Trump’s letter to Turkish president is “utterly pathetic”

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"THE NEWS" is a singular noun. ------'' ....not all the news IS necessarily true"
What do you expect from a Russian disinformation agent?
link coming!

Is there anything Trump can’t do !?
Pence, Pompeo secure cease-fire agreement in Syria after meeting with Turkish president

Pence, Pompeo secure cease-fire agreement in Syria after meeting with Turkish president

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Was Erdogan wearing asbestos gloves? :dunno:
Can we not care about these camel jockies already?
Who said we cared about them......... or you....... :dunno:
It should never have been needed. If the Kurds would renounce terrorism these actions would never be needed.

You do understand that to the Turks isis and the Kurds are the same
It was republican bloodlust that created the clusterfuck. Iraqi's wanted us out, and even when ISIS sprang up they did not want American troops included in any aid.

And the Kurds were betrayed by your fat idiot, not Obama.

No, Iraq was Clinturd's clusterfuck for ignoring radical islam and setting us up for 9/11. I'd explain it but you're not smart enough to take a shit by yourself.
Syria should turn in PKK commie terrorists or kill them. Let the Kurds have a fresh start in fear if supporting Marxism again.

time to crawl out from under your rock---- THE RULER OF SYRIA is a BAATHIST----
Baathism is highly beloved by communist Russia which has been supporting every
such imperialist shit hole for the past ---approx. 80 years. Its basis is primarily
arab nationalism, oligarchy and socialism. Famous Baathists of the past have been
Gamal Abdel Nasser, your fave Saddam Hussein, the rebel side the Yemeni
civil war since the 1940s, etc etc. The ideology is genocidal and responsible for lots more MURDERS than have the KURDS in all their not entirely civilized history.
RELATIVELY speaking-----da kurds is pussy cats
Your threads are utterly pathetic yet you keep starting them and most here read them just for the laughs they provide.
If you’re going to accuse a post of being pathetic and laughable then you should write a substantive post proving that point and displaying how a good post should be written. Instead you fail to even explain your argument. Empty insults are meaningless. Do better
First I said threads not post second second the OP threads are nothing more than variations on the same theme they hate Trump if that is all you have to post it is pathetic as is the phony outrage from the left over Trump wanting to leave Syria when they had no such concerns when Obama did the same in Iraq. I feel no need to give a substantive response to threads that are nothing more than partisan hypocrisy.
well the OP obviously dislikes Trump and wants to call out the things he objects to... nothing wrong with that, right?

perhaps the OP sees differences between what Obama did and what Trump did. I for one do.

I don’t object to getting troops out of Syria but I object about how it was done and the current situation we are in. Many republicans feel this way too. We learned much from how Obama pulled out of Iraq and the risks involved.

How about you, do you support what Trump did and how he did it?
I understand why Trump is doing it to keep a campaign promise same as Obama did I see real dangers in doing this same as I did with Obama and Iraq both men ignored the advice of their Generals and commanders on the ground for political reasons. I have no problem with someone Republican or Democrat opposing Trump for this decision as long as they are consistent in their views when they base their views on the letter D or R next to the name of the President making the decisions then I do.
come on man, this wasn’t a campaign promise it was a retreat in the face of Turkey and it was a broken promise to an ally. Spin it all you want but it is exactly what I just said it was
Oh bullshit man Trump campaigned on getting America out of endless wars just like Obama did with getting out of Iraq. If you want to spin and pretend like there is some massive difference between the two that is fine by me but go waste someone else’s time with it.
now that Erdogan has reached his goal. Pence is announcing a cease fire for some 120 hours giving the Kurds that time to get out of the area. So Erdogan has his buffer strip clear of Kurds. And the vacuum is already filled with ISIS. Not known if the Kurds will honor the agreement.

This is just the first hearing. There will be more detail soon I expect. But right now it looks like the arsonist got to put out the fire. The Turks got their territory. ISIS got freed. Americans are pulled from a war zone. The only loser is the Kurds.

Why don't I feel better about this betrayal?
The truce is for 120 hours. Clashes still ongoing.
It’s over
Always up to date:
Map of Syrian Civil War - Syria news and incidents today -

(Not all the news there are necessarily true)

"THE NEWS" is a singular noun. ------'' ....not all the news IS necessarily true"
What do you expect from a Russian disinformation agent?

about the same as I expect from a notable and highly honored arab "leader"
....Trump and Pence probably got this Cease Fire through 'Extortion' or some 'Quid Pro Quo'...

:rolleyes: :lmao:

Trump asked them to do
Him a favor and stop the killing
For this, Trump will be gone by Christmas
Lib 101
America will be at endless war, global occupations, global interventions and supporting dictatorships across the globe (we support 73% of them now), until the empire collapses. Your silly partisanshitheadism notwithstanding.
It was republican bloodlust that created the clusterfuck. Iraqi's wanted us out, and even when ISIS sprang up they did not want American troops included in any aid.

And the Kurds were betrayed by your fat idiot, not Obama.

No, Iraq was Clinturd's clusterfuck for ignoring radical islam and setting us up for 9/11. I'd explain it but you're not smart enough to take a shit by yourself.
Oh look a retard who still thinks Iraq was a good idea. Blood on your hands, you fucking piece of shit.
The truce is for 120 hours. Clashes still ongoing.
It’s over
Always up to date:
Map of Syrian Civil War - Syria news and incidents today -

(Not all the news there are necessarily true)

"THE NEWS" is a singular noun. ------'' ....not all the news IS necessarily true"
What do you expect from a Russian disinformation agent?

about the same as I expect from a notable and highly honored arab "leader"
If the Kurds eat humble pie, they will try to get rid off SAA. I hope that the SAA will not withdraw a single meter.
link coming!

Is there anything Trump can’t do !?
Pence, Pompeo secure cease-fire agreement in Syria after meeting with Turkish president

Pence, Pompeo secure cease-fire agreement in Syria after meeting with Turkish president

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Was Erdogan wearing asbestos gloves? :dunno:
Can we not care about these camel jockies already?
Who said we cared about them......... or you....... :dunno:
Uh....Establishment Pubs & Dems and their voters and propoganda arms described as media all are saying we care about them.
The truce is for 120 hours. Clashes still ongoing.
It’s over
Always up to date:
Map of Syrian Civil War - Syria news and incidents today -

(Not all the news there are necessarily true)

"THE NEWS" is a singular noun. ------'' ....not all the news IS necessarily true"
What do you expect from a Russian disinformation agent?
The enemy is everywhere! Take your paranoia pills when you see the sun shining.
- Your Russian government Microsoft shill.
link coming!

Is there anything Trump can’t do !?
Pence, Pompeo secure cease-fire agreement in Syria after meeting with Turkish president

Pence, Pompeo secure cease-fire agreement in Syria after meeting with Turkish president

Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at
Was Erdogan wearing asbestos gloves? :dunno:
Can we not care about these camel jockies already?
Who said we cared about them......... or you....... :dunno:
Uh....Establishment Pubs & Dems and their voters and propoganda arms described as media all are saying we care about them.
Well good for them....... Wooptie fucking do.

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