Trump slams ‘very unfair’ drug sentences


Gold Member
May 22, 2018
Realityville, USA
Kanye West's literal embrace of Donald Trump was all over the news last week. The president's rhetorical embrace of criminal justice reform got considerably less attention but may prove more consequential.

In an interview with Fox News on the morning of his meeting with the rap impresario, Trump signaled that he was ready to go beyond "back end" reform, which focuses on rehabilitation of inmates, and support "front end" reform, which focuses on reducing sentences and sending fewer people to prison. The key to understanding Trump's remarks is Alice Marie Johnson, whose sentence the president commuted in June at the behest of West's wife, Kim Kardashian.

Johnson, a first-time offender who received a life sentence in 1996 for participating in a Memphis cocaine trafficking organization, has described herself as "a telephone mule, passing messages between the distributors and sellers." While serving nearly 22 years in federal prison, she became a grandmother and great-grandmother, an ordained minister, and a mentor to other inmates.

more commutations, although those would certainly be welcome. "There has to be a reform, because it's very unfair right now," he said. "It's very unfair to African-Americans. It's very unfair to everybody."

Trump had high praise for criminal justice reforms in Texas and Georgia, which in recent years have seen falling crime rates even as they reduced their prison populations. "They really have done a tremendous job with reform," he said.

These comments, which may seem surprising from a man who has consciously cultivated a tough-on-crime image, reflect the influence of people Trump respects, people like his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a supporter of the conservative reform organization Right on Crime. And yes, people like Kanye West and Kim Kardashian.

That influence could be crucial in the ongoing debate about federal sentencing reform. Last May the House overwhelmingly approved the FIRST STEP Act, a collection of modest prison reforms aimed at reducing recidivism and promoting reintegration. The bill is on hold in the Senate, where Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) is demanding that it include sentencing reforms as well.

The latest proposal would incorporate into the FIRST STEP Act four elements of Grassley's Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act. The amendments would widen the "safety valve" that lets some drug offenders escape mandatory minimum sentences, narrow the criteria for mandatory minimums that apply to repeat drug offenders, clarify that escalating sentences for drug offenders who have guns require prior convictions, and retroactively apply the shorter crack cocaine sentences that Congress approved in 2010.

If Trump backs the changes Grassley wants, an amended bill could be approved by the lame-duck Congress after the election. "I believe the president was sincere," says Jason Pye, vice president of legislative affairs at FreedomWorks, which supports sentencing reform. "I was skeptical when the White House began dabbling in this more than year ago. But the White House has been fully engaged on this."

People do change their minds about these issues: Not long ago, Grassley himself was an ardent opponent of sentencing reform. In Trump's case, the evolutionary pressure may come from people he disdains as well as people he admires.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is no fan of sentencing reform, which may count in its favor as far as Trump is concerned. If Sessions does not get on board with "prison reform," Trump said on Fox News, "then he gets overruled by me, because I make the decision."

Trump Slams ‘Very Unfair’ Drug Sentences

Couple thoughts on this.

First, why would “white supremacist” Trump commute a sentence for a black woman?

Secondly, who knew before reading this Trump was willing to do something about unfair sentence lengths of non-violent drug offenders?
Kanye West's literal embrace of Donald Trump was all over the news last week. The president's rhetorical embrace of criminal justice reform got considerably less attention but may prove more consequential.

In an interview with Fox News on the morning of his meeting with the rap impresario, Trump signaled that he was ready to go beyond "back end" reform, which focuses on rehabilitation of inmates, and support "front end" reform, which focuses on reducing sentences and sending fewer people to prison. The key to understanding Trump's remarks is Alice Marie Johnson, whose sentence the president commuted in June at the behest of West's wife, Kim Kardashian.

Johnson, a first-time offender who received a life sentence in 1996 for participating in a Memphis cocaine trafficking organization, has described herself as "a telephone mule, passing messages between the distributors and sellers." While serving nearly 22 years in federal prison, she became a grandmother and great-grandmother, an ordained minister, and a mentor to other inmates.

more commutations, although those would certainly be welcome. "There has to be a reform, because it's very unfair right now," he said. "It's very unfair to African-Americans. It's very unfair to everybody."

Trump had high praise for criminal justice reforms in Texas and Georgia, which in recent years have seen falling crime rates even as they reduced their prison populations. "They really have done a tremendous job with reform," he said.

These comments, which may seem surprising from a man who has consciously cultivated a tough-on-crime image, reflect the influence of people Trump respects, people like his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a supporter of the conservative reform organization Right on Crime. And yes, people like Kanye West and Kim Kardashian.

That influence could be crucial in the ongoing debate about federal sentencing reform. Last May the House overwhelmingly approved the FIRST STEP Act, a collection of modest prison reforms aimed at reducing recidivism and promoting reintegration. The bill is on hold in the Senate, where Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) is demanding that it include sentencing reforms as well.

The latest proposal would incorporate into the FIRST STEP Act four elements of Grassley's Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act. The amendments would widen the "safety valve" that lets some drug offenders escape mandatory minimum sentences, narrow the criteria for mandatory minimums that apply to repeat drug offenders, clarify that escalating sentences for drug offenders who have guns require prior convictions, and retroactively apply the shorter crack cocaine sentences that Congress approved in 2010.

If Trump backs the changes Grassley wants, an amended bill could be approved by the lame-duck Congress after the election. "I believe the president was sincere," says Jason Pye, vice president of legislative affairs at FreedomWorks, which supports sentencing reform. "I was skeptical when the White House began dabbling in this more than year ago. But the White House has been fully engaged on this."

People do change their minds about these issues: Not long ago, Grassley himself was an ardent opponent of sentencing reform. In Trump's case, the evolutionary pressure may come from people he disdains as well as people he admires.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is no fan of sentencing reform, which may count in its favor as far as Trump is concerned. If Sessions does not get on board with "prison reform," Trump said on Fox News, "then he gets overruled by me, because I make the decision."

Trump Slams ‘Very Unfair’ Drug Sentences

Couple thoughts on this.

First, why would “white supremacist” Trump commute a sentence for a black woman?

Secondly, who knew before reading this Trump was willing to do something about unfair sentence lengths of non-violent drug offenders?

Why would a white supremacist have kids with a black woman? People do the strangest thing, and if I want to make up with my wife I over achieve. If I want her to not suspect me of doing something I make sure I act like a good husband.

Personally I think most racism is a lot softer than the NAZI white supremacy thing. People have situations which set them off. I know a guy who generally dislikes blacks unless he meets them at a motorcycle rally. I know a bunch of local catholic boys who scour job applications and use their knowledge of local high schools, last names, and zip codes to avoid blacks. There are even blacks who dislike whites (for some reason lol).
Kanye West's literal embrace of Donald Trump was all over the news last week. The president's rhetorical embrace of criminal justice reform got considerably less attention but may prove more consequential.

In an interview with Fox News on the morning of his meeting with the rap impresario, Trump signaled that he was ready to go beyond "back end" reform, which focuses on rehabilitation of inmates, and support "front end" reform, which focuses on reducing sentences and sending fewer people to prison. The key to understanding Trump's remarks is Alice Marie Johnson, whose sentence the president commuted in June at the behest of West's wife, Kim Kardashian.

Johnson, a first-time offender who received a life sentence in 1996 for participating in a Memphis cocaine trafficking organization, has described herself as "a telephone mule, passing messages between the distributors and sellers." While serving nearly 22 years in federal prison, she became a grandmother and great-grandmother, an ordained minister, and a mentor to other inmates.

more commutations, although those would certainly be welcome. "There has to be a reform, because it's very unfair right now," he said. "It's very unfair to African-Americans. It's very unfair to everybody."

Trump had high praise for criminal justice reforms in Texas and Georgia, which in recent years have seen falling crime rates even as they reduced their prison populations. "They really have done a tremendous job with reform," he said.

These comments, which may seem surprising from a man who has consciously cultivated a tough-on-crime image, reflect the influence of people Trump respects, people like his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a supporter of the conservative reform organization Right on Crime. And yes, people like Kanye West and Kim Kardashian.

That influence could be crucial in the ongoing debate about federal sentencing reform. Last May the House overwhelmingly approved the FIRST STEP Act, a collection of modest prison reforms aimed at reducing recidivism and promoting reintegration. The bill is on hold in the Senate, where Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) is demanding that it include sentencing reforms as well.

The latest proposal would incorporate into the FIRST STEP Act four elements of Grassley's Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act. The amendments would widen the "safety valve" that lets some drug offenders escape mandatory minimum sentences, narrow the criteria for mandatory minimums that apply to repeat drug offenders, clarify that escalating sentences for drug offenders who have guns require prior convictions, and retroactively apply the shorter crack cocaine sentences that Congress approved in 2010.

If Trump backs the changes Grassley wants, an amended bill could be approved by the lame-duck Congress after the election. "I believe the president was sincere," says Jason Pye, vice president of legislative affairs at FreedomWorks, which supports sentencing reform. "I was skeptical when the White House began dabbling in this more than year ago. But the White House has been fully engaged on this."

People do change their minds about these issues: Not long ago, Grassley himself was an ardent opponent of sentencing reform. In Trump's case, the evolutionary pressure may come from people he disdains as well as people he admires.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is no fan of sentencing reform, which may count in its favor as far as Trump is concerned. If Sessions does not get on board with "prison reform," Trump said on Fox News, "then he gets overruled by me, because I make the decision."

Trump Slams ‘Very Unfair’ Drug Sentences

Couple thoughts on this.

First, why would “white supremacist” Trump commute a sentence for a black woman?

Secondly, who knew before reading this Trump was willing to do something about unfair sentence lengths of non-violent drug offenders?

Why would a white supremacist have kids with a black woman? People do the strangest thing, and if I want to make up with my wife I over achieve. If I want her to not suspect me of doing something I make sure I act like a good husband.

Personally I think most racism is a lot softer than the NAZI white supremacy thing. People have situations which set them off. I know a guy who generally dislikes blacks unless he meets them at a motorcycle rally. I know a bunch of local catholic boys who scour job applications and use their knowledge of local high schools, last names, and zip codes to avoid blacks. There are even blacks who dislike whites (for some reason lol).

Kanye West's literal embrace of Donald Trump was all over the news last week. The president's rhetorical embrace of criminal justice reform got considerably less attention but may prove more consequential.

In an interview with Fox News on the morning of his meeting with the rap impresario, Trump signaled that he was ready to go beyond "back end" reform, which focuses on rehabilitation of inmates, and support "front end" reform, which focuses on reducing sentences and sending fewer people to prison. The key to understanding Trump's remarks is Alice Marie Johnson, whose sentence the president commuted in June at the behest of West's wife, Kim Kardashian.

Johnson, a first-time offender who received a life sentence in 1996 for participating in a Memphis cocaine trafficking organization, has described herself as "a telephone mule, passing messages between the distributors and sellers." While serving nearly 22 years in federal prison, she became a grandmother and great-grandmother, an ordained minister, and a mentor to other inmates.

more commutations, although those would certainly be welcome. "There has to be a reform, because it's very unfair right now," he said. "It's very unfair to African-Americans. It's very unfair to everybody."

Trump had high praise for criminal justice reforms in Texas and Georgia, which in recent years have seen falling crime rates even as they reduced their prison populations. "They really have done a tremendous job with reform," he said.

These comments, which may seem surprising from a man who has consciously cultivated a tough-on-crime image, reflect the influence of people Trump respects, people like his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a supporter of the conservative reform organization Right on Crime. And yes, people like Kanye West and Kim Kardashian.

That influence could be crucial in the ongoing debate about federal sentencing reform. Last May the House overwhelmingly approved the FIRST STEP Act, a collection of modest prison reforms aimed at reducing recidivism and promoting reintegration. The bill is on hold in the Senate, where Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) is demanding that it include sentencing reforms as well.

The latest proposal would incorporate into the FIRST STEP Act four elements of Grassley's Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act. The amendments would widen the "safety valve" that lets some drug offenders escape mandatory minimum sentences, narrow the criteria for mandatory minimums that apply to repeat drug offenders, clarify that escalating sentences for drug offenders who have guns require prior convictions, and retroactively apply the shorter crack cocaine sentences that Congress approved in 2010.

If Trump backs the changes Grassley wants, an amended bill could be approved by the lame-duck Congress after the election. "I believe the president was sincere," says Jason Pye, vice president of legislative affairs at FreedomWorks, which supports sentencing reform. "I was skeptical when the White House began dabbling in this more than year ago. But the White House has been fully engaged on this."

People do change their minds about these issues: Not long ago, Grassley himself was an ardent opponent of sentencing reform. In Trump's case, the evolutionary pressure may come from people he disdains as well as people he admires.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is no fan of sentencing reform, which may count in its favor as far as Trump is concerned. If Sessions does not get on board with "prison reform," Trump said on Fox News, "then he gets overruled by me, because I make the decision."

Trump Slams ‘Very Unfair’ Drug Sentences

Couple thoughts on this.

First, why would “white supremacist” Trump commute a sentence for a black woman?

Secondly, who knew before reading this Trump was willing to do something about unfair sentence lengths of non-violent drug offenders?

Why would a white supremacist have kids with a black woman? People do the strangest thing, and if I want to make up with my wife I over achieve. If I want her to not suspect me of doing something I make sure I act like a good husband.

Personally I think most racism is a lot softer than the NAZI white supremacy thing. People have situations which set them off. I know a guy who generally dislikes blacks unless he meets them at a motorcycle rally. I know a bunch of local catholic boys who scour job applications and use their knowledge of local high schools, last names, and zip codes to avoid blacks. There are even blacks who dislike whites (for some reason lol).


That's deep.

Trump has demonstrated for decades that he is above the law, he associates with criminals, Mafia figures (both foreign & domestic), has a terrible opinion of standing institutions, including the DOJ.

Bottom line: Trump is void of morality & he has no problem offering pardons to criminals that have been convicted according to the laws of the land & that have been convicted by the courts, even those convicted of drug crimes.
We are living in a space in time in America in which the value placed on morality no longer exist.
We can all thank Trump for this; the DEATH of morality.

Trump has demonstrated for decades that he is above the law, he associates with criminals, Mafia figures (both foreign & domestic), has a terrible opinion of standing institutions, including the DOJ.

Bottom line: Trump is void of morality & he has no problem offering pardons to criminals that have been convicted according to the laws of the land & that have been convicted by the courts, even those convicted of drug crimes.
We are living in a space in time in America in which the value placed on morality no longer exist.
We can all thank Trump for this; the DEATH of morality.

So what are you thoughts about Obama commuting sentences of drug offenders?

Barack Obama has now commuted the sentences of more than 1,000 people in prison for drug crimes

Obama also freed Guantanamo Bay prisoners which were later seen back on the battlefield.

How many released Guantanamo prisoners re-offend?

Tell me more about the death of morality.

Trump has demonstrated for decades that he is above the law, he associates with criminals, Mafia figures (both foreign & domestic), has a terrible opinion of standing institutions, including the DOJ.

Bottom line: Trump is void of morality & he has no problem offering pardons to criminals that have been convicted according to the laws of the land & that have been convicted by the courts, even those convicted of drug crimes.
We are living in a space in time in America in which the value placed on morality no longer exist.
We can all thank Trump for this; the DEATH of morality.

So what are you thoughts about Obama commuting sentences of drug offenders?

Barack Obama has now commuted the sentences of more than 1,000 people in prison for drug crimes

Obama also freed Guantanamo Bay prisoners which were later seen back on the battlefield.

How many released Guantanamo prisoners re-offend?

Tell me more about the death of morality.

Great whataboutism

Under Trump Rule it is only getting worse.

Trump has demonstrated for decades that he is above the law, he associates with criminals, Mafia figures (both foreign & domestic), has a terrible opinion of standing institutions, including the DOJ.

Bottom line: Trump is void of morality & he has no problem offering pardons to criminals that have been convicted according to the laws of the land & that have been convicted by the courts, even those convicted of drug crimes.
We are living in a space in time in America in which the value placed on morality no longer exist.
We can all thank Trump for this; the DEATH of morality.

So what are you thoughts about Obama commuting sentences of drug offenders?

Barack Obama has now commuted the sentences of more than 1,000 people in prison for drug crimes

Obama also freed Guantanamo Bay prisoners which were later seen back on the battlefield.

How many released Guantanamo prisoners re-offend?

Tell me more about the death of morality.

Great whataboutism

Under Trump Rule it is only getting worse.

Whataboutism is holding your feet to the fire and pointing out your hypocrisy. You saying the OP is an example the death of morality under Trump, which we can thank ONLY him for when Obama did the exact same thing. If prisoners Trump released were documented as responsible for American deaths after their release (as happened with a few of the Gitmo prisoners released by Obama) you’d be out of your mind with rage about it, no?

The moral of this story is you’re being brainwashed. Accuse me of deflection or whataboutism I don’t give a fuck. I’m pointing out how back asswards your perception of reality is. Yet another Trump hater who believes every problem under the sun happened when he took office and that no shady behavior happened during previous administrations.

If “Trump is void of morality & he has no problem offering pardons to criminals that have been convicted according to the laws of the land & that have been convicted by the courts, even those convicted of drug crimes” then you think this about Obama too, yes? Since he did the exact same thing times 1000?
Drug sentencing is unfair -- it has been that way for years -- when Obama started to try to correct this by changing the sentencing guidelines -- conservatives attacked him because most conservatives could give a damn about people getting 40 years for non-violent drug offenses, especially when those offenses were more for possession and use and not trafficking.

Obama altered prison landscape through sentencing and commutations

Trump can give interviews and talk about how unfair it is all he wants -- but it was Trump's DOJ who reversed what Obama tried to correct -- and not ONE SINGLE time did you ever hear Trump say anything about it..

Analysis | It took Jeff Sessions just one month to turn Obama-era drug policy on its head
neither wing claims to want the drug war; why is it soo difficult to get rid of? Cut spending by cutting the drug war, right wingers. Apply some Capitalism not just your socialism on a national basis.

There is no drug war clause in the Republican doctrine.

The common defense is common, not general.

A common thing to do, would be a common defense in depth, that ensure we can more easily upgrade infrastructure; and reclaim natural resources whenever applicable.

Trump has demonstrated for decades that he is above the law, he associates with criminals, Mafia figures (both foreign & domestic), has a terrible opinion of standing institutions, including the DOJ.

Bottom line: Trump is void of morality & he has no problem offering pardons to criminals that have been convicted according to the laws of the land & that have been convicted by the courts, even those convicted of drug crimes.
We are living in a space in time in America in which the value placed on morality no longer exist.
We can all thank Trump for this; the DEATH of morality.

So what are you thoughts about Obama commuting sentences of drug offenders?

Barack Obama has now commuted the sentences of more than 1,000 people in prison for drug crimes

Obama also freed Guantanamo Bay prisoners which were later seen back on the battlefield.

How many released Guantanamo prisoners re-offend?

Tell me more about the death of morality.

Great whataboutism

Under Trump Rule it is only getting worse.

Whataboutism is holding your feet to the fire and pointing out your hypocrisy. You saying the OP is an example the death of morality under Trump, which we can thank ONLY him for when Obama did the exact same thing. If prisoners Trump released were documented as responsible for American deaths after their release (as happened with a few of the Gitmo prisoners released by Obama) you’d be out of your mind with rage about it, no?

The moral of this story is you’re being brainwashed. Accuse me of deflection or whataboutism I don’t give a fuck. I’m pointing out how back asswards your perception of reality is. Yet another Trump hater who believes every problem under the sun happened when he took office and that no shady behavior happened during previous administrations.

If “Trump is void of morality & he has no problem offering pardons to criminals that have been convicted according to the laws of the land & that have been convicted by the courts, even those convicted of drug crimes” then you think this about Obama too, yes? Since he did the exact same thing times 1000?

In my post #5 I stuck to the thread topic. I will continue that theme.
Trump has done, and will continue to do exactly what I stated he has done, in my first post to YOUR thread.
Trump is amoral; why wouldn't Trump love criminals, mafia figures, women he was never married to while he was married, oligarchs, authoritarian figures, dictators, and even those imprisoned for drug convictions?
Well, Trump does love all of those. You're welcome

Now you have posted not 1 but 2 OFF TOPIC posts all while you are screaming, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, and not only screwing up your own thread with crap posts but you are also coming across as an alpha dyke.

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