Trump's green card restriction for welfare-reliant immigrants starts today


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Ooops. There goes a significant portion of the Democrat's voter base. :laughing0301:

"The Trump administration on Monday is implementing the long-awaited “public charge” rule that restricts green cards for immigrants deemed likely to be reliant on welfare — a rule furiously opposed by Democrats, but one that officials argue will protect taxpayers and align with American principles.."

Trump administration rule to restrict green cards for welfare-reliant immigrants takes effect

Ooops. There goes a significant portion of the Democrat's voter base. :laughing0301:

"The Trump administration on Monday is implementing the long-awaited “public charge” rule that restricts green cards for immigrants deemed likely to be reliant on welfare — a rule furiously opposed by Democrats, but one that officials argue will protect taxpayers and align with American principles.."

Trump administration rule to restrict green cards for welfare-reliant immigrants takes effect

I think it's a perfectly reasonable plan. I'll bet it's going to be taken to court. What do you think?
Ooops. There goes a significant portion of the Democrat's voter base. :laughing0301:

"The Trump administration on Monday is implementing the long-awaited “public charge” rule that restricts green cards for immigrants deemed likely to be reliant on welfare — a rule furiously opposed by Democrats, but one that officials argue will protect taxpayers and align with American principles.."

Trump administration rule to restrict green cards for welfare-reliant immigrants takes effect

I think it's a perfectly reasonable plan. I'll bet it's going to be taken to court. What do you think?

It probably will be challenged in some court somewhere. But they'd better hurry before all those judges have been replaced by Trump-appointees.
One of the best things Trump has done for this country.

No more importing filthy Democrat voting welfare queens.

Great President.
From the Associated Press

With new rules taking effect Monday that disqualify more people from green cards if they use government benefits, droves of immigrants, including citizens and legal residents, have dropped social services they or their children may be entitled to out of fear they will be kicked out of the U.S., said Velazquez and other advocates.

Entitled is to earn. Allegedly higher educated (journalist) "may" want to take English lessons prior to making fools of themselves publicly.
Even at that, if the gov't says you're entitled, and there is no record of having earned what you're claiming, then you've been lied to, given a privilege and the 'privilege' can be rescinded.
Dopes in the press are acutely ignorant, bordering on stupid and most likely publicly educated believing they're entitled, because, well- because.
From the Associated Press

With new rules taking effect Monday that disqualify more people from green cards if they use government benefits, droves of immigrants, including citizens and legal residents, have dropped social services they or their children may be entitled to out of fear they will be kicked out of the U.S., said Velazquez and other advocates.

Entitled is to earn. Allegedly higher educated (journalist) "may" want to take English lessons prior to making fools of themselves publicly.
Even at that, if the gov't says you're entitled, and there is no record of having earned what you're claiming, then you've been lied to, given a privilege and the 'privilege' can be rescinded.
Dopes in the press are acutely ignorant, bordering on stupid and most likely publicly educated believing they're entitled, because, well- because.
Illegal aliens should not get government benefits

so lets hear a big HELL YES for trump

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