Trump we will guard our border with our military

Even the portion built by the Ming Dynasty took 200 years to build.

And you think it will take us 200 years to build this one? Come on Aaron.

At this rate we won't have enough funding approved in 200 years, let alone a 2000 mile wall built.

Hmm, if you only knew the power of American industry. How else do you think we managed to win World War II? By lending moral support?

During World War 2 we were fighting an enemy on two fronts, and millions needed jobs due to the Great Depression. Today we have a decent economy and relatively low unemployment. Many American's aren't looking for "moral support". Despite what some Trump supporters may believe a lot of people really don't care about the wall one way or another. It's a band-aid. A very expensive band-aid.
big difference between WW2 and today-----the HUGE debt!!!!

It was huge debt back than too.

Today's difference? Half of it accumulated by one asshole.
And further - no, that's not what the military is for. They do not exist to "handle threats beyond law enforcement". They exist to fight enemy soldiers - full stop.

Doc, that made me chuckle a bit. You mean to tell me that our military can't be utilized for other useful purposes rather than fighting and blowing up things?

Perhaps you should read the oath of enlistment. Our soldiers are sworn to protect and defend the US and the Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic. Take note of the word "domestic." If you are a foreign national who willfully breaks federal law to get here, you not only broke the federal law (written in compliance with our Constitution), but you have violated the constitutional rights of every legal and natural born citizen already living here. If you are willing to break our laws to get here, there may be no telling what other laws you would break to get your way.

So, in a nutshell, that makes them a threat. A threat when so much as the first toe is put forward onto our soil. Protecting our borders and sovereignty from those selfsame threats falls within the oath our soldiers swore. You don't have to like it, but that's just the way it is.

Well, no. That's not "the way it is". This is a nation of laws.

You can parse the Oath of Enlistment as much as you want, it doesn't matter. It's not the law.

The Posse Comitatus Act is the law.

This is a settled issue. It's been to the Court, it's not open to question.

Interestingly enough, I never said anything about using our military to subvert state and local law enforcement.

The Posse Comitatus Act is irrelevant.

Additionally, if we are a "nation of laws" then why aren't we enforcing the ones pertaining to illegal immigration? Why aren't we doing everything we can to ensure those laws are being obeyed?

No, we currently are not a "nation of laws" we are currently a nation who likes to selectively apply the law to suit political agendas. To say we are "a nation of laws" is not true. Not currently.

No, it is not irrelevant. You don't feel it applies, whatever. That doesn't make it irrelevant.

It is irrelevant to my position. You don't get to dictate what is or isn't relevant to my position. Now move along.

It most certainly is relevant to your position - in fact, it is more relevant than your position.
But if we are going to discuss the Posse Comitatus Act, let's provide a little context.

One of the things that act does not pertain to is, as per the Wikipedia page on the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878:

Enforcement of federal law at the discretion of the President of the United States, such as with the 101st Airborne Division by President Dwight D. Eisenhower to integrate Little Rock Central High School in 1957.

Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia

As far as I can tell, we have federal laws against illegal immigration. And that puts the President well within his right to enforce those laws, even if the need arises for military intervention.
Doc, that made me chuckle a bit. You mean to tell me that our military can't be utilized for other useful purposes rather than fighting and blowing up things?

Perhaps you should read the oath of enlistment. Our soldiers are sworn to protect and defend the US and the Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic. Take note of the word "domestic." If you are a foreign national who willfully breaks federal law to get here, you not only broke the federal law (written in compliance with our Constitution), but you have violated the constitutional rights of every legal and natural born citizen already living here. If you are willing to break our laws to get here, there may be no telling what other laws you would break to get your way.

So, in a nutshell, that makes them a threat. A threat when so much as the first toe is put forward onto our soil. Protecting our borders and sovereignty from those selfsame threats falls within the oath our soldiers swore. You don't have to like it, but that's just the way it is.

Well, no. That's not "the way it is". This is a nation of laws.

You can parse the Oath of Enlistment as much as you want, it doesn't matter. It's not the law.

The Posse Comitatus Act is the law.

This is a settled issue. It's been to the Court, it's not open to question.

Interestingly enough, I never said anything about using our military to subvert state and local law enforcement.

The Posse Comitatus Act is irrelevant.

Additionally, if we are a "nation of laws" then why aren't we enforcing the ones pertaining to illegal immigration? Why aren't we doing everything we can to ensure those laws are being obeyed?

No, we currently are not a "nation of laws" we are currently a nation who likes to selectively apply the law to suit political agendas. To say we are "a nation of laws" is not true. Not currently.

No, it is not irrelevant. You don't feel it applies, whatever. That doesn't make it irrelevant.

It is irrelevant to my position. You don't get to dictate what is or isn't relevant to my position. Now move along.

It most certainly is relevant to your position - in fact, it is more relevant than your position.

There's no need to insult me. If you've run out of points to make, just say so. Or you can explain how it is relevant to my position. Your choice.

I never once said we should use the military to subvert the power of state or local law enforcement.

But as I pointed out in my previous post, the Posse Comitatus Act does not apply to the President using the military to enforce federal law. As long as the military doesn't interfere with state and local law enforcement, then the Posse Comitatus Act is irrelevant to this topic and to my position.
Doc, that made me chuckle a bit. You mean to tell me that our military can't be utilized for other useful purposes rather than fighting and blowing up things?

Perhaps you should read the oath of enlistment. Our soldiers are sworn to protect and defend the US and the Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic. Take note of the word "domestic." If you are a foreign national who willfully breaks federal law to get here, you not only broke the federal law (written in compliance with our Constitution), but you have violated the constitutional rights of every legal and natural born citizen already living here. If you are willing to break our laws to get here, there may be no telling what other laws you would break to get your way.

So, in a nutshell, that makes them a threat. A threat when so much as the first toe is put forward onto our soil. Protecting our borders and sovereignty from those selfsame threats falls within the oath our soldiers swore. You don't have to like it, but that's just the way it is.

Well, no. That's not "the way it is". This is a nation of laws.

You can parse the Oath of Enlistment as much as you want, it doesn't matter. It's not the law.

The Posse Comitatus Act is the law.

This is a settled issue. It's been to the Court, it's not open to question.

Interestingly enough, I never said anything about using our military to subvert state and local law enforcement.

The Posse Comitatus Act is irrelevant.

Additionally, if we are a "nation of laws" then why aren't we enforcing the ones pertaining to illegal immigration? Why aren't we doing everything we can to ensure those laws are being obeyed?

No, we currently are not a "nation of laws" we are currently a nation who likes to selectively apply the law to suit political agendas. To say we are "a nation of laws" is not true. Not currently.

No, it is not irrelevant. You don't feel it applies, whatever. That doesn't make it irrelevant.

It is irrelevant to my position. You don't get to dictate what is or isn't relevant to my position. Now move along.

Kids are so cute when they try to act authoritative.

Your position is irrelevant to the subject at hand. Shall I then order you to move along?

No. Try to stay on topic without being condescending.

Sure, and calling me "kid" will earn you a ton of credibility. No. Please do move along, you are not the thought police.
Looks like it may happen.

BREAKING: Trump Says Military Will Be Used To Protect Border

I like it. Whatever it takes.

One would think that you guys would understand by now that Trump tweeting about something is not to be taken as an implication that anything will actually happen.

The Posse Comitatus Act would be a difficult hurdle to overcome.

How come, this is not a "domestic issue", so it doesn't violate the act.

Leftists are delusional. Trump can use the full weight of the military. The country being invaded (and even openly and aided by a foreign government) is grounds to protect national security.

The only problem arises with the loophole of the US having to process asylum seekers from non-contiguous countries but that won't be a problem either, orderly and expedited. Trump has a full war chest of information and legal counsel at his disposal vs. low-information leftists.
The Posse Comitatus Act would be a difficult hurdle to overcome.

Applies to using American Forces to police US citizens. Doesn't apply to stopping a foreign invasion ...


Again, we are a nation of laws, not emotions.

Border security is law enforcement.

Yeah, we sent the local police to repel the British in the War of 1812!

We sent the local police to repel the Mexicans in the Mexican-American War.

The Hawaiian police departments did a bang-up job against the Japanese attack on Pearl harbor.


As much as you'd like to conflate the two, a caravan of a thousand refugees is not a "war".

Far fewer than that attacked Pearl Harbor! Dumbass!

Is the number of people involved the criteria for what constitutes a war? Does the fact that the Japanese attacked with bombers flown from aircraft carriers, while the refugees may be showing up without weapons and most likely will not be attacking anyone make any difference?
I like it when people try to quote the law out of context. Trump is nowhere close to violating the Posse Comitatus Act.

As I said before - if Trump does the same thing that Bush and Obama did, then he won't be violating the PCA.

If he tries to do more, then he will be - and the Court will rule so faster than you'd think possible.
Looks like it may happen.

BREAKING: Trump Says Military Will Be Used To Protect Border

I like it. Whatever it takes.

One would think that you guys would understand by now that Trump tweeting about something is not to be taken as an implication that anything will actually happen.

The Posse Comitatus Act would be a difficult hurdle to overcome.

How come, this is not a "domestic issue", so it doesn't violate the act.

Leftists are delusional. Trump can use the full weight of the military. The country being invaded (and even openly and aided by a foreign government) is grounds to protect national security.

The only problem arises with the loophole of the US having to process asylum seekers from non-contiguous countries but that won't be a problem either, orderly and expedited. Trump has a full war chest of information and legal counsel at his disposal vs. low-information leftists.

Enforcing immigration law is most certainly a "domestic" issue.
I like it when people try to quote the law out of context. Trump is nowhere close to violating the Posse Comitatus Act.

As I said before - if Trump does the same thing that Bush and Obama did, then he won't be violating the PCA.

If he tries to do more, then he will be - and the Court will rule so faster than you'd think possible.

Wait, didn't Bush try to circumvent the PCA after 9/11? I'm confused. Did they or didn't they violate the PCA?
There are ways around Posse Comitatus.

Not the least of which would be to declare Martial Law on the Southern Border, from the borderline itself, back 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 miles, at DOD-DHS field-command discretion, variably and locally, as indicated by conditions required to fulfill the mission, including broad authority to use deadly force against intruders from across the Southern Border.

Why back 1 to 5 miles? Once they step in US we have to process them.

The perimeter should be set 5 miles inside of Mexico. Like we did back in 1910 and later during "border war".

This time we can just say, we're fighting cartels who want immigrants to smuggle drugs.
Let’s go with this .

What happens to Americans living or crossing the border? Drone strikes?

What happens if you are at the border and confronted by a military person? Do you no longer have constitutional rights in trumps martial law ?
Poor little Timmy... doesn't know that only legal Americans have constitutional rights, and illegal aliens have none.

How do you know who’s legal or not ? Bar codes on are necks ?

Soldier comes up to you and says “show me your papers “. You tell them to fuck off . Then what ?

You're such a fucken tard.

Answer the question! Oh wait , you rubes don’t think past any of Trumps dumb ass tweets .

Shut up timmy. You know nothing about our southern border.

He knows nothing. Period.
The Constitution puts the responsibility for securing our borders on the military. Can you show the qualifications you're making up? Where are they written that you want illegals to drown us so that part of securing our border is not a military responsibility?

The Constitution does no such thing.

Article IV, Section 4. You seriously don't think securing our borders is the job of the MILITARY? Hello, you've succumbed to leftist stupidity and lies. The MILITARY? You don't grasp the relation between the military and securing our freaking borders?

You are S-T-U-P-I-D. Not ignorant, stupid

Here's the text of Article IV, Section 4:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Now, I'm not sure what school of Constitutional interpretation you fit within, but what do you believe that the founding fathers meant, when they said "foreign invaders"?

Do you think they meant a military invasion, or do you think they meant immigrants?

Keep in mind, the founding fathers never expected any "controls" whatsoever on immigration.

To think they meant to apply that to immigrants takes quite a reach, for the sake of legal interpretation. I doubt you could even get Stevens to go that far from the text.

We're talking about illegal aliens, not "immigrants," idiot

"Illegal" immigrants are a sub class of immigrants.

Were you aware that at the time of the drafting of the Constitution, there was no such thing as "illegal immigration"?

That term didn't exist until the early 1900s.


Immigrants have legal status. Illegals don't have it, they're just illegal aliens.

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