Trump's Mockery of "Pocahontas" Warren - Racism?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Warren Fights Back Against Trump’s ‘Pocahontas’ Slur

Lacking any real ammunition for rebuttal, Senator Warren (and her Leftist fellow-travelers) clings to the extremely dubious claim that Trump's mocking her is somehow a "racist" attack against so-called, "Native Americans."

Is anyone stupid enough to buy this?

Obviously, Trump is mocking HER, not the tribe which she falsely claims as her own. Indeed, the President has been careful NOT to say anything negative about Native Americans or any particular tribe (nation) thereof.

It is analogous to someone mocking a comedian who appears in "blackface," then being called a "racist" for mocking a pretend Black person. It is ridiculous.

The real questions on this bizarre development, however, are:

(1) Why did Warren release this "news" at a time so close to the mid-term elections?

(2) Did Warren really think that nobody would actually read the DNA findings, to see that she has NO BASIS for her claim to have "some sort-of Cherokee" blood?

(3). Why does she cling to this silly fiction, rather than simply saying: "Look, this was a family myth that I naively bought harm intended...I guess it was bogus"?


(a). She released it now because she has recently been upstaged by her presumed 2020 primary opponents, K. Harris, and C. Booker, because she is not on the Judiciary Committee, and she felt like she had to get into the news somehow.

(b). Yes.

(c). The answer lies in the concept of "intersectionality." Among the Leaders of the Bat-shit Crazy Left, there is an informal competition to claim membership in the most oppressed group of persons possible. Women are more aggrieved than men; blacks are more oppressed than women; homosexuals are more oppressed than women, and so on. And near the top of the list of oppressed peoples are "Native Americans." By claiming Native American status - even to a slight degree - she can possibly achieve similarly oppressed- ness with her rivals. Lacking that, she is simply an upper-middle class, non-oppressed white woman. How pathetic.
Warren Fights Back Against Trump’s ‘Pocahontas’ Slur

Lacking any real ammunition for rebuttal, Senator Warren (and her Leftist fellow-travelers) clings to the extremely dubious claim that Trump's mocking her is somehow a "racist" attack against so-called, "Native Americans."

Is anyone stupid enough to buy this?

Obviously, Trump is mocking HER, not the tribe which she falsely claims as her own. Indeed, the President has been careful NOT to say anything negative about Native Americans or any particular tribe (nation) thereof.

It is analogous to someone mocking a comedian who appears in "blackface," then being called a "racist" for mocking a pretend Black person. It is ridiculous.

The real questions on this bizarre development, however, are:

(1) Why did Warren release this "news" at a time so close to the mid-term elections?

(2) Did Warren really think that nobody would actually read the DNA findings, to see that she has NO BASIS for her claim to have "some sort-of Cherokee" blood?

(3). Why does she cling to this silly fiction, rather than simply saying: "Look, this was a family myth that I naively bought harm intended...I guess it was bogus"?


(a). She released it now because she has recently been upstaged by her presumed 2020 primary opponents, K. Harris, and C. Booker, because she is not on the Judiciary Committee, and she felt like she had to get into the news somehow.

(b). Yes.

(c). The answer lies in the concept of "intersectionality." Among the Leaders of the Bat-shit Crazy Left, there is an informal competition to claim membership in the most oppressed group of persons possible. Women are more aggrieved than men; blacks are more oppressed than women; homosexuals are more oppressed than women, and so on. And near the top of the list of oppressed peoples are "Native Americans." By claiming Native American status - even to a slight degree - she can possibly achieve similarly oppressed- ness with her rivals. Lacking that, she is simply an upper-middle class, non-oppressed white woman. How pathetic.
You are all bullying her for no reason except you're afraid she might actually do well in taking votes from Trump. Just about anything breathing ought to do about now, if you ask me, but there are unfortunately a lot of jamokes out there.
From your article:

There is no evidence to support Porreco's claim that Warren ever used claims of Native American heritage on college applications, and while Warren did notify officials at the University of Pennsylvania and then Harvard of her Native American heritage after she was hired to teach there, a Boston Globe report found that her ancestral claim had no impact on her hiring.

"At every step of her remarkable rise in the legal profession, the people responsible for hiring her saw her as a white woman," the newspaper reported.
Old Lady. One issue is whether she used her bogus claims of Cherokee blood to be hired for her high-level academic positions. I agree with you that there is no evidence that this claim entered into the evaluation process.

However, she has made the claim, and was happily considered by Harvard as a "woman of color," on the basis of this bogus claim. Indeed, she has often in her political career mined this bit of unsubstantiated nonsense - now PROVEN nonsense, and it is for this reason that she deserves to be mocked.

And yes, the President is an ass-hole for being the one doing the mocking.
From your article:

There is no evidence to support Porreco's claim that Warren ever used claims of Native American heritage on college applications, and while Warren did notify officials at the University of Pennsylvania and then Harvard of her Native American heritage after she was hired to teach there, a Boston Globe report found that her ancestral claim had no impact on her hiring.

"At every step of her remarkable rise in the legal profession, the people responsible for hiring her saw her as a white woman," the newspaper reported.
Republicans don't like to talk about facts.

Conjecture, rumors and superstitious beliefs are the order of the day for those folks.
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Warren Fights Back Against Trump’s ‘Pocahontas’ Slur

Lacking any real ammunition for rebuttal, Senator Warren (and her Leftist fellow-travelers) clings to the extremely dubious claim that Trump's mocking her is somehow a "racist" attack against so-called, "Native Americans."

Is anyone stupid enough to buy this?

Obviously, Trump is mocking HER, not the tribe which she falsely claims as her own. Indeed, the President has been careful NOT to say anything negative about Native Americans or any particular tribe (nation) thereof.

It is analogous to someone mocking a comedian who appears in "blackface," then being called a "racist" for mocking a pretend Black person. It is ridiculous.

The real questions on this bizarre development, however, are:

(1) Why did Warren release this "news" at a time so close to the mid-term elections?

(2) Did Warren really think that nobody would actually read the DNA findings, to see that she has NO BASIS for her claim to have "some sort-of Cherokee" blood?

(3). Why does she cling to this silly fiction, rather than simply saying: "Look, this was a family myth that I naively bought harm intended...I guess it was bogus"?


(a). She released it now because she has recently been upstaged by her presumed 2020 primary opponents, K. Harris, and C. Booker, because she is not on the Judiciary Committee, and she felt like she had to get into the news somehow.

(b). Yes.

(c). The answer lies in the concept of "intersectionality." Among the Leaders of the Bat-shit Crazy Left, there is an informal competition to claim membership in the most oppressed group of persons possible. Women are more aggrieved than men; blacks are more oppressed than women; homosexuals are more oppressed than women, and so on. And near the top of the list of oppressed peoples are "Native Americans." By claiming Native American status - even to a slight degree - she can possibly achieve similarly oppressed- ness with her rivals. Lacking that, she is simply an upper-middle class, non-oppressed white woman. How pathetic.
it's not racist, it is just innocent locker room banter...

What is racist is Elizabeth Warren not being native American enough -- she is white, she looks white, talks white -- nowhere near Native American looking, which makes her racist against whites...
Old Lady. One issue is whether she used her bogus claims of Cherokee blood to be hired for her high-level academic positions. I agree with you that there is no evidence that this claim entered into the evaluation process.

However, she has made the claim, and was happily considered by Harvard as a "woman of color," on the basis of this bogus claim. Indeed, she has often in her political career mined this bit of unsubstantiated nonsense - now PROVEN nonsense, and it is for this reason that she deserves to be mocked.

And yes, the President is an ass-hole for being the one doing the mocking.
All day yesterday a link confirming that Warren claimed to be of Cherokee heritage in her own words or a written comment or statement went unanswered. Hundreds of posts in multiple threads and not a single shred of evidence of Warren making a claim of being a Cherokee.
Warren Fights Back Against Trump’s ‘Pocahontas’ Slur

Lacking any real ammunition for rebuttal, Senator Warren (and her Leftist fellow-travelers) clings to the extremely dubious claim that Trump's mocking her is somehow a "racist" attack against so-called, "Native Americans."

Is anyone stupid enough to buy this?

Obviously, Trump is mocking HER, not the tribe which she falsely claims as her own. Indeed, the President has been careful NOT to say anything negative about Native Americans or any particular tribe (nation) thereof.

It is analogous to someone mocking a comedian who appears in "blackface," then being called a "racist" for mocking a pretend Black person. It is ridiculous.

The real questions on this bizarre development, however, are:

(1) Why did Warren release this "news" at a time so close to the mid-term elections?

(2) Did Warren really think that nobody would actually read the DNA findings, to see that she has NO BASIS for her claim to have "some sort-of Cherokee" blood?

(3). Why does she cling to this silly fiction, rather than simply saying: "Look, this was a family myth that I naively bought harm intended...I guess it was bogus"?


(a). She released it now because she has recently been upstaged by her presumed 2020 primary opponents, K. Harris, and C. Booker, because she is not on the Judiciary Committee, and she felt like she had to get into the news somehow.

(b). Yes.

(c). The answer lies in the concept of "intersectionality." Among the Leaders of the Bat-shit Crazy Left, there is an informal competition to claim membership in the most oppressed group of persons possible. Women are more aggrieved than men; blacks are more oppressed than women; homosexuals are more oppressed than women, and so on. And near the top of the list of oppressed peoples are "Native Americans." By claiming Native American status - even to a slight degree - she can possibly achieve similarly oppressed- ness with her rivals. Lacking that, she is simply an upper-middle class, non-oppressed white woman. How pathetic.
You are all bullying her for no reason except you're afraid she might actually do well in taking votes from Trump. Just about anything breathing ought to do about now, if you ask me, but there are unfortunately a lot of jamokes out there.

Pointing out that someone lied about their heritage to gain an advantage at work isn't racist. Elizabeth Warren knew exactly what she was doing when she claimed to be an American Indian. She just didn't know she'd be running for the Senate some day and have that claim come back to bite her in the ass!

I don't think Trump is a racist. That misses the point. He's a jackass. A racist might make asinine comments because of someone's race. Trump just makes asinine comments because he's a petty, vindictive jerk. That's worse, and encompasses racism, but it's missing the point to label him with specific bad habits. He's got 'em all.
I agree with you; however, according to the PC Handbook, the only thing worse than being a racist is being a racist and homophobe.
The answer lies in the concept of "intersectionality." Among the Leaders of the Bat-shit Crazy Left, there is an informal competition to claim membership in the most oppressed group of persons possible. Women are more aggrieved than men; blacks are more oppressed than women; homosexuals are more oppressed than women, and so on. And near the top of the list of oppressed peoples are "Native Americans." By claiming Native American status - even to a slight degree - she can possibly achieve similarly oppressed- ness with her rivals. Lacking that, she is simply an upper-middle class, non-oppressed white woman. How pathetic.

The thing is she utilized or tried to utilize her “heritage” to her advantage, which blows to hell the notion of preferential treatment for being white. Also even if she did carry an adequate amount of Native American DNA she still looks white and is going to be deemed white by onlookers. That’s WHY she had to dig up this minuscule ancestory in the first place, bc she was at risk of being denied into a place she otherwise qualified for, right?
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Warren Fights Back Against Trump’s ‘Pocahontas’ Slur

Lacking any real ammunition for rebuttal, Senator Warren (and her Leftist fellow-travelers) clings to the extremely dubious claim that Trump's mocking her is somehow a "racist" attack against so-called, "Native Americans."

Is anyone stupid enough to buy this?

Obviously, Trump is mocking HER, not the tribe which she falsely claims as her own. Indeed, the President has been careful NOT to say anything negative about Native Americans or any particular tribe (nation) thereof.

It is analogous to someone mocking a comedian who appears in "blackface," then being called a "racist" for mocking a pretend Black person. It is ridiculous.

The real questions on this bizarre development, however, are:

(1) Why did Warren release this "news" at a time so close to the mid-term elections?

(2) Did Warren really think that nobody would actually read the DNA findings, to see that she has NO BASIS for her claim to have "some sort-of Cherokee" blood?

(3). Why does she cling to this silly fiction, rather than simply saying: "Look, this was a family myth that I naively bought harm intended...I guess it was bogus"?


(a). She released it now because she has recently been upstaged by her presumed 2020 primary opponents, K. Harris, and C. Booker, because she is not on the Judiciary Committee, and she felt like she had to get into the news somehow.

(b). Yes.

(c). The answer lies in the concept of "intersectionality." Among the Leaders of the Bat-shit Crazy Left, there is an informal competition to claim membership in the most oppressed group of persons possible. Women are more aggrieved than men; blacks are more oppressed than women; homosexuals are more oppressed than women, and so on. And near the top of the list of oppressed peoples are "Native Americans." By claiming Native American status - even to a slight degree - she can possibly achieve similarly oppressed- ness with her rivals. Lacking that, she is simply an upper-middle class, non-oppressed white woman. How pathetic.
You are all bullying her for no reason except you're afraid she might actually do well in taking votes from Trump. Just about anything breathing ought to do about now, if you ask me, but there are unfortunately a lot of jamokes out there.

LMAO! Warren is a fucking joke and she has ties to a communist front group like 80 plus other demcrats have and she is a friggin' globalist. WHY would you want to associate with garbage like that? I am not saying to be a neocon because I'm not a member of any political party but the DNC has gone full blown marxist.
Warren Fights Back Against Trump’s ‘Pocahontas’ Slur

Lacking any real ammunition for rebuttal, Senator Warren (and her Leftist fellow-travelers) clings to the extremely dubious claim that Trump's mocking her is somehow a "racist" attack against so-called, "Native Americans."

Is anyone stupid enough to buy this?

Obviously, Trump is mocking HER, not the tribe which she falsely claims as her own. Indeed, the President has been careful NOT to say anything negative about Native Americans or any particular tribe (nation) thereof.

It is analogous to someone mocking a comedian who appears in "blackface," then being called a "racist" for mocking a pretend Black person. It is ridiculous.

The real questions on this bizarre development, however, are:

(1) Why did Warren release this "news" at a time so close to the mid-term elections?

(2) Did Warren really think that nobody would actually read the DNA findings, to see that she has NO BASIS for her claim to have "some sort-of Cherokee" blood?

(3). Why does she cling to this silly fiction, rather than simply saying: "Look, this was a family myth that I naively bought harm intended...I guess it was bogus"?


(a). She released it now because she has recently been upstaged by her presumed 2020 primary opponents, K. Harris, and C. Booker, because she is not on the Judiciary Committee, and she felt like she had to get into the news somehow.

(b). Yes.

(c). The answer lies in the concept of "intersectionality." Among the Leaders of the Bat-shit Crazy Left, there is an informal competition to claim membership in the most oppressed group of persons possible. Women are more aggrieved than men; blacks are more oppressed than women; homosexuals are more oppressed than women, and so on. And near the top of the list of oppressed peoples are "Native Americans." By claiming Native American status - even to a slight degree - she can possibly achieve similarly oppressed- ness with her rivals. Lacking that, she is simply an upper-middle class, non-oppressed white woman. How pathetic.
You are all bullying her for no reason except you're afraid she might actually do well in taking votes from Trump. Just about anything breathing ought to do about now, if you ask me, but there are unfortunately a lot of jamokes out there.

Pointing out that someone lied about their heritage to gain an advantage at work isn't racist. Elizabeth Warren knew exactly what she was doing when she claimed to be an American Indian. She just didn't know she'd be running for the Senate some day and have that claim come back to bite her in the ass!
She DIDN'T use it to get hired. She checked N.A. heritage on the forms that Harvard sent to faculty asking if they had any "diversity" heritage. She already had the job and if Harvard was involved in some deceptive advertising to make it look as if they had a more diverse faculty than they did, that's on them.
Warren Fights Back Against Trump’s ‘Pocahontas’ Slur

Lacking any real ammunition for rebuttal, Senator Warren (and her Leftist fellow-travelers) clings to the extremely dubious claim that Trump's mocking her is somehow a "racist" attack against so-called, "Native Americans."

Is anyone stupid enough to buy this?

Obviously, Trump is mocking HER, not the tribe which she falsely claims as her own. Indeed, the President has been careful NOT to say anything negative about Native Americans or any particular tribe (nation) thereof.

It is analogous to someone mocking a comedian who appears in "blackface," then being called a "racist" for mocking a pretend Black person. It is ridiculous.

The real questions on this bizarre development, however, are:

(1) Why did Warren release this "news" at a time so close to the mid-term elections?

(2) Did Warren really think that nobody would actually read the DNA findings, to see that she has NO BASIS for her claim to have "some sort-of Cherokee" blood?

(3). Why does she cling to this silly fiction, rather than simply saying: "Look, this was a family myth that I naively bought harm intended...I guess it was bogus"?


(a). She released it now because she has recently been upstaged by her presumed 2020 primary opponents, K. Harris, and C. Booker, because she is not on the Judiciary Committee, and she felt like she had to get into the news somehow.

(b). Yes.

(c). The answer lies in the concept of "intersectionality." Among the Leaders of the Bat-shit Crazy Left, there is an informal competition to claim membership in the most oppressed group of persons possible. Women are more aggrieved than men; blacks are more oppressed than women; homosexuals are more oppressed than women, and so on. And near the top of the list of oppressed peoples are "Native Americans." By claiming Native American status - even to a slight degree - she can possibly achieve similarly oppressed- ness with her rivals. Lacking that, she is simply an upper-middle class, non-oppressed white woman. How pathetic.
You are all bullying her for no reason except you're afraid she might actually do well in taking votes from Trump. Just about anything breathing ought to do about now, if you ask me, but there are unfortunately a lot of jamokes out there.

LMAO! Warren is a fucking joke and she has ties to a communist front group like 80 plus other demcrats have and she is a friggin' globalist. WHY would you want to associate with garbage like that? I am not saying to be a neocon because I'm not a member of any political party but the DNC has gone full blown marxist.
Communist front group? LOL, yeah, okay Dale. I don't have to associate with her--she's a Massachusetts senator and I've got nothing to do with it. She's too progressive to end up on the Presidential ticket, imo. I'm just defending this argument because as a family historian myself, it kind of interested me. And the right wingers are twisting it all to shit. You should be ashamed.
Warren Fights Back Against Trump’s ‘Pocahontas’ Slur

Lacking any real ammunition for rebuttal, Senator Warren (and her Leftist fellow-travelers) clings to the extremely dubious claim that Trump's mocking her is somehow a "racist" attack against so-called, "Native Americans."

Is anyone stupid enough to buy this?

Obviously, Trump is mocking HER, not the tribe which she falsely claims as her own. Indeed, the President has been careful NOT to say anything negative about Native Americans or any particular tribe (nation) thereof.

It is analogous to someone mocking a comedian who appears in "blackface," then being called a "racist" for mocking a pretend Black person. It is ridiculous.

The real questions on this bizarre development, however, are:

(1) Why did Warren release this "news" at a time so close to the mid-term elections?

(2) Did Warren really think that nobody would actually read the DNA findings, to see that she has NO BASIS for her claim to have "some sort-of Cherokee" blood?

(3). Why does she cling to this silly fiction, rather than simply saying: "Look, this was a family myth that I naively bought harm intended...I guess it was bogus"?


(a). She released it now because she has recently been upstaged by her presumed 2020 primary opponents, K. Harris, and C. Booker, because she is not on the Judiciary Committee, and she felt like she had to get into the news somehow.

(b). Yes.

(c). The answer lies in the concept of "intersectionality." Among the Leaders of the Bat-shit Crazy Left, there is an informal competition to claim membership in the most oppressed group of persons possible. Women are more aggrieved than men; blacks are more oppressed than women; homosexuals are more oppressed than women, and so on. And near the top of the list of oppressed peoples are "Native Americans." By claiming Native American status - even to a slight degree - she can possibly achieve similarly oppressed- ness with her rivals. Lacking that, she is simply an upper-middle class, non-oppressed white woman. How pathetic.
You are all bullying her for no reason except you're afraid she might actually do well in taking votes from Trump. Just about anything breathing ought to do about now, if you ask me, but there are unfortunately a lot of jamokes out there.

Pointing out that someone lied about their heritage to gain an advantage at work isn't racist. Elizabeth Warren knew exactly what she was doing when she claimed to be an American Indian. She just didn't know she'd be running for the Senate some day and have that claim come back to bite her in the ass!
She. Did. Not. Lie. About. Her. Heritage. To. Gain. An. Advantage. At Work.

Although I'll bet she wishes she hadn't mentioned it at all.
Warren Fights Back Against Trump’s ‘Pocahontas’ Slur

Lacking any real ammunition for rebuttal, Senator Warren (and her Leftist fellow-travelers) clings to the extremely dubious claim that Trump's mocking her is somehow a "racist" attack against so-called, "Native Americans."

Is anyone stupid enough to buy this?

Obviously, Trump is mocking HER, not the tribe which she falsely claims as her own. Indeed, the President has been careful NOT to say anything negative about Native Americans or any particular tribe (nation) thereof.

It is analogous to someone mocking a comedian who appears in "blackface," then being called a "racist" for mocking a pretend Black person. It is ridiculous.

The real questions on this bizarre development, however, are:

(1) Why did Warren release this "news" at a time so close to the mid-term elections?

(2) Did Warren really think that nobody would actually read the DNA findings, to see that she has NO BASIS for her claim to have "some sort-of Cherokee" blood?

(3). Why does she cling to this silly fiction, rather than simply saying: "Look, this was a family myth that I naively bought harm intended...I guess it was bogus"?


(a). She released it now because she has recently been upstaged by her presumed 2020 primary opponents, K. Harris, and C. Booker, because she is not on the Judiciary Committee, and she felt like she had to get into the news somehow.

(b). Yes.

(c). The answer lies in the concept of "intersectionality." Among the Leaders of the Bat-shit Crazy Left, there is an informal competition to claim membership in the most oppressed group of persons possible. Women are more aggrieved than men; blacks are more oppressed than women; homosexuals are more oppressed than women, and so on. And near the top of the list of oppressed peoples are "Native Americans." By claiming Native American status - even to a slight degree - she can possibly achieve similarly oppressed- ness with her rivals. Lacking that, she is simply an upper-middle class, non-oppressed white woman. How pathetic.
You are all bullying her for no reason except you're afraid she might actually do well in taking votes from Trump. Just about anything breathing ought to do about now, if you ask me, but there are unfortunately a lot of jamokes out there.

LMAO! Warren is a fucking joke and she has ties to a communist front group like 80 plus other demcrats have and she is a friggin' globalist. WHY would you want to associate with garbage like that? I am not saying to be a neocon because I'm not a member of any political party but the DNC has gone full blown marxist.
Communist front group? LOL, yeah, okay Dale. I don't have to associate with her--she's a Massachusetts senator and I've got nothing to do with it. She's too progressive to end up on the Presidential ticket, imo. I'm just defending this argument because as a family historian myself, it kind of interested me. And the right wingers are twisting it all to shit. You should be ashamed. it out and then there is this BRILLIANT editorial of Warren's backing of the "Accountable Capitalist Act"...sure sounds very Bolshevik like to me...but what do I know? I only study and research this stuff ten to twelve hours a day.
Elizabeth Warren and the new communism

Why would I be ashamed for pointing out that Warren is a lying sack of shit trying to curry favor with minorities by claiming that she is one? Hmmmmm? I think I am going to claim that I am a 7 foot 5 Ethiopian with mad dribbling skills and can dunk a basketball flat footed and DEMAND that the NBA must put me in the supplemental draft because I identify as being one...I "feel it" thus it must be true. Makes as much sense as Warren's claim....wake the fuck up already.
Warren is or already has, or is becoming or become a prime example of Trump hate and misogyny. Hatred and misogyny from a portion of the highly extremist portions of his followers is the price all his supporters have to pay.
Warren is or already has, or is becoming or become a prime example of Trump hate and misogyny. Hatred and misogyny from a portion of the highly extremist portions of his followers is the price all his supporters have to pay.
Camp, did you REALLY post that with a straight face????? Seriously???

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