Trump's admin has a problem - unemployment is too damn low.


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2016
As this article from forbes explains low unemployment is a problem for Trump, he ran on painting a bleak picture of America and promised to fix it. But of course reality of standard U3 4.5% unemployment with probably around 4.0% bottom out will not make for a great turn around story.

So what are the honest folks at the new administration to do? Well they take their cue from their leader and begin by denying that there is any such thing as objective measure of unemployment.

Trump spent more than a year on the campaign trail using a variety of statistics to falsely claim that up to 42 percent of American people were unemployed. That stat was widely denounced for including all people “not in the workforce,” including retirees and stay-at-home parents.

When asked to commit to a particular, objective, well defined measure of unemployment Trump's press secretary Sean Spicer could not, and instead provided this piece of completely un-quantifiable measure:

for too long it’s been about stats, ... about what number we are looking at, as opposed to what face we are looking at.

So in this way Trump's administration can talk about whatever "face" it feels like, unbound by broad reality of what is actually going on with unemployment in America.


The White House Press Secretary Pivots From Attacking The Press To Gaslighting Them

The (clown) show must go on.
MediMatters = Soros/Clintons

Fake news.

Idiot, are you actually denying that administration refuses to commit to any objective measures of unemployment?

You cannot just categorically say "I don't like this source" and think you won the argument. It is Trump grade stupidity and intellectual laziness ...and it looks like it is contagious.
As this article from forbes explains low unemployment is a problem for Trump, .
Forbes has some lefty op-ed contributors. The UE numbers are fake. Expect some real ones now that the leftist government has been overthrown.

Do you have ANY actual thoughts about the SUBJECT? Or are you just a lemming on a mission to protect Trump's claims from dispute by any ridiculous means necessary?
As this article from forbes explains low unemployment is a problem for Trump, he ran on painting a bleak picture of America and promised to fix it. But of course reality of standard U3 4.5% unemployment with probably around 4.0% bottom out will not make for a great turn around story.

So what are the honest folks at the new administration to do? Well they take their cue from their leader and begin by denying that there is any such thing as objective measure of unemployment.

Trump spent more than a year on the campaign trail using a variety of statistics to falsely claim that up to 42 percent of American people were unemployed. That stat was widely denounced for including all people “not in the workforce,” including retirees and stay-at-home parents.

When asked to commit to a particular, objective, well defined measure of unemployment Trump's press secretary Sean Spicer could not, and instead provided this piece of completely un-quantifiable measure:

for too long it’s been about stats, ... about what number we are looking at, as opposed to what face we are looking at.

So in this way Trump's administration can talk about whatever "face" it feels like, unbound by broad reality of what is actually going on with unemployment in America.


The White House Press Secretary Pivots From Attacking The Press To Gaslighting Them

The (clown) show must go on.

I am not sure how this works but the jobs today are different than those before Obama took office...Hi-Tech is a booming business and it is crazy booming in Northern California , $$$ is basically taking over..
Now the minimum paying jobs suck for the low income because it is too expensive here, unless of coarse there are 20 sharing an apartment.

The days of living ok on minimum wage are over unless if you live way out in the country..

So with that said...

under Obama's watch: things are awesome in the tech job sector...
The liberal toons never stop trying to defeat the man who already won. Mental illness at it's most bizarre.
Actually that was on subject, just not to your liking. Lol
As this article from forbes explains low unemployment is a problem for Trump, .
Forbes has some lefty op-ed contributors. The UE numbers are fake. Expect some real ones now that the leftist government has been overthrown.

Do you have ANY actual thoughts about the SUBJECT? Or are you just a lemming on a mission to protect Trump's claims from dispute by any ridiculous means necessary?
This is why democrats lost the election. They have reports and statistics when people know who is unemployed or underemployed. The statistic of 4.3 unemployment is looked at with incredulity. Because the public can easily see that this figure has no basis in reality, they have abandoned the Democrats.
Unemployment among Black males is around 13%. I guess that kept Obama happy because they stayed angry and outraged and he could use them as political tools.
This is why democrats lost the election. They have reports and statistics when people know who is unemployed or underemployed. The statistic of 4.3 unemployment is looked at with incredulity. Because the public can easily see that this figure has no basis in reality, they have abandoned the Democrats. your position is that anecdotes are more trustworthy than objective statistics.

This is what Trump is counting on - this sort of stupidity. People see only a tiny fraction of what goes on in America, the rest of what they know is delivered to them by various sources, including our President, who we hope is not bullshitting them, but in case of Trump that is bar he is not willing to stay above.
Irrelevant. It's commonly recognized that there is significant underemployment out there, so Trump's challenge is to maximize workforce potential.

If that happens, we could see significant growth in the GDP, even if the UE doesn't decrease much or at all.

Will he do it? Who knows. But that's the challenge and the opportunity.
As this article from forbes explains low unemployment is a problem for Trump, .
Forbes has some lefty op-ed contributors. The UE numbers are fake. Expect some real ones now that the leftist government has been overthrown.

Do you have ANY actual thoughts about the SUBJECT? Or are you just a lemming on a mission to protect Trump's claims from dispute by any ridiculous means necessary?
I responded to the point, the UE numbers are fake. You couldn't see it because your religious beliefs simply filtered it out.
Not according the U6 its not.

But Trump and his admin doesn't like U6 either.

It is currently at 9%(down from 17% in 2010) compared to all time record low of about 7%


Looks like a red dragon and a blue dragon. Makes as much sense.


I understand not knowing stuff, but do you think you could bother to try to google it before sharing your silly thoughts with us?

Let me show how it is done:

Just click here
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