Trump vs Biden


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Let's analyze their messages:

Trump: Less regulation, encouraging American enterprise, protecting US from unfair tariffs that gut our economy, holding other countries responsible as with telling China they are responsible for Corona and for telling allies to pay their fair share through NATO. Protecting our Southern border from invasion from a foreign country or countries, responsible for the greatest economy of our lifetimes (before Covid), actually giving every American a check because he advocated for a shut down (it's called being responsible).

Biden: Orange Man Bad, unions good, corporations bad. Trump bad. Money comes from the Federal Reserve NOT from hard working Americans that are paid by corporations that also have to pay the unions. Illegal aliens are not a problem. Trump bad. Obama likes me. AOC and the 'squad' like me. They all hate America too.
Let's analyze their messages:

Trump: Less regulation, encouraging American enterprise, protecting US from unfair tariffs that gut our economy, holding other countries responsible as with telling China they are responsible for Corona and for telling allies to pay their fair share through NATO. Protecting our Southern border from invasion from a foreign country or countries, responsible for the greatest economy of our lifetimes (before Covid), actually giving every American a check because he advocated for a shut down (it's called being responsible).

Biden: Orange Man Bad, unions good, corporations bad. Trump bad. Money comes from the Federal Reserve NOT from hard working Americans that are paid by corporations that also have to pay the unions. Illegal aliens are not a problem. Trump bad. Obama likes me. AOC and the 'squad' like me. They all hate America too.

Trump - 135K+ dead. 15% unemployment. Racial division. Constant corruption. Incompetence. Liar. Cheat. Swindler. Fraud. 3+ years of a record to run on.
Biden - Gaffe prone. Baby Boomer. Lifelong politician. 40 years of political baggage that his opponent can use against him.

Yeah, there's no choice here. It's Biden.
But it warms my heart you threw the "They hate America" in. :)
Trump - 135K+ dead. 15% unemployment. Racial division. Constant corruption. Incompetence. Liar. Cheat. Swindler. Fraud. 3+ years of a record to run on.
Biden - Gaffe prone. Baby Boomer. Lifelong politician. 40 years of political baggage that his opponent can use against him.

Yeah, there's no choice here. It's Biden.
But it warms my heart you threw the "They hate America" in.
All of which Trump had 0 to do with. Trump did not create a virus, Trump didn't do anything to cause racial division, there is no corruption in the Trump administration. For that you need to look back at Obama and when Biden was VP and used his position to force a Ukrainan prosecutor from office because he was investigating Biden's son. Also you need to look at how Hunter Biden landed a job that paid him hundreds of thousands when he had no experience. There's corruption for you.

Biden is a lifelong politician that never rose to the level of Presidential material. He was too busy fondling little girls and hanging on to coattails. You are correct, Biden has a lot of heavy baggage because he as been part of the Swamp.
Trump - 135K+ dead. 15% unemployment. Racial division. Constant corruption. Incompetence. Liar. Cheat. Swindler. Fraud. 3+ years of a record to run on.
Biden - Gaffe prone. Baby Boomer. Lifelong politician. 40 years of political baggage that his opponent can use against him.

Yeah, there's no choice here. It's Biden.
But it warms my heart you threw the "They hate America" in.
All of which Trump had 0 to do with. Trump did not create a virus, Trump didn't do anything to cause racial division, there is no corruption in the Trump administration. For that you need to look back at Obama and when Biden was VP and used his position to force a Ukrainan prosecutor from office because he was investigating Biden's son. Also you need to look at how Hunter Biden landed a job that paid him hundreds of thousands when he had no experience. There's corruption for you.

Biden is a lifelong politician that never rose to the level of Presidential material. He was too busy fondling little girls and hanging on to coattails. You are correct, Biden has a lot of heavy baggage because he as been part of the Swamp.

1) Trump did not create the virus - TRUE. (He just gets the blame for the response)..shhhh..
2) Trump didn't do anything to cause racial division - ARE YOU SHITTIN ME? LOL.
3) There's no corruption in the Trump Administration - OY!! YIKES!! (Flynn, Stone, the various cabinet members gone, Russia, Ukraine..Lions, and Tigers and Bears...Oh my!)

No one gives a shit about Hunter Biden. Was it swampy...YES. Was it illegal?...NO. Sorry, no corruption.
Trump-Sophist and demagogue who treated the WH like a reality talk show.

Biden-Corporate establishment windsock beholden to SIGs and the personification of Washington politics.

2016 showed the former was a failed experiment. Time to go with the latter even if it means holding ones nose...
Let's analyze their messages:

Trump: Less regulation, encouraging American enterprise, protecting US from unfair tariffs that gut our economy, holding other countries responsible as with telling China they are responsible for Corona and for telling allies to pay their fair share through NATO. Protecting our Southern border from invasion from a foreign country or countries, responsible for the greatest economy of our lifetimes (before Covid), actually giving every American a check because he advocated for a shut down (it's called being responsible).

Biden: Orange Man Bad, unions good, corporations bad. Trump bad. Money comes from the Federal Reserve NOT from hard working Americans that are paid by corporations that also have to pay the unions. Illegal aliens are not a problem. Trump bad. Obama likes me. AOC and the 'squad' like me. They all hate America too.

Trump - 135K+ dead. 15% unemployment. Racial division. Constant corruption. Incompetence. Liar. Cheat. Swindler. Fraud. 3+ years of a record to run on.
Biden - Gaffe prone. Baby Boomer. Lifelong politician. 40 years of political baggage that his opponent can use against him.

Yeah, there's no choice here. It's Biden.
But it warms my heart you threw the "They hate America" in. :)

Trump cant be blamed for the vast majority of covid deaths since they happened in blue states.
Same goes for unemployment.
Considering he set records pre virus employment numbers.
Only miscreants such as yourself believe that crap.
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Let's analyze their messages:

Trump: Less regulation, encouraging American enterprise, protecting US from unfair tariffs that gut our economy, holding other countries responsible as with telling China they are responsible for Corona and for telling allies to pay their fair share through NATO. Protecting our Southern border from invasion from a foreign country or countries, responsible for the greatest economy of our lifetimes (before Covid), actually giving every American a check because he advocated for a shut down (it's called being responsible).

Biden: Orange Man Bad, unions good, corporations bad. Trump bad. Money comes from the Federal Reserve NOT from hard working Americans that are paid by corporations that also have to pay the unions. Illegal aliens are not a problem. Trump bad. Obama likes me. AOC and the 'squad' like me. They all hate America too.

Trump - 135K+ dead. 15% unemployment. Racial division. Constant corruption. Incompetence. Liar. Cheat. Swindler. Fraud. 3+ years of a record to run on.
Biden - Gaffe prone. Baby Boomer. Lifelong politician. 40 years of political baggage that his opponent can use against him.

Yeah, there's no choice here. It's Biden.
But it warms my heart you threw the "They hate America" in. :)

It's actually nice to have your fully uninformed and biased opinion .. ;)
1) Trump did not create the virus - TRUE. (He just gets the blame for the response)..shhhh..
2) Trump didn't do anything to cause racial division - ARE YOU SHITTIN ME? LOL.
3) There's no corruption in the Trump Administration - OY!! YIKES!! (Flynn, Stone, the various cabinet members gone, Russia, Ukraine..Lions, and Tigers and Bears...Oh my!)

No one gives a shit about Hunter Biden. Was it swampy...YES. Was it illegal?...NO. Sorry, no corruption.
Trump was the first to respond with a ban on China.

What has Trump done to cause racial division? Quote please.

Prove that the Trump administration is corrupt. Then call Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi apparently they are not aware.

Flynn and Stone were falsely prosecuted as will be seen. They were set up by the FBI and their only crime was not remembering exactly what they said.

You should really stop listening to the MSM. Your brain has atrophied.
Trump - 135K+ dead. 15% unemployment. Racial division. Constant corruption. Incompetence. Liar. Cheat. Swindler. Fraud. 3+ years of a record to run on.
Biden - Gaffe prone. Baby Boomer. Lifelong politician. 40 years of political baggage that his opponent can use against him.

Yeah, there's no choice here. It's Biden.
But it warms my heart you threw the "They hate America" in.
All of which Trump had 0 to do with. Trump did not create a virus, Trump didn't do anything to cause racial division, there is no corruption in the Trump administration. For that you need to look back at Obama and when Biden was VP and used his position to force a Ukrainan prosecutor from office because he was investigating Biden's son. Also you need to look at how Hunter Biden landed a job that paid him hundreds of thousands when he had no experience. There's corruption for you.

Biden is a lifelong politician that never rose to the level of Presidential material. He was too busy fondling little girls and hanging on to coattails. You are correct, Biden has a lot of heavy baggage because he as been part of the Swamp.

1) Trump did not create the virus - TRUE. (He just gets the blame for the response)..shhhh..
2) Trump didn't do anything to cause racial division - ARE YOU SHITTIN ME? LOL.
3) There's no corruption in the Trump Administration - OY!! YIKES!! (Flynn, Stone, the various cabinet members gone, Russia, Ukraine..Lions, and Tigers and Bears...Oh my!)

No one gives a shit about Hunter Biden. Was it swampy...YES. Was it illegal?...NO. Sorry, no corruption.

Why would Trump get blamed when the vast majority of covid deaths happened in blue states?
What racial division did Trump bring about and how did he do it?
Joe is the one who is guilty in the ukraine fiasco.
He threatened to withhold aid if the Ukrainian gov didnt fire the prosecutor looking into the corruption of Burisma and Hunter.
Which the Ukraine is now looking into.

1) Trump did not create the virus - TRUE. (He just gets the blame for the response)..shhhh..
2) Trump didn't do anything to cause racial division - ARE YOU SHITTIN ME? LOL.
3) There's no corruption in the Trump Administration - OY!! YIKES!! (Flynn, Stone, the various cabinet members gone, Russia, Ukraine..Lions, and Tigers and Bears...Oh my!)

No one gives a shit about Hunter Biden. Was it swampy...YES. Was it illegal?...NO. Sorry, no corruption.
Trump was the first to respond with a ban on China.

What has Trump done to cause racial division? Quote please.

Prove that the Trump administration is corrupt. Then call Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi apparently they are not aware.

Flynn and Stone were falsely prosecuted as will be seen. They were set up by the FBI and their only crime was not remembering exactly what they said.

You should really stop listening to the MSM. Your brain has atrophied.

1) It was a restriction..not a ban. 40K+ people flocking home in a panic with little to no testing, contact tracing, or quarantining.
2) Sheesh. Charlottesville?..Shithole countries?? Shirley you can't be this stupid?..or did you forget the whole "birther" shit.
3) Russia?, Ukraine?, various cabinet members that resigned and are gone?

Stop listening to right wing media. Shit rots your brain. Start drinking. It would serve you better. :)
Trump - 135K+ dead. 15% unemployment. Racial division. Constant corruption. Incompetence. Liar. Cheat. Swindler. Fraud. 3+ years of a record to run on.
Biden - Gaffe prone. Baby Boomer. Lifelong politician. 40 years of political baggage that his opponent can use against him.

Yeah, there's no choice here. It's Biden.
But it warms my heart you threw the "They hate America" in.
All of which Trump had 0 to do with. Trump did not create a virus, Trump didn't do anything to cause racial division, there is no corruption in the Trump administration. For that you need to look back at Obama and when Biden was VP and used his position to force a Ukrainan prosecutor from office because he was investigating Biden's son. Also you need to look at how Hunter Biden landed a job that paid him hundreds of thousands when he had no experience. There's corruption for you.

Biden is a lifelong politician that never rose to the level of Presidential material. He was too busy fondling little girls and hanging on to coattails. You are correct, Biden has a lot of heavy baggage because he as been part of the Swamp.

1) Trump did not create the virus - TRUE. (He just gets the blame for the response)..shhhh..
2) Trump didn't do anything to cause racial division - ARE YOU SHITTIN ME? LOL.
3) There's no corruption in the Trump Administration - OY!! YIKES!! (Flynn, Stone, the various cabinet members gone, Russia, Ukraine..Lions, and Tigers and Bears...Oh my!)

No one gives a shit about Hunter Biden. Was it swampy...YES. Was it illegal?...NO. Sorry, no corruption.

Why would Trump get blamed when the vast majority of covid deaths happened in blue states?
What racial division did Trump bring about and how did he do it?
Joe is the one who is guilty in the ukraine fiasco.
He threatened to withhold aid if the Ukrainian gov didnt fire the prosecutor looking into the corruption of Burisma and Hunter.
Which the Ukraine is now looking into.

Deflect, deflect, misdirect.
You Trump supporting meatballs have nothing but your alt-right masters version of the truth. Pathetic.
Trump - 135K+ dead. 15% unemployment. Racial division. Constant corruption. Incompetence. Liar. Cheat. Swindler. Fraud. 3+ years of a record to run on.
Biden - Gaffe prone. Baby Boomer. Lifelong politician. 40 years of political baggage that his opponent can use against him.

Yeah, there's no choice here. It's Biden.
But it warms my heart you threw the "They hate America" in.
All of which Trump had 0 to do with. Trump did not create a virus, Trump didn't do anything to cause racial division, there is no corruption in the Trump administration. For that you need to look back at Obama and when Biden was VP and used his position to force a Ukrainan prosecutor from office because he was investigating Biden's son. Also you need to look at how Hunter Biden landed a job that paid him hundreds of thousands when he had no experience. There's corruption for you.

Biden is a lifelong politician that never rose to the level of Presidential material. He was too busy fondling little girls and hanging on to coattails. You are correct, Biden has a lot of heavy baggage because he as been part of the Swamp.

1) Trump did not create the virus - TRUE. (He just gets the blame for the response)..shhhh..
2) Trump didn't do anything to cause racial division - ARE YOU SHITTIN ME? LOL.
3) There's no corruption in the Trump Administration - OY!! YIKES!! (Flynn, Stone, the various cabinet members gone, Russia, Ukraine..Lions, and Tigers and Bears...Oh my!)

No one gives a shit about Hunter Biden. Was it swampy...YES. Was it illegal?...NO. Sorry, no corruption.

Why would Trump get blamed when the vast majority of covid deaths happened in blue states?
What racial division did Trump bring about and how did he do it?
Joe is the one who is guilty in the ukraine fiasco.
He threatened to withhold aid if the Ukrainian gov didnt fire the prosecutor looking into the corruption of Burisma and Hunter.
Which the Ukraine is now looking into.

Deflect, deflect, misdirect.
You Trump supporting meatballs have nothing but your alt-right masters version of the truth. Pathetic.

How did I deflect?
Be specific.
Trump - 135K+ dead. 15% unemployment. Racial division. Constant corruption. Incompetence. Liar. Cheat. Swindler. Fraud. 3+ years of a record to run on.
Biden - Gaffe prone. Baby Boomer. Lifelong politician. 40 years of political baggage that his opponent can use against him.

Yeah, there's no choice here. It's Biden.
But it warms my heart you threw the "They hate America" in.
All of which Trump had 0 to do with. Trump did not create a virus, Trump didn't do anything to cause racial division, there is no corruption in the Trump administration. For that you need to look back at Obama and when Biden was VP and used his position to force a Ukrainan prosecutor from office because he was investigating Biden's son. Also you need to look at how Hunter Biden landed a job that paid him hundreds of thousands when he had no experience. There's corruption for you.

Biden is a lifelong politician that never rose to the level of Presidential material. He was too busy fondling little girls and hanging on to coattails. You are correct, Biden has a lot of heavy baggage because he as been part of the Swamp.

1) Trump did not create the virus - TRUE. (He just gets the blame for the response)..shhhh..
2) Trump didn't do anything to cause racial division - ARE YOU SHITTIN ME? LOL.
3) There's no corruption in the Trump Administration - OY!! YIKES!! (Flynn, Stone, the various cabinet members gone, Russia, Ukraine..Lions, and Tigers and Bears...Oh my!)

No one gives a shit about Hunter Biden. Was it swampy...YES. Was it illegal?...NO. Sorry, no corruption.

Why would Trump get blamed when the vast majority of covid deaths happened in blue states?
What racial division did Trump bring about and how did he do it?
Joe is the one who is guilty in the ukraine fiasco.
He threatened to withhold aid if the Ukrainian gov didnt fire the prosecutor looking into the corruption of Burisma and Hunter.
Which the Ukraine is now looking into.

Deflect, deflect, misdirect.
You Trump supporting meatballs have nothing but your alt-right masters version of the truth. Pathetic.

How did I deflect?
Be specific.


1) When were deaths made blue vs red? This about response...and his lack of...Deflect #1.
2) His speech at Mt Rushmore? Them vs us. Deflect #2. (And did you just ignore what went on at Charlottesville?)
3) Trump attempted to leverage the PM of Ukraine to dig up dirt on his chief political rival, Biden...Misdirect #1.

Specific enough for you? Or you just gonna run back to your right wing talking points?
Trump - 135K+ dead. 15% unemployment. Racial division. Constant corruption. Incompetence. Liar. Cheat. Swindler. Fraud. 3+ years of a record to run on.
Biden - Gaffe prone. Baby Boomer. Lifelong politician. 40 years of political baggage that his opponent can use against him.

Yeah, there's no choice here. It's Biden.
But it warms my heart you threw the "They hate America" in.
All of which Trump had 0 to do with. Trump did not create a virus, Trump didn't do anything to cause racial division, there is no corruption in the Trump administration. For that you need to look back at Obama and when Biden was VP and used his position to force a Ukrainan prosecutor from office because he was investigating Biden's son. Also you need to look at how Hunter Biden landed a job that paid him hundreds of thousands when he had no experience. There's corruption for you.

Biden is a lifelong politician that never rose to the level of Presidential material. He was too busy fondling little girls and hanging on to coattails. You are correct, Biden has a lot of heavy baggage because he as been part of the Swamp.

1) Trump did not create the virus - TRUE. (He just gets the blame for the response)..shhhh..
2) Trump didn't do anything to cause racial division - ARE YOU SHITTIN ME? LOL.
3) There's no corruption in the Trump Administration - OY!! YIKES!! (Flynn, Stone, the various cabinet members gone, Russia, Ukraine..Lions, and Tigers and Bears...Oh my!)

No one gives a shit about Hunter Biden. Was it swampy...YES. Was it illegal?...NO. Sorry, no corruption.

Why would Trump get blamed when the vast majority of covid deaths happened in blue states?
What racial division did Trump bring about and how did he do it?
Joe is the one who is guilty in the ukraine fiasco.
He threatened to withhold aid if the Ukrainian gov didnt fire the prosecutor looking into the corruption of Burisma and Hunter.
Which the Ukraine is now looking into.

Deflect, deflect, misdirect.
You Trump supporting meatballs have nothing but your alt-right masters version of the truth. Pathetic.

How did I deflect?
Be specific.


1) When were deaths made blue vs red? This about response...and his lack of...Deflect #1.
2) His speech at Mt Rushmore? Them vs us. Deflect #2. (And did you just ignore what went on at Charlottesville?)
3) Trump attempted to leverage the PM of Ukraine to dig up dirt on his chief political rival, Biden...Misdirect #1.

Specific enough for you? Or you just gonna run back to your right wing talking points?

Response? Was it a good response to place covid infected people into nursing homes?

Link the words Trump spoke at Rushmore that support your claim.
I suspect it'll be him saying we wont fold to communism.

Biden said on national television that he forced the Ukraine to drop the investigation on Burisma and Hunter by saying the 500 billion aide package would be denied if they didnt.

Is that specific enough for you?
Trump - 135K+ dead. 15% unemployment. Racial division. Constant corruption. Incompetence. Liar. Cheat. Swindler. Fraud. 3+ years of a record to run on.
Biden - Gaffe prone. Baby Boomer. Lifelong politician. 40 years of political baggage that his opponent can use against him.

Yeah, there's no choice here. It's Biden.
But it warms my heart you threw the "They hate America" in.
All of which Trump had 0 to do with. Trump did not create a virus, Trump didn't do anything to cause racial division, there is no corruption in the Trump administration. For that you need to look back at Obama and when Biden was VP and used his position to force a Ukrainan prosecutor from office because he was investigating Biden's son. Also you need to look at how Hunter Biden landed a job that paid him hundreds of thousands when he had no experience. There's corruption for you.

Biden is a lifelong politician that never rose to the level of Presidential material. He was too busy fondling little girls and hanging on to coattails. You are correct, Biden has a lot of heavy baggage because he as been part of the Swamp.

1) Trump did not create the virus - TRUE. (He just gets the blame for the response)..shhhh..
2) Trump didn't do anything to cause racial division - ARE YOU SHITTIN ME? LOL.
3) There's no corruption in the Trump Administration - OY!! YIKES!! (Flynn, Stone, the various cabinet members gone, Russia, Ukraine..Lions, and Tigers and Bears...Oh my!)

No one gives a shit about Hunter Biden. Was it swampy...YES. Was it illegal?...NO. Sorry, no corruption.
So you have no cogent reply other than regurgitating Democrat talking points. Figured.

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