Trumps home raided by fbi

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. . . but the rest of our constitutional processes works reasonably well. Do we use the remaining democracy to try and change the part about not getting to pick the president, while being happy that at least we get a say in representatives, who can try to protect us against the worse excesses of an illegitimately elected executive? Or does armed resistance then become the only option for self-respecting patriotic Americans?

I don't have any doubt that there was enough cheating in the presidential election in 2020 that the election was arguably stolen. I think there is a strong likelihood that, if not for the cheating - almost entirely by one side - the election would have come out differently. I have seen nothing to convince me that we have a plan to keep that from happening in 2026.

Can we accept that we really don't get our choice for president? At least not if that choice is Donald Trump? Or do we think that next it will be not Trump and not anyone like Trump (such as De Santis), and finally only a Democrat, or a Cheney/Bush/Romney type Republican would be allowed a fair election?

What say you? Ready to lock and load, or ready to swallow your pride and say don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good?

We're so far past the point of "we can work it out"

The USA is a massive pile of kindling and Xi keeps ordering his democrat Flying Monkeys to pile more on.
By Trump refusing to turn over all the classified material, it proves that he had the criminal intent to take it in the first place.

He could have claimed ignorance, or he did it by accident. But by not turning it over provides the mens rea of culpability to taking them in the first place.
There's the rub....he didn't refuse anything. They told them they were welcome to look thru all of their shit for whatever imaginary crap they felt he had.
The FBI simply chose not to cooperate with Trump's lawyers.
The US government couldn't even beat a bunch of Vietnamese rice farmers and itinerant Middle Eastern goat herders. What makes you think they'd do any better against 98,460,000 heavily-armed US gun owners on their own territory?
I’m scared.


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Trump disqualified himself. Just opening his fat ass sphincter mouth does that.

As for you.......

How about you actually name a few of those horrendous things Trump actually did?

You probably can't name a single one.
I suspect you can't think for yourself and your small mind simply is controlled by the vile Left media and all its lies and propaganda.
You probably are a very small, low information being. All should feel sorry for you.
Biden says he knew nothing about this. I can almost believe that--the man asks permission to sign stuff for Pete's sake. But anybody who thinks his staffers and/or whoever else is actually running him and the country didn't know, I still have that nice assortment of pretty bridges to sell.
Susan Rice is behind this.....and that means Obama is behind it.
And we're armed to the teeth and just hoping somebody comes knocking on our door.
Laughable. It never works out well for “armed citizen” when any law enforcement who knocks at your door with a court order….NEVER. So you fking braggarts can just put that bragging to sleep.
There's the rub....he didn't refuse anything. They told them they were welcome to look thru all of their shit for whatever imaginary crap they felt he had.
The FBI simply chose not to cooperate with Trump's lawyers.
Is that what Trumpy bear or his lawyer told you?

You know, there is a bridge in pretty good condition that I'm sure someone will be able to sell to a hopeless dupe like you.
Biden says he knew nothing about this. I can almost believe that--the man asks permission to sign stuff for Pete's sake. But anybody who thinks his staffers and/or whoever else is actually running him and the country didn't know, I still have that nice assortment of pretty bridges to sell.
You sound like a diehard Trumper.

The fact is that the FBI showed sufficient cause to have a search warrant issued by a federal judge.

Beyond that, there is only speculation, often self-serving.
The only reason these folks are trying this is because they know they're dealing with people who follow the law. They know they aren't a threat. But even the law-abiding can become a threat if they're backed into a wall. And we're armed to the teeth and just hoping somebody comes knocking on our door.
I hope Patriots use good judgment and common sense though. I see on Twitter where some are calling to get the addresses of Garland, Wray, the corrupt judge who signed off on the warrant (Epstein's lawyer they say?) and put them on line. If angry protesters show up at these homes, that's exactly what the Jan6 Commission wants to happen to help justify the bogus inquisition.
Who is the “Big guy”?
You have one vague reference with nothing tying it to the President

Unlike Trump, Biden reports his annual tax return
Show where any of that 10 percent shows up

Show me the money
Are you kidding me? Because Biden didn’t report bribe money from foreign enemies means he didn’t take any?

Did Al Capone report his income from his mobster activity?
Biden says he knew nothing about this. I can almost believe that--the man asks permission to sign stuff for Pete's sake. But anybody who thinks his staffers and/or whoever else is actually running him and the country didn't know, I still have that nice assortment of pretty bridges to sell.

Oh holy crap

How bad is this for the Democrats? Not 24 hours in, Biden: 'wasn't me. nope, not me"

Nuclear bomb level bad, liberals
You sound like a diehard Trumper.

The fact is that the FBI showed sufficient cause to have a search warrant issued by a federal judge.

Beyond that, there is only speculation, often self-serving.
There was also sufficient cause for a wiretap to spy on a President if I remember correctly.

"sufficient cause" can be obtained out of thin air it seems.
I think taunting patriots into action before they are ready is what hitler did to the jews. What China did to dissidents. What every tyranny did to those they intended for oppression.

I think what the US did by delaying it's entry into WWII was cost millions more lives than necessary.

At what point do you think they will be "ready" ? What has to occur that hsn't already? Millions of deaths?

Let me put it another way.......
50 years ago it would have been super easy to stop this progressive march towards tyranny.
The DELAY to action against it is exactly why we are where we are today.
It gets much more difficult with time...not easier.

What plans are you making? probably none. And there you have it. The Right Wing strategy.
As for you.......

How about you actually name a few of those horrendous things Trump actually did?

I suspect you can't think for yourself and your small mind simply is controlled by the vile Left media and all its lies and propaganda.
You probably are a very small, low information being. All should feel sorry for you.
Google “stupid
/illegal things Trump has said and done.” You’ll be reading till your infected ears fall off. Trump U and charity fines for a start.
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