Trump watches cable news 5-8 hours a day, JUST LIKE I SAID BEFORE.


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2016
New Orleans
The NYT confirms what I have said here on this board: Trump watches TV all day and then Tweets intermittently in tandem with what he's watching.

I posted about this and GrandpaMurky said something about that only taking 46 minutes to Tweet 12-15 times a day. That was a lame justification. Trump spends 45 minute +/- between Tweets for gathering his material.

Inside Trump’s Hour-by-Hour Battle for Self-Preservation

"WASHINGTON — Around 5:30 each morning, President Trump wakes and tunes into the television in the White House’s master bedroom. He flips to CNN for news, moves to “Fox & Friends” for comfort and messaging ideas, and sometimes watches MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” because, friends suspect, it fires him up for the day."

""Mr. Kelly is trying, quietly and respectfully, to reduce the amount of free time the president has for fiery tweets by accelerating the start of his workday. Mr. Priebus also tried, with only modest success, to encourage Mr. Trump to arrive by 9 or 9:30 a.m."""
The NYT confirms what I have said here on this board: Trump watches TV all day and then Tweets intermittently in tandem with what he's watching.

I posted about this and GrandpaMurky said something about that only taking 46 minutes to Tweet 12-15 times a day. That was a lame justification. Trump spends 45 minute +/- between Tweets for gathering his material.

Inside Trump’s Hour-by-Hour Battle for Self-Preservation

"WASHINGTON — Around 5:30 each morning, President Trump wakes and tunes into the television in the White House’s master bedroom. He flips to CNN for news, moves to “Fox & Friends” for comfort and messaging ideas, and sometimes watches MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” because, friends suspect, it fires him up for the day."

""Mr. Kelly is trying, quietly and respectfully, to reduce the amount of free time the president has for fiery tweets by accelerating the start of his workday. Mr. Priebus also tried, with only modest success, to encourage Mr. Trump to arrive by 9 or 9:30 a.m."""
Oh, so that's the reason the border wall, the jobs from China, the infastructure bill and ACA is on hold....damn
Trump puts in longer days as President than anyone in memory. He's up early and he works late. You think because the "New York Times" says he spends all day watching TV all day that it's the truth? Have you not grasped the fact that the New York Times is as biased against Donald Trump as it's humanly possible to be? Get a clue, embarrass yourself with strings like this one!

The next thing you'll be wasting board space on will be an "expose" that CNN thinks Trump is a bad President! Duh?
The NYT confirms what I have said here on this board: Trump watches TV all day and then Tweets intermittently in tandem with what he's watching.

I posted about this and GrandpaMurky said something about that only taking 46 minutes to Tweet 12-15 times a day. That was a lame justification. Trump spends 45 minute +/- between Tweets for gathering his material.

Inside Trump’s Hour-by-Hour Battle for Self-Preservation

"WASHINGTON — Around 5:30 each morning, President Trump wakes and tunes into the television in the White House’s master bedroom. He flips to CNN for news, moves to “Fox & Friends” for comfort and messaging ideas, and sometimes watches MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” because, friends suspect, it fires him up for the day."

""Mr. Kelly is trying, quietly and respectfully, to reduce the amount of free time the president has for fiery tweets by accelerating the start of his workday. Mr. Priebus also tried, with only modest success, to encourage Mr. Trump to arrive by 9 or 9:30 a.m."""
False.....fake news!

Trump attacks report that he watches up to 8 hours of TV a day, calls Don Lemon “dumbest man on television!”
The NYT confirms what I have said here on this board: Trump watches TV all day and then Tweets intermittently in tandem with what he's watching.

I posted about this and GrandpaMurky said something about that only taking 46 minutes to Tweet 12-15 times a day. That was a lame justification. Trump spends 45 minute +/- between Tweets for gathering his material.

Inside Trump’s Hour-by-Hour Battle for Self-Preservation

"WASHINGTON — Around 5:30 each morning, President Trump wakes and tunes into the television in the White House’s master bedroom. He flips to CNN for news, moves to “Fox & Friends” for comfort and messaging ideas, and sometimes watches MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” because, friends suspect, it fires him up for the day."

""Mr. Kelly is trying, quietly and respectfully, to reduce the amount of free time the president has for fiery tweets by accelerating the start of his workday. Mr. Priebus also tried, with only modest success, to encourage Mr. Trump to arrive by 9 or 9:30 a.m."""

It is not so much that Trump watches the news....but that it forms his beliefs

He is the freak'n President
He should be forming his opinions off of the classified information that is briefed every day.....not FoxNews
Trump’s own tweets expose how much he spends watching TV as most of them come shortly after FoxNews tells him what to think.

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I wonder if any of these folks crying about the Times doing this story cried when they did the same thing about Obama or Bush II.

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The NYT confirms what I have said here on this board: Trump watches TV all day and then Tweets intermittently in tandem with what he's watching.

I posted about this and GrandpaMurky said something about that only taking 46 minutes to Tweet 12-15 times a day. That was a lame justification. Trump spends 45 minute +/- between Tweets for gathering his material.

Inside Trump’s Hour-by-Hour Battle for Self-Preservation

"WASHINGTON — Around 5:30 each morning, President Trump wakes and tunes into the television in the White House’s master bedroom. He flips to CNN for news, moves to “Fox & Friends” for comfort and messaging ideas, and sometimes watches MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” because, friends suspect, it fires him up for the day."

""Mr. Kelly is trying, quietly and respectfully, to reduce the amount of free time the president has for fiery tweets by accelerating the start of his workday. Mr. Priebus also tried, with only modest success, to encourage Mr. Trump to arrive by 9 or 9:30 a.m."""


Donald J "Has no path to the White House" Trump spends his day watched TV and tweeting.


The New York Times is looking for their outrage du jour. They don't want anyone looking at the economy. That's doing too well.
The NYT confirms what I have said here on this board: Trump watches TV all day and then Tweets intermittently in tandem with what he's watching.

I posted about this and GrandpaMurky said something about that only taking 46 minutes to Tweet 12-15 times a day. That was a lame justification. Trump spends 45 minute +/- between Tweets for gathering his material.

Inside Trump’s Hour-by-Hour Battle for Self-Preservation

"WASHINGTON — Around 5:30 each morning, President Trump wakes and tunes into the television in the White House’s master bedroom. He flips to CNN for news, moves to “Fox & Friends” for comfort and messaging ideas, and sometimes watches MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” because, friends suspect, it fires him up for the day."

""Mr. Kelly is trying, quietly and respectfully, to reduce the amount of free time the president has for fiery tweets by accelerating the start of his workday. Mr. Priebus also tried, with only modest success, to encourage Mr. Trump to arrive by 9 or 9:30 a.m."""

WOW, but doesn't all that TV watching interfere with his golfing outings???....LOL

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