Trump's Genius in naming them "the Squad "......

You're to the right of me? Really, GG? I'm always amused how none of the liberals on this board EVER want to admit that they are liberals!

Yes I am right of you. There is not one single issue I am left on.

Trump isn't a "god"...he's a pragmatic businessman who's actually rather centrist in his approach to governance...

Then why do you worship him?

you and people like you have to paint him as a racist and far right because it's the only thing you have to attack him on. God knows that you have nothing as far as his handling of the economy.

Trump far right? :21::21::21::21::21:

Trump is a populist, he says and does whatever will get him the most praise.

His handling of the economy is mediocre at best. He is better than the last two, but then again a trained dolphin would be better than the last two.
Admit it, GG...the Democratic establishment knows that The Squad has the potential to throw the upcoming election to the GOP but they're all too scared of being attacked by the far left fringe to slap them down!

The "squad" exist for the very same reason that Trump does, dissatisfaction with the establishment. At this point they are nothing more than a distraction, something for Trump to focus on.

You folks have created something that you can't control. Have fun because it's only going to get worse...these four think that THEY run the Democratic Party now and they're not backing down!

Not sure who "you folks" are since I am not a Dem and I am right of you, but I realize that since you are a Trump worshiper you assume everyone else that does not bow down to your god is a Dem.

Just as you assume that Trump is a conservative.


Actually I know that he is not, that is why his worshipers are left of me, because Trump is also.

So what "far right" stances do you hold, GG? You claim the right based on what exactly? Your posts here make that rather hard to buy to be quite honest with you.

Name one "left" stance I take other than not worshiping Trump like you?

As for a "right" about anti-discrimination laws...I say they are unconstitutional when applied to anyone but the government. Any private entity should be allowed to say "no" to anyone they damn well want. Having "protected classes" violates the equal protection clause by giving one class more protection over another.

or Tariffs...which are nothing more than the government controlling the economy...I am against those as well.

or abortion...I am against that.

or government spying on us...I am against that.

or deficit spending...I am against that.

or the US military being the world's police force...I am against that.

or the government being involved in our healthcare....I am against that.

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