Trump won on substance, Hillary won on tactics


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
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San Diego, CA
Trump said pretty much the same things he has always said, most of them were good, solid ideas (meaning, they were correct). Hillary only made point where she said things that weren't true, or offered plans that have already been tried and failed. (This is what liberals normally do). She was relying heavily on her audience not knowing that, or having forgotten since the last time they heard it. A common characteristic of the so-called "Democrat base".

Hillary won on tactics. She was smooth, urbane, well prepared. She often ignored what Trump said (so much for a "debate"), and continued with her rehearsed speeches. She looked far more presidential than Trump, who snapped out instant replies, correcting her lies only to be ignored, kept shifting around impatiently, frowning etc. Trump might have been prepared for giving speeches, but he was not prepared for a debate, and Hillary played him like a violin.

Each time he scored some points, she would casually misquote him or lie about something he said... a common tactic of liberals who can't run on facts, we see it here all the time when they are frantic to change the subject. And he fell into every trap, abandoning his main task (reiterating the facts of his positions and looking calm and presidential). Instead he got a truculent look on his face, bent down to the mike, interrupted her, and tried to talk over her, being impolite and uncouth. She had him on the defensive for much of the debate, getting him to try to correct unimportant points rather than ignore them and proceed to important matters such as comparisons between his plans and Hillary's or summing up her legislative history.

If it was just a matter of information and fact, he would clobber her, since he is far stronger in those than she is. But a debate is also a matter of tactics and appearances, and he lost that part hands down.

I was pretty disappointed in Trump. He wasn't born yesterday, and he should have known better. He's got a lot to learn about debating. It's not just giving a speech. In a speech, an opponent can't knock you off stride in mid-sentence. But you don't have that protection in a debate.

He's been learning a lot in the past year or so, running for President. I hope he can learn from this tactical debacle, and quickly.

P.S. WHERE WAS HIS CAMPAIGN STAFF who should have warned him on these tactics? The tactics aren't uncommon, especially when dealing with liberals, they are almost de rigueur. If they aren't briefing and training him on that, what ARE they working with him on??? He has to get a staff who will slap him upside the head when he needs it. Why didn't he?
little-nut, he was told to prepare like HRC was preparing, and he went like, "nuh uh, I kin wing hit."
Trump won. Now the democrats are trying to change that.
No, he did not, tipsy. What we saw last night, with donnie and hilly, is the collapse of the Republic.
You can tell Clinton won the debate based on the reactions of Trump's campaign and his supporters this morning. You guys might spin off the planet.
is there another debate soon? how wrestlemania works is have to build up to the main event, you see? have to get to final boss level. maybe get judge judy to be the moderator in the last debate, maybe then people will take it seriously enough.
You can tell Clinton won the debate based on the reactions of Trump's campaign and his supporters this morning. You guys might spin off the planet.
Like 576 trump threads this morning?
You can tell Clinton won the debate based on the reactions of Trump's campaign and his supporters this morning. You guys might spin off the planet.
Like 576 trump threads this morning?
Most of them making fun of Trump for his performance. Then you have the righties starting threads based off the results of online polls.
Substance for the dummies, repeated sweet nothings for the puppet class on the right. He is going to bring jobs back folks, but I do wonder how many of his folk actually buy American and support America now? The same old trickle down nonsense and yet the right wing cheer and hope for happy days. It is too funny. Even Reagan raised taxes numerous times, and then there is 'it's the economy stupid.' And yet the right wing in America remains stupid. Is this just an new generation of wingnuts who believe? Who knows.

"My preview of the debate yesterday focused on the fact that Trump’s “serious” debates at the end of the primaries, when there were fewer rivals, gave us some clues about how he might perform in the main event. He was aggressively incoherent and sometimes completely unintelligible, proving repeatedly that he had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. This has actually been obvious from the beginning of his campaign if you watched his rallies and interviews. It’s just that his personality is so remarkably bizarre that I think the lack of substance is easy to overlook. (I confess I have been somewhat surprised that so many people find his rambling “braggadociousness” appealing enough that they fail to notice that he is ignorant about everything important to the job of president.)"

Hillary dominates — and Donald Trump gave the worst debate performance of any candidate ever
Ten replies, nobody addressing what I said.

Typical for liberals who don't dare talk about the truth.

Quick, quick, change the subject!
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Trump said pretty much the same things he has always said, most of them were good, solid ideas (meaning, they were correct). Hillary only made point where she said things that weren't true, or offered plans that have already been tried and failed. (This is what liberals normally do). She was relying heavily on her audience not knowing that, or having forgotten since the last time they heard it. A common characteristic of the so-called "Democrat base".

Hillary won on tactics. She was smooth, urbane, well prepared. She often ignored what Trump said (so much for a "debate"), and continued with her rehearsed speeches. She looked far more presidential than Trump, who snapped out instant replies, correcting her lies only to be ignored, kept shifting around impatiently, frowning etc. Trump might have been prepared for giving speeches, but he was not prepared for a debate, and Hillary played him like a violin.

Each time he scored some points, she would casually misquote him or lie about something he said... a common tactic of liberals who can't run on facts, we see it here all the time when they are frantic to change the subject. And he fell into every trap, abandoning his main task (reiterating the facts of his positions and looking calm and presidential). Instead he got a truculent look on his face, bent down to the mike, interrupted her, and tried to talk over her, being impolite and uncouth. She had him on the defensive for much of the debate, getting him to try to correct unimportant points rather than ignore them and proceed to important matters such as comparisons between his plans and Hillary's or summing up her legislative history.

If it was just a matter of information and fact, he would clobber her, since he is far stronger in those than she is. But a debate is also a matter of tactics and appearances, and he lost that part hands down.

I was pretty disappointed in Trump. He wasn't born yesterday, and he should have known better. He's got a lot to learn about debating. It's not just giving a speech. In a speech, an opponent can't knock you off stride in mid-sentence. But you don't have that protection in a debate.

He's been learning a lot in the past year or so, running for President. I hope he can learn from this tactical debacle, and quickly.

P.S. WHERE WAS HIS CAMPAIGN STAFF who should have warned him on these tactics? The tactics aren't uncommon, especially when dealing with liberals, they are almost de rigueur. If they aren't briefing and training him on that, what ARE they working with him on??? He has to get a staff who will slap him upside the head when he needs it. Why didn't he?

"....ideas?" "......all of the good"? You're in denial. This arrogant monster wants to TAKE oil fields in the MEast and give them to Exxon ? That's demented and moronic. What type of security arraignment would that take to keep from them ISIS? What crazy messaging is that to ANY MEast leadership? The guy is a disaster waiting for power to run this country into WW3..

That and his pandering to Bernie Sanders with his new complicated expensive Entitlements. His statements that the US should assume MORE debt and then saying things entirely differently in the debate.

What are you voting for here? He's an unhinged meglomaniac that has NO Conservative principles. Only a lust for making deals --- his way....
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