I really do wonder if the RW believes the liberal disgust with Trump has a precedent


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Some liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is a chauvinist. Other liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is racist.

However ALL liberals think Trump is a narcissistic (but insecure) moron with the emotional maturity of a 14 year old and the vocabulary of someone even younger.

Now let's consider who the 2nd most despised republican in American history is by liberals: George W. Bush. Bush may have been an idiot, but he was nothing like Trump. He brought a sense of professionalism, dignity, and maturity to the Oval Office even if everything else about him was terrible. To put it simply, Bush had a few good qualities, but Trump is a sack of garbage in every respect.

I make this comparison because I think republicans are kidding themselves into thinking the reason why liberals hate Trump is solely because of his policies or being republican. Oh no. That's only part of it. Literally everything about Trump's persona is terrible and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Now, sure you repubs will say in response that I am a snowflake who is butthurt over the election. This is, of course, a deflection you use to avoid scrutinizing Trump honesty. Eventually however, you will realize just how much you fucked up by electing Trump. So sure, I'm butthurt. I should be. Every American should be. However, at least I can brace myself for the impending disaster.
I really do wonder:

Why an obvious turd like this O.P.----who styles himself a "Democratic Socialist" (read Bernie Sanders Asslick)---could be so presumptuous as to think Trump Voters in the Heartland of this great country...give a Rat's Ass why he and other Bolsheviks-in-Training....hate Don Trump in so many ways & and with such passion.

We get it--you hate him; you wanted the dude who is passing out the Free Stuff, you didn't get him and you are Butt-Hurt.

I don't see anything to deflect.

In fact---keep the the Butt-Hurt coming if helps assuage your bereavement. Its an open board, and, while you are making an ass of yourself...likely from your mother's basement...your are doing it hiding under a pseudonym...so no harm to you...and your pain provides a scintilla of amusement to self-reliant people who aren't looking to jump straight from their mother's tit to the Federal tit.
Some liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is a chauvinist. Other liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is racist.

However ALL liberals think Trump is a narcissistic (but insecure) moron with the emotional maturity of a 14 year old and the vocabulary of someone even younger.

Now let's consider who the 2nd most despised republican in American history is by liberals: George W. Bush. Bush may have been an idiot, but he was nothing like Trump. He brought a sense of professionalism, dignity, and maturity to the Oval Office even if everything else about him was terrible. To put it simply, Bush had a few good qualities, but Trump is a sack of garbage in every respect.

I make this comparison because I think republicans are kidding themselves into thinking the reason why liberals hate Trump is solely because of his policies or being republican. Oh no. That's only part of it. Literally everything about Trump's persona is terrible and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Now, sure you repubs will say in response that I am a snowflake who is butthurt over the election. This is, of course, a deflection you use to avoid scrutinizing Trump honesty. Eventually however, you will realize just how much you fucked up by electing Trump. So sure, I'm butthurt. I should be. Every American should be. However, at least I can brace myself for the impending disaster.

Way to mini wurds
"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." H.L. Mencken

Words can be so powerful. People look to heroes, to those who promise what they cannot deliver themselves. Americans wanted a savior, someone to take them to the promised land, to vanquish their demons, someone to lead them, to sooth their fears and promise to protect them from the bad guys and also to put in their place those they must look down on to build up their own sense of importance. The weak are always the same. And hate thrives among the weak as our recent history has demonstrated. Trump is that hero of the weak in America, those who fail to realize it is their decisions that matter and not the words of a charlatan.

Truman nailed the republicans long ago and yet the weak still follow and believe. "Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home -but not for housing. They are strong for labor - but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage - the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all - but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine - for people who can afford them. They consider electrical power a great blessing - but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They think American standard of living is a fine thing - so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it." Harry S. Truman
I have watched Trump for over 30 years........I have always thought he was an asshole
He still is unsuited to be President

I thought Bush 43 was a decent guy, fun to be around, but totally inept

Together, they will make Obama look like one of our greatest Presidents
Some liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is a chauvinist. Other liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is racist.

However ALL liberals think Trump is a narcissistic (but insecure) moron with the emotional maturity of a 14 year old and the vocabulary of someone even younger.

Now let's consider who the 2nd most despised republican in American history is by liberals: George W. Bush. Bush may have been an idiot, but he was nothing like Trump. He brought a sense of professionalism, dignity, and maturity to the Oval Office even if everything else about him was terrible. To put it simply, Bush had a few good qualities, but Trump is a sack of garbage in every respect.

I make this comparison because I think republicans are kidding themselves into thinking the reason why liberals hate Trump is solely because of his policies or being republican. Oh no. That's only part of it. Literally everything about Trump's persona is terrible and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Now, sure you repubs will say in response that I am a snowflake who is butthurt over the election. This is, of course, a deflection you use to avoid scrutinizing Trump honesty. Eventually however, you will realize just how much you fucked up by electing Trump. So sure, I'm butthurt. I should be. Every American should be. However, at least I can brace myself for the impending disaster.
You apparently are really interested in knowing what the right thinks, despite what your title says. Another lie from a lefty. No surprise there.
Liberals must love GW in retrospect for opening our borders and creating massive unemployment.
Nothing like painting with a big fucking broad brush, eh?
Most of us were never looking for a savior. They were more looking about to find someone that cares about and listens to them and the issues important to them
You know... a not Obama or Clinton
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I have watched Trump for over 30 years........I have always thought he was an asshole
He still is unsuited to be President

I thought Bush 43 was a decent guy, fun to be around, but totally inept

Together, they will make Obama look like one of our greatest Presidents

For what accomplishments?
Some liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is a chauvinist. Other liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is racist.

However ALL liberals think Trump is a narcissistic (but insecure) moron with the emotional maturity of a 14 year old and the vocabulary of someone even younger.

Pretty much EXACTLY the response of your typical lefty when Reagan was elected, just a little less sophisticated due to various trends since then (declining education, increased social media, ectc)

Also, this is certainly called for.

What I find nteresting is that Democrats cannot tell the difference between Republicans and Conservatives nor can they see how many of us voted AGAINST their candidate as much as for Mr. Trump.

I have no love for Trump but he will always be 1000 times,better than Hillary Clinton would have been.
I have watched Trump for over 30 years........I have always thought he was an asshole
He still is unsuited to be President

I thought Bush 43 was a decent guy, fun to be around, but totally inept

Together, they will make Obama look like one of our greatest Presidents

For what accomplishments?


How about...
Preventing a Depression
Saving the banks and auto industry
Adding 11 million jobs
Killing bin Laden
Passing Obamacare
Recognizing Cuba
Nuclear arms deal with Iran
Gay rights

Compared to the fumbling presidencies of both Bush and Trump, Obama will be looked at as an era of peace and prosperity.
I have watched Trump for over 30 years........I have always thought he was an asshole
He still is unsuited to be President

I thought Bush 43 was a decent guy, fun to be around, but totally inept

Together, they will make Obama look like one of our greatest Presidents

For what accomplishments?


How about...
Preventing a Depression
Saving the banks and auto industry
Adding 11 million jobs
Killing bin Laden
Passing Obamacare
Recognizing Cuba
Nuclear arms deal with Iran
Gay rights

Compared to the fumbling presidencies of both Bush and Trump, Obama will be looked at as an era of peace and prosperity.

Laughable. He gets Obamacare, and that's not long for this world.
I have watched Trump for over 30 years........I have always thought he was an asshole
He still is unsuited to be President

I thought Bush 43 was a decent guy, fun to be around, but totally inept

Together, they will make Obama look like one of our greatest Presidents

For what accomplishments?


How about...
Preventing a Depression
Saving the banks and auto industry
Adding 11 million jobs
Killing bin Laden
Passing Obamacare
Recognizing Cuba
Nuclear arms deal with Iran
Gay rights

Compared to the fumbling presidencies of both Bush and Trump, Obama will be looked at as an era of peace and prosperity.

Laughable. He gets Obamacare, and that's not long for this world.

OK your turn

Name the accomplishments of George Bush
Some liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is a chauvinist. Other liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is racist.

However ALL liberals think Trump is a narcissistic (but insecure) moron with the emotional maturity of a 14 year old and the vocabulary of someone even younger.

Now let's consider who the 2nd most despised republican in American history is by liberals: George W. Bush. Bush may have been an idiot, but he was nothing like Trump. He brought a sense of professionalism, dignity, and maturity to the Oval Office even if everything else about him was terrible. To put it simply, Bush had a few good qualities, but Trump is a sack of garbage in every respect.

I make this comparison because I think republicans are kidding themselves into thinking the reason why liberals hate Trump is solely because of his policies or being republican. Oh no. That's only part of it. Literally everything about Trump's persona is terrible and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Now, sure you repubs will say in response that I am a snowflake who is butthurt over the election. This is, of course, a deflection you use to avoid scrutinizing Trump honesty. Eventually however, you will realize just how much you fucked up by electing Trump. So sure, I'm butthurt. I should be. Every American should be. However, at least I can brace myself for the impending disaster.
Liberals are not that noble, you're full of shit. Obama's narcissism and racism didn't bother libs a bit. It has NOTHING to do with morals. It has EVERYTHING to do with not getting your way. Leftist policies took a huge hit, many of obie's policies are being rolled back, much more to come. The SCOTUS picks alone is a disaster for the left. It means we can keep our guns and progressive laws won't be created from the bench like they were.

You guys simply are not that bright. You're as transparent as can be but you think you can pull the wool over the eyes of America. It's why you lost. The butthurt is all yours.
Some liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is a chauvinist. Other liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is racist.

However ALL liberals think Trump is a narcissistic (but insecure) moron with the emotional maturity of a 14 year old and the vocabulary of someone even younger.

Now let's consider who the 2nd most despised republican in American history is by liberals: George W. Bush. Bush may have been an idiot, but he was nothing like Trump. He brought a sense of professionalism, dignity, and maturity to the Oval Office even if everything else about him was terrible. To put it simply, Bush had a few good qualities, but Trump is a sack of garbage in every respect.

I make this comparison because I think republicans are kidding themselves into thinking the reason why liberals hate Trump is solely because of his policies or being republican. Oh no. That's only part of it. Literally everything about Trump's persona is terrible and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Now, sure you repubs will say in response that I am a snowflake who is butthurt over the election. This is, of course, a deflection you use to avoid scrutinizing Trump honesty. Eventually however, you will realize just how much you fucked up by electing Trump. So sure, I'm butthurt. I should be. Every American should be. However, at least I can brace myself for the impending disaster.

Bullshit. It's because to progressive statists like yourself (you are no longer liberals, stop using that word) everything is politics, and you don't like his politics. His personal failings are just easy "ins" for you to mock and use as fodder for your snarky self congratulating yammering about how "we are better than him and his rube followers"
I have watched Trump for over 30 years........I have always thought he was an asshole
He still is unsuited to be President

I thought Bush 43 was a decent guy, fun to be around, but totally inept

Together, they will make Obama look like one of our greatest Presidents

For what accomplishments?


How about...
Preventing a Depression
Saving the banks and auto industry
Adding 11 million jobs
Killing bin Laden
Passing Obamacare
Recognizing Cuba
Nuclear arms deal with Iran
Gay rights

Compared to the fumbling presidencies of both Bush and Trump, Obama will be looked at as an era of peace and prosperity.

Laughable. He gets Obamacare, and that's not long for this world.

OK your turn

Name the accomplishments of George Bush

Why? I'm not cheerleading for George Bush.

I liked George because he was not Gore or Kerry.
"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." H.L. Mencken

Words can be so powerful. People look to heroes, to those who promise what they cannot deliver themselves. Americans wanted a savior, someone to take them to the promised land, to vanquish their demons, someone to lead them, to sooth their fears and promise to protect them from the bad guys and also to put in their place those they must look down on to build up their own sense of importance. The weak are always the same. And hate thrives among the weak as our recent history has demonstrated. Trump is that hero of the weak in America, those who fail to realize it is their decisions that matter and not the words of a charlatan.

Truman nailed the republicans long ago and yet the weak still follow and believe. "Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home -but not for housing. They are strong for labor - but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage - the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all - but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine - for people who can afford them. They consider electrical power a great blessing - but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They think American standard of living is a fine thing - so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it." Harry S. Truman
...and yet the rich get richer and the poor poorer in the global socialist world of the liberal. Funny how reality never matches the declarations spewed forth from the mouth of liberal. Facts are unpleasant things that cause them to twist and lie some more.
I have watched Trump for over 30 years........I have always thought he was an asshole
He still is unsuited to be President

I thought Bush 43 was a decent guy, fun to be around, but totally inept

Together, they will make Obama look like one of our greatest Presidents

Obama was never held accountable by his own supporters. When he was held accountable by his critics, they were deemed racist for suggesting such a thing. With that, Obama can always look good.....he was never held accountable.

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