Trump Wins YUGE in a Government Shutdown

Congress has devolved into an utter joke of a branch.

Have to wonder when they will dispense with the theatrics and go back to being a functional branch of government or, better question, when will the voters force them to do so.
Congress was all set to pass a Continuing Resolution before going on a break

Trump decided to screw it up by throwing in poison pills like The Great Wall of Trump, defunding healthcare support, passing tax cuts
We'll see how he & Congress fair from a shut down.
You posted something similar about when Trump announced his candidacy........then when Trump won the nomination......then when Trump won the Presidency.
Face it asshole. You're batting a LOSING!
When the REPs win a super majority in the Senate next year please be sure to 'share' your next
(cough) prediction.
All it will do is demonstrate that the Republican Party is incapable of governing.
Like they were "incapable" of winning the White house, Senate majority, House majority?
Your 'flop-sweat' isn't becoming dear.
No need to worry folks. It's all good.

Trump Wins YUGE in a Government Shutdown

We’re looking at a possible government shutdown next Saturday, and that’s got some conservatives nervous. They shouldn’t be. Admittedly, past government shutdowns — or threats of shutdowns — have worked against conservatives. With Trump, however, it would likely be a different story....

even a partial shutdown plays precisely into the Trump agenda and his campaign promises of draining the swamp. Trump’s base, as well as “swing voters” who are fed up with out of control spending, would, of course, be cheered by such a move. Moreover, such a shutdown plays into Trump’s hands by giving him every excuse to slash funding to “sanctuary cities,” to bloated university programs, to global warming science grants, and on and on. Social Security checks will continue, the military will be funded, and necessary services will hum along while grants to study the sex life of the fruit bat will not. Deep State bureaucrats who so depend on the federal government for their very existence would be the ones most hurt. In short, Trump can not only make even a partial shutdown look like the Democrats’ fault but shield many of the (normally) loudest voices from the pain.

More important, every minute the bloated government is shut down reinforces the perception of Trump as a businessman who cuts the fat, extracts more efficiency, and makes the U.S. government more like a business. Unlike the Clinton/Gingrich shutdown battle, the control over what sectors of the government get their money is in the hands of a Republican president, not a Democrat who held up funds on the most visible and sympathetic programs. Trump would relish starving all the non-essential offices like PBS and NPR or global-warming science grants.

Personally, I'd love to see a shutdown. A long, drawn out, line in the sand, shutdown. I'd like to see Trump issue executive orders to suspend salary checks to all federally elected positions, NEA, planned parenthood, NPR, ETC. we have all lived thru these before, and personally I hardly notice it in my daily life. But the dominate liberal mass media will blame Trump and the GOP entirely. They will run stories of starving children in wheelchairs not getting vital medical attention because of "Trumps's shutdown". But he has shown he is capable of standing up to the liberal media and communicate directly with the voters, so I say let's have us a good ole fashion Government shutdown.
Given the public's low opinion of politicians, I don't think this stuff really matters.

All it does is confirm our opinion. Again.

You know, I think you're right. During a shutdown the left voters blame the right, the right voters blame the left, the media, except Fox, blames the right and the majority of the people don't even notice or care.
No need to worry folks. It's all good.

Trump Wins YUGE in a Government Shutdown

We’re looking at a possible government shutdown next Saturday, and that’s got some conservatives nervous. They shouldn’t be. Admittedly, past government shutdowns — or threats of shutdowns — have worked against conservatives. With Trump, however, it would likely be a different story....

even a partial shutdown plays precisely into the Trump agenda and his campaign promises of draining the swamp. Trump’s base, as well as “swing voters” who are fed up with out of control spending, would, of course, be cheered by such a move. Moreover, such a shutdown plays into Trump’s hands by giving him every excuse to slash funding to “sanctuary cities,” to bloated university programs, to global warming science grants, and on and on. Social Security checks will continue, the military will be funded, and necessary services will hum along while grants to study the sex life of the fruit bat will not. Deep State bureaucrats who so depend on the federal government for their very existence would be the ones most hurt. In short, Trump can not only make even a partial shutdown look like the Democrats’ fault but shield many of the (normally) loudest voices from the pain.

More important, every minute the bloated government is shut down reinforces the perception of Trump as a businessman who cuts the fat, extracts more efficiency, and makes the U.S. government more like a business. Unlike the Clinton/Gingrich shutdown battle, the control over what sectors of the government get their money is in the hands of a Republican president, not a Democrat who held up funds on the most visible and sympathetic programs. Trump would relish starving all the non-essential offices like PBS and NPR or global-warming science grants.

Personally, I'd love to see a shutdown. A long, drawn out, line in the sand, shutdown. I'd like to see Trump issue executive orders to suspend salary checks to all federally elected positions, NEA, planned parenthood, NPR, ETC. we have all lived thru these before, and personally I hardly notice it in my daily life. But the dominate liberal mass media will blame Trump and the GOP entirely. They will run stories of starving children in wheelchairs not getting vital medical attention because of "Trumps's shutdown". But he has shown he is capable of standing up to the liberal media and communicate directly with the voters, so I say let's have us a good ole fashion Government shutdown.

What would be the net benefit of such an action?
How would it better Trump, the Republicans or America?
Given the public's low opinion of politicians, I don't think this stuff really matters. All it does is confirm our opinion. Again.
You know, I think you're right. During a shutdown the left voters blame the right, the right voters blame the left, the media, except Fox, blames the right and the majority of the people don't even notice or care.
My guess is that it has all just become noise for many, which is a terrible way to run a democracy.
For all you useful idiots out there hoping for a shutdown, you know that the military has to keep working but does not get paid till it is over. This is not a situation that most of our junior troops find helpful, paying bills and buying food is important.
Congress was all set to pass a Continuing Resolution before going on a break

Trump decided to screw it up by throwing in poison pills like The Great Wall of Trump, defunding healthcare support, passing tax cuts
You mean to make them do their job? Oh my.

Paying for a stupid wall that Trump said Mexico would pay for is not their job.
We'll see how he & Congress fair from a shut down.
He will do just fine!
He and the GOP will get their asses kicked. They have the House, the Senate, and the Executive. And yet they are going to shut the government down over an internal squabble. This will not be forgotten in 2018 and 2020. The orange clown is setting himself up for the 25th amendment or impeachment.
Congress was all set to pass a Continuing Resolution before going on a break

Trump decided to screw it up by throwing in poison pills like The Great Wall of Trump, defunding healthcare support, passing tax cuts
You mean to make them do their job? Oh my.

Paying for a stupid wall that Trump said Mexico would pay for is not their job.
The wall will be built, get over it. Congress needs to give the go ahead to build it.
Congress has devolved into an utter joke of a branch.

Have to wonder when they will dispense with the theatrics and go back to being a functional branch of government or, better question, when will the voters force them to do so.
When the Dems take back the House, until then the House will remain dysfunctional and a joke.
No need to worry folks. It's all good.

Trump Wins YUGE in a Government Shutdown

We’re looking at a possible government shutdown next Saturday, and that’s got some conservatives nervous. They shouldn’t be. Admittedly, past government shutdowns — or threats of shutdowns — have worked against conservatives. With Trump, however, it would likely be a different story....

even a partial shutdown plays precisely into the Trump agenda and his campaign promises of draining the swamp. Trump’s base, as well as “swing voters” who are fed up with out of control spending, would, of course, be cheered by such a move. Moreover, such a shutdown plays into Trump’s hands by giving him every excuse to slash funding to “sanctuary cities,” to bloated university programs, to global warming science grants, and on and on. Social Security checks will continue, the military will be funded, and necessary services will hum along while grants to study the sex life of the fruit bat will not. Deep State bureaucrats who so depend on the federal government for their very existence would be the ones most hurt. In short, Trump can not only make even a partial shutdown look like the Democrats’ fault but shield many of the (normally) loudest voices from the pain.

More important, every minute the bloated government is shut down reinforces the perception of Trump as a businessman who cuts the fat, extracts more efficiency, and makes the U.S. government more like a business. Unlike the Clinton/Gingrich shutdown battle, the control over what sectors of the government get their money is in the hands of a Republican president, not a Democrat who held up funds on the most visible and sympathetic programs. Trump would relish starving all the non-essential offices like PBS and NPR or global-warming science grants.
He is "shutting down" government to "extort" money from Congress, for the Great Wall of the Right Wing.

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