TRUMP: We Can't BUY Any Votes, This Year

caddo kid

Gold Member
Aug 15, 2018
Trump, Brady admit no chance of middle class tax cut this year - CNNPolitics

President Donald Trump and the top Republican tax-writer in Congress, House and Ways Means Chair Kevin Brady of Texas, conceded on Wednesday there was zero chance that middle-class Americans will see their taxes cut this year.

It was the first time the White House had returned to a last-ditch campaign promise since the President made the pledge at a rally in Nevada almost two weeks ago. The statement effectively closed the door on any chance of pushing through a tax cut this year.

Even as Trump has crisscrossed the country this week stumping for GOP members in the run-up to next Tuesday's midterm elections, he has been noticeably mute on the issue.

"We are committed to delivering an additional 10% tax cut to middle-class workers across the country," the two men said in a joint statement released by the White House. "And we intend to take swift action on this legislation at the start of the 116th Congress."


So, less than two weeks ago POTUS 'promised' a tax cut (VOTE BUYING PLAN) for middle class wage earners but now POTUS says, oops, no tax cut aka NO 'vote buying plan.' :9:
Believe nothing CNN says, except white men are the biggest terrorists.
Trump, Brady admit no chance of middle class tax cut this year - CNNPolitics

President Donald Trump and the top Republican tax-writer in Congress, House and Ways Means Chair Kevin Brady of Texas, conceded on Wednesday there was zero chance that middle-class Americans will see their taxes cut this year.

It was the first time the White House had returned to a last-ditch campaign promise since the President made the pledge at a rally in Nevada almost two weeks ago. The statement effectively closed the door on any chance of pushing through a tax cut this year.

Even as Trump has crisscrossed the country this week stumping for GOP members in the run-up to next Tuesday's midterm elections, he has been noticeably mute on the issue.

"We are committed to delivering an additional 10% tax cut to middle-class workers across the country," the two men said in a joint statement released by the White House. "And we intend to take swift action on this legislation at the start of the 116th Congress."


So, less than two weeks ago POTUS 'promised' a tax cut (VOTE BUYING PLAN) for middle class wage earners but now POTUS says, oops, no tax cut aka NO 'vote buying plan.' :9:
Just add that lie to the pile of more than 5,000 lies the Naked Emperor has spit into the faces of his credulous submissive rubes.
I am quite OK with him building the wall and draining the swamp personally.
Trump, Brady admit no chance of middle class tax cut this year - CNNPolitics

President Donald Trump and the top Republican tax-writer in Congress, House and Ways Means Chair Kevin Brady of Texas, conceded on Wednesday there was zero chance that middle-class Americans will see their taxes cut this year.

It was the first time the White House had returned to a last-ditch campaign promise since the President made the pledge at a rally in Nevada almost two weeks ago. The statement effectively closed the door on any chance of pushing through a tax cut this year.

Even as Trump has crisscrossed the country this week stumping for GOP members in the run-up to next Tuesday's midterm elections, he has been noticeably mute on the issue.

"We are committed to delivering an additional 10% tax cut to middle-class workers across the country," the two men said in a joint statement released by the White House. "And we intend to take swift action on this legislation at the start of the 116th Congress."


So, less than two weeks ago POTUS 'promised' a tax cut (VOTE BUYING PLAN) for middle class wage earners but now POTUS says, oops, no tax cut aka NO 'vote buying plan.' :9:

Your Tears will make us all SO HAPPY Wednesday Morning.

You are just another DemNazi Propagandist.

DemNazis.....Same as Them Nazis.

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