Trump's Muslim Ban is Keeping Americans Safe


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Dems showed their true colors when they fought the ban in the courts.

Indeed, Trump’s travel ban has been the most successful legal immigration reform that the president has enacted into law. Through the refugee resettlement program — which Trump has cut down to the lowest admission rate in history — less than 7,000 refugees from Chad, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen have been admitted to the U.S. since Drumpf was inaugurated.

Specifically, the U.S. has admitted only one refugee from Libya, 10 refugees from Chad, 1,335 refugees from Iran, more than 2,800 refugees from Iraq, 21 refugees from Yemen, and nearly 2,600 refugees from Syria since January 20, 2017.

The vast majority of these refugees — 5,345 of the 6,830 admissions — were brought to the U.S. in 2017 when Trump’s travel ban was being challenged in court. In 2018, less than 250 refugees from travel ban countries were admitted along with less than 1,300 admitted this year.

Compare these figures to former President Obama’s refugee admissions from travel ban countries between January 2014 and October 2016, when almost 64,000 refugees were brought to the U.S. Across the last three years of the Obama administration, more than 15,600 refugees arrived to the U.S. from Syria — more than double the total number of refugees admitted from travel ban countries in Trump’s first three years in office.

Trump: Constitutional Travel Ban Keeping ISIS Terrorists Out of the U.S.
Sadly we import Muslims onto our military bases under the guise of partnership with Muslim nations. We have dead Americans now because of that.

The Muslim ban was all posturing. Nobody from Chad flew planes into the Twin Towers. Nobody from Syria shot up a military base a couple days ago. Which country is missing from that list?
I have no problem whatsoever in screening entrants to this country according to ideology. Islamism is inimical to our way of life and we should not allow people to gain entrance who only want to destroy us. It's just common sense even if such is now totally lacking on the left.
Dems showed their true colors when they fought the ban in the courts.

Indeed, Trump’s travel ban has been the most successful legal immigration reform that the president has enacted into law. Through the refugee resettlement program — which Trump has cut down to the lowest admission rate in history — less than 7,000 refugees from Chad, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen have been admitted to the U.S. since Drumpf was inaugurated.

Specifically, the U.S. has admitted only one refugee from Libya, 10 refugees from Chad, 1,335 refugees from Iran, more than 2,800 refugees from Iraq, 21 refugees from Yemen, and nearly 2,600 refugees from Syria since January 20, 2017.

The vast majority of these refugees — 5,345 of the 6,830 admissions — were brought to the U.S. in 2017 when Trump’s travel ban was being challenged in court. In 2018, less than 250 refugees from travel ban countries were admitted along with less than 1,300 admitted this year.

Compare these figures to former President Obama’s refugee admissions from travel ban countries between January 2014 and October 2016, when almost 64,000 refugees were brought to the U.S. Across the last three years of the Obama administration, more than 15,600 refugees arrived to the U.S. from Syria — more than double the total number of refugees admitted from travel ban countries in Trump’s first three years in office.

Trump: Constitutional Travel Ban Keeping ISIS Terrorists Out of the U.S.
fat donnie's Saudi "friends" just sent some more murderers here. You approve?
Algebra was invented by a Muslim ... still mad about that? ...

When Islamists indulge in all that terrorism motivated by their sick ideology, they don't scream "For Algebra!!", dude.

You are indulging in mindless apologetics and nothing more. The fact that a Persian invented algebra in the ninth century has no bearing whatsoever on the well-established nature of Islamist terrorism as they follow the dictates of Mohammad to turn Dar al Harb into Dar al Islam.
The Muslim ban was all posturing. Nobody from Chad flew planes into the Twin Towers. Nobody from Syria shot up a military base a couple days ago. Which country is missing from that list?

New Zealand ?

Those terrorists kill me with their happy go lucky way of life down there...

Fact is Saudi Arabia will not be on any list as long as they have oil and part of OPEC...

With Obama administration selling them over one hundred billion Military hardware tell you neither political party consider Saudi Arabia the true threat they are...
Concentrate on banning muslims who come here legally.

While MS-13 gang members and other criminal illegals flood across our southern border, and murder American citizens everyday.

Makes perfect sense to me. ... :cuckoo:
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The Muslim ban was all posturing. Nobody from Chad flew planes into the Twin Towers. Nobody from Syria shot up a military base a couple days ago. Which country is missing from that list?

New Zealand ?

Those terrorists kill me with their happy go lucky way of life down there...

Fact is Saudi Arabia will not be on any list as long as they have oil and part of OPEC...

With Obama administration selling them over one hundred billion Military hardware tell you neither political party consider Saudi Arabia the true threat they are...

I was actually talking about New Zealand.

Cut it out with your "we don't sound anything like Australians" horseshit. Only you think that.
The Muslim ban was all posturing. Nobody from Chad flew planes into the Twin Towers. Nobody from Syria shot up a military base a couple days ago. Which country is missing from that list?

New Zealand ?

Those terrorists kill me with their happy go lucky way of life down there...

Fact is Saudi Arabia will not be on any list as long as they have oil and part of OPEC...

With Obama administration selling them over one hundred billion Military hardware tell you neither political party consider Saudi Arabia the true threat they are...

I was actually talking about New Zealand.

Cut it out with your "we don't sound anything like Australians" horseshit. Only you think that.

Well it had to be either New Zealand or Antarctica and even though those Penguins are scary the Kiwis are more fanatical with their happy go luck ways!

Of course I would have wrote Canadians but the only thing that fear Canadian's are Moose and a bottle of beer...

As for Saudi Arabia they shouldn't be given so much, but oil is more important...
Algebra was invented by a Muslim ... still mad about that? ...

When Islamists indulge in all that terrorism motivated by their sick ideology, they don't scream "For Algebra!!", dude.

You are indulging in mindless apologetics and nothing more. The fact that a Persian invented algebra in the ninth century has no bearing whatsoever on the well-established nature of Islamist terrorism as they follow the dictates of Mohammad to turn Dar al Harb into Dar al Islam.

HAW HAW HAW HAW ... you fail algebra FOUR STRAIGHT YEARS in high school ... did they give you a special education diploma? ... and this from an underfunded school system ... too rich ...

It's Wahhabism that endorses acts of terror ... and their sub-sect Jihadism that actually performs the acts of terror, funded by the Wahhabists ... only a complete moron would blame Indonesians ... yes, the Saudi royal family support and endorse the destruction of the World Trade Center ... why do you think The Donald is wearing the Presidential Knee-Pads whenever he meets with them? ...

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