Trumps Has Never Read The Constitution

And you thought "57 states" was bad.

And you thought "Two Corinthians" was bad.

Trump to House Republicans: ‘Say great things . . . We love Trump.’

Trump met with House Republicans recently, and he asked them to tell the press the meeting went great.

“It would great if you could say we had an unbelievable meeting. ‘Trump loves us. We love Trump.’ It’s going to be so good. Okay?” Trump said

What a huckster.

But, being Republicans, some were worried about Trump's dictatorial tendencies, and so:

Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) asked Trump what his understanding was of Article 1, given congressional concerns about the balance of power.

Trump's response was priceless:

“I am a constitutionalist. I am going to abide by the Constitution whether it’s number 1, number 2, number 12, number 9,” Trump responded. “I am a constitutionalist. I’m going to abide by the Constitution . . . It’s so important, and we’re getting away from it. And let me tell you, we have gotten so far away from it, we’re not going to have a country anymore.”


The dumb fuck thought he could put one over on the Congress? Really?

There are only 7 articles (not "numbers") in the Constitution.

Seriously, rubes. Wake the fuck up. This asshole is making a mockery of everything you ever pretended to hold near and dear.
Personally, I'd prefer someone clueless about the Constitution over someone who'll intentionally violate it.
He will read it on election night.


I can't find the part where I get to disband Congress.
Either he will read it before he is elected, or he will just hire some Constitutional lawyer to run things.

It really doesn't matter anymore, this country is toast no matter who wins.
You will never get Trump's Chumps to admit they made a colossal error.
They didn't. Trump is the better choice.
That's like saying cyanide is a better choice than arsenic.

If it was far better that we as a nation should simply make illegal immigrants citizens, and avoid confronting the issues surrounding the flow of immigrants that continually try to sneak past our border agents.

If it is far better to talk about guns rather than being open in addressing and identifying with the extreme ideology that exists and their determination to kill those who don't conform to their view of religion

If we need a candidate that can't seem to take responsibility and have any form of accountability behind their decisions, while looking at our national security measures in protective government information as a joke and a complete waste of our time

Then Hillary Clinton is the right candidate that can guarantee it

I'd simply prefer a candidate that has the guts to actually face challenges and take on issues, rather than the same old excuses to avoid making difficult decisions. I just don't see any evidence of her ability to make tough choices brought forth through her political record.
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