Trump's acquittal: An analysis and a warning.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
After Trump’s impeachment acquittal a burning question arises:

When did the United States go from the world’s leading democracy to the Cartoon Network? Normal reasonable people went to bed with the incumbent president comfortably ahead on election eve and woke up the next morning like it was the movie Groundhog Day. An alternate reality greeted them on their television screens that suggested that a senile doddering old crook that could barely speak and did not campaign, got more votes than any human in any election since the beginning of time!

Rod Serling died in 1975 and his series, The Twilight Zone, ended in 1969 but this did not stop permanent Washington from raising him from the grave for one more fantastic and unbelievable episode. Into the wee hours of the morning busy little invisible hands fastidiously counted thousands of mysterious and magical phantom votes that catapulted a candidate that was so bad he could be aptly described as the country’s first example of presidential taxidermy, to a stunning win!

Well, like a lot of Serling’s half hour thrillers, this left a lot of people scratching their heads and feeling more than a little creepy. This creepiness came with a chilling twist. Trump had been antagonizing a powerful leader from the east and right on cue, a big eastern disease began sweeping the world like Stephen King’s Langoliers.

It gets creepier still. Most citizens of average intelligence could easily conclude that the election was rigged in broad daylight by a hostile postal service and corrupt state officials. But some of the electorate was under such a spell of disinformed hateful state propaganda that like rabid animals, they had taken leave of their senses. The propagandized were so thoroughly saturated with a media false reality that a kangaroo court comprised or red-handed culprits finding themselves not guilty of anything was all the proof they needed to declare the bizarre election valid.

But like Groundhog Day the creepiness continued. Impeachment! Impeachment! Impeachment! An angry mob needs to feed in Serling’s horror movie as it would in King’s. Feeling creepy? You should because this horror show is all too real. What was Trump uncovering in permanent Washington that led to a scorched-earth de-structuring of an election system that has been in place since the founding of the republic?

Maybe we should find out before it is too late.
Trump's aquittal means all those senators are on the record supporting the insurrection. When Trump's followers inevitably shed American blood in terrorist attacks the chickens will come home to roost.
The Stink of Trump will linger over the Republican Party
The Stink of Trump will linger over the Republican Party
There may not be the kind of rock bottom that makes one reexamine their values with these people. They will walk the authoritarian road until the day they are stopped.
Untitled drawing - 2021-02-13T140309.062.png
Trumps acquittal sent a strong undeniable message to every single cop that risk their lives that day to keep them whores safe......FUCK YOU VERY MUCH!!
The strangest think was that mitch did vote for acquittal using the excuse that he was no longer in office.
Yet he has also said publicly that Trump should be held accountable for his action in the Capitol riots in a court of law.

This clearly mean that Mitch believes he was guilty but on a technicality he was going to let it slide for the good of the party. In the hopes that Trumps legal issues in the next few years would permanently finish and terminate any thoughts of running again.

He is probably wrong in that. Trump may run but he will lose again. Still there is even talk of Don Jr or Ivanka or maybe Jared running if Trump decides not to. This may indeed create a split in the party.
Seventy five million were cheated and no repercussions? Reality does not disappear just because a scam was successful. That is the warning part.

Donald J. Trump was the easy way out of madness and guilt for the American Left. Next time around the American People will not elect a Trump. Next time out we will beg for an authoritarian nightmare incarnate to crush the American Left and remove it forever from our history.
The marxist filthy fucking animals are used to losing. They're also used to being pointed at and laughed at. This stolen election just reinforces what fucking losers they are.
The people realized that American democracy is incompatible with a world government which is what permanent Washington has been moving toward for many years now. It was never about Trump the man; Trump was elected because he was not part of Washington and he was reflecting the people's concerns about throwing away democracy in favor of moving populations into the US to strip the gears of democracy with replacement citizens. It was really national sovereignty and walls to protect our way of life and preserve our history that lifted Trump over the rest of the pretenders.

None of us had any idea how widespread and embedded the treachery in Washington was until Trump actually ran on American principles that the encroaching new world order wants to crush. The rich aristocrats in Washington had already sold out the American people and US elections were just shows put on with playacting traitors both republican and democrat.

Trump was problematic for the new world order because he could inspire thinking in other countries that the people might adopt threatening one-world thinking that relies on the collapse of individual nationhood. In effect Trump was that guy in Tiananmen Square blocking the tanks in Washington.

It worked but the US government had invested too much in the betrayal so right before the eyes of the people it stepped in and overruled a presidential election with rigging so obvious that even the blind could see it.

This last impeachment attempt was classic show trial methodology to smear the both the man and his supporters as enemies of the state. Everyone saw what happened as Trump haters rejoiced with eyes wide shut.

Now the convenient disease that made Trump's bogus defeat possible is being processed into the country over porous borders just like before. It really is like a cartoon because while corporate business thrives at the expense of private business, individual citizens are forced to march in columns wearing masks. The purpose is to break the will of the people to think for themselves.
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Seventy five million were cheated and no repercussions? Reality does not disappear just because a scam was successful. That is the warning part.

Donald J. Trump was the easy way out of madness and guilt for the American Left. Next time around the American People will not elect a Trump. Next time out we will beg for an authoritarian nightmare incarnate to crush the American Left and remove it forever from our history.

Uh, oh.....I sense Oscar Wilde's two tragedies.
After Trump’s impeachment acquittal a burning question arises:

When did the United States go from the world’s leading democracy to the Cartoon Network? Normal reasonable people went to bed with the incumbent president comfortably ahead on election eve and woke up the next morning like it was the movie Groundhog Day. An alternate reality greeted them on their television screens that suggested that a senile doddering old crook that could barely speak and did not campaign, got more votes than any human in any election since the beginning of time!

Rod Serling died in 1975 and his series, The Twilight Zone, ended in 1969 but this did not stop permanent Washington from raising him from the grave for one more fantastic and unbelievable episode. Into the wee hours of the morning busy little invisible hands fastidiously counted thousands of mysterious and magical phantom votes that catapulted a candidate that was so bad he could be aptly described as the country’s first example of presidential taxidermy, to a stunning win!

Well, like a lot of Serling’s half hour thrillers, this left a lot of people scratching their heads and feeling more than a little creepy. This creepiness came with a chilling twist. Trump had been antagonizing a powerful leader from the east and right on cue, a big eastern disease began sweeping the world like Stephen King’s Langoliers.

It gets creepier still. Most citizens of average intelligence could easily conclude that the election was rigged in broad daylight by a hostile postal service and corrupt state officials. But some of the electorate was under such a spell of disinformed hateful state propaganda that like rabid animals, they had taken leave of their senses. The propagandized were so thoroughly saturated with a media false reality that a kangaroo court comprised or red-handed culprits finding themselves not guilty of anything was all the proof they needed to declare the bizarre election valid.

But like Groundhog Day the creepiness continued. Impeachment! Impeachment! Impeachment! An angry mob needs to feed in Serling’s horror movie as it would in King’s. Feeling creepy? You should because this horror show is all too real. What was Trump uncovering in permanent Washington that led to a scorched-earth de-structuring of an election system that has been in place since the founding of the republic?

Maybe we should find out before it is too late.

"When did the United States go from the world’s leading democracy to the Cartoon Network?"

It began slowly.....but picked up speed like an avalanche.

I have always said 'Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.'

And so it has come to pass.

A great deal of the explanation can be found here:

Seventy five million were cheated and no repercussions? Reality does not disappear just because a scam was successful. That is the warning part.

Donald J. Trump was the easy way out of madness and guilt for the American Left. Next time around the American People will not elect a Trump. Next time out we will beg for an authoritarian nightmare incarnate to crush the American Left and remove it forever from our history.

Uh, oh.....I sense Oscar Wilde's two tragedies.
It is almost like these people are possessed with evil. Part of the public mind is so consumed with propagandized hatred of Donald Trump that they fight to dig their own graves. No amount of proof or common sense argument can sway these people.
Seventy five million were cheated and no repercussions? Reality does not disappear just because a scam was successful. That is the warning part.

Donald J. Trump was the easy way out of madness and guilt for the American Left. Next time around the American People will not elect a Trump. Next time out we will beg for an authoritarian nightmare incarnate to crush the American Left and remove it forever from our history.

Uh, oh.....I sense Oscar Wilde's two tragedies.
It is almost like these people are possessed with evil. Part of the public mind is so consumed with propagandized hatred of Donald Trump that they fight to dig their own graves. No amount of proof or common sense argument can sway these people.

"It is almost like these people are possessed with evil."

No 'almost' involved.

The godfather of Obama and Hillary let the cat out of the bag.

Perhaps those of us on the Right set the bar too high, and actually thought we could hew to perfection. The warning was right in Federalist #51….If men were angels, no government would be necessary. .

Satan’s advocate, Saul Alinsky, Obama's mentor, saw this as a weapon.

“For example, since the Haves publicly pose as the custodians of responsibility, morality, law, and justice (which are frequently strangers to each others), they can be constantly pushed to live up to their own book of morality and regulations. No organizations, including organized religion, can live up to the letter of its own book. You can club them to death with their "book" of rules and regulations. This is what that great revolutionary, Paul of Tarsus, knew when he wrote to the Corinthians: "Who also hath made us able ministers of the New Testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit, for the letter killeth." -- Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, P.152
Articles The Totalitarian Minority

Alinsky was right. And when those on the Right fail to live up to their lofty aims....the Left laughs and points.

Have no doubt who Alinsky, and the Democrats/Left serves.

Alinsky dedicated his book to none other than the fallen angel Lucifer, yes that Lucifer, whom he describes as "the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment (that would be God) and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom." The Late Saul Alinsky, Obama's Radical Community Organizer Inspirer-in-Chief

Democrat policy is Lucifer's agenda.
After Trump’s impeachment acquittal a burning question arises:

When did the United States go from the world’s leading democracy to the Cartoon Network? Normal reasonable people went to bed with the incumbent president comfortably ahead on election eve and woke up the next morning like it was the movie Groundhog Day. An alternate reality greeted them on their television screens that suggested that a senile doddering old crook that could barely speak and did not campaign, got more votes than any human in any election since the beginning of time!

Rod Serling died in 1975 and his series, The Twilight Zone, ended in 1969 but this did not stop permanent Washington from raising him from the grave for one more fantastic and unbelievable episode. Into the wee hours of the morning busy little invisible hands fastidiously counted thousands of mysterious and magical phantom votes that catapulted a candidate that was so bad he could be aptly described as the country’s first example of presidential taxidermy, to a stunning win!

Well, like a lot of Serling’s half hour thrillers, this left a lot of people scratching their heads and feeling more than a little creepy. This creepiness came with a chilling twist. Trump had been antagonizing a powerful leader from the east and right on cue, a big eastern disease began sweeping the world like Stephen King’s Langoliers.

It gets creepier still. Most citizens of average intelligence could easily conclude that the election was rigged in broad daylight by a hostile postal service and corrupt state officials. But some of the electorate was under such a spell of disinformed hateful state propaganda that like rabid animals, they had taken leave of their senses. The propagandized were so thoroughly saturated with a media false reality that a kangaroo court comprised or red-handed culprits finding themselves not guilty of anything was all the proof they needed to declare the bizarre election valid.

But like Groundhog Day the creepiness continued. Impeachment! Impeachment! Impeachment! An angry mob needs to feed in Serling’s horror movie as it would in King’s. Feeling creepy? You should because this horror show is all too real. What was Trump uncovering in permanent Washington that led to a scorched-earth de-structuring of an election system that has been in place since the founding of the republic?

Maybe we should find out before it is too late.
The problem with your analysis is flawed and the creepiness is elemental to your cognitive processes.

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