Trumps 5 biggest accomplishments


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
My order only

1) best economy in world history until the virus
2) great new trade deals like nafta 2.0
3) obliterating Isis in Syria and Iraq
4) first president to try to stop the flow of massive immigration. He has 1/4 of wall finished and illegals invaders are now released in Mexico
5) standing up to China
6) peace deal of Israel and UAE
He did not do enough to stop massive spending , stop the riots, bad environmental laws and did nothing to go after sanctuary cities and tech giants

I grade him a B to B plus
He did not do enough to stop massive spending , stop the riots, bad environmental laws and did nothing to go after sanctuary cities and tech giants

I grade him a B to B plus
Instead of the tax cut for billionaires he should have fixed Medicare and Social Security.
Times were good and they cut taxes, now we're in a pandemic and need extra money. This will not end well.
He also needs to stop bullshitting and just read from the damn teleprompter.
The only thing the blob did right was not start any more wars. He did so out of pure cowardice. He's not up to the job. But the bottom line is that new wars have not started. Good job little man.
You’re maybe the biggest imbecile in the entire room
You are probably a welfare rat who should be left to die in the gutter
My order only

1) best economy in world history until the virus
2) great new trade deals like nafta 2.0
3) obliterating Isis in Syria and Iraq
4) first president to try to stop the flow of massive immigration. He has 1/4 of wall finished and illegals invaders are now released in Mexico
5) standing up to China
6) peace deal of Israel and UAE
None of your points is real.
1) best economy in world history until the virus
I was giggling too hard to continue.
  • 2.1% GDP, the greatest?
  • Bond yields crashing 60%, the greatest?
  • The NY Fed having to pour $1.4 TRILLION into short term credit markets to grease the system, the greatest?
  • A prolonged manufacturing recession, the greatest?
  • Hyper-Keynesian spending and budget busting, signed and applauded by Trump, the greatest?
  • All of this BEFORE the virus, the greatest?
Good gawd. The Trumpiverse is a strange, bizarre, isolated and disturbing place.

On second thought, this isn't funny any more.
My order only

1) best economy in world history until the virus
2) great new trade deals like nafta 2.0
3) obliterating Isis in Syria and Iraq
4) first president to try to stop the flow of massive immigration. He has 1/4 of wall finished and illegals invaders are now released in Mexico
5) standing up to China
6) peace deal of Israel and UAE
1. Destroyed the economy.
2. Renamed a couple of trade deals with no real.changes. destroyed a few others.
3. Wasn't us.
4. 1/2 lie, 1/2 constitutional violation.
5. Sucking Xi's dick is "standing up"? Not in my book.
6. Merely a label change. Israel and UAE have had trade agreements,. security agreements, and intelligence sharing for decades.

tRump has accomplished nothing.

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