Trump’s Doubts Over USSC Ruling Are Justified


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Trump’s Doubts Over USSC Ruling Are Justified

The recent financial scandals involving the right-wing Supreme Court Justices should, indeed, cause trump concern.

Given his repeated admissions regarding his plans to weaponize the DOJ in his “second term” to avenge his enemies, and, to create a dictatorship, most of the billionaires who now own the USSC see trump as a threat to their immense profits.

Throwing out the U.S. Constitution will end the current government. It has been a government the billionaires could rob for trillions-of-dollars over the past three decades. The new dictatorship planned by trump would not have the world credit rating of the current United States Government. Without second trump term, in the decades to come our current form of government can borrow trillions more dollars for the billionaires to siphon off. Additional tax cuts for these ultra-rich crooks (at federal, state, and local levels) will also continue to add to their wealth.

So, trump’s worries are justified, his Supreme Court appointees will side with their billionaire benefactors and remove him from ballots nationwide. His dreams of being dictator are too much a threat to the gravy-train that is a republic with an A-1 credit rating.

Also, the USSC members fully understand there is no place for a supreme court in a dictatorship. Given trump’s inability to tell the truth coupled with his predictable actions as a tyrant, it is in the USSC Justices’ own best interests to protect the Constitution by dumping trump.



Trump’s Doubts Over USSC Ruling Are Justified

The recent financial scandals involving the right-wing Supreme Court Justices should, indeed, cause trump concern.

Given his repeated admissions regarding his plans to weaponize the DOJ in his “second term” to avenge his enemies, and, to create a dictatorship, most of the billionaires who now own the USSC see trump as a threat to their immense profits.

Throwing out the U.S. Constitution will end the current government. It has been a government the billionaires could rob for trillions-of-dollars over the past three decades. The new dictatorship planned by trump would not have the world credit rating of the current United States Government. Without second trump term, in the decades to come our current form of government can borrow trillions more dollars for the billionaires to siphon off. Additional tax cuts for these ultra-rich crooks (at federal, state, and local levels) will also continue to add to their wealth.

So, trump’s worries are justified, his Supreme Court appointees will side with their billionaire benefactors and remove him from ballots nationwide. His dreams of being dictator are too much a threat to the gravy-train that is a republic with an A-1 credit rating.

Also, the USSC members fully understand there is no place for a supreme court in a dictatorship. Given trump’s inability to tell the truth coupled with his predictable actions as a tyrant, it is in the USSC Justices’ own best interests to protect the Constitution by dumping trump.

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Wrong answer skipy, existing precedent in a very similar case goes in Trump's favor. The 9th circuit court of appeals up held a dismissal of a case where individual voters tried to challenge the constitutional eligibility of maobama in 2011. They found the voters didn't have standing to sue. The current situation is no different.

Now you can run away from this 1000th thread on this topic.

SCOTUS refused to take up the cheating evidence in 2020 probably because Roberts was too cowardly to stand in the way of what DC was doing. The excuse used was that they did not want to be perceived as interfering in elections. IF they try that again, especially if they refuse to rule on one party essentially removing their chief rival using a diktat, this nation's last binding tie - elections - will be dissolved and what comes next will benefit no American.
When the current level of polarization is overlayed with a logical progression, neither side is going to accept the results in November. Sure, the media can jump on board proclaiming that Tater or Newson or God knows what other creature, won the election, but if we see the same kinds of irregularities and no attempt to allow an unbiased investigation is allowed, that will spell the end of America as a unified nation.

From there we'll either see open chaos and violence or a dedicated movement of civil disobedience where the Red states stand up and demand a new election without any chance of rigging ballots or else those Red states will effectively secede and refuse to be ruled over by a DC that has become utterly illegitimate.

The third option of a widespread refusal of Americans to accept any laws or EOs emanating out of DC will require no violence and if organized effectively, it would force the Left to either meet the rest of us in the middle and restructure our elections such that they can be trusted or the nation's strength would be lost, to the ruin of all Americans - No violence necessary. The fearless minions of the Effa Bee Eye will be seen as a joke as they try kicking down a few doors to impose fear on the population.
Trump’s Doubts Over USSC Ruling Are Justified

The recent financial scandals involving the right-wing Supreme Court Justices should, indeed, cause trump concern.

Given his repeated admissions regarding his plans to weaponize the DOJ in his “second term” to avenge his enemies, and, to create a dictatorship, most of the billionaires who now own the USSC see trump as a threat to their immense profits.

Throwing out the U.S. Constitution will end the current government. It has been a government the billionaires could rob for trillions-of-dollars over the past three decades. The new dictatorship planned by trump would not have the world credit rating of the current United States Government. Without second trump term, in the decades to come our current form of government can borrow trillions more dollars for the billionaires to siphon off. Additional tax cuts for these ultra-rich crooks (at federal, state, and local levels) will also continue to add to their wealth.

So, trump’s worries are justified, his Supreme Court appointees will side with their billionaire benefactors and remove him from ballots nationwide. His dreams of being dictator are too much a threat to the gravy-train that is a republic with an A-1 credit rating.

Also, the USSC members fully understand there is no place for a supreme court in a dictatorship. Given trump’s inability to tell the truth coupled with his predictable actions as a tyrant, it is in the USSC Justices’ own best interests to protect the Constitution by dumping trump.

You really are one clueless, delusional, arrogant fuck, aren't you?
When the current level of polarization is overlayed with a logical progression, neither side is going to accept the results in November. Sure, the media can jump on board proclaiming that Tater or Newson or God knows what other creature, won the election, but if we see the same kinds of irregularities and no attempt to allow an unbiased investigation is allowed, that will spell the end of America as a unified nation.

From there we'll either see open chaos and violence or a dedicated movement of civil disobedience where the Red states stand up and demand a new election without any chance of rigging ballots or else those Red states will effectively secede and refuse to be ruled over by a DC that has become utterly illegitimate.

The third option of a widespread refusal of Americans to accept any laws or EOs emanating out of DC will require no violence and if organized effectively, it would force the Left to either meet the rest of us in the middle and restructure our elections such that they can be trusted or the nation's strength would be lost, to the ruin of all Americans - No violence necessary. The fearless minions of the Effa Bee Eye will be seen as a joke as they try kicking down a few doors to impose fear on the population.

how many times are you going to post this wet dream of yours, all while hiding in your basement not willing to do any of the things you keep talking bout

Trump’s Doubts Over USSC Ruling Are Justified

The recent financial scandals involving the right-wing Supreme Court Justices should, indeed, cause trump concern.

Given his repeated admissions regarding his plans to weaponize the DOJ in his “second term” to avenge his enemies, and, to create a dictatorship, most of the billionaires who now own the USSC see trump as a threat to their immense profits.

Throwing out the U.S. Constitution will end the current government. It has been a government the billionaires could rob for trillions-of-dollars over the past three decades. The new dictatorship planned by trump would not have the world credit rating of the current United States Government. Without second trump term, in the decades to come our current form of government can borrow trillions more dollars for the billionaires to siphon off. Additional tax cuts for these ultra-rich crooks (at federal, state, and local levels) will also continue to add to their wealth.

So, trump’s worries are justified, his Supreme Court appointees will side with their billionaire benefactors and remove him from ballots nationwide. His dreams of being dictator are too much a threat to the gravy-train that is a republic with an A-1 credit rating.

Also, the USSC members fully understand there is no place for a supreme court in a dictatorship. Given trump’s inability to tell the truth coupled with his predictable actions as a tyrant, it is in the USSC Justices’ own best interests to protect the Constitution by dumping trump.

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It’s not just in the USSC Justices’ financial interests to protect the U.S. Constitution, even though they also swear an oath to do so. They understand a trump dictatorship will mirror those of Hitler and Stalin. Under trump’s authoritarian rule, job security will be nil, especially in federal positions.

When, not if, a member of the White House staff fails to perform as dictator trump believes they should, his words, “YOU’RE FIRED!” will take on a whole new meaning. A firing squad will be a fixture standing by in the Rose Garden. The firing squad will punctuate their beloved Führer’s, “YOU’RE FIRED!” by executing the terminated staff member. For obsolete members of the former government (like the Supreme Court Justices and certain congressional personnel), public executions will be regularly scheduled events. Televising such events that eliminate the opposition and the disloyal and will inspire fear and devotion in the rapidly dwindling populace.


Trump’s Doubts Over USSC Ruling Are Justified

The recent financial scandals involving the right-wing Supreme Court Justices should, indeed, cause trump concern.

Given his repeated admissions regarding his plans to weaponize the DOJ in his “second term” to avenge his enemies, and, to create a dictatorship, most of the billionaires who now own the USSC see trump as a threat to their immense profits.

Throwing out the U.S. Constitution will end the current government. It has been a government the billionaires could rob for trillions-of-dollars over the past three decades. The new dictatorship planned by trump would not have the world credit rating of the current United States Government. Without second trump term, in the decades to come our current form of government can borrow trillions more dollars for the billionaires to siphon off. Additional tax cuts for these ultra-rich crooks (at federal, state, and local levels) will also continue to add to their wealth.

So, trump’s worries are justified, his Supreme Court appointees will side with their billionaire benefactors and remove him from ballots nationwide. His dreams of being dictator are too much a threat to the gravy-train that is a republic with an A-1 credit rating.

Also, the USSC members fully understand there is no place for a supreme court in a dictatorship. Given trump’s inability to tell the truth coupled with his predictable actions as a tyrant, it is in the USSC Justices’ own best interests to protect the Constitution by dumping trump.

This isn't just conspiracy theorizing, it's conspiracy theorizing squared!
Since I can’t guarantee that my expectation will be the way the SCOTUS eventually decides, I am content with simply making my prediction without much adornment.

It seems clear to me that the SCOTUS has to gut the decision out of the Colorado Supreme Court. This will also overrule the Maine Secretary of State’s bogus unilateral determination.


Because to say otherwise would require that our 14th Amendment be interpreted as permitting the criminal label of “insurrectionist” (etc) to be slapped on any candidate without the benefit of a criminal trial.

It isn’t clear how our liberals can come to the conclusion that this would be tolerable. I know they’d damn well go off the rails if it was done to Potato.
Solzhenitsyn perfectly describes Democrats: They lie to us, we know they're lying, they know we know they're lying, they lie anyway
If true, and he does intend to weaponize the DOJ, it bodes ill for the future of our country. Since Biden has already weaponized the DOJ to persecute his opponent and protect his crime family, Trump doing the same would just show us becoming another third world country. Of course, that does seem to be the direction we are going in.
This is a lie: " Since Biden has already weaponized the DOJ to persecute his opponent and protect his crime family..."

DOJ will go after any criminal if the evidence is there.

Guess what: they got the Orange Holiness dead to rights.
This is a lie: " Since Biden has already weaponized the DOJ to persecute his opponent and protect his crime family..."

DOJ will go after any criminal if the evidence is there.

Guess what: they got the Orange Holiness dead to rights.
Wow. You couldn't have your head deeper in the sand. Don't you get tired of being so wrong so often? You are no better that the fanatics on the other side of the isle. Same tune, different verse.
DOJ has the Orange ArchCriminal in their legal net, Silent Warrior.

Get over it or not, that will not change.
Yep, and the capo di tutti capo of the Biden crime family will be next if the DOJ is as unbiased as you say. It's only partizan hacks like you that don't realize the parties are opposite sides of the same crooked coin.

Trump’s Doubts Over USSC Ruling Are Justified

The recent financial scandals involving the right-wing Supreme Court Justices should, indeed, cause trump concern.

Given his repeated admissions regarding his plans to weaponize the DOJ in his “second term” to avenge his enemies, and, to create a dictatorship, most of the billionaires who now own the USSC see trump as a threat to their immense profits.

Throwing out the U.S. Constitution will end the current government. It has been a government the billionaires could rob for trillions-of-dollars over the past three decades. The new dictatorship planned by trump would not have the world credit rating of the current United States Government. Without second trump term, in the decades to come our current form of government can borrow trillions more dollars for the billionaires to siphon off. Additional tax cuts for these ultra-rich crooks (at federal, state, and local levels) will also continue to add to their wealth.

So, trump’s worries are justified, his Supreme Court appointees will side with their billionaire benefactors and remove him from ballots nationwide. His dreams of being dictator are too much a threat to the gravy-train that is a republic with an A-1 credit rating.

Also, the USSC members fully understand there is no place for a supreme court in a dictatorship. Given trump’s inability to tell the truth coupled with his predictable actions as a tyrant, it is in the USSC Justices’ own best interests to protect the Constitution by dumping trump.

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There is no honor among thieves.

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