Trump's Attacks on First Amendment Smells Like Fascism

A free press is the greatest threat to tyrants

and a progressive lapdog press is the greatest threat to individual freedoms.
No, it isn't. There are plenty of alternative press sources to counter what your so-called progressive press reports. A free press has news reporting from the entire spectrum of politics and the public has access to all of them.

The government should never have a say in how the free press operates. Once they get involved the free press ceases to exist. Any threat to the free press hinders its ability to operate as a free press.

again, how does Trump have a say in how they operate? All he does is call them out when they do something he doesn't like.

What has he done beyond calling them a bunch of wankers sometimes?
He is using the Presidency to misinform and lie to cover-up his failures, incompetence, scandals, and critics and apply pressure on the journalist to cease or underreport those things. Instead of addressing these important issues, he deflects to attacking the media that is using its 1rst Amendment right.

No, that is him not being a pushover for a biased and obviously side taking press. So what you are really mad at is you don't like him and his politics, and are used to back bending Republicans just taking it from press people who don't like them.

None of this involves ANY first amendment issues. You are just a whiny little baby, nothing more.


So, it looks like other than a few random nut jobs and hardcore cultists, all the sane and educated folks agree that trump is a fascist moron.

Can you answer my question? Here it is again, what freedoms of the press has he taken away? Which one is he trying to take away?
A free press is the greatest threat to tyrants

and a progressive lapdog press is the greatest threat to individual freedoms.
No, it isn't. There are plenty of alternative press sources to counter what your so-called progressive press reports. A free press has news reporting from the entire spectrum of politics and the public has access to all of them.

The government should never have a say in how the free press operates. Once they get involved the free press ceases to exist. Any threat to the free press hinders its ability to operate as a free press.
news reporting is supposed to be impartial and not political, oops!
So, it looks like other than a few random nut jobs and hardcore cultists, all the sane and educated folks agree that trump is a fascist moron.

Can you answer my question? Here it is again, what freedoms of the press has he taken away? Which one is he trying to take away?
Who said he has taken away the freedom of the press? He is laying the groundwork for neutralizing it and in fact taking affirmative action to neutralize it by suggesting Congress should investigate how the press reports news about him. He has taken a position that a government entity should have some kind of regulatory control of what and how the press transmits political news and government operations and position on policy.

A government should never be in a position to regulate news and information to the public unless it concerns national security issues of a classified nature.
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.

How better to solidify power than to call the free press into contempt

Do not believe what they say...they are not to be trusted
I am the only one you can trust, Believe me

The people are free to believe who they want to believe.

That is the strength and weakness of any representative form of government.

Your just mad that progressives and their less left allies are no longer the ones in total control of the narrative.

If your side has the truth, and is right, you shouldn't have to worry about your so called falsehoods from the other side.
Is it sensible to "believe" who we want to believe even if the information is a verified lie?
I have been very concerned about Trump's attack on the media since he began all this fake news business. Ironic considering he is the one making up most of the "fake" news, not the media. He NEVER criticizes actually made up shit by the right wing sites he likes to visit, only news that is critical of him.
This is very dangerous and a commonly used ploy of a dictator to be. You should know that.

Hillary began the fake news business and Trump turned it around on her. If you weren't such a partisan you'd acknowledge that the mainstream media is biased to the left. Lefties are angry with Washington Post for it's tendency of late to attempt to be impartial while the NYT keeps going further off the deep end.
I wish we did go fascist.

We could do away with the liberals once and for all.

So, it looks like other than a few random nut jobs and hardcore cultists, all the sane and educated folks agree that trump is a fascist moron.

Can you answer my question? Here it is again, what freedoms of the press has he taken away? Which one is he trying to take away?
Who said he has taken away the freedom of the press? He is laying the groundwork for neutralizing it and in fact taking affirmative action to neutralize it by suggesting Congress should investigate how the press reports news about him. He has taken a position that a government entity should have some kind of regulatory control of what and how the press transmits political news and government operations and position on policy.

A government should never be in a position to regulate news and information to the public unless it concerns national security issues of a classified nature.
huh? the entire OP is about taking away the 1st amendment right of the press. and you got fking squat to make that statement. groundwork, by what offering up another explanation that is fair and balanced unlike them? LOL.
A free press is the greatest threat to tyrants

and a progressive lapdog press is the greatest threat to individual freedoms.
No, it isn't. There are plenty of alternative press sources to counter what your so-called progressive press reports. A free press has news reporting from the entire spectrum of politics and the public has access to all of them.

The government should never have a say in how the free press operates. Once they get involved the free press ceases to exist. Any threat to the free press hinders its ability to operate as a free press.
news reporting is supposed to be impartial and not political, oops!
Says who? The founders made the 1rst Amendment to include a free press. The press at the time was reporting biased political news to support the revolution. You obviously know nothing about how and why the free press was included in the very 1rst amendment to the Constitution. Ever heard of Thomas Paine and a little publication called "Common Sense"? How about Ben Franklyn's Pennsylvania Gazette? Oops, your an uneducated dunce.
A free press is the greatest threat to tyrants

and a progressive lapdog press is the greatest threat to individual freedoms.
No, it isn't. There are plenty of alternative press sources to counter what your so-called progressive press reports. A free press has news reporting from the entire spectrum of politics and the public has access to all of them.

The government should never have a say in how the free press operates. Once they get involved the free press ceases to exist. Any threat to the free press hinders its ability to operate as a free press.
news reporting is supposed to be impartial and not political, oops!
Says who? The founders made the 1rst Amendment to include a free press. The press at the time was reporting biased political news to support the revolution. You obviously know nothing about how and why the free press was included in the very 1rst amendment to the Constitution. Ever heard of Thomas Paine and a little publication called "Common Sense"? How about Ben Franklyn's Pennsylvania Gazette? Oops, your an uneducated dunce.
ok,, then what is the threat exactly from Trump? he hasn't attempted to stop their presses. so again, the issue is?

So in your freedom world the press can call him out but he can't call out the press. Is that pretty much it? you like one-way freedom? LOL, libturd BTW, what is one-way freedom, ...fascism?
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So, it looks like other than a few random nut jobs and hardcore cultists, all the sane and educated folks agree that trump is a fascist moron.

Can you answer my question? Here it is again, what freedoms of the press has he taken away? Which one is he trying to take away?
Who said he has taken away the freedom of the press? He is laying the groundwork for neutralizing it and in fact taking affirmative action to neutralize it by suggesting Congress should investigate how the press reports news about him. He has taken a position that a government entity should have some kind of regulatory control of what and how the press transmits political news and government operations and position on policy.

A government should never be in a position to regulate news and information to the public unless it concerns national security issues of a classified nature.
That sounds like a paranoid conspiracy theory. I don't recall Trump ever suggesting Congress should investigate the press. Even if he did, investigation is one thing, regulating is another. What has you scared is the thought that the public will learn how the press actually operates, and they won't be pleased.

Several leftwing douche bags in this forum have attacked a court decision that said FOX news had the right to lie. If that isn't a call for government regulation of the press, then I've never seen it.
So, it looks like other than a few random nut jobs and hardcore cultists, all the sane and educated folks agree that trump is a fascist moron.

Can you answer my question? Here it is again, what freedoms of the press has he taken away? Which one is he trying to take away?
Who said he has taken away the freedom of the press? He is laying the groundwork for neutralizing it and in fact taking affirmative action to neutralize it by suggesting Congress should investigate how the press reports news about him. He has taken a position that a government entity should have some kind of regulatory control of what and how the press transmits political news and government operations and position on policy.

A government should never be in a position to regulate news and information to the public unless it concerns national security issues of a classified nature.

So it is your perception based on your feelings. Interesting.
A free press is the greatest threat to tyrants

and a progressive lapdog press is the greatest threat to individual freedoms.
No, it isn't. There are plenty of alternative press sources to counter what your so-called progressive press reports. A free press has news reporting from the entire spectrum of politics and the public has access to all of them.

The government should never have a say in how the free press operates. Once they get involved the free press ceases to exist. Any threat to the free press hinders its ability to operate as a free press.
news reporting is supposed to be impartial and not political, oops!

It can be political, but it can't dress up as impartial while doing it.

I have no issue with MSNBC being a liberal rag, what I have an issue with is them claiming they are not.
A free press is the greatest threat to tyrants

and a progressive lapdog press is the greatest threat to individual freedoms.
No, it isn't. There are plenty of alternative press sources to counter what your so-called progressive press reports. A free press has news reporting from the entire spectrum of politics and the public has access to all of them.

The government should never have a say in how the free press operates. Once they get involved the free press ceases to exist. Any threat to the free press hinders its ability to operate as a free press.
news reporting is supposed to be impartial and not political, oops!

It can be political, but it can't dress up as impartial while doing it.

I have no issue with MSNBC being a liberal rag, what I have an issue with is them claiming they are not.
FOX News claims to be impartial. "Fair and Balanced". Almost all news organizations make the same claim that they are objective in news reporting if not with their editorial and commentary positions. Usually, it seems like when people discuss this topic they mix the general news reporting and the commentary together. For a truly fair analysis, the two must be separated. Some news sources make a genuine effort to provide opposing viewpoints by providing commentaries from a wide spectrum of political viewpoints in their opinion and editorial sections, or on TV, by having a varied guest list to provide differing views.
A free press is the greatest threat to tyrants

and a progressive lapdog press is the greatest threat to individual freedoms.
No, it isn't. There are plenty of alternative press sources to counter what your so-called progressive press reports. A free press has news reporting from the entire spectrum of politics and the public has access to all of them.

The government should never have a say in how the free press operates. Once they get involved the free press ceases to exist. Any threat to the free press hinders its ability to operate as a free press.
news reporting is supposed to be impartial and not political, oops!

It can be political, but it can't dress up as impartial while doing it.

I have no issue with MSNBC being a liberal rag, what I have an issue with is them claiming they are not.
FOX News claims to be impartial. "Fair and Balanced". Almost all news organizations make the same claim that they are objective in news reporting if not with their editorial and commentary positions. Usually, it seems like when people discuss this topic they mix the general news reporting and the commentary together. For a truly fair analysis, the two must be separated. Some news sources make a genuine effort to provide opposing viewpoints by providing commentaries from a wide spectrum of political viewpoints in their opinion and editorial sections, or on TV, by having a varied guest list to provide differing views.

So Fox news lies just like the rest, but lies from the other side.

No current news org is impartial. they all are biased.
A free press is the greatest threat to tyrants

and a progressive lapdog press is the greatest threat to individual freedoms.
No, it isn't. There are plenty of alternative press sources to counter what your so-called progressive press reports. A free press has news reporting from the entire spectrum of politics and the public has access to all of them.

The government should never have a say in how the free press operates. Once they get involved the free press ceases to exist. Any threat to the free press hinders its ability to operate as a free press.
news reporting is supposed to be impartial and not political, oops!

It can be political, but it can't dress up as impartial while doing it.

I have no issue with MSNBC being a liberal rag, what I have an issue with is them claiming they are not.
FOX News claims to be impartial. "Fair and Balanced". Almost all news organizations make the same claim that they are objective in news reporting if not with their editorial and commentary positions. Usually, it seems like when people discuss this topic they mix the general news reporting and the commentary together. For a truly fair analysis, the two must be separated. Some news sources make a genuine effort to provide opposing viewpoints by providing commentaries from a wide spectrum of political viewpoints in their opinion and editorial sections, or on TV, by having a varied guest list to provide differing views.
CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC and CBS use their "news" division to push a given view point. There's simply no denying it.
and a progressive lapdog press is the greatest threat to individual freedoms.
No, it isn't. There are plenty of alternative press sources to counter what your so-called progressive press reports. A free press has news reporting from the entire spectrum of politics and the public has access to all of them.

The government should never have a say in how the free press operates. Once they get involved the free press ceases to exist. Any threat to the free press hinders its ability to operate as a free press.
news reporting is supposed to be impartial and not political, oops!

It can be political, but it can't dress up as impartial while doing it.

I have no issue with MSNBC being a liberal rag, what I have an issue with is them claiming they are not.
FOX News claims to be impartial. "Fair and Balanced". Almost all news organizations make the same claim that they are objective in news reporting if not with their editorial and commentary positions. Usually, it seems like when people discuss this topic they mix the general news reporting and the commentary together. For a truly fair analysis, the two must be separated. Some news sources make a genuine effort to provide opposing viewpoints by providing commentaries from a wide spectrum of political viewpoints in their opinion and editorial sections, or on TV, by having a varied guest list to provide differing views.

So Fox news lies just like the rest, but lies from the other side.

No current news org is impartial. they all are biased.
I am not sure about the lying claim, lying may not always be the case. Sometimes it is a matter of interpreting subjective facts or basing the reporting on misinformation, disinformation or just poor journalism.
I agree that most news sources are biased one way or another, I just don't view that as a negative. It is how the news media began in this country. Benjamin Franklyn and Thomas Paine were biased as were all the other sources of news during and before the Revolution. They were biased and the founders were well aware of biased reporting when they wrote the 1rst Amendment. It is the motivation that influences people to enter and operate in that industry.
No, it isn't. There are plenty of alternative press sources to counter what your so-called progressive press reports. A free press has news reporting from the entire spectrum of politics and the public has access to all of them.

The government should never have a say in how the free press operates. Once they get involved the free press ceases to exist. Any threat to the free press hinders its ability to operate as a free press.
news reporting is supposed to be impartial and not political, oops!

It can be political, but it can't dress up as impartial while doing it.

I have no issue with MSNBC being a liberal rag, what I have an issue with is them claiming they are not.
FOX News claims to be impartial. "Fair and Balanced". Almost all news organizations make the same claim that they are objective in news reporting if not with their editorial and commentary positions. Usually, it seems like when people discuss this topic they mix the general news reporting and the commentary together. For a truly fair analysis, the two must be separated. Some news sources make a genuine effort to provide opposing viewpoints by providing commentaries from a wide spectrum of political viewpoints in their opinion and editorial sections, or on TV, by having a varied guest list to provide differing views.

So Fox news lies just like the rest, but lies from the other side.

No current news org is impartial. they all are biased.
I am not sure about the lying claim, lying may not always be the case. Sometimes it is a matter of interpreting subjective facts or basing the reporting on misinformation, disinformation or just poor journalism.
I agree that most news sources are biased one way or another, I just don't view that as a negative. It is how the news media began in this country. Benjamin Franklyn and Thomas Paine were biased as were all the other sources of news during and before the Revolution. They were biased and the founders were well aware of biased reporting when they wrote the 1rst Amendment. It is the motivation that influences people to enter and operate in that industry.

The problem is when they claim not to be with a straight face, and then get their panties in a bunch when someone they don't like fights back.

All Trump is doing is calling them wankers, nothing more.
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.
Um, how many people did Obama put in jail for talking? How many reporters were survailed?
and a progressive lapdog press is the greatest threat to individual freedoms.
No, it isn't. There are plenty of alternative press sources to counter what your so-called progressive press reports. A free press has news reporting from the entire spectrum of politics and the public has access to all of them.

The government should never have a say in how the free press operates. Once they get involved the free press ceases to exist. Any threat to the free press hinders its ability to operate as a free press.
news reporting is supposed to be impartial and not political, oops!

It can be political, but it can't dress up as impartial while doing it.

I have no issue with MSNBC being a liberal rag, what I have an issue with is them claiming they are not.
FOX News claims to be impartial. "Fair and Balanced". Almost all news organizations make the same claim that they are objective in news reporting if not with their editorial and commentary positions. Usually, it seems like when people discuss this topic they mix the general news reporting and the commentary together. For a truly fair analysis, the two must be separated. Some news sources make a genuine effort to provide opposing viewpoints by providing commentaries from a wide spectrum of political viewpoints in their opinion and editorial sections, or on TV, by having a varied guest list to provide differing views.
CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC and CBS use their "news" division to push a given view point. There's simply no denying it.
It does not have to be denied. News organizations have a right and even an obligation to report the news as they see it, with whatever spin they want to put on it.
No, it isn't. There are plenty of alternative press sources to counter what your so-called progressive press reports. A free press has news reporting from the entire spectrum of politics and the public has access to all of them.

The government should never have a say in how the free press operates. Once they get involved the free press ceases to exist. Any threat to the free press hinders its ability to operate as a free press.
news reporting is supposed to be impartial and not political, oops!

It can be political, but it can't dress up as impartial while doing it.

I have no issue with MSNBC being a liberal rag, what I have an issue with is them claiming they are not.
FOX News claims to be impartial. "Fair and Balanced". Almost all news organizations make the same claim that they are objective in news reporting if not with their editorial and commentary positions. Usually, it seems like when people discuss this topic they mix the general news reporting and the commentary together. For a truly fair analysis, the two must be separated. Some news sources make a genuine effort to provide opposing viewpoints by providing commentaries from a wide spectrum of political viewpoints in their opinion and editorial sections, or on TV, by having a varied guest list to provide differing views.
CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC and CBS use their "news" division to push a given view point. There's simply no denying it.
It does not have to be denied. News organizations have a right and even an obligation to report the news as they see it, with whatever spin they want to put on it.

And the President or anyone else in government has the right to call them out.

I didn't see progressive get the vapors when Obama called out Fox news.

Obama Calls Out Fox News For Demonizing Poor People

He then proceeded to assign some well-deserved blame to the likes of Fox News specifically, saying, "If you watch Fox News on a regular basis...they will find folks who make me mad. I don't know where they find them."

After referencing to the way Fox News magnified the "Obamaphone," he called them out for rarely showing stories about the waitress with two kids who is struggling to get by but playing by all the rules.

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