CDZ Trump's Contract With America

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Trump and his supporters are doing fine. You and yours? Not so much.

Maybe. I remember 2008 when the reverse was true. Oh well, it swings.

Personally I think it is a little early to judge Trump, positively or negatively. He has accomplished little but he has not ended life as I know it. I'm content.

What do you think?
Trump and his supporters are doing fine. You and yours? Not so much.

Maybe. I remember 2008 when the reverse was true. Oh well, it swings.

Personally I think it is a little early to judge Trump, positively or negatively. He has accomplished little but he has not ended life as I know it. I'm content.

What do you think?
I will withhold until 2020. 100 days is nothing.
Trump and his supporters are doing fine. You and yours? Not so much.

Maybe. I remember 2008 when the reverse was true. Oh well, it swings.

Personally I think it is a little early to judge Trump, positively or negatively. He has accomplished little but he has not ended life as I know it. I'm content.

What do you think?
I will withhold until 2020. 100 days is nothing.
Yes, well, that is the position to which one must resort when the plethora of things one's "guy" attested to having done within 100 days, and that were easy to do, are in fact, 100+ days in, incomplete.
Trump and his supporters are doing fine. You and yours? Not so much.

Maybe. I remember 2008 when the reverse was true. Oh well, it swings.

Personally I think it is a little early to judge Trump, positively or negatively. He has accomplished little but he has not ended life as I know it. I'm content.

What do you think?
I will withhold until 2020. 100 days is nothing.
Yes, well, that is the position to which one must resort when the plethora of things one's "guy" attested to having done within 100 days, and that were easy to do, are in fact, 100+ days in, incomplete.
I'm not resorting to anything and if I voted today it would still be Trump. I fully expect to be voting Trump in 2020 but hell we are not even close to that now are we?
Trump and his supporters are doing fine. You and yours? Not so much.

Maybe. I remember 2008 when the reverse was true. Oh well, it swings.

Personally I think it is a little early to judge Trump, positively or negatively. He has accomplished little but he has not ended life as I know it. I'm content.

What do you think?
I will withhold until 2020. 100 days is nothing.
Yes, well, that is the position to which one must resort when the plethora of things one's "guy" attested to having done within 100 days, and that were easy to do, are in fact, 100+ days in, incomplete.
I'm not resorting to anything and if I voted today it would still be Trump. I fully expect to be voting Trump in 2020 but hell we are not even close to that now are we?
The fact that you attest to this...
if I voted today it would still be Trump. why all one needs to know to understand why you believe this....
I'm not resorting to anything so.

You just go with that....
Trump and his supporters are doing fine. You and yours? Not so much.

Maybe. I remember 2008 when the reverse was true. Oh well, it swings.

Personally I think it is a little early to judge Trump, positively or negatively. He has accomplished little but he has not ended life as I know it. I'm content.

What do you think?
I will withhold until 2020. 100 days is nothing.
Yes, well, that is the position to which one must resort when the plethora of things one's "guy" attested to having done within 100 days, and that were easy to do, are in fact, 100+ days in, incomplete.
I'm not resorting to anything and if I voted today it would still be Trump. I fully expect to be voting Trump in 2020 but hell we are not even close to that now are we?
The fact that you attest to this...
if I voted today it would still be Trump. why all one needs to know to understand why you believe this....
I'm not resorting to anything so.

You just go with that....

MOD EDIT: Did someone forget they were in the CDZ?
Last edited by a moderator:
Maybe. I remember 2008 when the reverse was true. Oh well, it swings.

Personally I think it is a little early to judge Trump, positively or negatively. He has accomplished little but he has not ended life as I know it. I'm content.

What do you think?
I will withhold until 2020. 100 days is nothing.
Yes, well, that is the position to which one must resort when the plethora of things one's "guy" attested to having done within 100 days, and that were easy to do, are in fact, 100+ days in, incomplete.
I'm not resorting to anything and if I voted today it would still be Trump. I fully expect to be voting Trump in 2020 but hell we are not even close to that now are we?
The fact that you attest to this...
if I voted today it would still be Trump. why all one needs to know to understand why you believe this....
I'm not resorting to anything so.

You just go with that....
Your false claim means nothing. We have lost president's during their term so how about we judge a term after its over as nd not before? Granted it's a rather novel idea for a selfish cock sucker like yourself but do try eh?

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
― Abraham Lincoln

See there....I didn't have to wait 30 minutes for you to illustrate yet again the legitimacy of my remarks.

This is thrice that you've posted unsubstantiated claims, twice in response to me, and such trite attestations are all you've had to offer.
  1. "Trump and his supporters are doing fine." That's what you wrote. You are oh, so naively wrong.
    • Personally, Trump is surely "doing fine." As POTUS, which is really all that matters to those of us who aren't members of the Trump household, fine isn't at all what he's doing so far. That his approval ratings are by -10% unmatched any modern POTUS coming off of what is, for all intents and purposes, the "honeymoon period" of a presidency attest to that. (See the list in the next bullet for an abridged list of things Trump has not done that he said he would in his first 100 days do.)
    • Trump's "supporters are clearly not doing fine." --> They either (1) cannot possibly be, provided their grumbling prior to the election be believed, or (2) we doing fine before Trump. Either way, the fact remains Trump's changed almost nothing -- though he's claimed to have improved all manners of things -- of the by-Trumpkins claimed misery that besets their lives and that gave rise to their supporting him, believing he was going to make their lives "so much better," something Trump tacitly affirmed he'd do in his first 100 days.
  2. "I'm not resorting to anything." --> So you say, but the "wait and see" pseudo-exculpatory nature of your remark in the face of Trump's aforementioned and observed failure to meet his self-defined standards of "100 days" achievement clearly indicates otherwise.
  3. "Your false claim means nothing." --> Oh my claim is not false for you have now (in the post to which I'm responding) given us another illustration of its verity by living up to the well publicised provincial acumen for which Trumpkins are well known. My claim is also not meaningless, for were it, at least to you, you'd not have replied to it, and yet you did exactly that. Doing so, moreover without "portfolio" also is characteristic of Trumpkins.

When pontificating and sharing your analysis, providing citations that point readers to your underlying research [and observations] will help convince them that you have thought seriously about the matter under discussion.
- Thomas G. Krattenmaker

We have lost president's during their term so how about we judge a term after its over as nd not before?

I'm fine with waiting until the end of Trump's term to pass final judgement. However, Trump is the one who defined issue his "100 day contract;" thus one need only allow the 100 day period to end. It has; thus rendering judgment is apropos. Don't chide me for taking note of the folly of his having done so and not meeting his stated standard of performance. Moreover, there is ample content -- provided by Trump -- for me to judge the man, which is precisely the nature of the my earlier remark....My, my, my, lookie there...that having been the nature of my comments, we see clearly now, went "zoom" on by you.
FWIW, I consider Trump a better President if he never gets around to building a border wall.

Over the last 30 years I have learned great Conservative leaders can be declared great while doing nothing effective about abortion and great Liberal leaders can be great while making pointless loophole filled gun bans. Thus giving lip service to the motivated voting fringe is better than doing much for them.
Trump is doing great! His supporters are still 100% with him. None of us had any illusion that fighting the entrenched life long politicians would be easy especially with their own media butt lickers in the press and on TV. The swamp is being drained, the cries of the exposed swamp dwellers can be heard in the distance.

trump is a pathological liar, a child used to getting his own way, cares only about being liked. That's why keeps doing those ridiculous kkk-style rallies and why he sucks up to other dicators.

Very telling that his big PA rally was very poorly attended but he has always lied about that as well.
trump is a pathological liar, a child used to getting his own way, cares only about being liked. That's why keeps doing those ridiculous kkk-style rallies and why he sucks up to other dicators.

Very telling that his big PA rally was very poorly attended but he has always lied about that as well.
KKK style rally's? Really? Well his rally was larger than anything the dems have put together in years. I know you think your angry post will somehow bother or harm a Trump supporter but you are wrong. It just stiffens our resolve, I in your honor am going to write the reelect Trump campaign a check, my first of many until 2020...I'm sure you have inspired others to do the same with your tired sorry angry cry baby nonsensical posts. Say it punk President Trump Rules!

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