Trump vows not to change the name of Thanksgiving

Yes but she still got more votes than the guy who promised to get out of pointless wars.

Yet Hillary Clinton lost in a landslide to Donald Trump who really is working to get us out of pointless wars. If you recall, Hillary Clinton was part of the failed administration that got us into additional wars, was she not?
Trump vows not to change the name of Thanksgiving
Liberal radio host Ethan Bearman and editor Katie Pavlich on the war on Thanksgiving.

ME: Thank God for Trump

There is not a war on TG, like there is not a war on Christmas.

Many on the left believe Thanksgiving is racist, a "whitewashing" of "genocidal colonialism".

Similarly leftists also dislike Christmas. Some want to make it entirely secular and others see it as a celebration of "capitalist greed"

Congratulations on you making both Thanksgiving and Christmas "Victim Holidays".
Trump vows not to change the name of Thanksgiving
Liberal radio host Ethan Bearman and editor Katie Pavlich on the war on Thanksgiving.

ME: Thank God for Trump

There is not a war on TG, like there is not a war on Christmas.

Many on the left believe Thanksgiving is racist, a "whitewashing" of "genocidal colonialism".

Similarly leftists also dislike Christmas. Some want to make it entirely secular and others see it as a celebration of "capitalist greed"

The maj of Americans do not hold any of those views.

You lying scum don't know what anyone thinks.

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Have fun with your "victim holidays"
Trump vows not to change the name of Thanksgiving
Liberal radio host Ethan Bearman and editor Katie Pavlich on the war on Thanksgiving.

ME: Thank God for Trump

There is not a war on TG, like there is not a war on Christmas.

Many on the left believe Thanksgiving is racist, a "whitewashing" of "genocidal colonialism".

Similarly leftists also dislike Christmas. Some want to make it entirely secular and others see it as a celebration of "capitalist greed"

Congratulations on you making both Thanksgiving and Christmas "Victim Holidays".

The real problem that libs have with these 2 holidays is the fact they don't want to give thanks to Almighty God or to recognize His birth on Christmas.

God is strictly non-sectarian, the Founding Fathers had no problem with him.
.......but I don't wanna change the name of the holiday.......

Then what the fuck are you in here arguing for. For God's sake you asshole, do you just argue for the sake of arguing? Grow the fuck up

Fuck!! You are actually on the same side as Trump and you are STILL arguing anyway. What kind of fucking stupidity is that.

If it weren't for all of the other deranged and ignorant conservatives on this board you would win the title "biggest moron on the board!" easily!


as I say....

all of those other conservative contenders......

Having read crepituses post I could so NO evidence of him "arguing"

he was merely stating that he had no intention of changing any names.

are a deranged POconservativeS

in fact....he was agreeing with this one point and you STILL chose to attack him!

proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that YOU and ALL conservatives are evil, slimy, rotten, stinking, low life dirtbags


and human scum

insult your betters, that's what liberals have always done. Could be why liberalism has a history of losing, everywhere, every time.

This clown thinks the conservitards are "betters"!
Trump vows not to change the name of Thanksgiving
Liberal radio host Ethan Bearman and editor Katie Pavlich on the war on Thanksgiving.

ME: Thank God for Trump

There is not a war on TG, like there is not a war on Christmas.

Many on the left believe Thanksgiving is racist, a "whitewashing" of "genocidal colonialism".

Similarly leftists also dislike Christmas. Some want to make it entirely secular and others see it as a celebration of "capitalist greed"

The maj of Americans do not hold any of those views.

True, but those that do believe Christmas and Thanksgiving represent something bad are Leftists.

And those who want to turn Thanksgiving and Christmas into "victim holidays" are trumpanzees.
.......your average leftist or liberal in this country is more concerned about stamping out racism and transphobia than they are about military interventionism.

In other words, they are idiots. Transphobia is not even a real word since transgenderism is fake junk science, trying to legitimize people who are sick in the head, and racism generally does not exist except in the fevered minds of Liberals who blame everything on other people.

Everything Liberals call racist is not racist at all. Its pure bullshit
I can see that trans people truly scare you. Have you had a bad experience?
Yes but she still got more votes than the guy who promised to get out of pointless wars.

Yet Hillary Clinton lost in a landslide to Donald Trump who really is working to get us out of pointless wars. If you recall, Hillary Clinton was part of the failed administration that got us into additional wars, was she not?
Landslides require more votes than your opponent, not less.
Trump vows not to change the name of Thanksgiving
Liberal radio host Ethan Bearman and editor Katie Pavlich on the war on Thanksgiving.

ME: Thank God for Trump

The problem the Libs have with Thanksgiving is that it is the holiday that America gives thanks to God.

Since they hate conservatives , and Almighty God is the most conservative Person out there, that poses a problem there.

Of course, Christmas is also God-centric as well, celebrating the birth of God

No it isnt. Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday. Honestly, where do you idiots come up with this malarky? Nobody wants to change the name of or get rid of Thanksgiving. Trump has made you all crazy AND stupid.

Who do you give thanks to on Thanksgiving?

I take it that it isn't to Almighty God?

Which god? Or are only people who worship YOUR god allowed to celebrate Thanksgiving?
.......but I don't wanna change the name of the holiday.......

Then what the fuck are you in here arguing for. For God's sake you asshole, do you just argue for the sake of arguing? Grow the fuck up

Fuck!! You are actually on the same side as Trump and you are STILL arguing anyway. What kind of fucking stupidity is that.
Wait....YOU are the one who started this whining thread, right?
.......but I don't wanna change the name of the holiday.......

Then what the fuck are you in here arguing for. For God's sake you asshole, do you just argue for the sake of arguing? Grow the fuck up

Fuck!! You are actually on the same side as Trump and you are STILL arguing anyway. What kind of fucking stupidity is that.

If it weren't for all of the other deranged and ignorant conservatives on this board you would win the title "biggest moron on the board!" easily!


as I say....

all of those other conservative contenders......

Having read crepituses post I could so NO evidence of him "arguing"

he was merely stating that he had no intention of changing any names.

are a deranged POconservativeS

in fact....he was agreeing with this one point and you STILL chose to attack him!

proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that YOU and ALL conservatives are evil, slimy, rotten, stinking, low life dirtbags


and human scum

insult your betters, that's what liberals have always done. Could be why liberalism has a history of losing, everywhere, every time.

This clown thinks the conservitards are "betters"!

its quite obvious. you can't even spell a word that you made up. while I can spell "libtards" accurately every time.

.......but I don't wanna change the name of the holiday.......

Then what the fuck are you in here arguing for. For God's sake you asshole, do you just argue for the sake of arguing? Grow the fuck up

Fuck!! You are actually on the same side as Trump and you are STILL arguing anyway. What kind of fucking stupidity is that.

If it weren't for all of the other deranged and ignorant conservatives on this board you would win the title "biggest moron on the board!" easily!


as I say....

all of those other conservative contenders......

Having read crepituses post I could so NO evidence of him "arguing"

he was merely stating that he had no intention of changing any names.

are a deranged POconservativeS

in fact....he was agreeing with this one point and you STILL chose to attack him!

proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that YOU and ALL conservatives are evil, slimy, rotten, stinking, low life dirtbags


and human scum

insult your betters, that's what liberals have always done. Could be why liberalism has a history of losing, everywhere, every time.

This clown thinks the conservitards are "betters"!

its quite obvious. you can't even spell a word that you made up. while I can spell "libtards" accurately every time.

Are you saying I can't spell a word with no standard spelling?

Did you think that through before you posted it?
Yes but she still got more votes than the guy who promised to get out of pointless wars.

Yet Hillary Clinton lost in a landslide to Donald Trump who really is working to get us out of pointless wars. If you recall, Hillary Clinton was part of the failed administration that got us into additional wars, was she not?
Landslides require more votes than your opponent, not less.

we don't elect presidents using the PV, If we did then LA county, NYC, Miami/Dade, and Houston would select our presidents and no one else would have a say in it.

BUT, if we did it that way the candidates would only campaign in those 4 areas and no one knows what would have happened in 2016 if that was done. Careful what you wish for. it might end up up your ass.
Then what the fuck are you in here arguing for. For God's sake you asshole, do you just argue for the sake of arguing? Grow the fuck up

Fuck!! You are actually on the same side as Trump and you are STILL arguing anyway. What kind of fucking stupidity is that.

If it weren't for all of the other deranged and ignorant conservatives on this board you would win the title "biggest moron on the board!" easily!


as I say....

all of those other conservative contenders......

Having read crepituses post I could so NO evidence of him "arguing"

he was merely stating that he had no intention of changing any names.

are a deranged POconservativeS

in fact....he was agreeing with this one point and you STILL chose to attack him!

proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that YOU and ALL conservatives are evil, slimy, rotten, stinking, low life dirtbags


and human scum

insult your betters, that's what liberals have always done. Could be why liberalism has a history of losing, everywhere, every time.

This clown thinks the conservitards are "betters"!

its quite obvious. you can't even spell a word that you made up. while I can spell "libtards" accurately every time.

Are you saying I can't spell a word with no standard spelling?

Did you think that through before you posted it?

which dictionary did you find "conservitards" in? even as a made up word, I think it would be conservatards. But we make exceptions for you marginally cognizant liberals.
.......but I don't wanna change the name of the holiday.......

Then what the fuck are you in here arguing for. For God's sake you asshole, do you just argue for the sake of arguing? Grow the fuck up

Fuck!! You are actually on the same side as Trump and you are STILL arguing anyway. What kind of fucking stupidity is that.

If it weren't for all of the other deranged and ignorant conservatives on this board you would win the title "biggest moron on the board!" easily!


as I say....

all of those other conservative contenders......

Having read crepituses post I could so NO evidence of him "arguing"

he was merely stating that he had no intention of changing any names.

are a deranged POconservativeS

in fact....he was agreeing with this one point and you STILL chose to attack him!

proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that YOU and ALL conservatives are evil, slimy, rotten, stinking, low life dirtbags


and human scum

insult your betters, that's what liberals have always done. Could be why liberalism has a history of losing, everywhere, every time.

"insult your betters, that's what liberals have always done. Could be why liberalism has a history of losing, everywhere, every time."

conservatives are NOT my "betters"

they are slimy, lying, disgusting, perverted,ignorant human scum.

at least the NICER ones are....

the WORSE ones are even MORE slimy and disgusting.

and as for LOSING;

gays are out everywhere!

we win!

gays are marrying!

we win!

pot is being decriminalized and legalized all over the country!

we win!

divorce is EASY to get!


we just had a black president!

we win!

we have women running for president!

we win!

even conservatives would vote for a black or a woman for president!

we win!

most people are waiting longer before marrying and lots of people don't even bother to marry any more!


blue laws (religious laws) are being over turned and ignored everywhere

our government and schools are SECULAR

blacks, women and gays are in powerful, prominent and important positions in the military, politics, business, entertainment

you're an idiot in denial.

liberalism is winning the culture war and you can't stop it.
.......but I don't wanna change the name of the holiday.......

Then what the fuck are you in here arguing for. For God's sake you asshole, do you just argue for the sake of arguing? Grow the fuck up

Fuck!! You are actually on the same side as Trump and you are STILL arguing anyway. What kind of fucking stupidity is that.

If it weren't for all of the other deranged and ignorant conservatives on this board you would win the title "biggest moron on the board!" easily!


as I say....

all of those other conservative contenders......

Having read crepituses post I could so NO evidence of him "arguing"

he was merely stating that he had no intention of changing any names.

are a deranged POconservativeS

in fact....he was agreeing with this one point and you STILL chose to attack him!

proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that YOU and ALL conservatives are evil, slimy, rotten, stinking, low life dirtbags


and human scum

insult your betters, that's what liberals have always done. Could be why liberalism has a history of losing, everywhere, every time.

"insult your betters, that's what liberals have always done. Could be why liberalism has a history of losing, everywhere, every time."

conservatives are NOT my "betters"

they are slimy, lying, disgusting, perverted,ignorant human scum.

at least the NICER ones are....

the WORSE ones are even MORE slimy and disgusting.

and as for LOSING;

gays are out everywhere!

we win!

gays are marrying!

we win!

pot is being decriminalized and legalized all over the country!

we win!

divorce is EASY to get!


we just had a black president!

we win!

we have women running for president!

we win!

even conservatives would vote for a black or a woman for president!

we win!

most people are waiting longer before marrying and lots of people don't even bother to marry any more!


blue laws (religious laws) are being over turned and ignored everywhere

our government and schools are SECULAR

blacks, women and gays are in powerful, prominent and important positions in the military, politics, business, entertainment

you're an idiot in denial.

liberalism is winning the culture war and you can't stop it.

conservatives are not anti gay. where the fuck do you get that?

government schools have always been secular, are you a complete moron?

liberalism of today is not what you claim it to be. It is the most intolerant ideology around, second only to islam.

you libs of today, insult and denigrate anyone who does not practice YOUR religion of hate. YOU are exactly what you accuse others of being.

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