Trump's moves on RACE

I'm not dodging anything. You are asking stupid senseless questions. Those like you want to try to make this into something it's not. You were shown one example here:

Download the pdf and read it.
So you're sticking with the make a fool of yourself tact. Whatever. I told you, they weren't trick questions. I wasn't trying to make it seem like something it's not. I was trying to get some clear criteria for what you think DEI should apply to, something more than a random list of things.

Why should "opinion" be on your list? That one kind of baffles me. Are you saying an employer should be responsible for hiring people who have opinions they disagree with?
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So you're sticking with the make a fool of yourself tact. Whatever. I told you, they weren't trick questions. I wasn't trying to make it seem like something it's not. I was trying to get some clear criteria for what you think DEI should apply to, something more than a random list of things.

Why should "opinion" be on your list? That one kind of baffles me. Are you saying an employer should be responsible for hiring people who have opinions they disagree with?
First off, you have an inaccurate understanding of what DEI is. Opinion was not on my list, it was listed on the link I used. But the thing is, that DEI is not only about race. I cannot understand how whites walk into offices and job sites full of white people and then ask questions about what diversity should mean. It just amazes me how whites have grown up in this country to believe they aren't a race and that when they get jobs race isn't considered. Then when the talk turns to diversity some whites ignore that they are already on the job and counted as part of the diversity equation. It's just amazing.
I see what you are writing Mac and quite frankly most of it is silly jibberish not based in fact. What you seem to be saying is that efforts made by Democrats to achieve equal opportunity are being done wrong because whites are offended by the way it's being done. You seem to believe that the best way to come together is to ignore racist behavior because it upsets whites, and that we need not make white men mad. Go ask Booket T Washington how that worked out.

Democrats have won 3 out of the last 4 elections. In this century, Democrats have got the most popular votes in 2000, 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020. Republicans have made efforts to reduce democratic voters and that's how they have been able to do things. Stop repeating that right-wing garbage, Democrats don't need to change anything except to begin to start slapping Republicans the same way they have slapped Democrats. If white men on the right are angry about being called what their behavior shows, then it's time for black, AAPI, Native American men, and sane Hispanic men to show these white men just how pissed off we are about what they continue to do. White men are 36 percent of the population, and they all aren't right-wing, so fuck those right-wing punks all the way up the ---.
I know I'm wasting my time, but I'll just say this.

I hope we can agree that many advancements had been made during the last century regarding bigotry against groups in general. Not perfection, not eradication of bigotry, but clear advancements including legal protections. ADVOCACY WAS WORKING. Not as quickly as some would have liked, but this is a big fuckin' country.

Some of the tactics used were annoying to some (including myself), but that's all they were: An annoyance. Not a huge deal. Hyphenated Americans was one, because I didn't like seeing Americans suddenly dividing like that. The more I saw different American groups forming and dividing themselves from every other American, the more concerned I got. I'm a big fan of that E Pluribus Unum thing. That stuff is the exact opposite. Concerning, but okay. It is what it is.

But then -- I can't give you an exact date, but let's say about 15 years ago -- The Left changed. It morphed from ADVOCACY to AGGRESSION. It weaponized PC and Identity Politics. Say ANYTHING that a Leftist didn't like, and they went straight on the attack to put you on the defensive and control the conversation. It went from advocacy to crazed lefties in your face shouting RACIST, HOMOPHOBE, ISLAMOPHOBE, TOXIC MASCULINITY, CULTURAL APPROPRIATION and anything else they could think of, regardless of whether or not it was actually TRUE. I was called a "racist" for saying I didn't like the ACA, for fuck's sake.

Bad enough. But then we see business owners losing everything because they didn't want to bake a fucking cake. Employees were being forced to take classes on this sensitivity or that sensitivity, as if they were criminals. Careers were being destroyed because someone had been fucking "offended". Our children were being so coddled that they needed "safe spaces" and "trigger warnings" to survive. Conservative speakers were being de-platformed in college campuses (of all fucking places) across the country. The Left's weaponization of PC and Identity Politics was (1) directly against the spirit of Freedom of Expression, which is MY PERSONAL pet pieve, and (2) creating an absolutely predictable and understandable resentment among many Americans. And if we brought it up, here comes the screaming and the threats.

So what happened? Nothing. Nothing on the outside. But inside, the resentment was building over the years. And the constant stories of the above examples kept coming in, and the resentment kept growing under the surface. I was warning about it since the day I've been on this site, and I could provide a thousand (literally) examples. The resentment was building and building and building. Silently though, because you sure as hell can't SAY anything. In America. IN AMERICA.

And then what happened? Donald Trump showed up. The ultimate fucking pressure release valve. And when people went into that voting booth, THAT'S when they had their say. And I was proven right (although admittedly, even I had underestimated the size and intensity of it). It's all coming out now. All the resentment.

So when I say that Trumpsters want you to keep doing what you're doing, I'm being literal. It's working out great for them.

Okay. That's it. I truly don't know what else to tell you.

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I know I'm wasting my time, but I'll just say this.

I hope we can agree that many advancements had been made during the last century regarding bigotry against groups in general. Not perfection, not eradication of bigotry, but clear advancements including legal protections. ADVOCACY WAS WORKING. Not as quickly as some would have liked, but this is a big fuckin' country.

Some of the tactics used were annoying to some (including myself), but that's all they were: An annoyance. Not a huge deal. Hyphenated Americans was one, because I didn't like seeing Americans suddenly dividing like that. The more I saw different American groups forming and dividing themselves from every other American, the more concerned I got. I'm a big fan of that E Pluribus Unum thing. That stuff is the exact opposite. Concerning, but okay. It is what it is.

But then -- I can't give you an exact date, but let's say about 15 years ago -- The Left changed. It morphed from ADVOCACY to AGGRESSION. It weaponized PC and Identity Politics. Say ANYTHING that a Leftist didn't like, and they went straight on the attack to put you on the defensive and control the conversation. It went from advocacy to crazed lefties in your face shouting RACIST, HOMOPHOBE, ISLAMOPHOBE, TOXIC MASCULINITY, CULTURAL APPROPRIATION and anything else they could think of, regardless of whether or not it was actually TRUE. I was called a "racist" for saying I didn't like the ACA, for fuck's sake.

Bad enough. But then we see business owners losing everything because they didn't want to bake a fucking cake. Employees were being forced to take classes on this sensitivity or that sensitivity, as if they were criminals. Careers were being destroyed because someone had been fucking "offended". Our children were being so coddled that they needed "safe spaces" and "trigger warnings" to survive. Conservative speakers were being de-platformed in college campuses (of all fucking places) across the country. The Left's weaponization of PC and Identity Politics was (1) directly against the spirit of Freedom of Expression, which is MY PERSONAL pet pieve, and (2) creating an absolutely predictable and understandable resentment among many Americans. And if we brought it up, here comes the screaming and the threats.

So what happened? Nothing. Nothing on the outside. But inside, the resentment was building over the years. And the constant stories of the above examples kept coming in, and the resentment kept growing under the surface. I was warning about it since the day I've been on this site, and I could provide a thousand (literally) examples. The resentment was building and building and building. Silently though, because you sure as hell can't SAY anything. In America. IN AMERICA.

And then what happened? Donald Trump showed up. The ultimate fucking pressure release valve. And when people went into that voting booth, THAT'S when they had their say. And I was proven right (although admittedly, even I had underestimated the size and intensity of it). It's all coming out now. All the resentment.

So when I say that Trumpsters want you to keep doing what you're doing, I'm being literal. It's working out great for them.

Okay. That's it. I truly don't know what else to tell you.

So yeah. You're basically fucking crying that people had opinions and things they wanted to fight for that you don't agree with. Boo fucking hoo. :dunno: Oh did the left get angry at people it felt were bigots? It's not like the left tried to take away anyone's citizenship. Their big thing is that we didn't want to allow businesses to deny people service like we were back arguing whether black people can sit at a lunch counter.
I'm not so frail as having to believe all the world is with me. What's the fuck is wrong with you emotional Simps? :dunno: :lol:

I take objective wins as victories, not emotional ones. I want you people replaced and I don't see how you stop that. Rage all you like in the in-between but that's the ball game right there. Well, as far as you and I are concerned anyway. At that point I'm done with you and moving on to the next thing.

Why don’t you just move to a country filled with “you” people?
Could it be because you would lose all your free stuff?
Why don’t you just move to a country filled with “you” people?
Could it be because you would lose all your free stuff?
What free stuff fantasy player? Immigrants are coming for the first world because that's were the wealth from resources from the 3rd world have ended up. We're coming for our shit and you doing pretend and make believe is only filling me with confidence that you cuckolds can't do anything about it.
First off, you have an inaccurate understanding of what DEI is. Opinion was not on my list, it was listed on the link I used. But the thing is, that DEI is not only about race. I cannot understand how whites walk into offices and job sites full of white people and then ask questions about what diversity should mean. It just amazes me how whites have grown up in this country to believe they aren't a race and that when they get jobs race isn't considered. Then when the talk turns to diversity some whites ignore that they are already on the job and counted as part of the diversity equation. It's just amazing.
Well, you're just ignoring my questions and preaching now. Good luck.
What free stuff fantasy player? Immigrants are coming for the first world because that's were the wealth from resources from the 3rd world have ended up. We're coming for our shit and you doing pretend and make believe is only filling me with confidence that you cuckolds can't do anything about it.

I’m talking about you specifically and the free stuff you get from American taxpayers.
A simple thank you will do.
My biggest disappointment with Barack Obama was the fact that no American President has ever been better-equipped to firmly address America's profound racial issues, and he essentially voted "present" instead of tackling them head on.
Obama was a disappointment in many ways, but that is another discussion.
He didn't just vote "present". That is a rather rosey description of his role.
Obama showed his true colors right off the bat with the "beergate" scandal. His predisposition that "whitey is bad". This set quite the stage for all of the other problems - Jeremiah Wright, who Obama through under the bus, and attempted to dismiss his role in his life. Problem was, Obama wrote a book. And in that book he literally said "he is like a father to me" and talks about him in a very positive light. Then the - Michelle Problem "I am for the first time proud of America". And a collection of other statements.

No... he did not just vote "present". Obama set race relations back 20 years, at least.
I’m talking about you specifically and the free stuff you get from American taxpayers.
A simple thank you will do.
Again what free stuff, fantasy role player? Are we playing the gave were you pretend that you know me? :dunno: Why do you weirdos like playing pretend so much? :lol:
Obama was a disappointment in many ways, but that is another discussion.
He didn't just vote "present". That is a rather rosey description of his role.
Obama showed his true colors right off the bat with the "beergate" scandal. His predisposition that "whitey is bad". This set quite the stage for all of the other problems - Jeremiah Wright, who Obama through under the bus, and attempted to dismiss his role in his life. Problem was, Obama wrote a book. And in that book he literally said "he is like a father to me" and talks about him in a very positive light. Then the - Michelle Problem "I am for the first time proud of America". And a collection of other statements.

No... he did not just vote "present". Obama set race relations back 20 years, at least.
Things were going great huh Mac1958? But this soft soy was triggered by beer gate? :lol: ok.... :lmao:

I do enjoy the fragility of white America. Obama asked the cops who tried to arrest a black man for entering his own home to have a beer together!? How dare he! :lol:

And also, what's wrong with telling Gays to find another lunch counter.... :lmao:
My biggest disappointment with Barack Obama was the fact that no American President has ever been better-equipped to firmly address America's profound racial issues, and he essentially voted "present" instead of tackling them head on.

Biden? Uh, no.

On the other hand, and this is not easy for me to say, Donald Trump does find himself in a position to address race. Why that is, is a separate issue. But the way he's handling it -- decrees that just summarily wipe away any number of issues centering around race -- is a mistake. Instead, he could be carefully explaining WHY he believes that initiatives like DEI are not in America's best interests, and neither are they in the best interest of those they purport to be "helping". Isn't that the point of all this?

The opportunity is right there, waiting for him. But he's not taking it. Obviously he personally doesn't have the capacity to communicate these things contemporaneously, but that's not necessarily needed. He can do it in a speech that is carefully written for him (as long as he sticks to the words, of course). Get the ideas out into society, get Americans to talk to each other about it. But it has to start with Trump.

Instead, they're just going to cram this stuff down the country's throat, with no explanations, no discussion, no communication. It's a terribly wasted opportunity.

Those that don’t understand this by now have the idea of big bad racism firmly cemented in their indoctrinated brains. Removing it would require lobotomy. It would be a complete waste of time, much like talking to most Democrats on this forum. Keep in mind, these are many of the people that must be told that there are two and only two sexes and even then they don’t believe it. There is a point where you just have to recognize people’s limitations and to stop wasting your time. It’s like trying to teach your dog to not like steak. You may can keep him from eating it, but he will always like it.

I just read your response to IM2. He is a perfect example of what I am talking about. You, and Trump, would be wasting their time talking to people like that and the Democratic Party is flush with them.
The demented LEFT would be lost without stoking the fire of racial division. It's all just part of the divide and conquer nature of the subverted Marxist IDIOTS--------------> :stir:
Those that don’t understand this by now have the idea of big bad racism firmly cemented in their indoctrinated brains. Removing it would require lobotomy. It would be a complete waste of time, much like talking to most Democrats on this forum. Keep in mind, these are many of the people that must be told that there are two and only two sexes and even then they don’t believe it. There is a point where you just have to recognize people’s limitations and to stop wasting your time. It’s like trying to teach your dog to not like steak. You may can keep him from eating it, but he will always like it.

I just read your response to IM2. He is a perfect example of what I am talking about. You, and Trump, would be wasting their time talking to people like that and the Democratic Party is flush with them.

I listen to what scientists and biologists say about sex. Not internet clowns and politicians.
DEI has never only applied to blacks.

No, but they are the only ones who still need it.

White women would be fine if DEI went away. They know they can walk into a place with a well-written (or sometimes a badly written resume) and have a pretty good chance of getting hired. Will they still encounter misogynistic bosses. Sure.

Asian Americans would be fine if DEI went away. A lot of white employers would prefer to hire Asians, because they know Asians will work their asses off. Will they still encounter racism? Sure.

So maybe instead of whining about the loss of DEI, black people need to start finding ways to make themselves more desirable as employees...
decent guy, meaning a Marxist asshole that went around the world apologizing for America without our permission.

He legitmately won election twice with clear majorities... that gave him our permission. (And what's wrong with apologizing for doing something wrong?)

A decent guy who caused uncounted numbers of black men to get shot trying to fight with cops.

Like who? Tamir Rice? LaQuan McDonald? Mike Brown? Do you think any of those guys were shot because Obama told them so?

A decent guy that murdered thousands of Muslims with his drone program.

Which Bush started and Trump escalated. Next

A decent guy who helped train thousands of assholes how to riot without having to pay a price for the billions in damage they caused.

Really? When did this "Riot Training" take place, and why wasn't I invited?

A decent guy that made sure nobody trusts our government anymore.

Only because a bunch of racists flipped the fuck out about a black guy being in the White House.

If Obama had been white, with his achievements, they'd have put him on Mt. Rushmore.
First off, you have an inaccurate understanding of what DEI is. Opinion was not on my list, it was listed on the link I used. But the thing is, that DEI is not only about race. I cannot understand how whites walk into offices and job sites full of white people and then ask questions about what diversity should mean. It just amazes me how whites have grown up in this country to believe they aren't a race and that when they get jobs race isn't considered. Then when the talk turns to diversity some whites ignore that they are already on the job and counted as part of the diversity equation. It's just amazing.

Yes, DEI isn't just about race.

But as stated, white women don't need it. LGBTQ don't really need it. Asian-Americans don't really need it.

One of the best bosses I ever had was a gay woman. (I didn't realize she was gay until after working for her for about a year.) No one cared that she was gay (except, ironically, one black girl she hired who was a Jehovah's Witless.)

Now that team was pretty diverse. It was made up of two white dudes, two to three Asian women, a black woman, and two white women with a gay white woman leading the team.

Not that the company had any DEI Mandates at that time, but just because that's how the team came together organically.

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