Trump's 12 Impeachable Offenses

I think someone just won the *BOARDS MOST TRIGGERED SNOWFLAKE* award... little Georgie poo...

PMSDNC? Why did they post a graphic showing how many lies they've told about Trump since he was sworn into office? At least they're honest about it.
PMSDNC? Why did they post a graphic showing how many lies they've told about Trump since he was sworn into office? At least they're honest about it.
Would you be more concerned with thousands of Trump lies if he had NOT changed his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican?

No more concerned than you are that Michael Bloomberg did the same thing.
Dude, I'm serious. The course of this nation's history is being decided based on your side lying it's ass off, to the American people.

That is going to massively undermine the legitimacy of the government.

YOu want to tear this nation apart? Because if you did, I don't know that you would do much differently.
Dude, I'm serious. The course of this nation's history is being decided based on your side lying it's ass off, to the American people
Trump and his endless lies are tearing this country apart.
Impeachment in the House is the solution.
While Ever-Trumpers in the Senate will never vote to convict but they may well find the spine to Censure the useless eater in the White House.

Never Underestimate Trump.

When people like you pretend that everything you don't like is "racism" while totally supporting anti-white discrimination, (for one example)

you are the ones tearing this nation apart.
When people like you pretend that everything you don't like is "racism" while totally supporting anti-white discrimination, (for one example)

you are the ones tearing this nation apart.
White Pride put Trump in the White House, and it's tearing the country apart, just as it has for the last hundred years.

Trump Administration Cuts Funding to Anti-White-Supremacy Group | WBHM 90.3

What color are you? I'm white and I'm damn proud of being white and damn proud of the accomplishments whites have made over the centuries.

What's wrong with that? Oh wait I can only be proud of my race if I'm black. I forgot. Sorry.
What color are you? I'm white and I'm damn proud of being white and damn proud of the accomplishments whites have made over the centuries.
I'm a white-skinned male who recognizes the accomplishments of chattel slavery and genocide have created a "White Blindspot" in many Americans today.

The "white race" was invented as a ruling class concept of social control in the late 17th-early 18th centuries on the Anglo-American plantations of Virginia and Maryland. Ruling class plantation aristocrats conferred "white race" privileges on European-Americans as a means of dividing working class unity.

White-skinned parasites like Trump have been exploiting the blindspot ever since.

If you really believed that, then why have you spent so much time lying, you cock sucker?
Of course if you people ever watched real news you might get the actual facts. Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere. The middle class and our infrastructure continue to go to hell because we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes, not just garbage propaganda. 78% are paycheck to paycheck for crying out loud.....

Meanwhile in the USA things are going great except for in Dem controlled cities.
Meanwhile in the USA things are going great except for in Dem controlled cities.

Day After Trump Said 'Inequality Is Down,' Federal Data Shows US Income Inequality Highest Since Census Began Measuring

"Federal data released Thursday showed U.S. income inequality in 2018 reached the highest level since the Census Bureau began measuring it five decades ago, a finding that comes less than 24 hours after President Donald Trump said 'inequality is down.'"

Did he lie about that too?
At the end of the day, the only thing they have on The President, the only thing they've ever had, is that they don't like his hair.

Personally, I think his hair rocks.

So firing Comey for investigating Russian collusion is not obstruction of justice?
So firing Comey for investigating Russian collusion is not obstruction of justice?
let me know when you assfucks prove the Steele Dossier false.

Let me know what assfuck actually thinks that evidence has to be proven false.

We would refer to that person as a "dumbassfuck."
Putting aside ignorance, arrogance, and stupidity...

The End of the Rule of Law

"Bruce Fein a former senior official in the Department of Justice and a constitutional scholar, has identified 12 impeachable offenses committed by Donald Trump.

"But, as he notes, many of these constitutional violations are not unique to the Trump administration. They have been normalized by Democratic and Republican administrations..."

As far as Trump's unique brand of criminality goes:

"The 12 impeachable offenses committed by Trump and singled out by Fein are:

"1. Contempt of Congress

"Trump made clear his contempt of Congress when he boasted, '… I have Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president.'"

"Contempt of Congress" isn't a crime, and neither is "Contempt of the Presidency" which Chuck and Nancy are guilty of. President Trump has asked Congress to do a lot, and largely they haven't done it.
"Contempt of Congress" isn't a crime, and neither is "Contempt of the Presidency" which Chuck and Nancy are guilty of. President Trump has asked Congress to do a lot, and largely they haven't done it.

"Article III, charging Nixon with contempt of Congress,[157] alleged in part that:

"In his conduct of the office of President of the United States, Richard M. Nixon, contrary to his oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has failed without lawful cause or excuse to produce papers and things as directed by duly authorized subpoenas issued by the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives on April 11, 1974, May 15, 1974, May 30, 1974, and June 24, 1974, and willfully disobeyed such subpoenas."

Impeachment process against Richard Nixon - Wikipedia

The End is Near.
The emotional lib goo train never ends. Never any substance.
You would have to read the link to judge substance.
Here's a head start:

The End of the Rule of Law

2. Abuse of the Powers of the President and Abuse of Public Trust

“Unlike prior presidents, he has made presidential lies as routine as the rising and setting of the sun, confounding civil discourse, truth and public truad it st,” the memo to Pelosi reads. 'He has disrespected, belittled, and serially preyed upon women, mocked the disabled, incited violence against the mainstream media and critics, and encouraged and displayed bigotry towards minorities and minority Members of Congress, including intercession with Israel in serious violation of the Speech or Debate Clause, Article I, section 6, clause 1, to deny two Members visitor visas.'"
we don't have to read it --it's the same stupid shit we've heard a million times since 2016---
we don't have to read it --it's the same stupid shit we've heard a million times since 2016---
Here's another chance to improve your comprehension skills:

Guide to the 2019 Impeachment Inquiry of President Trump

"Here’s what happened, starting at the beginning.

"Ambassador targeted by Ukraine In 2018, former Ukrainian officials, President Trump’s associates, and other individuals worked together to mount a case to replace U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch.

"Lev Parnas, an American citizen and businessman born in Ukraine, and an associate of his made significant illegal campaign contributions in June 2018 to former Rep. Pete Sessions and related political entities as a part of a plan to influence the United States government to replace Yovanovitch, according to charges filed by the Justice Department.

"The plan was reportedly at the request of Ukraine’s former chief prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko.

"Later that year, Parnas hired President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, and Giuliani met with Lutsenko about the plan, according to Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent.

"On Jan. 9, 2019 Giuliani asked the State Department to issue Viktor Shokin, Lutsenko’s predecessor as Ukraine’s chief prosecutor, a visa to travel to the United States so that he could provide information about corruption in the United States, according to Kent, possibly referring to the same plan to oust Yovanovitch."

Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE when he's gone?
..all of your hate is eating you up.....hate is not good
.all of your hate is eating you up.....hate is not good
Is hatred of evil allowable?

White privilege - Wikipedia

"In his work, Allen maintained several points: that the 'white race' was invented as a ruling class social control formation in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century Anglo-American plantation colonies (principally Virginia and Maryland); that central to this process was the ruling-class plantation bourgeoisie conferring 'white race' privileges on European-American working people; that these privileges were not only against the interests of African-Americans, they were also 'poison,' 'ruinous,' a baited hook, to the class interests of working people; that white supremacy, reinforced by the 'white skin privilege,' has been as the main retardant of working-class consciousness in the US; and that struggle for radical social change should direct principal efforts at challenging white supremacy and 'white skin privileges'.[36"
any hate is wrong
I think someone just won the *BOARDS MOST TRIGGERED SNOWFLAKE* award... little Georgie poo...

PMSDNC? Why did they post a graphic showing how many lies they've told about Trump since he was sworn into office? At least they're honest about it.
PMSDNC? Why did they post a graphic showing how many lies they've told about Trump since he was sworn into office? At least they're honest about it.
Would you be more concerned with thousands of Trump lies if he had NOT changed his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican?

No more concerned than you are that Michael Bloomberg did the same thing.
No more concerned than you are that Michael Bloomberg did the same thing.
I'm not gullible enough to vote for any billionaire, especially one with white skin.
I think someone just won the *BOARDS MOST TRIGGERED SNOWFLAKE* award... little Georgie poo...

PMSDNC? Why did they post a graphic showing how many lies they've told about Trump since he was sworn into office? At least they're honest about it.
PMSDNC? Why did they post a graphic showing how many lies they've told about Trump since he was sworn into office? At least they're honest about it.
Would you be more concerned with thousands of Trump lies if he had NOT changed his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican?

No more concerned than you are that Michael Bloomberg did the same thing.
No more concerned than you are that Michael Bloomberg did the same thing.
I'm not gullible enough to vote for any billionaire, especially one with white skin.

So, race figures big in your decision making process? NO way a white billionaire can win your vote, because of his skin color.

And you think we are the racist.

How can someone so out of touch with reality, not die because of wandering in traffic, or eating broken glass?

PMSDNC? Why did they post a graphic showing how many lies they've told about Trump since he was sworn into office? At least they're honest about it.
PMSDNC? Why did they post a graphic showing how many lies they've told about Trump since he was sworn into office? At least they're honest about it.
Would you be more concerned with thousands of Trump lies if he had NOT changed his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican?

No more concerned than you are that Michael Bloomberg did the same thing.
No more concerned than you are that Michael Bloomberg did the same thing.
I'm not gullible enough to vote for any billionaire, especially one with white skin.

So, race figures big in your decision making process? NO way a white billionaire can win your vote, because of his skin color.

And you think we are the racist.

How can someone so out of touch with reality, not die because of wandering in traffic, or eating broken glass?

Race always figures in with marxist/communists. Their goal is a nihilistic state.
PMSDNC? Why did they post a graphic showing how many lies they've told about Trump since he was sworn into office? At least they're honest about it.
PMSDNC? Why did they post a graphic showing how many lies they've told about Trump since he was sworn into office? At least they're honest about it.
Would you be more concerned with thousands of Trump lies if he had NOT changed his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican?

No more concerned than you are that Michael Bloomberg did the same thing.
No more concerned than you are that Michael Bloomberg did the same thing.
I'm not gullible enough to vote for any billionaire, especially one with white skin.

So, race figures big in your decision making process? NO way a white billionaire can win your vote, because of his skin color.

And you think we are the racist.

How can someone so out of touch with reality, not die because of wandering in traffic, or eating broken glass?

Race always figures in with marxist/communists. Their goal is a nihilistic state.

Have they always been such pieces of shit, or have they gotten worse?
Would you be more concerned with thousands of Trump lies if he had NOT changed his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican?

No more concerned than you are that Michael Bloomberg did the same thing.
No more concerned than you are that Michael Bloomberg did the same thing.
I'm not gullible enough to vote for any billionaire, especially one with white skin.

So, race figures big in your decision making process? NO way a white billionaire can win your vote, because of his skin color.

And you think we are the racist.

How can someone so out of touch with reality, not die because of wandering in traffic, or eating broken glass?

Race always figures in with marxist/communists. Their goal is a nihilistic state.

Have they always been such pieces of shit, or have they gotten worse?

Marxist/communism has always involved murder, death, scourge, hunger, starvation..........never any equality. The never ending refrain that you will always hear....."it will work if we can get our people in there".
Trump must be impeached for signing that $5 Trillion Spending Bill !!! That is larger than a quarter of US GDP making Republican Expanded Government the LARGEST GOVERNMENT in US History!!! Trump also created massive off budget debts taxpayers will have to pay along with RECORD DEFICITS & DEBT!

At least Clinton shrank the government!
Trump Loves Pork!!!
How many lies has Trump told since taking office?

You can't expect any rational person to believe you have the slightest concern for "real issues" when you support a corrupt pathological liar and crony-capitalist for POTUS.

Trump Lies

Dude, I'm serious. The course of this nation's history is being decided based on your side lying it's ass off, to the American people.

That is going to massively undermine the legitimacy of the government.

YOu want to tear this nation apart? Because if you did, I don't know that you would do much differently.
Dude, I'm serious. The course of this nation's history is being decided based on your side lying it's ass off, to the American people
Trump and his endless lies are tearing this country apart.
Impeachment in the House is the solution.
While Ever-Trumpers in the Senate will never vote to convict but they may well find the spine to Censure the useless eater in the White House.

Never Underestimate Trump.

When people like you pretend that everything you don't like is "racism" while totally supporting anti-white discrimination, (for one example)

you are the ones tearing this nation apart.
When people like you pretend that everything you don't like is "racism" while totally supporting anti-white discrimination, (for one example)

you are the ones tearing this nation apart.
White Pride put Trump in the White House, and it's tearing the country apart, just as it has for the last hundred years.....3

Only a lying fucktard would make such a claim. I challenge you to support that with anything relevant, you race baiting piece of shit.

YOu are nothing but a propaganda spewing troll.

I bet you never talked to a real person, and were such an fucktard asshole to them, have you, you cowardly fucker.
Only a lying fucktard would make such a claim. I challenge you to support that with anything relevant, you race baiting piece of shit
Your ignorance of history rivals Trump's:

White supremacy - Wikipedia

"In some parts of the United States, many people who were considered non-white were disenfranchised, barred from government office, and prevented from holding most government jobs well into the second half of the 20th century.

"Professor Leland T. Saito of the University of Southern California writes: 'Throughout the history of the United States, race has been used by whites for legitimizing and creating difference and social, economic and political exclusion.'[9]

"The Naturalization Act of 1790 limited U.S. citizenship to whites only.[10]

"The denial of social and political freedom to minorities continued into the mid-20th century, resulting in the civil rights movement.[11] Sociologist Stephen Klineberg has stated that U.S. immigration laws prior to 1965 clearly declared 'that Northern Europeans are a superior subspecies of the white race'"

Do you believe Northern Europeans are a superior subspecies of the white race, Adolph?
Trump and his endless lies are tearing this country apart.
Impeachment in the House is the solution.
While Ever-Trumpers in the Senate will never vote to convict but they may well find the spine to Censure the useless eater in the White House.

Never Underestimate Trump.

When people like you pretend that everything you don't like is "racism" while totally supporting anti-white discrimination, (for one example)

you are the ones tearing this nation apart.
When people like you pretend that everything you don't like is "racism" while totally supporting anti-white discrimination, (for one example)

you are the ones tearing this nation apart.
White Pride put Trump in the White House, and it's tearing the country apart, just as it has for the last hundred years.

Trump Administration Cuts Funding to Anti-White-Supremacy Group | WBHM 90.3

What color are you? I'm white and I'm damn proud of being white and damn proud of the accomplishments whites have made over the centuries.

What's wrong with that? Oh wait I can only be proud of my race if I'm black. I forgot. Sorry.
What color are you? I'm white and I'm damn proud of being white and damn proud of the accomplishments whites have made over the centuries.
I'm a white-skinned male who recognizes the accomplishments of chattel slavery and genocide have created a "White Blindspot" in many Americans today.

The "white race" was invented as a ruling class concept of social control in the late 17th-early 18th centuries on the Anglo-American plantations of Virginia and Maryland. Ruling class plantation aristocrats conferred "white race" privileges on European-Americans as a means of dividing working class unity.

White-skinned parasites like Trump have been exploiting the blindspot ever since.

If you really believed that, then why have you spent so much time lying, you cock sucker?
f you really believed that, then why have you spent so much time lying, you cock sucker?
Point out the lie, Loon

White supremacy - Wikipedia

"White supremacy was dominant in the United States both before and after the American Civil War, and it also persisted for decades after the Reconstruction Era.[4] In the antebellum South, this included the holding of African Americans in chattel slavery, in which four million of them were denied freedom.[5]

"The outbreak of the Civil War saw the desire to uphold white supremacy being cited as a cause for state secession[6] and the formation of the Confederate States of America.[7]

"In an editorial about Native Americans in 1890, author L. Frank Baum wrote: 'The Whites, by law of conquest, by justice of civilization, are masters of the American continent, and the best safety of the frontier settlements will be secured by the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians.'[8]"
No more concerned than you are that Michael Bloomberg did the same thing.
No more concerned than you are that Michael Bloomberg did the same thing.
I'm not gullible enough to vote for any billionaire, especially one with white skin.

So, race figures big in your decision making process? NO way a white billionaire can win your vote, because of his skin color.

And you think we are the racist.

How can someone so out of touch with reality, not die because of wandering in traffic, or eating broken glass?

Race always figures in with marxist/communists. Their goal is a nihilistic state.

Have they always been such pieces of shit, or have they gotten worse?

Marxist/communism has always involved murder, death, scourge, hunger, starvation..........never any equality. The never ending refrain that you will always hear....."it will work if we can get our people in there".
Marxist/communism has always involved murder, death, scourge, hunger, starvation..........never any equality. The never ending refrain that you will always hear....."it will work if we can get our people in there".
How many deaths has capitalism spawned over the past five hundred years? Start with the number of Indians starved by British capitalists who couldn't resist the temptation to make a "killing" from local grain markets.

The Bengal Famine: How the British engineered the worst genocide in human history for profit
Putting aside ignorance, arrogance, and stupidity...

The End of the Rule of Law

"Bruce Fein a former senior official in the Department of Justice and a constitutional scholar, has identified 12 impeachable offenses committed by Donald Trump.

"But, as he notes, many of these constitutional violations are not unique to the Trump administration. They have been normalized by Democratic and Republican administrations..."

As far as Trump's unique brand of criminality goes:

"The 12 impeachable offenses committed by Trump and singled out by Fein are:

"1. Contempt of Congress

"Trump made clear his contempt of Congress when he boasted, '… I have Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president.'"

The leftwing/democrat party/socialists......are insane.......and losing more and more control of their minds and emotions......they are becoming more and more dangerous to our freedom.....
Having real elections based on issues, as opposed to massive propaganda campaigns designed to lie to the people.
Having real elections based on issues, as opposed to massive propaganda campaigns designed to lie to the people.
How many lies has Trump told since taking office?

You can't expect any rational person to believe you have the slightest concern for "real issues" when you support a corrupt pathological liar and crony-capitalist for POTUS.

Trump Lies

Dude, I'm serious. The course of this nation's history is being decided based on your side lying it's ass off, to the American people.

That is going to massively undermine the legitimacy of the government.

YOu want to tear this nation apart? Because if you did, I don't know that you would do much differently.
Dude, I'm serious. The course of this nation's history is being decided based on your side lying it's ass off, to the American people
Trump and his endless lies are tearing this country apart.
Impeachment in the House is the solution.
While Ever-Trumpers in the Senate will never vote to convict but they may well find the spine to Censure the useless eater in the White House.

Never Underestimate Trump.
Lies you can’t post
Lies you can’t post
Are you saying Trump doesn't lie?

Opinion | Republicans’ Big Lie About Trump and Russia
Post one of his lies! You avoided that , interesting
I sincerely dislike the guy, and there cannot really be legitimate denial that he broke the law sending Rudi, Pompano, Sondland, and perhaps Mack the Dull Knife and John Mitchell … I mean Bill Barr to Ukraine do "do a deal."

But I just don't see the impeachment thing. I know the House very left base demanded it, but just censuring the guy and getting on with it would have had better political effect, and would have kept Mitch "kleptomaniac" McConnell's sticky little hands in his deep pockets
Bull shit. A president can send whoever the hell they want, anywhere they want, and looking into corruption is the president's job.

But go ahead, beat that debunked crap some more. It's helping the president and we like it.
But go ahead, beat that debunked crap some more. It's helping the president and we like it

How long before Rudy goes under the Ukraine bus?
For what?
At the end of the day, the only thing they have on The President, the only thing they've ever had, is that they don't like his hair.

Personally, I think his hair rocks.

So firing Comey for investigating Russian collusion is not obstruction of justice?
So firing Comey for investigating Russian collusion is not obstruction of justice?
let me know when you assfucks prove the Steele Dossier false.
let me know when you assfucks prove the Steele Dossier false.
You got me all wrong.
I believe the dossier reveals more truth than fiction.

Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia
Except it doesn’t. Fact

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