certified until January 6th, if no congress critter objects in writing.... if they do object...not certain what happens?

(Jan 3rd, a new Congress is sworn in....
Those who won in previous Nov election....)
OH my bloody gawd--------candidates like Trump also declare victory on election night. You nuts are attacking trump for what he may or may not do just like every other presidential candidate. You guys need to grow the hell up and get some damn morals.
Trump declaring a victory for himself before the massive amount of absentee votes are counted, is him trying to set off protests and chaos.

Leaders do not get to pick themselves as a winner in a democracy or democratic Republic... the citizens pick their leaders through their vote.... votes have to be counted...our constitution does not allow for a wannabe dictator to pick himself as winner.

The vote will be overwhelming on election night (I hope), then it will be great entertainment watching you libs rend your garments in anguish....BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER!
Dream on! :)

President Trump has told confidants he'll declare victory on Tuesday night if it looks like he's "ahead," according to three sources familiar with his private comments. That's even if the Electoral College outcome still hinges on large numbers of uncounted votes in key states like Pennsylvania.

Trump has now denied he will do this, but if we know one thing about Trump, his word his crap. He can change his mind on a whim.

So, if Trump declares victory prematurely and attempts to disenfranchise millions of voters, how many of you will believe him. How many of you will take to the streets or go on forums like this and rage about stolen elections when Biden takes the lead after Trump declares victory.

I find it incredulous that anyone would still believe any words or statements that come out of Trump’s mouth, but I also realize there are thinking adults out there who believe Trump no matter how inane or prevaricating his words are.
My gawd what a jump--------If Trump declares victory when he is shown to be ahead on election night, you think this is somehow disenfranchising voters? Say what? Elections are declared every year without all the votes counted dear--------
ONLY declared by the media if the remaining votes to be counted can not overcome the votes in hand's results.

And nothing declared on election night by the news or candidate is valid....the states by law have to count all of their votes before they are certified, and count.

December 14th is the absolute cut off to count and certify State votes/electoral college... I believe? Maybe it is the 7th, but the 14th is the day the electoral college votes?

And that electoral college vote is not certified until January 6th, if no congress critter objects in writing.... if they do object...not certain what happens?

(Jan 3rd, a new Congress is sworn in....
Those who won in previous Nov election....)
OH my bloody gawd--------candidates like Trump also declare victory on election night. You nuts are attacking trump for what he may or may not do just like every other presidential candidate. You guys need to grow the hell up and get some damn morals.
And FYI, the dems are already being snagged CHEATING on the absentee ballots...........
I find it incredulous that anyone would still believe any word or statement that comes out of Trump’s mouth, but I also realize there are thinking adults out there who believe Trump no matter how inane his words are.
Unfortunately, both are true, and it's an indication of where this country is right now.

The fact that even 10% of this country has such unconditional adoration for this buffoon in the White House should be a very troublesome sign. But something tells me we're not going to examine it, regardless of who wins.

The fact that people like you do nothing but denunciate everything he does is a troublesome sign. Democrats are hoping their free pizza Fridays theme will get them elected. It worked in 5th grade and evidently it still works on many immature, impractical Democrats.

We aren’t in kindergarten anymore. Grow up.
Trump declaring a victory for himself before the massive amount of absentee votes are counted, is him trying to set off protests and chaos.

Leaders do not get to pick themselves as a winner in a democracy or democratic Republic... the citizens pick their leaders through their vote.... votes have to be counted...our constitution does not allow for a wannabe dictator to pick himself as winner.

The vote will be overwhelming on election night (I hope), then it will be great entertainment watching you libs rend your garments in anguish....BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER!
Dream on! :)

Good band...irrelevant here though...24hrs loser...
Trump declaring a victory for himself before the massive amount of absentee votes are counted, is him trying to set off protests and chaos.

Leaders do not get to pick themselves as a winner in a democracy or democratic Republic... the citizens pick their leaders through their vote.... votes have to be counted...our constitution does not allow for a wannabe dictator to pick himself as winner.
The fact that the Prog Socialist Party whines constantly on issues like this is reason enough to believe they cheat. What is caught is a small percentage. What is hoped for is the people on the fence on be deranged, stay honest.

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