Trumpist terrorist threats now aimed at Biden’s inauguration.

All the Chinese had to do was to buy Biden and then release a virus to cause a pandemic that enabled the Democrat Party to create fraudulent mail in ballots. Easy Peazy. Straight out of their Art of War.

Their man was in.

Thanks be to the Useful Idiots in this country that help make it happen.

Then the Useful Idiots wonder why not everybody is bending the knee to their Communists masters.
The democrat communist nation isn't my nation. Fraud is the only way Biden could possibly win. There will be no attack on the inauguration because there will be no parade and a drastically reduced ceremony. It will look like a Biden rally. No one wants to go.
You, and your fellow deplorables, are delusional morons. Gullible idiots, one and all.
Delusional! You're the one who thinks Chicom Biden could populate an inauguration.
You have no idea what I think, you bootlicking moron.
The democrat communist nation isn't my nation. Fraud is the only way Biden could possibly win. There will be no attack on the inauguration because there will be no parade and a drastically reduced ceremony. It will look like a Biden rally. No one wants to go.
Trump’s own former WH Communication Director admitted the election was not stolen, that it was a lie, a lie to rattle the base and buy time. Open your friggin eyes. You were played by Trump.
Just being nice. We won't be. #RESIST
Oh please. You haven't been out of your basement in years.
Look how quickly you made it personal. If we want to "peacefully" protest we will you purple haired weirdo loser.
I am betting you majored in stupidity at trump university, right?
The democrat communist nation isn't my nation. Fraud is the only way Biden could possibly win. There will be no attack on the inauguration because there will be no parade and a drastically reduced ceremony. It will look like a Biden rally. No one wants to go.
“....ADL (formerly known as the Anti-Defamation League) said Thursday that extremists have already begun plotting their next coup attempt targeting Inauguration Day. These preparations are taking place on social media forums, including Twitter and YouTube, and on fringe forums popular with extremists.”

These Trumpist terrorists, and that is what they are at this point, are apparently planning another attack on our democracy.

What is wrong with you people?

Alyssa Farrah, Trump’s former Communication’s Director, was on the news today saying the whole “election was stolen“ rhetoric was a lie. A lie to buy time.

You Trumpists were played like fools.

Come to your senses.

Reject these assaults and threats on our nation.

If there is any unpleasantness at the Inauguration, chances are that it will have been started by leftists, who feel that they are on a roll after the Capitol incident and don't want to stop.
A Civil War was started because of that asshole Lincoln being inaugurated. China Joe is next.
Nah, bloodlust is your thing as well as other Trumpist terrorists. Most of the American people of all stripes will reject these threats of violence against our nation.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The filthy ass Communists Party USA (foremoraly the Democrat Party) started the fight by stealing an election from the American people and having an agenda of destruction for this country.

Like Jefferson said "the Tree of Liberty needs to be nourished with the blood of Tyrants". It is time to do some nourishing lest we lose out country to those that will destroy it for their greed..
Is there a living alternative candidate for the US rassists and Republicans? They hyped Trump and now they have to follow him. He lies? Come follow his opinion! Once a leader in Germany made the same with his people. Its a kind of a hypnotic method I think...
The democrat communist nation isn't my nation. Fraud is the only way Biden could possibly win. There will be no attack on the inauguration because there will be no parade and a drastically reduced ceremony. It will look like a Biden rally. No one wants to go.
Trump’s own former WH Communication Director admitted the election was not stolen, that it was a lie, a lie to rattle the base and buy time. Open your friggin eyes. You were played by Trump.
I do not need anyone to tell me the election was not stolen. It was plain to see. There are hundreds of affidavits some from those who perpetrated the fraud. Just because someone is scared shitless and will say anything to ratchet down the fury doesn't mean I have to buy the crap.
Reject these assaults and threats on our nation.

99% are. I certainly do.

Conservatives denounce all political violence. The left does not. I'd advise you to jump on the moral team.
Really? I see them celebrating and excusing this attack on the friggin Capitol and the death of a cop killed defending it
It's a war. When Dorn was killed did you cry over the death of a cop? It's too late now.
Not enough people are dissatisfied with their life to risk it all on a real fight. All we need to be worried about is acts of terror.
Not enough people have been cancelled. The more people who fall afoul of the cancel culture the more people to be dissatisfied. Democrats are now talking about divesting millions of their ability to live.
Leftists terrorized DC on Trump's inauguration so why can't the right do the same?

Well I guess the lady who died was a BLM member. You will believe any thing. Hillarious The Republican law maker from West Virginia was BLM also. AGAIN HILARIOUS
“....ADL (formerly known as the Anti-Defamation League) said Thursday that extremists have already begun plotting their next coup attempt targeting Inauguration Day. These preparations are taking place on social media forums, including Twitter and YouTube, and on fringe forums popular with extremists.”

These Trumpist terrorists, and that is what they are at this point, are apparently planning another attack on our democracy.

What is wrong with you people?

Alyssa Farrah, Trump’s former Communication’s Director, was on the news today saying the whole “election was stolen“ rhetoric was a lie. A lie to buy time.

You Trumpists were played like fools.

Come to your senses.

Reject these assaults and threats on our nation.

'Trump terrorists'?

Considering a violent foreign-funded domestic terrorist who has called for the government to be 'burn down' just confessed to illegally being in the Capitol building during the violence, the claims by Democrats who spent 4 years continuously attempting failed coups against President Trump and the exposed fake news media who facilitated it all has not yet proven that it was actually Trump supporters who initiated / perpetrated all of the violence at / in the Capitol.

You snowflakes continue, however, to carry out your orders and parrot the talking point....

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