Trump vows not to change the name of Thanksgiving

.......but I don't wanna change the name of the holiday.......

Then what the fuck are you in here arguing for. For God's sake you asshole, do you just argue for the sake of arguing? Grow the fuck up

Fuck!! You are actually on the same side as Trump and you are STILL arguing anyway. What kind of fucking stupidity is that.

If it weren't for all of the other deranged and ignorant conservatives on this board you would win the title "biggest moron on the board!" easily!


as I say....

all of those other conservative contenders......

Having read crepituses post I could so NO evidence of him "arguing"

he was merely stating that he had no intention of changing any names.

are a deranged POconservativeS

in fact....he was agreeing with this one point and you STILL chose to attack him!

proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that YOU and ALL conservatives are evil, slimy, rotten, stinking, low life dirtbags


and human scum

insult your betters, that's what liberals have always done. Could be why liberalism has a history of losing, everywhere, every time.
Those liberal Founders lost the Revolution War against the con-servative Tories and British?
Trump vows not to change the name of Thanksgiving
Liberal radio host Ethan Bearman and editor Katie Pavlich on the war on Thanksgiving.

ME: Thank God for Trump

There is not a war on TG, like there is not a war on Christmas.

Many on the left believe Thanksgiving is racist, a "whitewashing" of "genocidal colonialism".

Similarly leftists also dislike Christmas. Some want to make it entirely secular and others see it as a celebration of "capitalist greed"

Congratulations on you making both Thanksgiving and Christmas "Victim Holidays".

The real problem that libs have with these 2 holidays is the fact they don't want to give thanks to Almighty God or to recognize His birth on Christmas.

God is strictly non-sectarian, the Founding Fathers had no problem with him.

You know.....this is a country where we are not required to worship your idea of god. Go back to a European country where they may force others to worship like you.
Yes but she still got more votes than the guy who promised to get out of pointless wars.

Yet Hillary Clinton lost in a landslide to Donald Trump who really is working to get us out of pointless wars. If you recall, Hillary Clinton was part of the failed administration that got us into additional wars, was she not?
Landslides require more votes than your opponent, not less.

we don't elect presidents using the PV, If we did then LA county, NYC, Miami/Dade, and Houston would select our presidents and no one else would have a say in it.

BUT, if we did it that way the candidates would only campaign in those 4 areas and no one knows what would have happened in 2016 if that was done. Careful what you wish for. it might end up up your ass.
No....LA county, NYC, Miami/Dade, and Houston wouldn't select our President....the large POPULATION of those places and other urban centers would elect our President. Cities, Counties and empty acres do not vote for President.....PEOPLE do.
Trump vows not to change the name of Thanksgiving
Liberal radio host Ethan Bearman and editor Katie Pavlich on the war on Thanksgiving.

ME: Thank God for Trump

There is not a war on TG, like there is not a war on Christmas.

Many on the left believe Thanksgiving is racist, a "whitewashing" of "genocidal colonialism".

Similarly leftists also dislike Christmas. Some want to make it entirely secular and others see it as a celebration of "capitalist greed"

Congratulations on you making both Thanksgiving and Christmas "Victim Holidays".

The real problem that libs have with these 2 holidays is the fact they don't want to give thanks to Almighty God or to recognize His birth on Christmas.

God is strictly non-sectarian, the Founding Fathers had no problem with him.

I am an atheist.

I can't force myself to believe in or recognize a god that I don't believe in or recognize.

stop forcing your god on me
.......but I don't wanna change the name of the holiday.......

Then what the fuck are you in here arguing for. For God's sake you asshole, do you just argue for the sake of arguing? Grow the fuck up

Fuck!! You are actually on the same side as Trump and you are STILL arguing anyway. What kind of fucking stupidity is that.

If it weren't for all of the other deranged and ignorant conservatives on this board you would win the title "biggest moron on the board!" easily!


as I say....

all of those other conservative contenders......

Having read crepituses post I could so NO evidence of him "arguing"

he was merely stating that he had no intention of changing any names.

are a deranged POconservativeS

in fact....he was agreeing with this one point and you STILL chose to attack him!

proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that YOU and ALL conservatives are evil, slimy, rotten, stinking, low life dirtbags


and human scum

insult your betters, that's what liberals have always done. Could be why liberalism has a history of losing, everywhere, every time.

"insult your betters, that's what liberals have always done. Could be why liberalism has a history of losing, everywhere, every time."

conservatives are NOT my "betters"

they are slimy, lying, disgusting, perverted,ignorant human scum.

at least the NICER ones are....

the WORSE ones are even MORE slimy and disgusting.

and as for LOSING;

gays are out everywhere!

we win!

gays are marrying!

we win!

pot is being decriminalized and legalized all over the country!

we win!

divorce is EASY to get!


we just had a black president!

we win!

we have women running for president!

we win!

even conservatives would vote for a black or a woman for president!

we win!

most people are waiting longer before marrying and lots of people don't even bother to marry any more!


blue laws (religious laws) are being over turned and ignored everywhere

our government and schools are SECULAR

blacks, women and gays are in powerful, prominent and important positions in the military, politics, business, entertainment

you're an idiot in denial.

liberalism is winning the culture war and you can't stop it.

conservatives are not anti gay. where the fuck do you get that?

government schools have always been secular, are you a complete moron?

liberalism of today is not what you claim it to be. It is the most intolerant ideology around, second only to islam.

you libs of today, insult and denigrate anyone who does not practice YOUR religion of hate. YOU are exactly what you accuse others of being.
"conservatives are not anti-gay".......................:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
.......but I don't wanna change the name of the holiday.......

Then what the fuck are you in here arguing for. For God's sake you asshole, do you just argue for the sake of arguing? Grow the fuck up

Fuck!! You are actually on the same side as Trump and you are STILL arguing anyway. What kind of fucking stupidity is that.

If it weren't for all of the other deranged and ignorant conservatives on this board you would win the title "biggest moron on the board!" easily!


as I say....

all of those other conservative contenders......

Having read crepituses post I could so NO evidence of him "arguing"

he was merely stating that he had no intention of changing any names.

are a deranged POconservativeS

in fact....he was agreeing with this one point and you STILL chose to attack him!

proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that YOU and ALL conservatives are evil, slimy, rotten, stinking, low life dirtbags


and human scum

insult your betters, that's what liberals have always done. Could be why liberalism has a history of losing, everywhere, every time.

"insult your betters, that's what liberals have always done. Could be why liberalism has a history of losing, everywhere, every time."

conservatives are NOT my "betters"

they are slimy, lying, disgusting, perverted,ignorant human scum.

at least the NICER ones are....

the WORSE ones are even MORE slimy and disgusting.

and as for LOSING;

gays are out everywhere!

we win!

gays are marrying!

we win!

pot is being decriminalized and legalized all over the country!

we win!

divorce is EASY to get!


we just had a black president!

we win!

we have women running for president!

we win!

even conservatives would vote for a black or a woman for president!

we win!

most people are waiting longer before marrying and lots of people don't even bother to marry any more!


blue laws (religious laws) are being over turned and ignored everywhere

our government and schools are SECULAR

blacks, women and gays are in powerful, prominent and important positions in the military, politics, business, entertainment

you're an idiot in denial.

liberalism is winning the culture war and you can't stop it.

conservatives are not anti gay. where the fuck do you get that?

government schools have always been secular, are you a complete moron?

liberalism of today is not what you claim it to be. It is the most intolerant ideology around, second only to islam.

you libs of today, insult and denigrate anyone who does not practice YOUR religion of hate. YOU are exactly what you accuse others of being.

"conservatives are not anti gay. where the fuck do you get that?"

you are truly deranged!

look up "roy moore gay rights"

he wants to criminalize gays again

he was endorsed by trump 2 years ago.

YOU would vote for him because he is CONSERVATIVE like you.

You can claim to not be ANTI-GAY but when you vote for people who want to crinalize gays you are proving otherwise.

"government schools have always been secular, are you a complete moron?"

I see.

you must be young.

When I was growing up in the 50's and 60's I went to a public school and we started every day with the pledge AND a prayer!

I have every suspicion that earlier generations had to contend with even MORE christian indoctrination.

liberalism of today is not what you claim it to be. It is the most intolerant ideology around, second only to islam. "


liberals tolerate gays, atheists, muslims, christians, feminists, wiccans, zoroastrians and we are THE MOST INTOLERANT!

where-as conservatives tolerate.......conservatives.......

making them the MOST tolerant of all!

You are deranged.

"you libs of today, insult and denigrate anyone who does not practice YOUR religion of hate. YOU are exactly what you accuse others of being. "

as a lib prog who has been insulted,mocked, ridiculed and denigrated for the past 20 years by conservatives like you simply because I do NOT practice YOUR brand of hate all I can say is you accuse me of your own crimes.
Then what the fuck are you in here arguing for. For God's sake you asshole, do you just argue for the sake of arguing? Grow the fuck up

Fuck!! You are actually on the same side as Trump and you are STILL arguing anyway. What kind of fucking stupidity is that.

If it weren't for all of the other deranged and ignorant conservatives on this board you would win the title "biggest moron on the board!" easily!


as I say....

all of those other conservative contenders......

Having read crepituses post I could so NO evidence of him "arguing"

he was merely stating that he had no intention of changing any names.

are a deranged POconservativeS

in fact....he was agreeing with this one point and you STILL chose to attack him!

proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that YOU and ALL conservatives are evil, slimy, rotten, stinking, low life dirtbags


and human scum

insult your betters, that's what liberals have always done. Could be why liberalism has a history of losing, everywhere, every time.

"insult your betters, that's what liberals have always done. Could be why liberalism has a history of losing, everywhere, every time."

conservatives are NOT my "betters"

they are slimy, lying, disgusting, perverted,ignorant human scum.

at least the NICER ones are....

the WORSE ones are even MORE slimy and disgusting.

and as for LOSING;

gays are out everywhere!

we win!

gays are marrying!

we win!

pot is being decriminalized and legalized all over the country!

we win!

divorce is EASY to get!


we just had a black president!

we win!

we have women running for president!

we win!

even conservatives would vote for a black or a woman for president!

we win!

most people are waiting longer before marrying and lots of people don't even bother to marry any more!


blue laws (religious laws) are being over turned and ignored everywhere

our government and schools are SECULAR

blacks, women and gays are in powerful, prominent and important positions in the military, politics, business, entertainment

you're an idiot in denial.

liberalism is winning the culture war and you can't stop it.

conservatives are not anti gay. where the fuck do you get that?

government schools have always been secular, are you a complete moron?

liberalism of today is not what you claim it to be. It is the most intolerant ideology around, second only to islam.

you libs of today, insult and denigrate anyone who does not practice YOUR religion of hate. YOU are exactly what you accuse others of being.

"conservatives are not anti gay. where the fuck do you get that?"

you are truly deranged!

look up "roy moore gay rights"

he wants to criminalize gays again

he was endorsed by trump 2 years ago.

YOU would vote for him because he is CONSERVATIVE like you.

You can claim to not be ANTI-GAY but when you vote for people who want to crinalize gays you are proving otherwise.

"government schools have always been secular, are you a complete moron?"

I see.

you must be young.

When I was growing up in the 50's and 60's I went to a public school and we started every day with the pledge AND a prayer!

I have every suspicion that earlier generations had to contend with even MORE christian indoctrination.

liberalism of today is not what you claim it to be. It is the most intolerant ideology around, second only to islam. "


liberals tolerate gays, atheists, muslims, christians, feminists, wiccans, zoroastrians and we are THE MOST INTOLERANT!

where-as conservatives tolerate.......conservatives.......

making them the MOST tolerant of all!

You are deranged.

"you libs of today, insult and denigrate anyone who does not practice YOUR religion of hate. YOU are exactly what you accuse others of being. "

as a lib prog who has been insulted,mocked, ridiculed and denigrated for the past 20 years by conservatives like you simply because I do NOT practice YOUR brand of hate all I can say is you accuse me of your own crimes.

President Trump never agreed with everything Judge Roy Moore advocated. Conservatives are free thinkers, you might not like Moore, but he was certainly better than the Hard Core Marxist he ran against last time.

BTW, Donald J. Trump, before he became President, hired renowned Homosexual Roy Cohn as his personal lawyer. He based that decision on Mr. Cohn's superior legal ability, and he didn't give a shit if Cohn like to take it in the Caboose.
Landslides require more votes than your opponent, not less.

As you know, the Hillary Clinton camp was forecasting that she would win 400 electoral votes. Hillary Clinton actually won 227 to Donald Trump's 304. A LANDSLIDE.

You and the other Progressives who whine and cry about the POPULAR VOTE are like the losers of a great rivalry football game. "Yeah, we lost 42 to NOTHING...but, but, but, we gained more yards!

Run along, little guy, accept the FACT that you got smoked! President Donald Trump has been great for the country and it's only getting better! Democrats are recognizing the greatness in their wallets and Progressives, like yourself, are getting further and further out of step with reality.

Keep up the good work!
*Swoon........he's so manly!!!!!

Yes, yes he is! :D

I can see that trans people truly scare you. Have you had a bad experience?

Yes, you and the other Progressives who believe that a man should be allowed into women's rooms, women's locker rooms and compete with women in sports because they "identify" as a woman, scare the heck out of me. Progressives push hard to have the abnormal accepted as normal, it is NOT.
OMG Obama is going to take my guns away. These dupes are so fucking paranoid they must sleep with one eye open and a gun in their hands. Must be hell living life a scaredy cat.

You're an ignorant bitch Debbie. You give us a bad name, just like that loser Penelope

I'm the ignorant Bitch? Yep I do notice you call anyone and everyone a bitch whether male or female. You talk so polite on twitter. So do you live in Ca or Indiana? How was Loyola.
.......your average leftist or liberal in this country is more concerned about stamping out racism and transphobia than they are about military interventionism.

In other words, they are idiots. Transphobia is not even a real word since transgenderism is fake junk science, trying to legitimize people who are sick in the head, and racism generally does not exist except in the fevered minds of Liberals who blame everything on other people.

Everything Liberals call racist is not racist at all. Its pure bullshit
I can see that trans people truly scare you. Have you had a bad experience?

Must have liked it.
Trump vows not to change the name of Thanksgiving
Liberal radio host Ethan Bearman and editor Katie Pavlich on the war on Thanksgiving.

ME: Thank God for Trump

There is not a war on TG, like there is not a war on Christmas.

Many on the left believe Thanksgiving is racist, a "whitewashing" of "genocidal colonialism".

Similarly leftists also dislike Christmas. Some want to make it entirely secular and others see it as a celebration of "capitalist greed"

The maj of Americans do not hold any of those views.

And the majority also doesn’t believe that biological males who identify as females should be allowed to compete in contact sports vs biological females but yet it happens. Majority thinking means zero to the Leftists.
I am a Christian. I absolutely hate what this "Christian nation" is doing to the rest of the world to prop up our failing system. Are you saying that is not a legitimate position to take? I should just accept the lies we are told because it's good for wall street?

As you know, we are keeping peace in the world.

Complete BULL.

What lies are you being told?

That we are keeping the peace.
What he wants is to call it ......TRUMPSgiving

Where the nation gives thanks to Trump
Record employment rates
20 year high wage growth rate
Record 401k increases
Fewer Americans in harm's way overseas
Caliphate destroyed
Trade policies that don't require America to grab her ankles
Lowering prescription costs
Europe picking up more of it's own defense costs
Ended ObamCare tax on poor Americans

Can't thank a Democrat for any of that.

Record employment rates: Sorry Not a Record Unemployment rate in 1953 and 1968 it was lower...
20 year high wage growth rate : So not as high as Clinton
Record 401k increases : Prove it... Show us there has been record growth for the last 3 years... The stock market had a good year last year compared to a loss the year before.. But Trump's best year is not better than Obama's and he has already had a year worse that Obama's Worse.

If Trump has such a good Economy why is he borrowing $1 Trillion a year?

Fewer Americans in harm's way overseas : Actually look up the facts... Trump has increased troops in Afganistan and he didn't take the Syrian troops home just redeployed to Saudi.

Caliphate destroyed : They might have been severely weakened (thanks Obama) but thousands have escaped because his half arsed surrender to Turkey. US Soldiers had to burn there bases and destroy there equipment, reminds us of the last days of Saigon.

Since I have shown you have lost the ability to base your arguements on facts, I don't feel I should need to go much further...
Fewer Americans in harm's way overseas : Actually look up the facts... Trump has increased troops in Afganistan and he didn't take the Syrian troops home just redeployed to Saudi.

Caliphate destroyed : They might have been severely weakened (thanks Obama) but thousands have escaped because his half arsed surrender to Turkey. US Soldiers had to burn there bases and destroy there equipment, reminds us of the last days of Saigon.

Specifically how many fatalities in failed former President Barack Hussein Obama's last three years in office and the first three years of President Donald Trump in Afghanistan?


Please know the definition of Caliphate between you spout off about something about which you know nothing.

[ˈkāləˌfāt, ˈkaləˌfāt]
caliphates (plural noun)
  1. the rule or reign of a caliph or chief Muslim ruler.
    "the Umayyad caliphate in Damascus was overthrown by the Abbasids"
    • the area ruled by a caliph.
      "Cordoba was the thriving capital of the Caliphate of Cordoba that governed almost all of the Iberian peninsula"
As you know, the ISIS Caliphate came to be after failed former President Barack Hussein Obama removed all our troops in Iraq, against the advice of his generals. President George Bush had left Obama with a Status of Forces well into Obama's administration. The result was a vacuum filled by ISIS and Russia.


As you know, the remaining area, in red, has been eradicated by President Donald Trump along with his improved Rules of Engagement.

There was no excuse for us to have still been there under Obama and there is absolutely no reason we are still there under Trump. Both have failed.

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