Trump's 12 Impeachable Offenses

So waity

Trump won the electoral college because of 75,000 votes spread across 3 states...and you think he's MORE popular now than he was then?

YOU may like him a lot more...but that doesn't translate into more votes...
Yep. Made him president. Why have you not accepted it?
So waity

Trump won the electoral college because of 75,000 votes spread across 3 states...and you think he's MORE popular now than he was then?

YOU may like him a lot more...but that doesn't translate into more votes...
Yep. Made him president. Why have you not accepted it?
"I" did no such thing.

That's on you
So waity

Trump won the electoral college because of 75,000 votes spread across 3 states...and you think he's MORE popular now than he was then?

YOU may like him a lot more...but that doesn't translate into more votes...
Yep. Made him president. Why have you not accepted it?
"I" did no such thing.

That's on you
What’s on me? You still haven’t accepted the 2016 results! PERIOD
Do you understand that 42% is NOT a majority?

That for lightning to strike twice an extraordinary number of things would have to go the way they did in 2016?

We know you're counting on the Russians...but you won't have Comey this time.
It's sure a good watch.

Dude, I'm serious. The course of this nation's history is being decided based on your side lying it's ass off, to the American people.

That is going to massively undermine the legitimacy of the government.

YOu want to tear this nation apart? Because if you did, I don't know that you would do much differently.
Dude, I'm serious. The course of this nation's history is being decided based on your side lying it's ass off, to the American people
Trump and his endless lies are tearing this country apart.
Impeachment in the House is the solution.
While Ever-Trumpers in the Senate will never vote to convict but they may well find the spine to Censure the useless eater in the White House.

Never Underestimate Trump.

When people like you pretend that everything you don't like is "racism" while totally supporting anti-white discrimination, (for one example)

you are the ones tearing this nation apart.
When people like you pretend that everything you don't like is "racism" while totally supporting anti-white discrimination, (for one example)

you are the ones tearing this nation apart.
White Pride put Trump in the White House, and it's tearing the country apart, just as it has for the last hundred years.....3

Only a lying fucktard would make such a claim. I challenge you to support that with anything relevant, you race baiting piece of shit.

YOu are nothing but a propaganda spewing troll.

I bet you never talked to a real person, and were such an fucktard asshole to them, have you, you cowardly fucker.
Only a lying fucktard would make such a claim. I challenge you to support that with anything relevant, you race baiting piece of shit
Your ignorance of history rivals Trump's:

White supremacy - Wikipedia

"In some parts of the United States, many people who were considered non-white were disenfranchised, barred from government office, and prevented from holding most government jobs well into the second half of the 20th century.

"Professor Leland T. Saito of the University of Southern California writes: 'Throughout the history of the United States, race has been used by whites for legitimizing and creating difference and social, economic and political exclusion.'[9]

"The Naturalization Act of 1790 limited U.S. citizenship to whites only.[10]

"The denial of social and political freedom to minorities continued into the mid-20th century, resulting in the civil rights movement.[11] Sociologist Stephen Klineberg has stated that U.S. immigration laws prior to 1965 clearly declared 'that Northern Europeans are a superior subspecies of the white race'"

Do you believe Northern Europeans are a superior subspecies of the white race, Adolph?

Thank you for admitting that you are just a lying fucktard.

Were you born soulless, or is having it removed part of becoming a liberal?
When people like you pretend that everything you don't like is "racism" while totally supporting anti-white discrimination, (for one example)

you are the ones tearing this nation apart.
When people like you pretend that everything you don't like is "racism" while totally supporting anti-white discrimination, (for one example)

you are the ones tearing this nation apart.
White Pride put Trump in the White House, and it's tearing the country apart, just as it has for the last hundred years.

Trump Administration Cuts Funding to Anti-White-Supremacy Group | WBHM 90.3

What color are you? I'm white and I'm damn proud of being white and damn proud of the accomplishments whites have made over the centuries.

What's wrong with that? Oh wait I can only be proud of my race if I'm black. I forgot. Sorry.
What color are you? I'm white and I'm damn proud of being white and damn proud of the accomplishments whites have made over the centuries.
I'm a white-skinned male who recognizes the accomplishments of chattel slavery and genocide have created a "White Blindspot" in many Americans today.

The "white race" was invented as a ruling class concept of social control in the late 17th-early 18th centuries on the Anglo-American plantations of Virginia and Maryland. Ruling class plantation aristocrats conferred "white race" privileges on European-Americans as a means of dividing working class unity.

White-skinned parasites like Trump have been exploiting the blindspot ever since.

If you really believed that, then why have you spent so much time lying, you cock sucker?
f you really believed that, then why have you spent so much time lying, you cock sucker?
Point out the lie, Loon

White supremacy - Wikipedia

"White supremacy was dominant in the United States both before and after the American Civil War, and it also persisted for decades after the Reconstruction Era.[4] In the antebellum South, this included the holding of African Americans in chattel slavery, in which four million of them were denied freedom.[5]

"The outbreak of the Civil War saw the desire to uphold white supremacy being cited as a cause for state secession[6] and the formation of the Confederate States of America.[7]

"In an editorial about Native Americans in 1890, author L. Frank Baum wrote: 'The Whites, by law of conquest, by justice of civilization, are masters of the American continent, and the best safety of the frontier settlements will be secured by the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians.'[8]"

Sorry, it's been a busy couple of days, I don't recall what lie I was referring to, in your long list of racist race baiting, you soulless monster.

But you certainly are a lying piece of race baiting shit.

So, have you EVER spoken to someone like you do online, in real life? Or are you just a utter coward, who only dares be his truth self, when he knows that he is safe in his mommy's basement?
Dude, I'm serious. The course of this nation's history is being decided based on your side lying it's ass off, to the American people.

That is going to massively undermine the legitimacy of the government.

YOu want to tear this nation apart? Because if you did, I don't know that you would do much differently.
Dude, I'm serious. The course of this nation's history is being decided based on your side lying it's ass off, to the American people
Trump and his endless lies are tearing this country apart.
Impeachment in the House is the solution.
While Ever-Trumpers in the Senate will never vote to convict but they may well find the spine to Censure the useless eater in the White House.

Never Underestimate Trump.
Lies you can’t post
Lies you can’t post
Are you saying Trump doesn't lie?

Opinion | Republicans’ Big Lie About Trump and Russia
Post one of his lies! You avoided that , interesting
Post one of his lies! You avoided that , interesting

"This weekend, The New York Times performed a noble public service by publishing nearly every lie Donald Trump has told since taking the oath of office (just four months and a few days ago, but it seems like an eternity, no?). The op-ed chart of tiny but readable font fills the entire page, until at one point, in the mind’s eye, they appear to morph into termites burrowing deep into the foundation of democracy, leaving sawdust in their wake."

All of Donald Trump's Lies

You fail again. You loser. YOu pathetic loser.
Trump and his endless lies are tearing this country apart.
Impeachment in the House is the solution.
While Ever-Trumpers in the Senate will never vote to convict but they may well find the spine to Censure the useless eater in the White House.

Never Underestimate Trump.
Lies you can’t post
Lies you can’t post
Are you saying Trump doesn't lie?

Opinion | Republicans’ Big Lie About Trump and Russia
Post one of his lies! You avoided that , interesting
Post one of his lies! You avoided that , interesting

"This weekend, The New York Times performed a noble public service by publishing nearly every lie Donald Trump has told since taking the oath of office (just four months and a few days ago, but it seems like an eternity, no?). The op-ed chart of tiny but readable font fills the entire page, until at one point, in the mind’s eye, they appear to morph into termites burrowing deep into the foundation of democracy, leaving sawdust in their wake."

All of Donald Trump's Lies
Pick one and let’s discuss

He can't. He won't. He is a soulless coward.

He will bury your party deeper than Barry in '64.

I keep reading here references to Trump being King.

The members that post such drivel are Left/Dems who ( lmao ) insist that Trump supporters believe Trump is King.


I truly hate it when 'people' attempt to put words in other's mouths.

He will bury your party deeper than Barry in '64.

I keep reading here references to Trump being King.

The members that post such drivel are Left/Dems who ( lmao ) insist that Trump supporters believe Trump is King.


I truly hate it when 'people' attempt to put words in other's mouths.
I keep reading here references to Trump being King.

The members that post such drivel are Left/Dems who ( lmao ) insist that Trump supporters believe Trump is King.
All that's missing is the inbreeding

He will bury your party deeper than Barry in '64.

I keep reading here references to Trump being King.

The members that post such drivel are Left/Dems who ( lmao ) insist that Trump supporters believe Trump is King.


I truly hate it when 'people' attempt to put words in other's mouths.
63 million of his country appointed him as president.

He will bury your party deeper than Barry in '64.

I keep reading here references to Trump being King.

The members that post such drivel are Left/Dems who ( lmao ) insist that Trump supporters believe Trump is King.


I truly hate it when 'people' attempt to put words in other's mouths.
I keep reading here references to Trump being King.

The members that post such drivel are Left/Dems who ( lmao ) insist that Trump supporters believe Trump is King.
All that's missing is the inbreeding
you didn't know there was an election in 2016 where 30 of 50 states voted him into office, by constitutional authority? go fking figure, you're just a clueless loser.
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So firing Comey for investigating Russian collusion is not obstruction of justice?
So firing Comey for investigating Russian collusion is not obstruction of justice?
let me know when you assfucks prove the Steele Dossier false.
let me know when you assfucks prove the Steele Dossier false.
You got me all wrong.
I believe the dossier reveals more truth than fiction.

Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia
Except it doesn’t. Fact
except it does.
post the factual information from your loser site? I still have the facts on my side. interesting to you huh? can't seem to find that winner.
One would have to to not realize that not one thing in your chart points to an impeachable offense much less factual claim.
One would have to to not realize that not one thing in your chart points to an impeachable offense much less factual claim
One would have to suffer from acute partisan blindness to believe there's a lack of impeachable offenses regarding the corrupt crony-capitalist currently occupying the White House

IF COURSE THERE ARE! The problem is that:
  • So was there in the previous administration, far worse, and a blind eye was turned to it dismissing it all as "racially-motivated."
ANYONE can be convicted of a crime, the difference is that the Justice System is wrongly used to attack those whom the system doesn't like while protecting those it does, instead of applying the law fairly and objectively.
So was there in the previous administration, far worse, and a blind eye was turned to it dismissing it all as "racially-motivated."
Obama and Bush both committed acts that warranted impeachment, but Trump's stupidity adds a whole new dimension to his crimes
Yep. And it was a new dimension the Democrats magically all found the day he took office.
Yep. And it was a new dimension the Democrats magically all found the day he took office.
Does Article II of the Constitution give Trump the right to do whatever he wants as president?
like what? name something he's done outside it. Come on loser, you can't seem to find your own fingers at the moment.
Trump Wins Again:19:

Trump finally tops his predecessors—far more Americans want him impeached than they did Obama, Bush or Clinton

"A new CNN survey of the American public out today found support for impeaching 'and' removing Trump has risen drastically since May:

"May 2019: 41% for Impeachment, 54% against
Oct 2019: 50% for Impeachment, 43% against

"What’s more astonishing is that support for Trump’s impeachment is higher than it was for the country’s most recent former Presidents.

"Support for impeachment:

"Bill Clinton: 29%
George W Bush: 30%
Barack Obama: 33%
Donald Trump: 50%"

MAGA yet?
been MAGA since November 2016. you?
Do you understand that 42% is NOT a majority?

That for lightning to strike twice an extraordinary number of things would have to go the way they did in 2016?

We know you're counting on the Russians...but you won't have Comey this time.
the russians? what did they do? change your vote did they? too fking funny. you really are a sore fking loser. boo fking hoo to you.
Trump Wins Again:19:

Trump finally tops his predecessors—far more Americans want him impeached than they did Obama, Bush or Clinton

"A new CNN survey of the American public out today found support for impeaching 'and' removing Trump has risen drastically since May:

"May 2019: 41% for Impeachment, 54% against
Oct 2019: 50% for Impeachment, 43% against

"What’s more astonishing is that support for Trump’s impeachment is higher than it was for the country’s most recent former Presidents.

"Support for impeachment:

"Bill Clinton: 29%
George W Bush: 30%
Barack Obama: 33%
Donald Trump: 50%"

MAGA yet?
been MAGA since November 2016. you?
been MAGA since November 2016. you?
Not so much.
When did KAGA start?
Trump Wins Again:19:

Trump finally tops his predecessors—far more Americans want him impeached than they did Obama, Bush or Clinton

"A new CNN survey of the American public out today found support for impeaching 'and' removing Trump has risen drastically since May:

"May 2019: 41% for Impeachment, 54% against
Oct 2019: 50% for Impeachment, 43% against

"What’s more astonishing is that support for Trump’s impeachment is higher than it was for the country’s most recent former Presidents.

"Support for impeachment:

"Bill Clinton: 29%
George W Bush: 30%
Barack Obama: 33%
Donald Trump: 50%"

MAGA yet?
been MAGA since November 2016. you?
been MAGA since November 2016. you?
Not so much.
When did KAGA start?
that's always what I try and do. not so much you huh? you wish bad on americans do you?
Trump Wins Again:19:

Trump finally tops his predecessors—far more Americans want him impeached than they did Obama, Bush or Clinton

"A new CNN survey of the American public out today found support for impeaching 'and' removing Trump has risen drastically since May:

"May 2019: 41% for Impeachment, 54% against
Oct 2019: 50% for Impeachment, 43% against

"What’s more astonishing is that support for Trump’s impeachment is higher than it was for the country’s most recent former Presidents.

"Support for impeachment:

"Bill Clinton: 29%
George W Bush: 30%
Barack Obama: 33%
Donald Trump: 50%"

MAGA yet?
been MAGA since November 2016. you?
been MAGA since November 2016. you?
Not so much.
When did KAGA start?
that's always what I try and do. not so much you huh? you wish bad on americans do you?
hat's always what I try and do. not so much you huh? you wish bad on americans do you?
I don't regard Trump as emblematic of American "greatness", if that's what you're asking. He was born of third base and thinks he hit a triple.

Opinion | Is It Time to Call Trump Mentally Ill?

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