Trump's former campaign manager threatens to commit suicide


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Being his campaign manager must have been a stressful job, considering how much President Trump expects from his employees.

But it was months ago.

Impossible to say what's going on, we will find out.

Parscale was let go after the June rally in Tulsa. Even though he's a brilliant data analyst, he missed the numbers pretty badly at that rally. Donald Trump is a hard taskmaster: If he finds out that someone is not performing, not being loyal, or is doing something illegal, he dumps them in a NY minute.

It's always turned out he was correct in doing so. But in spite of that, the lying media invariably accuses him of only hiring less than reputable people, toadies, or kooks.
What's going on?
2020 had been the strangest year by far.
Getting involved with trump is poison.
Only for liberal creatures.
What's going on?
2020 had been the strangest year by far.
Hopefully Florida will use their Red Flag law to get guns away from him until he is better. If he had a CCW, he can kiss that goodbye.
What's going on?
2020 had been the strangest year by far.
Getting involved with trump is poison.


A Republican Strategist Gets Real About
the Worst President Ever
What's going on?
2020 had been the strangest year by far.
Getting involved with trump is poison.


A Republican Strategist Gets Real About
the Worst President Ever
Fake news
You nuts will manage to implicate George Soros on this one.
Fake news

Generally? Local news is way more reliable than the corporate big boys. BUT, you'll notice the story ORIGINATES OUT OF BROWARD COUNTY!

"Local News
Michelle Solomon, Podcast Producer/Reporter
Published: September 27, 2020, 8:36 pmUpdated: September 27, 2020, 9:27 pm
Tags: Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, Elections, Politics"

With that said? Broward county is a hub of Deep State activity though.

This is a district that they stole an election to make sure the Former DNC chairwoman, Debbie Wasser-man-shitz did not lose her seat to a primary challenger. . .

When challenged in court, I'm not sure exactly what happened. . . . but Debbie has a Republican brother deep in the bowels of the DOJ that I found through a indy news source stopped a prosecution of Brenda Snipes.

etc. etc. I could post link after link. . . but your OWN EYES are the best proof. TIM CANOVA, the Democrat that was challenging her corruption, caught it on camera. AND STILL, the establishment did not do shit!

Let us also remember Debbie Wasser-shitz had some folks from Pakistan intelligence I think it was, fled the country under suspicious circumstances, and Hillary had the father of a shooting/mass shooter at one of her rallies in that county.

THEN there several other mass shootings in Florida, one in that county, we all remember the Parkland School shotting? Yeah, that is there. Most folks think there was a lot of fishy shit going on with that.

Like, the police/security guards that were there did nothing, and a kid that was son of an ex-FBI agent becomes a celebrity anti-gun spokesman? And the psychiatrist of the shootier was ex-government/army/intel and knew the kid was trouble. . . who knows how the whole thing was planned. . . .

So. . . you could be right, either this is fake news, or someone is doing something to this guy. . . Machiavellian tactics.

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