Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing

Tell us your reaction if Obama had done the same.

If Obama had blocked CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing?!

I would have laughed my ass off, THEN I would have applauded him for shutting out those FAKE News, All-In orgs....but we both know Barry would NEVER have done that. :p
and if it has been Fox and Breitbart, would you have said anything?
If Fox and Briebart had been caught as often / as much as those Fake News / All-In media I would not have complained.
Son, you head has been deep in the sand for a long long time
Tell us your reaction if Obama had done the same.

If Obama had blocked CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing?!

I would have laughed my ass off, THEN I would have applauded him for shutting out those FAKE News, All-In orgs....but we both know Barry would NEVER have done that. :p
and if it has been Fox and Breitbart, would you have said anything?
If Fox and Briebart had been caught as often / as much as those Fake News / All-In media I would not have complained.
Son, you head has been deep in the sand for a long long time
Looks like the Trump administration has started a war against the free press. Anyone that says anything they don't like is barred from the White House and called fake news.

I really hate to say it but it really is right out of Hitler's playbook. The first thing he did was to control all media and shutdown any media that he didn't like.

Germany didn't have a first amendment, thank God we do!
We have a 1st amendment today, but what about next week?

Don't worry...we have an awful lot of Americans who are sworn to uphold the Constitution. Don't forget, the President can be arrested by court order if Congress doesn't have the balls to impeach him.
There goes our 1st amendment rights, whats next?

Nothing is stopping them from reporting the news. The First Amendment doesn't guarantee them a seat at a press conference. As a matter of fact, it wasn't until the early 20th century that the media was even invited to press briefings from the president.

While I don't necessarily agree with barring them, the bottom line is none of this would be happening if the media hadn't engaged in such dishonest reporting over the last few decades, particularly the past year.
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Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing
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Richard-HTheOldSchoolNosmo King
Fucking retards
There goes our 1st amendment rights, whats next?

They act like the enemy, they get treated like the enemy, what could be more fair?

They've been acting like the press and they should be treated like the press.

Declaring the press to be the enemy of the American people is the first step in ending freedom of the press.

The press may be the enemy of the Trump administration, but they are by no means the enemy of the American people.

This seems to be right out of Putin's can tell who he's getting his advice from.
There goes our 1st amendment rights, whats next?
Horseshit, flake. No one is preventing them from speaking. Trump is exercising his free speech to speak to whom he wishes - which ain't fake news agencies. Pay back is a bitch.
Controlling and demonizing the free press is the kind of democracy you applaud? Think about it. If you love America, why? Our freedoms? Doesn't sound like it.
NEVER question the Press' lies! You un-American Rube!
Why does Trump hate the press? because the press is calling him on his outrageous lies! Trump says something that is demonstrably untrue. Then, when this is pointed out, he cries "fake news" "alternative facts"!

Meanwhile, the dedicated partisans who fail to see that the emperor is, indeed, without clothes, rallies to his indefensible side and chimes along with the idiot that the press is lying.

All the while, our basic freedom of a free press is being eroded by an amateur, a petulant game show host with no statesmanlike qualities. And we're all supposed to skip along merrily with this subversion of America.
Trump lies! Get some new material
Everyoen knows this. Everyone also knows those people kicked out have been gargling bullshit for months.
So an adversarial relationship between the White House and the press is something to celebrate? Something to champion? Something healthy for our democracy?

Trump has been steadily undermining our democracy. He probably, if not absolutely colluded with the Russians to hack our democratic process. When Nixon did it in 1972 it was seen as a constitutional crisis. When Trump did it in 2016, his partisan supporters cheered!

Trump called the press 'the enemy of the American people'. Is this the attitude of a responsible democratic leader, or something more akin to an authoritarian strongman?

It may be that Trump has absolutely no experience in government. It may be that a minority of the electorate wanted an amateur, an outsider to 'shake things up'. It may be that Trump has utterly failed to surround himself with 'the best and brightest'. And it may be that Trump's vision of how the American people should be regarded is by purely amateurish means laced with petulance and division and fear mongering. And, unfortunately, some of that minority of the electorate is just as amateurish, crass, boorish and undemocratic as the huckster buffoon they voted for.

They've been acting like the press and they should be treated like the press.

Declaring the press to be the enemy of the American people is the first step in ending freedom of the press.

The press may be the enemy of the Trump administration, but they are by no means the enemy of the American people.

This seems to be right out of Putin's can tell who he's getting his advice from.

They've been acting like what they are, the Soros controlled propaganda group.

The NY Times today is FAR less reliable for facts than Pravda under Stalin was.

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