Trump will have a full and captivating retirement life.

Trump will run for president in 2024, this time more prepared for massive fraud.
And will be destroyed again. He lost the white house, the house, and the senate in 4 years. That's hard to top. He will likely lose some of his own properties between now and then. How much more can he fail?

I know! Run again in 2024.
For anyone expecting daily shuffleboard anxiety and endless spellbinding reruns of Murder She Wrote, the double-impeachee will not lack in stimulating activities.

He will not be lacking in absorbing diversions.

Trump is now facing multiple criminal investigations, civil state inquiries, and defamation lawsuits!

Lenders will expect his businesses to pay back an estimated $900 million in the next four years as the Trump Organization, with its revenue way down due to the pandemic (despite Trump’s assurances that “Everybody!s getting better!”) - is also losing corporate partnerships following his inciting his violent goons on January 6. Doing "Old People Love This Pillow!" infomercials that air in the wee hours may not provide sufficient income.

Georgia officials announced that he faces two new investigations over calls he made to election officials in an attempt to overturn the state's election results.

The Fulton County DA which announced that it has also opened a criminal investigation for his "attempts to influence the administration of the 2020 Georgia general election."

Trump faces a criminal investigation by the Manhattan DA's's office regarding whether the Trump Organization violated state laws, such as insurance fraud, tax fraud or other schemes to defraud.

The US Supreme Court will decide on a subpoena delayed for eight years of Trump's personal and business tax returns and related records from his accounting firm, a potential overripe can of worms..

The New York State AG is conducting a civil investigation into whether the Trump Organization inflated the values of his assets in order to secure favorable loans and insurance coverage.

DC's AG has stated that Trump could face criminal charges in the days after insurrection. DC laws prohibit statements that "clearly encourage, cajole and... get people motivated to commit violence,"

In Racine WI, a charge alleges the Trump Organization and Presidential Inaugural Committee abused more than $1 million in inauguration funds by "grossly overpaying" to use event space at Trump's Washington, DC, hotel for his inauguration in 2017.

E. Jean Carroll, a former magazine columnist is accusing him of rape, and Sumner Zervos, a former contestant on "The Apprentice"claims that Trump sexually assaulted her in 2007.

Concerned citizens of Palm Beach are arguing that Trump is breaching a legal agreement with the town by moving in full time. "There goes the neighborhood."

Whether innocent as the newly-fallen snow or as guilty as sin in some or all of these imminent engagements, the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer will not be beset by a surfeit of leisure time.

No need to seize his passport. The Mexican border is just too far away for the old duffer to make it in a golf cart.
Haha, dream on. You idiots are hilarious.
Well since he's not my boy I really don't pay attention to what he says.
You have licked his boots for 12 years. And now you claim to care more about what the people you call "libtards" say, than what McConnell says?

Do you even remember how NOT to lie?

Well since I'm not a Republican I've haven't liked his boots at all. Since most libtards are socialist I have no respect for them at all. As to what they say?? Its mostly lies.

You apparently remember how to lie. Enjoy.
Trump will run for president in 2024, this time more prepared for massive fraud.
And will be destroyed again. He lost the white house, the house, and the senate in 4 years. That's hard to top. He will likely lose some of his own properties between now and then. How much more can he fail?

I know! Run again in 2024.
And be prepared for the massive fraud the communists will use.
For anyone expecting daily shuffleboard anxiety and endless spellbinding reruns of Murder She Wrote, the double-impeachee will not lack in stimulating activities.

He will not be lacking in absorbing diversions.

Trump is now facing multiple criminal investigations, civil state inquiries, and defamation lawsuits!

Lenders will expect his businesses to pay back an estimated $900 million in the next four years as the Trump Organization, with its revenue way down due to the pandemic (despite Trump’s assurances that “Everybody!s getting better!”) - is also losing corporate partnerships following his inciting his violent goons on January 6. Doing "Old People Love This Pillow!" infomercials that air in the wee hours may not provide sufficient income.

Georgia officials announced that he faces two new investigations over calls he made to election officials in an attempt to overturn the state's election results.

The Fulton County DA which announced that it has also opened a criminal investigation for his "attempts to influence the administration of the 2020 Georgia general election."

Trump faces a criminal investigation by the Manhattan DA's's office regarding whether the Trump Organization violated state laws, such as insurance fraud, tax fraud or other schemes to defraud.

The US Supreme Court will decide on a subpoena delayed for eight years of Trump's personal and business tax returns and related records from his accounting firm, a potential overripe can of worms..

The New York State AG is conducting a civil investigation into whether the Trump Organization inflated the values of his assets in order to secure favorable loans and insurance coverage.

DC's AG has stated that Trump could face criminal charges in the days after insurrection. DC laws prohibit statements that "clearly encourage, cajole and... get people motivated to commit violence,"

In Racine WI, a charge alleges the Trump Organization and Presidential Inaugural Committee abused more than $1 million in inauguration funds by "grossly overpaying" to use event space at Trump's Washington, DC, hotel for his inauguration in 2017.

E. Jean Carroll, a former magazine columnist is accusing him of rape, and Sumner Zervos, a former contestant on "The Apprentice"claims that Trump sexually assaulted her in 2007.

Concerned citizens of Palm Beach are arguing that Trump is breaching a legal agreement with the town by moving in full time. "There goes the neighborhood."

Whether innocent as the newly-fallen snow or as guilty as sin in some or all of these imminent engagements, the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer will not be beset by a surfeit of leisure time.

No need to seize his passport. The Mexican border is just too far away for the old duffer to make it in a golf cart.
I hear jets are cheap this week
Well since he's not my boy I really don't pay attention to what he says.
You have licked his boots for 12 years. And now you claim to care more about what the people you call "libtards" say, than what McConnell says?

Do you even remember how NOT to lie?

Well since I'm not a Republican I've haven't liked his boots at all. Since most libtards are socialist I have no respect for them at all. As to what they say?? Its mostly lies.

You apparently remember how to lie. Enjoy.

You don't know what socialist means... you just parrot jingles like the dumbest Republicans.
Yeah, but what's he going to do after breakfast. My guess is he'll go back to his old job in four years.
Perhaps, via a bloody insurrection by his goons, not as a result of a democratic election. He was accorded 34% approval when he was dumped, and his subsequent squalid behavior made him only more repulsive to the American people.

The unresolved question is whether he is secure in being now recognized as the WOAT, or has any competitors for that distinction.

A bloody insurrection, a deadly pandemic: Historians weigh in on Trump
The video evidence of Trump supporters storming the U.S. Capitol, threatening politicians and trying to overturn a democratic election, will probably haunt Trump for as long as people write about American presidents, political analysts and historians said...
"He knew exactly what he was doing and why he was doing it," said Wineapple, author "The Impeachers: The Trial of Andrew Johnson and the Dream of a Just Nation."​
"Trump moved from demagoguery to tyranny," she said.​
Many historians had already said Trump would rank low for a tumultuous single term that included the COVID-19 pandemic, a previous impeachment, lies about his actions and those of others, business conflicts of interest and alienation of global allies...​
Then came his election loss to Joe Biden and the aftermath.​
Trump's unprecedented efforts to reverse the results, his demands that supporters "fight" before the attack Jan. 6 on the U.S. Capitol, the resulting second impeachment and the Senate trial solidified Trump's probable rank in the lower tier of the nation's 46 presidents, political analysts and historians said.​
"It will always be remembered by how it ended," presidential historian Alvin Felzenberg said. "It will also be remembered for its divisiveness and his personal attacks and his lack of respect for political institutions."...
Trump was fated to be a poorly rated president before the insurrection, historians said, thanks to a term filled with contentiousness.​
There was Trump's divisive rhetoric; immigration policies that separated families at the border; alienation of allies and embracing of despots such as Russia's Vladimir Putin and North Korea's Kim Jong Un.​
At times, Trump seemed to invite the support of white supremacists and political extremists, the kind of people who staged the insurrection Jan. 6, historians said, citing his sympathetic comments about "very fine people, on both sides" after a white nationalist demonstration in August 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a counter-protester was killed.​
Trump refused to release his tax returns and to create a blind trust for business holdings that made money during his presidency. He sought repeatedly to interfere in investigations into Russian interference in his 2016 election victory.​
Trump's pressure on the Ukraine government to investigate Biden and his son before the 2020 election led to his first impeachment. The Senate, then controlled by Republicans, acquitted him.​
Though COVID-19 has claimed the lives of more than 485,000 people in the USA, Trump downplayed the threat of the coronavirus, promoted untested therapies and pressured state governments to lift economic restrictions designed to block the spread of the virus.​
Chris Whipple, author of "The Gatekeepers: How the White House Chiefs of Staff Define Every Presidency," said that for all his "norm-shattering" – "the mad tweeting, the rampant corruption, the science denial, the war against immigrants"Trump will be remembered in history for two things.​
"His fumbling of a lethal pandemic that cost half a million American lives and his incitement of a bloody insurrection against a free and fair election," he said. "Weighed against those twin legacies, nothing else will matter."
Some of the insurrectionists said they acted on Trump's exhortations... vandals roaming the hallways looking for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and even Trump's own vice president, Mike Pence.​
Trump "will be remembered as the president who prevented the peaceful transition of power," said Jennifer Mercieca, author of “Demagogue for President: the Rhetorical Genius of Donald Trump.”​
"He refused to accept that he lost, he spread conspiracy theory, threatened officials and called his loyal followers to Washington and incited insurrection," she said...​
The insurrection seals Trump's fate as "the worst president in history," said Timothy Naftali, a presidential historian at New York University. In an article for The Atlantic, Naftali said there are three reasons for his verdict, all based on Trump being "a serial violator" of his presidential oath...​
"He's certainly in the bottom tier," Felzenberg said. "Maybe at the bottom."

Partisanship can be largely discounted as a factor because, besides the irrefutable empirical data, historians will be able to make a strong case for the Cry Baby Loser being the WOAT by accurately quoting his political allies:

"We just had a violent mob assault the US capitol ...
No question the President formed the mob, the President incited the mob,

the President addressed the mob. He lit the flame."
Representative Elizabeth Cheney (R)

"There is no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible
for provoking the events of the day... A mob was assaulting the Capitol in his name.
These criminals were carrying his banners, hanging his flags and screaming
their loyalty to him... "Having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing
crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole
which the defeated president kept shouting... "

Senator Mitch McConnell (R)

Presidential historians will, no doubt, hasten to acknowledge the fanaticism of a cult that mindlessly worshipped the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer, but their dogmatic veneration will not be given serious consideration in any objective assessment concerning his quest for be recognized as the WOAT.

Even if he only shows his best side throughout his declining years of financial and legal exposures, he will be the leading contender.

Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 5.18.58 PM.png

I heard being president of WWE wrestling is a lot of fun. pass it around!

there's a lot more to life than being president, Grandpa Donald!
And be prepared for the massive fraud the communists will use.
They've already begun perverting American democracy by candid acknowledgements of reality:

Manchurian candidate McConnell is besmirching the glitzy luster of trumpery:

Screen Shot 2021-02-16 at 9.00.11 AM.png

“There is no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events”
of Jan. 6, McConnell said. The attack on the Capitol, he argued, was an effect of the “intensifying crescendo of conspiracy theories, orchestrated by an outgoing president who seemed determined to either overturn the voters’ decision or else torch our institutions on the way out.” Once it began, said McConnell, Trump “watched television happily, happily, as the chaos unfolded.”

“He didn’t get away with anything yet — yet,”
said McConnell. “We have a criminal justice system in this country. We have civil litigation. And former presidents are not immune from being accountable by either one.”

Screen Shot 2021-02-16 at 9.04.21 AM.png

"Nothing a nice pillow on his puss for
a few minutes can't put to rest!
We'll spread the story that he was antifa!"

Yeah, but what's he going to do after breakfast. My guess is he'll go back to his old job in four years.
Perhaps, via a bloody insurrection by his goons, not as a result of a democratic election. He was accorded 34% approval when he was dumped, and his subsequent squalid behavior made him only more repulsive to the American people.

The unresolved question is whether he is secure in being now recognized as the WOAT, or has any competitors for that distinction.

A bloody insurrection, a deadly pandemic: Historians weigh in on Trump
The video evidence of Trump supporters storming the U.S. Capitol, threatening politicians and trying to overturn a democratic election, will probably haunt Trump for as long as people write about American presidents, political analysts and historians said...
"He knew exactly what he was doing and why he was doing it," said Wineapple, author "The Impeachers: The Trial of Andrew Johnson and the Dream of a Just Nation."​
"Trump moved from demagoguery to tyranny," she said.​
Many historians had already said Trump would rank low for a tumultuous single term that included the COVID-19 pandemic, a previous impeachment, lies about his actions and those of others, business conflicts of interest and alienation of global allies...​
Then came his election loss to Joe Biden and the aftermath.​
Trump's unprecedented efforts to reverse the results, his demands that supporters "fight" before the attack Jan. 6 on the U.S. Capitol, the resulting second impeachment and the Senate trial solidified Trump's probable rank in the lower tier of the nation's 46 presidents, political analysts and historians said.​
"It will always be remembered by how it ended," presidential historian Alvin Felzenberg said. "It will also be remembered for its divisiveness and his personal attacks and his lack of respect for political institutions."...
Trump was fated to be a poorly rated president before the insurrection, historians said, thanks to a term filled with contentiousness.​
There was Trump's divisive rhetoric; immigration policies that separated families at the border; alienation of allies and embracing of despots such as Russia's Vladimir Putin and North Korea's Kim Jong Un.​
At times, Trump seemed to invite the support of white supremacists and political extremists, the kind of people who staged the insurrection Jan. 6, historians said, citing his sympathetic comments about "very fine people, on both sides" after a white nationalist demonstration in August 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a counter-protester was killed.​
Trump refused to release his tax returns and to create a blind trust for business holdings that made money during his presidency. He sought repeatedly to interfere in investigations into Russian interference in his 2016 election victory.​
Trump's pressure on the Ukraine government to investigate Biden and his son before the 2020 election led to his first impeachment. The Senate, then controlled by Republicans, acquitted him.​
Though COVID-19 has claimed the lives of more than 485,000 people in the USA, Trump downplayed the threat of the coronavirus, promoted untested therapies and pressured state governments to lift economic restrictions designed to block the spread of the virus.​
Chris Whipple, author of "The Gatekeepers: How the White House Chiefs of Staff Define Every Presidency," said that for all his "norm-shattering" – "the mad tweeting, the rampant corruption, the science denial, the war against immigrants"Trump will be remembered in history for two things.​
"His fumbling of a lethal pandemic that cost half a million American lives and his incitement of a bloody insurrection against a free and fair election," he said. "Weighed against those twin legacies, nothing else will matter."
Some of the insurrectionists said they acted on Trump's exhortations... vandals roaming the hallways looking for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and even Trump's own vice president, Mike Pence.​
Trump "will be remembered as the president who prevented the peaceful transition of power," said Jennifer Mercieca, author of “Demagogue for President: the Rhetorical Genius of Donald Trump.”​
"He refused to accept that he lost, he spread conspiracy theory, threatened officials and called his loyal followers to Washington and incited insurrection," she said...​
The insurrection seals Trump's fate as "the worst president in history," said Timothy Naftali, a presidential historian at New York University. In an article for The Atlantic, Naftali said there are three reasons for his verdict, all based on Trump being "a serial violator" of his presidential oath...​
"He's certainly in the bottom tier," Felzenberg said. "Maybe at the bottom."

Partisanship can be largely discounted as a factor because, besides the irrefutable empirical data, historians will be able to make a strong case for the Cry Baby Loser being the WOAT by accurately quoting his political allies:

"We just had a violent mob assault the US capitol ...
No question the President formed the mob, the President incited the mob,

the President addressed the mob. He lit the flame."
Representative Elizabeth Cheney (R)

"There is no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible
for provoking the events of the day... A mob was assaulting the Capitol in his name.
These criminals were carrying his banners, hanging his flags and screaming
their loyalty to him... "Having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing
crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole
which the defeated president kept shouting... "

Senator Mitch McConnell (R)

Presidential historians will, no doubt, hasten to acknowledge the fanaticism of a cult that mindlessly worshipped the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer, but their dogmatic veneration will not be given serious consideration in any objective assessment concerning his quest for be recognized as the WOAT.

Even if he only shows his best side throughout his declining years of financial and legal exposures, he will be the leading contender.

This picture is as phony as the rest of this garbage screed. The democrat communists are still promoting every lie ever told about Trump. Why? Because they know they failed.
The democrat communists are still promoting every lie ever told about Trump. Why? Because they know they failed.
If failure is taking the white house, the house, and the senate, then they probably want to keep failing...
They won by fraud! They just haven't changed any minds by propaganda. More and more people are recognizing and referring to democrats as communists exposing their reality.
This picture is as phony as the rest of this garbage screed. The democrat communists are still promoting every lie ever told about Trump. Why? Because they know they failed.
Most Americans have now consigned Trump to political oblivion:

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Democrats have him to thank for their control of the House, Senate, and Executive, a transfer he achieved in just one term, and his disgracing himself by his lies and goon incitement in his culminating, pathetic inability to handle the truth has finished him.

The current, popular President inherited s plethora of serious problems. Let's all hope for the nation's sake that he leads it to recovery.

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Last Trump Job Approval 34%

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