Trump White House folds like cheap lawn chair on Australian refugee swap deal

Pence says United States will honor refugee deal with Australia

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said on Saturday the United States would honor a controversial refugee deal with Australia, under which the United States would resettle up to 1,250 asylum seekers, a deal President Donald Trump had described as "dumb".

Pence told a joint news conference with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull that the deal would be subject to vetting, and that honoring it "doesn't mean that we admire the agreement".

"We will honor this agreement out of respect to this enormously important alliance," Pence said at Turnbull's harbor side official residence in Sydney.

What a joke. No wall, no trade deals ripped up, Obamacare and the Iran Deal still in effect. The list of flops and flips goes on and on. This bumbling boob President is a disaster.
So you actually believed him then ???

1st post
If Australia doesn't want them why would we? Fix Syria. Don't bring Syria here....
I thought it was Australia's policy not to except any of these "boat people," because too many were dying on the way over and the only way to stop them was to refuse to let them in. So they put them on an island.

This is a UN directive, and they are demanding that countries meet the UN quotas for dispersing Islam world wide. And it is a disaster.
You would be hard pressed to find a poster on this board who doesn't blame either Bush or Obama for the mess in Iraq and Syria. According to everyone, we started this and we are going to be the only civilized Western country that slams the door on the refugees WE created? Doesn't sound quite right to me.
If Australia doesn't want them why would we? Fix Syria. Don't bring Syria here....
I thought it was Australia's policy not to except any of these "boat people," because too many were dying on the way over and the only way to stop them was to refuse to let them in. So they put them on an island.

This is a UN directive, and they are demanding that countries meet the UN quotas for dispersing Islam world wide. And it is a disaster.
You would be hard pressed to find a poster on this board who doesn't blame either Bush or Obama for the mess in Iraq and Syria. According to everyone, we started this and we are going to be the only civilized Western country that slams the door on the refugees WE created? Doesn't sound quite right to me.

We didn't create this. The UN created this. Bush and Obama were UN reps that held the title of President. So were the Clintons and old Bush. They created this mess. They overthrew governments. Killed leaders and armed radical Islam. And in true, "never let a good crisis go to waste, the UN saw (created) a perfect scheme to move Muslims into place.
It is a UN diaspora. They have given all countries "quotas". Refugees take their wives and children with them.
Wives and children are few and far between. The majority of Muslims being dispersed are male. They are the ones screaming Allahu Akbar before the carnage begins. The UN doesn't care about carnage. They are implementing universal control.

Do you know who is not taking them? Muslim countries. No need. Instead we are taking in record #'s.

And NO, we do not have an obligation to anyone but our own citizens. The government is to keep us safe. That is their responsibility.
Why isn't Egypt, for example, housing their neighbor's wives and children until the dust settles? Terror in France is commonplace now. What about Paris do you find so alluring that you want to welcome it here? How many American Allahu Akbars are you willing to take responsibility for? I vote for 0 and what ever it takes to secure that #. My children are just that important to be.
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obama intended to bring thousands of violent men here. The same men Australia found so dangerous they were kept on an island. Trump tried to keep them out but was forced to honor this disastrous agreement.

How best to deal with a couple of thousand dangerous jihadists? I hope someone has a plan or some city is going to end up like Malmo.
Doesn't sound to me like Australia even tried to vet the boat people. They have a blockade. They don't drown them, though.

Under laws first put in place in 2001, successive Australian governments have required asylum seekers coming by boat to be intercepted. The conservatives, on winning power in 2013, set up a maritime blockade that Mr. Turnbull has offered as a model for Europe. But the system began to unravel after Papua New Guinea's highest court last year ordered the closure of the Australian-operated immigration center on Manus Island, ruling asylum seekers were being held illegally.

So chipper Australia has been intercepting ships at sea and dropping the passengers off on less well-developed islands. They are mostly men from Myanmar (Rohingya Muslims), Malaysia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia, although there some women and children.

Who are Those Refugees Australia Doesn't Want?
5th post
If Australia doesn't want them why would we? Fix Syria. Don't bring Syria here....
I thought it was Australia's policy not to except any of these "boat people," because too many were dying on the way over and the only way to stop them was to refuse to let them in. So they put them on an island.

This is a UN directive, and they are demanding that countries meet the UN quotas for dispersing Islam world wide. And it is a disaster.
You would be hard pressed to find a poster on this board who doesn't blame either Bush or Obama for the mess in Iraq and Syria. According to everyone, we started this and we are going to be the only civilized Western country that slams the door on the refugees WE created? Doesn't sound quite right to me.

We didn't create this. The UN created this. Bush and Obama were UN reps that held the title of President. So were the Clintons and old Bush. They created this mess. They overthrew governments. Killed leaders and armed radical Islam. And in true, "never let a good crisis go to waste, the UN saw (created) a perfect scheme to move Muslims into place.
It is a UN diaspora. They have given all countries "quotas". Refugees take their wives and children with them.
Wives and children are few and far between. The majority of Muslims being dispersed are male. They are the ones screaming Allahu Akbar before the carnage begins. The UN doesn't care about carnage. They are implementing universal control.

Do you know who is not taking them? Muslim countries. No need. Instead we are taking in record #'s.
We aren't taking in anywhere close to record #'s and the refugees we are taking in are not predominantly young males. You want to blame a conspiracy theory for this, go ahead, but no one is going to take you seriously.
Maybe it's true that the left's historic perspective only lasts for a couple of days. We are still dealing with Barry Hussein's abomination of an Iran nuclear deal where the U.S. gained nothing and Iran kidnapped U.S. Sailors for a ransom of about a billion dollars and the left claims that the three month old Trump administration "folds like a lawn chair" in a deal with U.S. ally Australia. Go figure.
If Australia doesn't want them why would we? Fix Syria. Don't bring Syria here....
I thought it was Australia's policy not to except any of these "boat people," because too many were dying on the way over and the only way to stop them was to refuse to let them in. So they put them on an island.

This is a UN directive, and they are demanding that countries meet the UN quotas for dispersing Islam world wide. And it is a disaster.

You are quite stupid, if you were not, you would understand why I posted it.
The asylum seekers running from the war and killers. We have an obligation to them in when we help destroy the countries they are running from.

We have no obligation to any refugees, it's war, we had civil war before, we had to fight for our selves, nobody came to our rescue.

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10th post
If Australia doesn't want them why would we? Fix Syria. Don't bring Syria here....
I thought it was Australia's policy not to except any of these "boat people," because too many were dying on the way over and the only way to stop them was to refuse to let them in. So they put them on an island.

This is a UN directive, and they are demanding that countries meet the UN quotas for dispersing Islam world wide. And it is a disaster.
You would be hard pressed to find a poster on this board who doesn't blame either Bush or Obama for the mess in Iraq and Syria. According to everyone, we started this and we are going to be the only civilized Western country that slams the door on the refugees WE created? Doesn't sound quite right to me.
---------------------------------------- feck the muslim refugee invaders OldLady !!
He promised ISIL would be wiped out in the first month? Let's give him another day or two, shall we?

Same with ObamaCare being "repealed and replaced" cuz that turned out to be, you know, harder than anyone knew.

Pretty sure Mexico will be sending a check, just any day now but since he's always at his golf resort, he should give them that mailing address.

Only 93K jobs his first month. But, he's bringing hundreds of thousands of jobs back to the US to make that cheap shit with his name, his daughter-wife and his sorta wife's name on them.

Point is, we can't expect him to actually do the job. It's far more important that he soak the tax payers several million every week. All that presidential stuff can wait. Right?

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ya gotta be Practical Luddley !! President is doing ok simply being President rather than mrobama or hilary . He will eventually get 'islamic state' . obamacare is gone i think , simply because the MANDATE or FINE is gone [i think] . -------------------------- mexicans will pay one way or the other so thats ok with me , until then YOU will pay when the wall or barrier is started Luddley . ----------------------- JOBS , all the people that i know that want jobs have jobs Luddley !! Look at the Bright side , illegals are being deported , military is being rebuilt , supposed conservative is on the Supreme court . mother of all bombs is being dropped on muslim enemies and n. korea is being slapped around same as 'iran' and china is being put in her place . ------------------- its all good Luddley !!
obama intended to bring thousands of violent men here. The same men Australia found so dangerous they were kept on an island. Trump tried to keep them out but was forced to honor this disastrous agreement.

How best to deal with a couple of thousand dangerous jihadists? I hope someone has a plan or some city is going to end up like Malmo.

All the lefties care about is that this is something they can use to make partisan political hay about.

Danger to America citizens? They can't even hear you, they care so little.

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