Trumpers Want To Live in a Third World Country?


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2016
New Orleans
So you're cheering Trump on in his fight with the press and the New York Times. Do you really understand what you're doing?

The press is protected by the 1st Amendment but besides that fact, you don't want to live in a country where the media and press is suppressed and/or state-run and influenced by our government. There obviously IS government influence already, but it was actually much worse during the invasion of Iraq and "shock and awe". The press did not report the number of civilian casualties when we bombed Baghdad. The video shots were panoramic, not intimate or close ups. The videos were carefully curated. They showed a jubilant Iraqi crowd taking down the statue of Saddam Hussein. No bombed out houses or dead babies. When confronted with this, the spokesman for CNN said they didn't show those pictures because they were "pornographic". (CNN’s Aaron Brown On Coverage of the Anti-War Movement | Democracy Now!) It was as close to a state-run media since JFK brought his mistresses into the White House while Jackie was away.

The press went from lapdog during JFK's administration to watch dog when Nixon tried to lie about his involvement in Watergate. Nixon reawakened the press to what their duty was.

You wingnuts continue to complain that this is a communist/socialist country. Those are the countries that don't have a free press or any press at all.

You want to live in a free, open society then subscribe to a newspaper, any newspaper, digital or hard-copy. They are all more reliable than any internet blog disguised as a news site. Why? Because newspapers can be sued for being wrong and a blogger cannot. It's that simple. (Calif. court says bloggers can't be sued)

Do they get things wrong, of course they do. Especially in a digital age where reporters don't have to just meet a 4:00 deadline, they have to meet a deadline every minute of the day since Ted Turner took television news 24/7 over 25 years ago and the internet gave us instantaneous access, accelerated by Google. So choose your sources carefully, choose several and weigh the information. And for god's sake, stay away from the illegitimate sources that are partisan and just nothing but opinion.
No. The left-wing propaganda machines should collapse under the weigh of their monumental failure. Good riddance to bad rubbish. We don't just vote at the ballot box, we vote with our pocketbooks.
Trump never proposed shutting down the press or suspending/eliminating the 1st Amndment. He has only shamed them, and rightly so, for being a propaganda arm of the DNC and Hillary.
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No. The left-wing propaganda machines should collapse under the weigh of their monumental failure. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

That is a matter of opinion, and that's why the press should be free. I see you just don't get it at all. At all.
Move to North Korea, Russia and anywhere in China, Venezuela, or anywhere in South America, Mexico and most of eastern Europe and then I'll actually consider you to have a opinion. Right now you don't even have a brain.
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Trump never proposed shutting down the press or suspending/eliminating the 1st Amndment. He has only shamed them, and rightly so, for being a propaganda arm of the DNC and Hillary.


Trump threatens to weaken First Amendment protections for reporters
Donald Trump threatens press freedom worldwide
Trump Threatens To End The Freedom Of The Press If He Is Elected President

"Trump doesn’t understand that the First Amendment gives the press protection to publish any information or opinion that they desire. If Donald Trump thinks that the press has published something false about him, he is free to sue for libel. In May, Trump held a press conference where personally attacked members of the media."""

Next illiterate idiot.....
Rich people still live like kings in 3rd world countries, they're all going to be rich remember? so it doesn't matter
No. The left-wing propaganda machines should collapse under the weigh of their monumental failure. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

That is a matter of opinion, and that's why the press should be free. I see you just don't get it at all. At all.
Move to North Korea, Russia and anywhere in China, Venezuela, or anywhere in South America, Mexico and most of eastern Europe and then I'll actually consider you to have a opinion. Right now you don't even have a brain.
Should the press be honest ?
So you're cheering Trump on in his fight with the press and the New York Times. Do you really understand what you're doing?

The press is protected by the 1st Amendment but besides that fact, you don't want to live in a country where the media and press is suppressed and/or state-run and influenced by our government. There obviously IS government influence already, but it was actually much worse during the invasion of Iraq and "shock and awe". The press did not report the number of civilian casualties when we bombed Baghdad. The video shots were panoramic, not intimate or close ups. The videos were carefully curated. They showed a jubilant Iraqi crowd taking down the statue of Saddam Hussein. No bombed out houses or dead babies. When confronted with this, the spokesman for CNN said they didn't show those pictures because they were "pornographic". (CNN’s Aaron Brown On Coverage of the Anti-War Movement | Democracy Now!) It was as close to a state-run media since JFK brought his mistresses into the White House while Jackie was away.

The press went from lapdog during JFK's administration to watch dog when Nixon tried to lie about his involvement in Watergate. Nixon reawakened the press to what their duty was.

You wingnuts continue to complain that this is a communist/socialist country. Those are the countries that don't have a free press or any press at all.

You want to live in a free, open society then subscribe to a newspaper, any newspaper, digital or hard-copy. They are all more reliable than any internet blog disguised as a news site. Why? Because newspapers can be sued for being wrong and a blogger cannot. It's that simple. (Calif. court says bloggers can't be sued)

Do they get things wrong, of course they do. Especially in a digital age where reporters don't have to just meet a 4:00 deadline, they have to meet a deadline every minute of the day since Ted Turner took television news 24/7 over 25 years ago and the internet gave us instantaneous access, accelerated by Google. So choose your sources carefully, choose several and weigh the information. And for god's sake, stay away from the illegitimate sources that are partisan and just nothing but opinion.

"Trump doesn’t understand that the First Amendment gives the press protection to publish any information or opinion that they desire."

True but they can't print libel
So you're cheering Trump on in his fight with the press and the New York Times. Do you really understand what you're doing?

The press is protected by the 1st Amendment but besides that fact, you don't want to live in a country where the media and press is suppressed and/or state-run and influenced by our government. There obviously IS government influence already, but it was actually much worse during the invasion of Iraq and "shock and awe". The press did not report the number of civilian casualties when we bombed Baghdad. The video shots were panoramic, not intimate or close ups. The videos were carefully curated. They showed a jubilant Iraqi crowd taking down the statue of Saddam Hussein. No bombed out houses or dead babies. When confronted with this, the spokesman for CNN said they didn't show those pictures because they were "pornographic". (CNN’s Aaron Brown On Coverage of the Anti-War Movement | Democracy Now!) It was as close to a state-run media since JFK brought his mistresses into the White House while Jackie was away.

The press went from lapdog during JFK's administration to watch dog when Nixon tried to lie about his involvement in Watergate. Nixon reawakened the press to what their duty was.

You wingnuts continue to complain that this is a communist/socialist country. Those are the countries that don't have a free press or any press at all.

You want to live in a free, open society then subscribe to a newspaper, any newspaper, digital or hard-copy. They are all more reliable than any internet blog disguised as a news site. Why? Because newspapers can be sued for being wrong and a blogger cannot. It's that simple. (Calif. court says bloggers can't be sued)

Do they get things wrong, of course they do. Especially in a digital age where reporters don't have to just meet a 4:00 deadline, they have to meet a deadline every minute of the day since Ted Turner took television news 24/7 over 25 years ago and the internet gave us instantaneous access, accelerated by Google. So choose your sources carefully, choose several and weigh the information. And for god's sake, stay away from the illegitimate sources that are partisan and just nothing but opinion.

So don't read anything you write or link... Got it!
Trump never proposed shutting down the press or suspending/eliminating the 1st Amndment. He has only shamed them, and rightly so, for being a propaganda arm of the DNC and Hillary.


Trump threatens to weaken First Amendment protections for reporters
Donald Trump threatens press freedom worldwide
Trump Threatens To End The Freedom Of The Press If He Is Elected President

"Trump doesn’t understand that the First Amendment gives the press protection to publish any information or opinion that they desire. If Donald Trump thinks that the press has published something false about him, he is free to sue for libel. In May, Trump held a press conference where personally attacked members of the media."""

Next illiterate idiot.....
Link 1) Opening up the laws so that you can't hide behind your press credentials to libel someone does no harm to the 1st Amendment.

Link 2) Calling out liars and denying them credentials to your events doesn't no harm to the 1st Amendment

Link 3) Hyperbole is not an argument.

Next illiterate idiot....
That is a matter of opinion, and that's why the press should be free. I see you just don't get it at all. At all.
Move to North Korea, Russia and anywhere in China, Venezuela, or anywhere in South America, Mexico and most of eastern Europe and then I'll actually consider you to have a opinion. Right now you don't even have a brain.

Your debating skills are unmatchable by mere mortals. The way you string together an argument is a wonder to behold. You were obviously head of internet messaging for the Clinton Campaign...don't try to deny it...I'd recognize that genius of persuasive logic anywhere.
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No. The left-wing propaganda machines should collapse under the weigh of their monumental failure. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

That is a matter of opinion, and that's why the press should be free. I see you just don't get it at all. At all.
Move to North Korea, Russia and anywhere in China, Venezuela, or anywhere in South America, Mexico and most of eastern Europe and then I'll actually consider you to have a opinion. Right now you don't even have a brain.
Should the press be honest ?

No, they should publish lies like Breitbart/Steve Bannon.
No. The left-wing propaganda machines should collapse under the weigh of their monumental failure. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

That is a matter of opinion, and that's why the press should be free. I see you just don't get it at all. At all.
Move to North Korea, Russia and anywhere in China, Venezuela, or anywhere in South America, Mexico and most of eastern Europe and then I'll actually consider you to have a opinion. Right now you don't even have a brain.

Your debating skills are unmatchable by mere mortals. The way you string together an argument is a wonder to behold. You were obviously head of internet messaging for the Clinton Campaign...don't try to deny it...I'd recognize that genius of persuasive logic anywhere.

Attacking the messenger instead of the message is for amateurs and losers.
Media and the press is supposed to keep a non-partisan, hostile eye on government. The press should be viewed as hostile toward government in general.

In the main, they are not doing their job. They are functioning merely as an arm of the Democratic Party. Hence, with few exceptions, they are completely untrustworthy, and the information they impart must be verified in every case.

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